ulisses williams jr

ulisses williams jr. ulisses williams jr. video
  • ulisses williams jr. video

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 2, 11:29 AM
    Please don't post duplicate posts on MacRumors, thanks.

    The discussion on the potential new MBPs is over here. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=443065)

    ulisses williams jr. Re: Ulisses Williams jr
  • Re: Ulisses Williams jr

  • vniow
    Oct 22, 01:39 AM

    ulisses williams jr. Re: Ulisses Williams jr
  • Re: Ulisses Williams jr

  • fun173
    May 3, 06:35 AM
    Links to here:


    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams Jr. aka
  • Ulisses Williams Jr. aka

  • kalsta
    Mar 20, 11:17 AM
    Hi. Thanks for the kind advice. I really appreciate it. I know you're right about my pricing. I need to get an organized pricing plan together. I don't know if I'm shooting myself in the foot by charging hourly? I know some designers charge by the type of job and the type of labor it entails (conceptual vs. layout, etc.). If it's not being too intrusive, could I ask if you prefer to charge hourly or by the job? Thanks again. :)

    Most clients are going to want a quote, so that's what you need to give them. However, if a particular client is happy to pay by the hour, you can choose to do it that way too. Whichever way you do it, communication needs to be clear, so the client doesn't get a nasty shock at the end of the job.

    When doing a quote, you're really estimating the number of hours it's going to take you anyway. Estimating accurately is hard when you start, but like anything you get better at it the more you do. I actually created a program to help do estimates eventually, because I hated doing it so much, and it saves me a lot of time.

    Am I right in saying you've not worked for another design company before? That makes a lot of things hard for you I think, because in working for someone else you get to learn an awful lot that they won't have taught you at the school. Perhaps you're really set on sticking to the plan of going straight into business, but if it were me, I'd want to do at least a year in another design studio before going out on my own. You see how they do things and can adopt the good, and learn from the not-so-good.

    Anyway, whichever way you decide to go, I certainly wish you all the best. :)


    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams Jr
  • Ulisses Williams Jr

  • Chasealicious
    Dec 10, 01:00 PM
    I'm about to replace the hard drive in a 17" iMac G4 800. When I take the old one out (80 GB Ultra ATA 100), will it be able to work in a Power Mac G4 "Sawtooth" (AGP)?

    Just not sure about the technicalities of HD backward compatibility. I think the drive in the first drive bay is an ATA/66.

    ulisses williams jr. West Africa amp; St. Thomas,
  • West Africa amp; St. Thomas,

  • corywoolf
    Nov 1, 12:05 AM
    do you work in an Apple store?

    No comment. :D


    ulisses williams jr. for ulisses williams jr
  • for ulisses williams jr

  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 24, 12:46 PM
    is there any way i can sync my music, videos and photos with my ps3?

    usb stick, memory stick/card

    Nothing like Connect 360 for the mac & ps3 yet.

    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs
  • Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs

  • kjs862
    Jan 14, 12:53 PM


    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams Jr. with..
  • Ulisses Williams Jr. with..

  • designguy79
    Mar 8, 08:11 AM
    Cool, I will try it out.

    Biggest question... I wonder what browsers the HTML5 output works with?

    ulisses williams jr. Baptiste, junior williams
  • Baptiste, junior williams

  • simsaladimbamba
    May 6, 06:52 PM
    Don't you have some USB keyboard lying around?
    But I have had no problem accessing boot options with a wireless keyboard and a 2007 iMac.


    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs
  • Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs

  • Grade
    Sep 7, 12:14 PM
    (Clickeh for biggeh)

    Hey COOL! :D

    Its nice to see a Portuguese monument in this thread. I loved visiting Pal�cio da Pena in Sintra.

    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams jr
  • Ulisses Williams jr

  • Philalbe
    Mar 20, 11:22 AM
    Besides pricing yourself too low and underestimating the time needed to pull-off a project, I picked up on this (your quote).

    If you're going to be a professional graphic designer, it's time you got your filing/archiving system down. As you saw on that phone call, a little fumbling around and disorganization doesn't reflect wel and gives your nightmare clients the opportunity to belittle you. Don't give them that opportunity. Be organized.

    One final thing. Phone time is meeting time. Meeting time is billable. Especially when the phone calls are over 1/3 of your billable time.

    And good luck with the career. :)

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I do have a pretty good archiving system. I have a folder untitled "freelance" and therein is a folder named after each client and then each project. The guy kind of threw me with the sudden weekend call. You're right about the phone time too. No more mister nice guy; there's no reason to cheat myself for billable meeting time when I'm already lowballing myself.:)


    ulisses williams jr. Step aside Ulisses Williams
  • Step aside Ulisses Williams

  • Hisdem
    Oct 10, 10:01 AM
    Where do you get those iOS icons?

