live laugh and love quotes

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  • Dae
    Apr 6, 12:08 PM
    I'm still wondering if there are xserves in there.
    I heard Apple has been using xserves almost nowhere. Websites and stuff run on Sun's servers.

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  • Abstract
    Jan 13, 04:44 AM
    VW has always had conservative exterior designs, but this is a bit too much (or too little?).

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  • troop231
    Apr 6, 11:48 AM
    Will it be backed up to a time machine?

    Only in this one:

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  • MShock
    Mar 23, 11:19 AM
    I wonder if Serlett's departure means more web focus since the new guy focused on the cloud? A new filesystem, being able to run web apps outside the browser, and a new UI would be nice for OSX� an internet layer built in using webkit (if that is possible) would be 3 nice new features, and with the new guy Ferengi or Fedenrigh or whatever� it could be possible?


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  • inlimbo
    Mar 3, 03:36 AM

    I installed MouseZoom on my new PB to speed up the trackpad but now i don't like it. How do I uninstall it and go back to my original settings. Do u just drag the mousezoom icon in system prefs to the trash?

    Sorry im such a n00b :o

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  • mljones99
    Dec 25, 09:46 PM,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

    plus a couple of Brooks Brothers giftcards and a couple Nike Golf Dri-Fit polos


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  • Merthyrboy
    Nov 11, 10:21 AM
    Given the length of the original message and the terseness of Jobs' reply, it suggests that either he doesn't give a crap, or the iPad's virtual keyboard is a bit pants to type on.

    Or he was in the middle of a game of angry birds and decided to just send a quick reply so he could try and finish the level which he can't get 3 stars on

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  • Kyffin
    Oct 1, 04:48 PM
    That first link is a gold mine! Thanks :)

    Very happy to share:D you've given me an idea to boot- think I might just spend a year touring Japan along the old roads and seeing the famous sights by daylily changing my desktop- Cheers!


    live laugh and love quotes. Live. Laugh. Love.
  • Live. Laugh. Love.

  • rezenclowd3
    Apr 20, 01:19 PM
    Damn I wish we could go back to making sexy cars in the avg family price range again.... I really don't wan't these "safe" pedestrian cars, with headlights that have to be a min height, among other silly additions. I am just so glad that vintage cars are still allowed on the road according to our laws. Though, I do wonder what the actual laws are, because say a Cayman or Corvette has a much lower front, yet is still allowed in Europe, as well as in the states. The going to the S2000s as well, which has a classicly low hoodline.

    Anyway, post away of cars you like. Just wanted to state what I dislike about modern cars. Go ahead and buy the Malibu, I just wish I didn't have to at them while on he road:o Then again, most think my E30 is ugly, which is perfectly fine for others to think. (though I wish the hoodline was even lower...)

    Another car I want to own as I love the fit in the cockpit for my 6' 3" height:

    and it fits my criteria of "sexy for its generation" ;-)

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 15, 05:48 AM
    Not necessarily. ACT UP was a very aggressive group in the 80's that used that motto to bring attention to the AIDS crisis. I didn't like them or their tactics much at all at the time either. But you know what? It worked. They definitely served their purpose and are responsible for bringing serious attention to HIV/AIDS. Because you know what? Standing up to bullies like social conservatives works.

    What doesn't work is letting them walk all over you, like they've been doing for decades. I'm talking about people who, no matter what you do, will NEVER respect you unless you stand up to them. Sometimes, violence is the answer. I'm sorry, but that's just a sad truth. It should always be the last resort, but it is the only answer sometimes. If people like this think you'll never fight back, you'll always lose. Because you know why? They think we're evil. They think we're the enemy. They've dehumanized us to such an extent that they think it's OK to beat the crap out of us, take our rights and even try to take our children. Would you sit still for that? They will never see us as even remotely human. And if we sit there and take it, we'll never get anywhere. These are not people you play nice with, because they won't play nice back. They are going out of their way to hurt us. There is no doubt about that.

    Homosexuality was accepted and practiced openly during the Roman Era...which is what most of us here draw roots as a "real civilization". It was when the Christians and Abrahamic religions took over that being gay started to be "outlawed". Prolly has to do a lot with the fact that the "kings" needed subjects to draw loyal warriors and peasants from to keep their land, etc...especially since major factions killed eachother all the time.

    Nevertheless, what you are experiencing is the remnance of Christianity's "being fruitful and multiply" efforts. It may take a while for "new thought processes" to reach "the conservatives" out there, but it will get there as these religions start to have less and less control over people's behaviors and even start to die out as we all enter the modern world.

