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  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:53 PM

    My locations aren't a secret. I can be photographed, recorded on video, and SEEN by everyday people.

    You want privacy? Stay the **** home. There's your privacy. You have a lease, you own property, you have an address, you're on the grid.

    You walk out the door, you're fair game. I have nothing to hide. I don't have the nuclear launch codes, and the big bad government and guys in the black helicopters probably know that I don' have them. Do you? LOL

    Much ado about nothing. This stuff is benign for the average person.

    I don't care if Apple does it, or Google, or Microsloth. What exactly are they going to do with my location information? Send a black car to tail me?

    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

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  • donlphi
    Sep 25, 11:01 AM
    So... what are we supposed to run this monstrosity on? The G5 QUADS had a hard enough time running the first one. I can't imagine running this on an iMac or worse... a mac mini.


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  • Tundraboy
    Apr 29, 02:01 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    I feel the same way, it'll be ironic when you have to use a Windows PC to jailbreak Apple computers so you can install software that you want!!!!!! When it comes to that I'll be moving on as well.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 10:34 PM
    There's a huge difference between merging in concepts of the UI, user-friendly software distribution, media access and what you describe.

    It is very unlikely that Apple's engineering and marketing would destroy what they've worked to build for so long, IMHO. How are you so certain that they'll be bringing all the bad stuff along with the good stuff? Seriously - do you really think that Apple's talent are as utterly foolish that you make them out to be?

    Is there? They're already controlling what can and cannot be sold on the iOS platform (and it is an entire platform now with full-fledged computers in the form of the iPad). They've proven themselves beyond contempt by insisting that in-app subscriptions be the same or lower on the App store than direct, despite the fact that they demand 1/3 of all the selling price. They've added an 'App' store for OSX proper and have the same 30% "grab" for everything on there. They're advertising and bragging about bringing iOS features back to OSX. I'm just doing simple math here. You can make 1+1 = 1 if you say it's a bigger one, but in my world, 2 is still the more likely answer.

    And you are the ones using the words "foolish". I think it's quite possibly a business-savvy solution to ensuring profits stay high into the future. What you or I may want in OSX is irrelevant to both Apple and Steve Jobs. Steve has essentially said that consumers don't know what's best for them and that it takes a visionary to move forward. We know Steve's 'vision' is smaller/thinner/more mobile at almost any cost. So I'm not saying it will happen like that, but that it's looking more likely every day. Only time will tell for sure. But I know if it does happen, I'll no longer have an interest in OSX. I don't want Apple deciding for me what I can or cannot buy or watching developers get 1/3 their gross taken from them (same % as a typical injury lawyer BTW. You don't get paid until they get paid FIRST and your bills 2nd and you last; in this case it would be taxes instead of bills). You can think it's good/fair/right. I don't agree and I don't want Apple telling me I have to use Safari because they don't want Firefox or Chrome competing with them.

    No, it'll happen whether we like it or not. Because the industry is going to the iPad like dumbed down devices for every day use, and in 10-15 years those devices will be fast enough for all of us to do almost everything on them.

    I don't know about that. There will always be a market for faster/more powerful (i.e. most people may drive a Ford Focus or Chevy Impala or Toyota Corrola and hybrids may capture larger and larger market penetration in the future, but that doesn't mean there isn't a market for the WRX, Mustang, Corvette, etc. even if it shrinks over time) and so even if Apple AND Microsoft bail out of traditional computing, that just means someone else will likely take over. They can't make Linux go away, for example. And if people didn't BUY it, the lines would stop. Newton didn't exactly go over so well the first time around....


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  • dejo
    Apr 26, 06:51 PM
    If not, then step back and learn some Objective-C basics.

    Careful. The OP doesn't like to hear that. :)

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 15, 07:55 PM
    Google should have seen this coming long ago.


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  • OS X Dude
    May 2, 11:37 AM
    Yes for the iPod bug fixes - I've been getting a weird one on my 3GS where album art isn't loaded correctly for the track that's playing - sometimes it'll pull the Genius Playlist album cover for the playlist that song is in (when I'm not on Genius anyway) and sometimes entirely different albums by different groups.

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  • yetanotherdave
    Apr 29, 02:19 PM
    iCal still looks terrible.

    Much quicker update than the last one for me.

    I think the realistic minimal RAM requirements will move to 4GB with Lion. Installing on an older MacBook with 2GB of RAM has proven that Lion loves RAM and Beachballs :) .

    It is fairly stable for a "Beta/Preview" build though and seems to be closer to being ready to ship.

    The macbook air's ship with 2gig standard. They wont leave a computer that new behind.


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  • one1
    May 4, 10:26 AM
    The "Only way" ?

    What, you could not use a laptop?

    And how would an iPad only owner read the CD in the 1st place?

    Yes the iPad made a nice easy to use picture viewer once you had put the images on it from your real computer at home is what you are saying.

    You could just of easy taken a laptop which read the CD images off directly onto the screen and no needed this new device whatsoever.

    Who owns a laptop? Not I. Should I pull one out of thin air to appeal to your invalid response?

    How would an iPad only owner USE an ipad without activation? Your argument is completely without merit. They make these things called iMacs, try one! They are fantastic for the home, but a little hefty for trip to the doc.

    I could have driven a Daewoo, but I took a BMW. *WINK* (

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  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 02:44 AM
    Really VictoriaStudent, lol I agree with BForstal on what people would do in the same situation 100 percent, and I'm not trying to brag about anything, and I cant even believe this thread has reached 3 pages. Sec I have no reason to troll!!! I have been a member of this forum since and even though I have never really posted anything I have found wealth of knowledge over the years from people in these forums. Wow and you cannot judge a person's character by a mistake a cashier made in a store!!! Like I said everybody is entitled to there own opinion, If you were to make note of the mistake to the store if it happened to you and it makes you feel so highly above any one else, more power to you. As far as I'm concerned this is one time I actually got a break on a apple product.