    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams Jr. aka
  • Ulisses Williams Jr. aka

  • Scarpad
    Apr 15, 08:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    With the hdmi displayport adapter ?


    ulisses williams jr. wayans ulisses williams jr
  • wayans ulisses williams jr

  • MattInOz
    Apr 27, 10:40 PM
    We need finer control over location. All we get to decide is yes or no. We should be able to decide what an app is going to do with the info.

    Example: I'd like my maps app to use my location ONLY to tell me where i am. NOT share my location.

    These broad agreement terms are the reason i have never installed an application on facebook. the terms are like "allow this application to access all your files, post to your friends walls, share your info, access your friends' info, etc. By clicking agree, you are allowing it to become your new spam bot.

    In this new era, clicking agree should not be legally binding. Every time I want to update safari or itunes or install any new program I need to read 120 pages of legal speak? I'd have to hire a lawyer full time for years to get thru it all. I challenge anyone to read and understand every agreement in every app on your computer. For all we know there is a clause in there that says they own your firstborn. This is not directed at apple, this applies to all companies and developers.

    It's a nice idea but how could it ever be practical?

    Your device hands the the App an object that contains to location data because you've given them some permission to that data. Sure they could maybe stop the app from sending that object to functions that send it off the device, but if the developer can use the info then they can copy, re-encode their own way and still send it off the device.

    If you don't trust the app with your data then don't let them have it. Once they have it they will do what they please with it. Any control is only going to be a honesty policy at best.

    That said, It seems like the core location is only handing out anonymous information by itself. So the only effective fine grain control is in the combination of info you allow an app to have.

    In the end it comes down to the trust your willing to place in a company and how prepared you are to smack them if they break trust.

    ulisses williams jr. wayans ulisses williams jr
  • wayans ulisses williams jr

  • AndyH17
    Jan 4, 09:55 PM
    Does anyone have a good setup for some recording of paramore tracks? i'm recording Hallelujah for a project at college.


    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses williams jr nickson
  • Ulisses williams jr nickson

  • iStudentUK
    May 4, 08:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There was talk if waterboarding providing some intell, but this is now in serious doubt.

    Torture and inhumane treatment is unacceptable (even if you call it enhanced interrogation). The US should adopt something equivalent to Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It prohibits torture in ANY circumstance, it is an absolute right.

    No matter the situation, even in the ticking bomb thought experiment, torture should not be used.

    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs
  • Ulisses Williams, Jr: 185lbs

  • ravenvii
    Apr 18, 11:42 PM
    The facts:


    Ad link leads to:

    ulisses williams jr. Ulisses Williams Jr
  • Ulisses Williams Jr

  • jellomizer
    Sep 30, 11:12 AM
    While I am not a big fan of Lotus Notes, It normally causes more problems then it solves. But a lot of companies use it and some swayer by it, I swayer at it. But giving companies with Lotus notes a choice in alternate platforms to move to, is a good thing. Worst case senerio is that a company who still wants to stay on windows, can go to microsoft/dell... and say well Apple can give me this what can you do better?

    Sep 30, 05:32 PM
    Both Notes and GroupWise have better Mac support than Microsoft offers through Entourage. And for free.

    None of the three (Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, or Microsoft Exchange/Outlook/Entourage) offers the same level of support for the Mac as they do with Windows. The clients are always more limited and often buggy. But Entourage is the least capable and most expensive mail/collaboration program by far.

    I'm all for the new Notes client, and I wish Lotus nothing but success.

    Apr 23, 04:41 AM
    What exact external HDD do you connect via what interface (USB & Firewire) to what exact Mac with what exact Mac OS X version?
    And what do you mean with "it won't repair" via Disk Utility? Can you provide more info for that?
    Have you tried an SMC reset yet?
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964)

    Mar 6, 06:46 PM
    Greetings all. I saw this YouTube video the other day at my friends house and I cant seem to find it again. Nevermind the actual video, it was what I saw that I thought was pretty neat. The iPad was clearly jailbroken and had what looked like a realtime weather wallpaper. It was pretty cool and I wanted to check it out. Do you know what this was?

    Apr 13, 11:33 AM
    Can you guys answer 1 question for me?

    When the next iPhone does come out how will iPhone 4 Verizon customers be able to upgrade? Do you think that Verizon and AT&T will work out an early upgrade for them?

    Or do you think people who want the iPhone on Verizon will have already waited for the 5.

    Once your contract is up you are probably ready for iphone 6.

    In the meantime, penalty for earlier upgrade would be my guess.

    ................BUT 2 years is a lot of time for technology in the cellular field.

    By then there may be a whole new way of doing that business out there.

    Apple could become a player in that field like Skype. They can do it via ichat, face time or itunes or mobile me.

    Maybe in the future we don't need cellphone providers, just data access companies. A wifi network all over the country may do.
    Their North Carolina facility is only starting up........

    Feb 4, 04:15 PM
    http://cl.ly/3535283d1M2D1N1Y2c3v/content/ (http://cl.ly/1J3A153B260s1L0e3L21)

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