emo girls with black and pink hair

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  • image credit bl keywords emo

  • longofest
    Nov 21, 05:07 PM
    a problem will be that it needs a thermal difference to work

    right, and thats one of the concerns that folks have. But if Apple somehow manages to integrate one of these into a heatsink and put it right on a CPU's surface, there will no-doubt be a difference between the surface-temp of the CPU and the other side of the chip.

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Blonde And Black And Pink Hair
  • Blonde And Black And Pink Hair

  • obeygiant
    Apr 8, 11:27 AM
    Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown (R) said Tuesday he does not support a GOP proposal to slash funding for Planned Parenthood, saying the cuts go too far.

    Brown is the second GOP senator to oppose the measure, which House Republicans want to attach to a long-term spending bill.

    "I support family planning and health services for women," Brown said in a statement. "Given our severe budget problems, I don't believe any area of the budget is completely immune from cuts. However, the proposal to eliminate all funding for family planning goes too far."

    House Republicans have pushed for language cutting $300 million in federal aid and grants to Planned Parenthood, which provides abortions. The federal Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding for abortion services, but anti-abortion rights activists and conservative lawmakers insist federal money that goes to Planned Parenthood for contraception and other reproductive health services could help indirectly fund abortions.

    It is not clear from Brown's statement whether his opposition would lead him to vote against a spending bill that included the ban on Planned Parenthood funding. Brown voted in early March for the House Republican long-term continuing resolution that contained the cuts and did not specify how he would vote if it came up again.

    "As we continue with our budget negotiations, I hope we can find a compromise that is reasonable and appropriate," he said.

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has also said she opposes cutting off funding for Planned Parenthood. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has voiced support for keeping funding for another family planning program.the hill (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/151205-scott-brown-gops-planned-parenthood-cuts-go-too-far)

    I think maybe if you're cutting 4 trillion from the budget, every single item would be effected. If we cut defense spending does that mean we want to be attacked?

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Emo Girl With Black Hair,
  • Emo Girl With Black Hair,

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 19, 10:25 AM
    I totally agree. Why anyone would hold out for that color and why Apple spent so much time trying to get that white paint to work properly is beyond me.

    It won't be beyond you once you see how fast it sells. ;)

    emo girls with black and pink hair. And use lots of lack eyeliner
  • And use lots of lack eyeliner

  • mrholder
    Apr 5, 01:03 PM
    Just bought an iPad 1. Glad it's still ranking up there near the top. It's a solid device. I have an Android phone, too, which serves it's purpose. Will use it as a personal hotspot for the iPad.


    emo girls with black and pink hair. Pink emo hair for girls emo
  • Pink emo hair for girls emo

  • stubeeef
    Jun 25, 02:56 PM
    I think it should also include a folding accelerator, a folding amplyfier, and a voice feature that spits out the time, my points, WU's, Avg's, next 300hour overtake info, and the top 5 coming up the ranks threatning me, the team stats, and give this info via voice every 15 minutes!

    Whata think?

    emo girls with black and pink hair. pink hair, lack pink hair
  • pink hair, lack pink hair

  • London Lad
    Nov 27, 02:49 AM
    Ouch!, I guess :apple: are on to it!

    Why ?


    emo girls with black and pink hair. colored dyed raccoon hair
  • colored dyed raccoon hair

  • RamboRab
    Mar 20, 08:15 PM
    Call or email the news desk or the editor.


    I looked at some of the contact pages on the newspaper websites. Couldn't see what department would apply to what I'm looking to do. I'll give the news desk a try. Thought that was just for submitting a story to them but I suppose asking them about covering an event might fall under that category too.

    Thanks again!

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Scene hair color in the year
  • Scene hair color in the year

  • redeye be
    Jul 14, 03:44 AM
    I've got a question and I didn't really want to start a new topic for it. I got folding going an here (using terminal) and it's been going for a few days. I downloaded the folding tracker widget and clicked the icon on the back and it still wont recognize by user name on the site (it doesn't find any users) and I looked in terminal and I found my ID number and put that into the widget and it doesn't get any info from it. How long does it take for the site to recognize new accounts? And why the heck after like three days can I not get any info on it? I'm getting annoyed I wanna see my stats.
    What's your username, ID number?
    If your stats are on the EOC site, the widget will show them.


    emo girls with black and pink hair. lack pink scene emo girl hair
  • lack pink scene emo girl hair

  • fotografica
    Nov 5, 06:16 AM
    Great news to hear! And hopefully most people considering switching,won't read c/net reviews :D Their review on the new C2D Pro is a good laugh..a major con being that it doesn't have a media card reader,lol...