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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 15, 02:49 PM
    People who have made history have just been people and gay or straight have never come into it. What does it matter? A stand alone class in college on "gay studies" I would have no problem with. The requirement in public schools to teach gay history is bit absurd.

    Those who are gay and feel as if they've been wronged, I feel for them and effort to make it right, but the level of suffering by gay is nothing compared to what black people or women have endured over the centuries. It bothers me a little when gay suffrage is pitted against something like slavery. Just not the same, IMO.

    That answer is very similar to the posts in the thread about the video apple just did in support of the IT GETS BETTER campaign. Nobody is pitting the gay community against slavery. Nobody is saying lets stop teaching about women's rights and start instead with gay rights. They are just adding it. Why do people always have to make this weird connection?

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  • Tommyg117
    Oct 11, 08:33 AM
    yeah, it'll come at the same time as the iphone.


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  • ezekielrage_99
    Nov 25, 08:34 PM
    Sorry if I am repeating any post but according the the Apple Australia Store there's going to be a sale on the 01DEC06 as well.

    Cool it looks like I'm going to get me a new iPod :cool:

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  • yg17
    Mar 4, 11:55 AM

    gop takes unprecedented 10-point lead on generic ballot (
    republicans also maintain wide gap in enthusiasm about voting

    princeton, nj -- republicans lead by 51% to 41% among registered voters in gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences. The 10-percentage-point lead is the gop's largest so far this year and is its largest in gallup's history of tracking the midterm generic ballot for congress.

    2010 != 2012


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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 16, 11:15 PM
    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

    That's the truth! With an Andriod download I can easy get a free Trojan program along with the app I wanted.

    The Trojans seem to work but many of the apps don't. Dam Apple to heck for not letting people load any old crapo they want into iTunes.

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  • rdowns
    May 6, 09:49 AM
    I believe this might LITERALLY be the first time I've ever read something from Lee, been impressed with it's depth, and not been saddened by the complete opacity of his partisan blinders.

    Very well said, sir. I agree, 100%

    A real piece of work. You have to insult even when you agree with someone. Were it me, I'd seek help.


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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 03:52 PM
    It's sad to say, but it happens a lot.

    Well, if it's that lawless down there, I would be looking to acquire a concealed carry permit.

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  • Demosthenes X
    Nov 14, 02:34 PM
    Been playing Zombie mode all weekend... it's really frustrating without a mic, though, since I can't communicate and everyone seems to be doing their own thing. Need to be able to talk to collaborate and get to the higher rounds, I think.

    That said, it's super-addicting. Nothing relieves stress like blasting Zombies. :D

    I haven't made it into the Multiplayer yet. The last few times I've tried the servers haven't been responding... I've had an easier time getting on the servers to play Zombies, though...

    Single player campaign is pretty typical of COD, imo. It's pretty good... If anything, though, this game is encouraging me to go buy World at War for half the price and just play Zombies. Hah!

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  • drsmithy
    Oct 5, 02:33 AM
    It'd be pretty easy to check actually, and really quite legal. The part of Mac OS X that actually implements SMP is the kernel, which is part of Darwin. You can install Darwin without fear of repurcusions, on your toaster, if you want.

    Isn't the version of Darwin underpinning OS X/Intel no longer Open Source ?

    Apr 11, 03:14 PM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Jealousy kicked in all of a sudden. I'm still saving up for mine. For now trying to convince myself that my T1i is still good.

    And here's my last online purchase.. iPhone 4 Case..
    Really like it but I know its not going to last long.

    Jan 12, 07:45 PM
    that they were able to put all that together and package it in a consumer friendly way

    let's wait until it is released

    personally i found the clicking around in the adress book just for dialing _not_ userfriendly

    and the whole internet communicator functionality presented was what ? writing email ?

    what exactly is the market for it ? the businessman ? those very likely have already laptops and sophisticated mobile phones/palms etc. and second the features are hardly aiming at them either
    will they be able to use the mobile phone as a modem for their laptop ?

    who else ? the person who tricks out mobile phones with all kinda gimmick programs etc ? hose rather choose phones with java etc.

    i don't know i still who they plan to sell it ... sure there are mac enthusiasts (i would take it too when given as a present) but 10 million within a year without any real range of products ...

    not like the apple tv thing would be any better... nice in concept but when your only way of putting content on it is downloading it for high prices on the internet then you essentially end up with a small streaming box for music + photos

    or did i miss the step where you could record tv shows and put movies on it from your dvds ?

    edit: that aside i'm interesting to trying it out in person... partly because i actually field tested/helped to develop/debug software for a unit,( which i hope i never see again BTW), which had a touchscreen, a built in mobile phone with GPRS (god i hated it), WLAN and camera/barcode scanner
    having done this for 2 months i can feel the pains the developers went through during their 2 1/2 years at apple

    Jan 9, 02:44 PM
    sorry about the spoiler in the ticker guys

    I'm sitting here trying to do updates... that one was a mistake on my part.

    Really sorry. I removed it. we'll still post the link when it comes.


    Thanks Arn. Like I said, at least no details were revealed.

    Apr 9, 12:22 AM
    Go for it! If they deserve it, they deserve it!

    Yea, the other people working there deserve to suffer for something one person does :p

    Oct 4, 03:35 AM
    A friend of a friend was told that they should wait until march for that shiny new iPod. Take it for what it is, an unsubstantiated rumor.

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