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  • Shadylane315
    Dec 15, 12:38 PM
    I currently have leopard and looking to upgrade to snow leopard. Is it a simple upgrade or erase and install?

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  • Blonde hair. Brown tweeted

  • patel1029
    Apr 23, 01:02 PM
    My :apple: MacBook's screen keeps randomly going black! It only turns back on if i either move my screen forward or backward. Do you guys know what the problem might be?

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  • londe hair dyed red. Source

  • groovebuster
    Aug 1, 01:59 AM
    It shows that I didn't check on that subject for a while... :)

    Pretty cool:


    blonde hair dyed brown. BLONDE HAIR DYE FOR MEN

  • xfusejc
    Oct 11, 01:35 AM
    October :)


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  • peterdevries
    Apr 25, 09:40 AM
    Yes, I know nothing about the delay....due to the disgraceful actions of Apple and their total lack of openness.

    People keep whining about the lack of openness of Apple, but if I take a look at other companies in the same market (Samsung, Sony, LG etc..) I wonder how much more open they are, when compared to Apple? The only thing they do differently is announce their products in a different way, but I don't see announcements about products delays and their reasons by other manufacturers anywhere on a regular basis. What lack of openness are you referring to, and what do you expect from Apple?

    Anyone with a certain business sense would have handled the white iPhone issue in the same way that Apple did. They probably didn't know themselves when it would be ready for large scale production, so what good does it do to give regular updates or keep promising launch dates that cannot be met (I know they did this with the white iPhone, but this just proves that they should just confirm when they are sure)?

    All this outrage is because Apple is actually the most reliable manufacturer on the planet with it's synchronized and predictable launch patterns (bar some examples such as the Mac Mini and Air). I keep getting the feeling that it's the same kind of outrage that is present when the always-on-time guy is for once a bit late, whereas most of the others are late everyday and nobody cares.

    It's just a gadget, not a cure for cancer...

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  • londe hair dye gone wrong.

  • Sonny bro
    Apr 8, 02:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Ipod touch 4g 4.2.1: Mozilla/5.0 (Sonny Bro!; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Google them :P theres like a million youtube vids showing the best tweaks and apps (maybe not a million ;) ) ha, although i would suggest "play awake" it lets you play your own music as an alarm and runs seemlessy through the alarm application


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  • londe hair dye styles. Brown

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    Mar 27, 09:03 PM
    Ok I see the auction says cancelled by seller. Guess we scared him ;)

    Good job! It's our lawful moral responsibility to crush these scumbag trolls.

    blonde hair dyed brown. Hair dye blonde.jpg
  • Hair dye blonde.jpg

  • wPod
    Nov 5, 11:59 PM
    OK, i finally got my friday afternoon at the apple store. a little disappointed they werent in stock when i showed up at the store opening at 10 in the morning, but oh well. here are a couple pics i have with my new iPod shuffle 2nd gen this weekend. ( ( (

    its so small, i dont exactly know what to do with it!!!!


    blonde hair dyed brown. SHE HAS BLONDE HAIR THOSE

  • ThaDoggg
    May 5, 07:15 PM
    I'm drooling over some of the Corrado pics that were posted. I've always loved those cars. I believe to this day they still look modern.

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  • uniform dyed blonde hair

  • mattcube64
    Dec 26, 02:01 AM
    It is good to see you have the most important game there, Golden Eye!!

    Lol! Yup! ... Was my most looked forward to game this Christmas! Really thankful my mom got me the bundle! :)

    My final haul:

    ... and then some socks, undershirts, cologne, candy, etc... Also got some cool Star Wars stuff, a great Saddleback wallet, and about $250 of unique giftcards/cash. Also bought Donkey Kong Country Returns a couple days ago at a GREAT bargain... but might return it since I probably won't get to it in a while.

    All in all, a fantastic Christmas. It's been a very hard year for me and my family; but you certainly wouldn't be able to tell today. I'm very, very grateful for my wonderful and loving family, and am very glad that I could see all my family over the last couple days.


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  • londe hair dye gone wrong.

  • kustardking
    Mar 22, 10:32 PM
    That was the point of my initial posts, hindsight is 20:20, and learning off others experience/failures can be a good thing.

    Considering it was one of the largest web advertising companies in the Southern Hemisphere, hardly a player you'd expect to take a fall and be out of business within 6months of contracting there.... It had massive backing, a large list of clients, and employed well over 750 staff in Australia alone.

    Then the only thing to learn from this story, like I wrote, is be ready to explain yourself.

    Though I understand where you're coming from, you also have to credit the fact there's an expectation of newbies to take every single job coming just because it pays rather than taking a strategic look instead of the day-to-day tactical vision.
    Yes, that expectation is correct, and this is because early on one can't be anything BUT tactical. Your AUS story verifies that you should take a portion of payment up front, regardless, and stand tall for decisions you make. Period.

    The kind of learning you are suggesting the OP acquire through reading and osmosis is, in fact, only attainable through direct experience. Rather, "newbies" should, instead of prematurely declining jobs on principle, take real steps to reduce the negative impact of numerous INEVITABLE failures through a few basic must-dos when taking on a job. 1) Get up front money, especially from an ostensibly capable client, 2) pay your own bills, 3) do two things at the same time if you're truly worried about "holes" in your CV, 4) don't worry about holes in your CV (see #3), because you need to learn how to EXPLAIN your failures, 5) do some real design.

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  • Chris+rown+hair+dyed

  • iNewbie
    Oct 3, 10:14 AM
    Yet another Notes hater here.