    Much of what we believe in to "keep the land" in modern times involves more of a faith in "Capitalism" than faith in "God". And you are right that "gay couples can raise children" too these days with modern technology, but the underlying requirement as with any successful family, is your capitalistic faith and success in it (read: money). But I think that since the US takes much of the brunt of world military efforts, there will still be a need for a large sector of ppl who will sacrifice themselves to "go to heaven". It's no wonder that the USA, although most advanced of the Western world, has the most religious ppl. Which is why "Don't ask, don't tell" has persisted in the military for ages. But I think as we roboticize more warfare in the future, there won't be as much of a need to make religious kids willingly act as cannon fodder so the Military might be more open to gays. Afterall, an extra person in front of a joystick is just as good as an extra person in front of a cash register...regardless of sexual preference. ;)


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  • preguntonontrac
    May 1, 04:31 PM

    Since i finished my huge 80gb collection of music and organize it... I want to have a printable copy of the list of artist, albums and songs i have in my itunes. (Like an inventory list)

    How i can do that?

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  • Markleshark
    Oct 23, 05:20 AM
    Love it although i have never found her attractive in the slightest.

    I must agree, and that screen capture doesn't do much to help either...


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  • elbirth
    Jan 10, 09:42 AM
    Hoping for a "One more thing..." media event in the next couple weeks to talk about the rest of the stuff Jobs ran out of time for.

    Same here.. I really hope this happens sometime; however, I wish that it had been turned around and the Macworld keynote focused on everything else and the special event was "oh yeah, here's this awesome new phone that this event is dedicated to"
    Making their computer-side come across as a second thought to the consumer electronics now is kind of disconcerting.

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  • taxiapple
    Apr 4, 11:58 PM
    Sorry if this posted in the wrong forum, I'm not sure where to post it.

    Starting today I'm getting an annoying popup only on Macrumors

    It's kinda purpleish, doesn't make sense, say's "collective media" on the first line. No Idea what it is but I don't like it.
    If this stays, I will frequent Macrumors far less.

    How do I stop it?

    Actually it is not just on Macrumors , also happening on


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  • AppleDroid
    Apr 20, 04:02 PM
    Great news for Apple as far as iOS implementation but comparing including iPod touch doesn't really seem like a fair comparison since Android isn't on any PMP devices.

    So as it stands, correct me if I'm wrong, but:

    1. Mobile PHONES, Android > iOS
    2. Include tablets and PMP iOS > Android by a good margin

    live laugh and love quotes. Live Laugh Love Quotes Tattoos. live laugh and love quotes. live; live laugh and love quotes. live. unagimiyagi. Apr 4, 02:53 PM
  • Live Laugh Love Quotes Tattoos. live laugh and love quotes. live; live laugh and love quotes. live. unagimiyagi. Apr 4, 02:53 PM

  • UKBorgs
    Aug 16, 06:34 AM
    Changed all my geektool crap around.

    Love the look there. Any chance you could direct me atleast on how to achieve that look, geektool and all, please? Or somewhere that I may get to grips with this?



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  • Jape
    Mar 30, 08:28 PM
    Spam, do not click.

    well the deal is legit, I just thought I would share with the community. Found it from a reputable source.

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  • John.B
    Apr 7, 09:30 PM
    Might want to check the signature app in the store. I've had it for over a year, you can choose up to 6 signatures. Use to be called signature pro, but my app says just Signature.

    If this ( is what you are talking about, the current version is $5. Which would be fine, except the recent reviews are very poor.

    It also looks (from the screencaps) like you run the app to pick one of a handful of signatures, when most of us just want to have one specific signature assigned each mailbox...

    Regardless, thanks for the heads up.

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  • Mudbug
    Oct 31, 08:53 AM

    Aug 2, 02:28 AM

    Oct 31, 11:59 AM
    Yeah...this shuffle will be my 7th iPod:eek:

    number 3 for me :rolleyes:

    Oct 3, 06:23 AM
    MacBook Pro:


    Both click for big.

    Mr. Gates
    Apr 21, 04:53 AM
    Why the heck _wouldn't_ you count those? You can use apps across all the devices, which is where the power of the Apple ecosystem comes into play. Once the Apple TV can support apps, that will be counted too. Whether or not you can make a phone call on the device is absolutely 100% irrelevant. The ONLY thing that matters in these kind of numbers is whether or not you can run an application on it. That's where the benefit of market reach comes into play. More devices sold = more developers = more benefit to customers = more devices sold = more developers ... etc. It's a great little self-sustaining model.

    I disagree.
    "The ONLY thing that matters in these kind of numbers is whether or not you can run an application on it." ---If it cant make a call its a different device PERIOD.


    Then Android numbers should be disallowed from any discussion, because the fact that 200 devices made by 25 different companies containing 10 different versions of Android are not the same thing or related in any relative way. Android phones from the same manufacturers are barely comparable to each other.

    Those are all phones. By your logic, you prove my point. By your logic there are 10 different iOS devices , are you saying that THEY -"are not the same thing or related in any relative way" ?

    PS : I love my iPhone but it is not my leader. Apple is cool but I don't jump up and down for any and every Pro- Apple story I can drink down. This chart is BS...IMHO

    Apr 29, 09:23 AM
    i came up with this yesterday

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