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Long Black Emo Hair
  • Long Black Emo Hair

  • mgargan1
    Nov 21, 04:09 PM
    Interesting concept, but their website (http://www.eneco.com/) scares me away in a hurry. What was that about making a good first impression?

    yea, their website looks like it was from 1998...


    emo girls with black and pink hair. Girl With Black Hair And Pink
  • Girl With Black Hair And Pink

  • autrefois
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    Well, let's see... the Zune comes out today. The iPod has been out for about 5 years (?) now. So it took Apple 5 years to have them integrate with airplanes. Shame on Apple for not innovating quicker. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on MS for not innovating quicker too. The Zune's only been out, what,... a few hours and it still can't integrate with planes? Shame on MS. :rolleyes:

    Seriously.... what's with all this Zune bashing? This story isn't even about the Zune, yet someone just had to post something about it. I'm not defending MS or anyone. It's just that I get's pretty redundant when everyone praises Apple and bashes on everyone else (especially MS), like Apple can do no wrong. I bet you haven't even played with a Zune yet. It's like people who say they don't like Japanese food or something. And when asked if they've tried it, they say no. How the hell do you know whether you like somethinig or not when you haven't even tried it yet?

    Apple fan boys...... :rolleyes:

    That's about the funniest thing I've heard, being called an Apple fanboy. Since you replied to my post, I assume you're at least in part referring to me.

    I am almost always critical of Apple here on Macrumors, either directly or indirectly, in my posts. Either that, or trying to poke fun at Apple's expense. Their business practices, their business partners, their pricing, their overheating laptops, etc. I'm always worried people with think I'm a troll, which I'm not. I love Apple products, and have given them (entirely too much of) my money over the years, but I realize the company is not perfect and can get better. I occasionally am under the RDF, but try to keep a reasonably critical mind about things.

    My post was just meant to be funny. MS's Zune wasn't even out yet, so no I didn't expected airplane integration immediately. And apparently Apple even make sure all their partners knew about the announcement before making it, so that's rather embarrassing for them.

    I agree the Zune should be judged on its own merit. My guess is that as an MS product it will probably not be as good as the iPod (heck, Microsoft doesn't even put their name on the box for the Zune) but it will probably gain ground sooner rather than later since people will assume (correctly or not) that Microsoft works better with Microsoft, just like Apple works better with Apple.

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Emo Girl With Black Hair
  • Emo Girl With Black Hair

  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 03:36 PM
    Um, you're not a breeder, right?

    That's why I need a muscle car. :) I need a guy magnet, and the 200 ain't gonna cut it. ;)

    I thought the same thing about the sebring, and wasn't very happy about the car at first, but absolutely fell in love with it. That was when I was single and before I had a kid. Anyway, I haven't seen a 200 in person yet, but the car it is replacing was butt-ugly.

    I liked the first Sebring convertible. It was a nice car.


    emo girls with black and pink hair. We love her emo hairstyle.
  • We love her emo hairstyle.

  • snberk103
    Mar 18, 12:20 PM
    When I learned film photography in the '70s, we were not allowed to use our SLR cameras. The college provided 4x5 view cameras. That put all of us on the same level for the first year. By the time I was finishing up my senior work using my Nikon the school had beginning students building pin hole cameras. This helped a lot. When I showed up for my first classes, some of the other students had Hasselbad cameras. Forgetting about gear forced us to think about the frame and what was going on in there.


    Most years I teach at 2nd year composition course, at a small commercial photography college. I grew up with film, and while I love how digital has freed me from some of the boundaries of film (endless undo!) I still think, mostly, like a film shooter.

    The college allows the students to use whatever equipment they own. The wet darkroom was removed a couple of years ago, but in that last year we had an interesting student who used the darkroom. First day of my class, the there were mostly Nikons and Canons in the room, but David arrived with his homemade pinhole camera. He was determined to try and do as many of my assignments as possible with it as a challenge (and I accommodated his equipment when I could). And when he wasn't shooting the pinhole he was shooting a Hasselblad Xpan (the 35mm panoramic camera). Again, just so he could a challenge working in that aspect ratio.

    He was a very good photographer, and he did really well in my class. But he didn't care about the marks (I think that's another sign of "How to Work Hard, But Still Suck" - spend all your time taking classes. And trying to get good marks.) He just wanted to absorb information, could afford the course, and was going to go and do his own thing as soon as a photojournalist as soon as he could. School was just a way to get up the learning curve quickly.

    I forget why I started this post now, but soon as remember his last name I'm going to Google him and get caught up.

    I think I was going to say that I've noticed that today's photo students like to 'assemble' their images in PS. We (the faculty) keep telling them that it's still easier to spend the extra few minutes at the time of shooting to fix that thing, than to try to 'Shop it out later. Or to add that extra fill light than to go back and reshoot the assignment because they can't fix it at all later.


    I sound like an old fart.

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Long emo hair in bright pink
  • Long emo hair in bright pink

  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    While they're at it, why don't they just integrate the whole Apple TV GUI into the TV and get rid of the crappy TV GUIs?

    Motorola ROKR.

    It's conceivable that they'd license AirPlay because, well, on the display end, it's simple and doesn't involve an interface. It's like plugging in a screen or speakers, only wireless. But there's no way in hell Apple is going to leave any aspect of the rest of the "Apple TV" user experience in another manufacturer's hands. Not again, and not when they can sell the Apple TV for only $100. If the interface shows an Apple logo and lets your browse your iTunes library, it's going to be a 100% Apple product.


    emo girls with black and pink hair. pink hair, lack pink hair
  • pink hair, lack pink hair

  • ChrisA
    Nov 21, 05:04 PM
    Interesting concept, but their website (http://www.eneco.com/) scares me away in a hurry. What was that about making a good first impression?