    I first came across it at work in 1992 or so, back with version 2. We used it for our customer support and sales databases, and the company were still using it in 1999 when I finally left them. By then they were also developing a web-server product based on the current Notes webserver component, and re-launched the company around this product, floating the company to obtain extra venture capital. It was quite frankly the worst performing web server I'd ever seen, and the company folded when the money ran out.

    As part of supporting this junk product I had to pass a Notes exam. For that I learnt how Notes mail handled multiple copies of the same large attachment within multiple mailboxes. I forget the full details, but there was a nightly process that ran through the mail database and consolidated such attachments. It was a horrible mechanism. The previous mail system I came from handled this in a far simpler way by simply using hard links.

    A collegue once ran the then current Notes release under the debug version of Windows 3.1, and had never seen so many reported errors in code.

    I'd also had to integrate Notes (version 4 I believe) into another E-mail sytem via a gateway at a customer. Configuring SMTP to an external source under Notes was a pain, and it took 3 'engineers' about 4 hours to try all of the combinations before we could get it to both send and receive mail.

    I've come across Notes a few times since then. Still horrible.

    I just don't understand all these Notes haters and their anectodal stories.. I'm not trying to flame or argue... but only have a reasonable discussion..

    You had a bad experience in 1999... Since version 5 came out in early 1999 you were likely on version 4.x. Notes has come a LONG way since then. This is like hating OSX because you had a bad experience with OS7 or System7 or whatever it was called. The webserver in those days was basically the FIRST version of it in the product. It was probably the internotes component.. you're right it probably wasn't very good back then.. The whole internet thing was jsut really taking off back then...

    I haven't done much with shared mail which is what you're referencing regarding the attachments but again in the EARLY days it was something that people on said was not perfected.. Again it's a lot better now..

    Notes is NOT going to cure cancer.. similar to Visual Basic it get's a bad rap because it's a RAPID APPLICATION development system. It's also easy to learn. Many Notes developers started out with no prior programming experience. As such not all notes apps in the early days were written very well. But do you know what's cool? All of those applications will still RUN on the latest version. There's no microsoft rip and replace business here. But is that really an advantage? I think so but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe companies really like to re-write existing applications because they will no longer work because Microsoft want's to do something "different"..


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  • StrudelTurnover
    May 1, 03:34 AM
    So what's wrong with My humor for the day. Thanks for playing.
    I would pay real cash money for

    I just hope they make iDisk as good or better as DropBox. iDisk in its current iteration is just awful.

    It would be nicer if they just licensed DropBox. I mean the AppleCare tool has been a third party product for years, and we just kinda hope that it actually works if and when we need it.
    Why can't they just pass the ball to people that know the terrain better? Infrastructure improves, sales improve, free riders are happy, Amazon S3 doesn't buckle because hell how many Apple customers are there using a measly Gig to sync their Address Books anyway...

    I just don't know what the fiscal advantage is to keeping their clunky system in-house and betting a $4.5M domain name will help Store Geniuses meet their attach rate quotas.

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  • londe hair and dip dye

  • quagmire
    Apr 19, 05:34 PM
    Officially unveiled the 2013 Chevy Malibu. 2.5 liter 4 banger 190 HP expected 35 MPG if not better on the highway. Xenon headlamps optional. More details tomorrow.


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  • londe dark rown ill ash

  • Hook'Em2006
    Apr 1, 12:40 PM
    How do you have set up for your date, time, and weather like that? Can you use it with any wallpaper or is it built in? Does it annoy you that your wallpaper has a different time than your system?

    He sets it using geektool

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  • dyeing blonde hair brown

  • tommyh84
    Aug 10, 05:06 AM

    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)


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  • londe hair dyed. londe hair

  • adder7712
    Oct 7, 08:51 AM
    Can't get enough of Reach. :p

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  • my hair dyed dark rown.

  • gdesalvo@umail.
    Jan 13, 05:28 PM
    Seriously Macbook Air is lame. Imo there's something in the air refers to TV shows airing on itunes, or some likewise related movie announcement meant to bring some new entertainment to itunes/mac.

    Macbook Air...Steve must be laughing his ass off right now

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  • Liese Hair Dye Review

  • Winni
    Mar 31, 10:12 AM
    Adobe finally made something useful on the iOS platform.

    Which is kind of hard on such a restricted and limited platform. There would be more useful software for the iPad if it ran a 'real' operating system like Mac OS X -- meaning full file system access and not being tied into ONE App Store with arbitrary rules for what a program is allowed to do.

    mad jew
    Dec 15, 09:23 PM
    For future reference, I got a PM saying this worked. :)

    May 5, 07:48 PM
    Anyone try it yet? sort of like fakeclockup but the descriptions lead it to be more! this one actually speeds up your clock speed? I would say to remove the fake clock up before you try this

    Available via the repository (, Speed Intensifier is actually two tweaks � one for and the other for WinterBoard.

    Oct 9, 07:43 PM
    Wasn't this supposed to have push notifications?

    Strangely enough you can get push from the people you follow but not @'s and direct messages.

    ok I bought T2 and can't find how to see conversational views. Simplytweet is very ease to see conversational views. How do I access this in tweetie 2?

    I do like the look

    Go to tweet and click "in reply to" button.

    Small White Car
    Apr 25, 12:18 AM
    You might think my comment was stupid, or perhaps ludicrous, but please explain to me what about it was ignorant?

    Not knowing that many men bought white iPhone 3GSs is ignorant.

    Jun 23, 03:07 PM
    Who is going and what time are you getting there? I hear from mall security that doors will not open to the mall until 6am and that no lines will be allowed to form outside the mall before then :-/

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