    What is wrong with it? The only thing I see is that they are presenting the Peltier Effect as if it was something they discovered and not already in common use. These chips have been produced on an industrial scale for many years. They don't say this.

    Here is another company who has a real product to for sale http://www.melcor.com/ Here is one more - http://www.customthermoelectric.com/ It's a mature technology These guys at eneco seem to be selling a concept and have no product.

    But who are they trying to fool? Anyone in a position to buy from eneco would have engineers on staff who certainly would already understand thermoelectrics

    emo girls with black and pink hair. pink emo hair. Haircut
  • pink emo hair. Haircut

  • dscuber9000
    Apr 8, 10:45 AM
    People won't have sex if they aren't educated about birth control.

    That's not how I remember high school. :p


    emo girls with black and pink hair. bizarre pink hair emo girl
  • bizarre pink hair emo girl

  • gkarris
    Apr 1, 12:11 PM
    Not surpising at all. It's all about control of content and money.

    All studios, rather music or movie have always hated the idea of selling content even though it makes them a ton of money. If they could do away with all of it, including DVD sells, they would. What they truly want is for you to pay a fee every time you want to view or listen to content and you never "own" anything period. Nothing physical at all to buy, just pay for it every time you view or listen.


    In this case, the license is only for delivery to a cable box for viewing on a home TV set. Not for any "mobile" device or otherwise...

    emo girls with black and pink hair. Gorgeous blue and lack emo
  • Gorgeous blue and lack emo

  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 2, 02:04 PM
    I don't think Pages is horrible. It's not great, but it isn't quite as bad for me as everyone else finds it. I don't use it all that much (Keynote gets used far more than Pages does).

    emo girls with black and pink hair. pink and lack hair ideas
  • pink and lack hair ideas

  • maclaptop
    May 6, 10:30 PM
    Based on Apple's vascilating attitude over the last year, I'm taking a wait and see position.

    I'm very happy to witness their success, yet it's too bad they've chosen to dampen what should be a great celebration, by acting as though they've got to go on the attack with law suits.

    In the last year they've launched more suits than any other company in the industry.

    Acting insecure does not become them.

    Mar 28, 09:42 AM
    Nice dude, you really had to go there right? A good'ol racist comment.
    dude, there was nothing racist about that lol don't be so sensitive

    Apr 17, 06:17 AM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    No. They are worse than the IBM caricature that they painted back in 1984.

    The good news is that Apple's iPhone OS won't be the dominating mobile platform for much longer. The sales numbers show that Android is quickly gaining momentum, and Google's marketplace is not censored at all and developers can choose whatever development tool they want to produce software for Android.

    Apple will soon fall back into that little niche where they came from. And they deserve it because of their megalomaniac behavior and arrogant attitude.

    History is going to repeat itself because Apple hasn't learned from their mistakes in the past. They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties. Now they will lose the mobile market to Google.

    The WePad is going to ship in July. Even if it might not be as sexy as the over-hyped iPad, it is an OPEN device. And in the end, the open platform will win.

    On a more personal note: I do not need and I do not want Apple to tell me what I can read or see on my device. If I want to see naked flesh, then it's none of Apple's business and they have ZERO rights to deny me that. (I'm European - we're not prude here and we prefer sex over violence.) If I want to use software that directly competes with Apple's own offers, then obviously their competition is giving me something that I like better than Apple's software products.

    As much as I like Apple's computers, I hate their entire AppStore and iPhone SDK policies with a passion.

    Apr 29, 04:14 PM
    This is mostly due taxes. If you Americans wondered how Europeans actually pay health care and other nice things, here you go. Officially the taxes on the gas are called "Eco taxes" though.

    Sorry but health care is paid by your health care taxes, that come off your gross income. You don't pay those at the gas station! :rolleyes:

    What makes gas prices in the EU that high are VAT (which is considerably higher in the EU) and energy taxes.
    The eco taxes you mentioned are actually only a small part of the energy taxes (they were introduced to reduce CO2 emissions and to decrease the taxes for annuity insurance). Who knows where the rest of the energy tax goes...

    Mar 25, 01:15 PM
    Considering that most other tablets are still catching up with the iPad 1, this discount makes the pricing even more agressive :)

    Mar 25, 10:37 AM
    A little background is necessary here:

    Kodak - where it all started
    In the early 1980s, Kodak invented the OLED technology. Kodak are still working on OLEDs, on both displays and lighting, and have licensed its OLED display technology to around 20 companies, including LG, CMEL and others. They are still perfecting their OLED lighting tech, and seeking partners to bring it to market. Back in we interviewed Mr. Corey Hewitt, Operations Manager & Vice President, Kodak OLED Systems

    UPDATE: In December Kodak announced that they have sold all of their OLED business to LG. LG paid $100 million for the OLED unit. They will still have access to the technology for their own products.

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