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  • linkedPIXEL
    Mar 4, 08:23 PM
    I've never been big into handheld consoles, but the 3DS has intrigued me enough to buy it as soon as its available.

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 7, 07:09 AM
    True. If only it supported reading usb flash drives, I could abandon my laptop except for syncing. So instead, I got an iPod.

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  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.

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  • noxtos
    Mar 27, 03:39 AM
    I wonder how many turtlenecks he has?

    Do you think he keeps them? My guess is he has a new one flown in from Milan every morning. The worn turtlenecks go to the incinerator in the basement...


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  • coder12
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM
    Amazon is known to post a lot of wrong things in the past, (iWork '11 anyone?) but this seems pretty legit. I burned my install to a DVD to use it, and it worked just fine. I'd assume that this is the last upgrade on a DVD though. OTA upgrades FTW.

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  • Sinfire
    Nov 28, 06:02 PM
    What is it with the comments like..... A kid can deliver what apple couldn't ?

    There is a reason why Apple has delayed the release of the white iPhones. Apple is about quality, and they are not going to release an inferior product that they know is going to cause a lot of problems once it goes out to the public. Just look at how carried away people got when they started having reception problems.

    As for this kid... Anybody read the Terms and conditions on his site ? He states that everything he sells is as-is. Once it leaves his door, then he is not responsible for the product, even if it arrives to you defective. And the worst part is that changing the case voids your apple warranty. If your phone dies in 3 months, then Apple can refuse to repair it because you took the phone apart.


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  • powers74
    Jun 10, 12:34 PM
    That'd be great!

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  • TheNewDude
    May 3, 04:08 PM
    gah, seriously apple needs to talk to geforce/ati and get some decent drivers, cause the beta is so much smoother in bootcamp.

    shame, with steam incoming soon.

    i will never play sc2 on mac as it is now

    What MAC do u have??
    I've read that the NEW 13" MBP is having Headphone sound issues under Bootcamp... :(


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  • dkoralek
    Oct 11, 12:41 AM
    the both use the Intel Core microarchitecture technology, however they are branded differently

    on the left side, is the only place that Xeon was listed. There are 5 processors listed there, however on the top where the tabs are, there are only 4, there is no xeon

    something they taught in SAT's (i dont know if they still have this these days)
    Merom:Woodcrest = C2D:Xeon... they are at the same level, but not one under the other

    But weirdly, if you click the core 2 duo link on the Intel web page Xeons show up in the list (which vaguely blurs the lines). I assume that this is because some Conroes can be branded as Xeons and some as Desktop Core 2 Duos. In the end, I think we can all agree that Woodcrest Xeons, Conroes, and Meroms all share a common basic architecture (the core architecture) and that the Macpro was the first machine Apple shipped with the new architecture (with the iMac following).


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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 10:48 PM
    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.


    IDC: Windows dominates Linux in servers, not just the desktop
    Windows beats Linux when it comes to servers by well over a three-to-one margin, as it has for at least a year.

    IDC: Windows Server dominates server revenue for Q4 2010
    IDC reports Windows Server has increased its market share by revenue to 42.1%, , far ahead of its nearest rival, Unix, at 25.6% and Linux at 17%.
    IDC notes that Microsoft Windows server demand was positively impacted by the x86 server market refresh as hardware revenue increased 16.8% year over year.
    Windows servers generated Quarterly revenue of $6.3 billion for represented 42.1% of overall quarterly factory revenue from the shipment of 1.5 million servers, the highest quarterly total ever reported for Windows servers.

    Don't presume just because you have an "IT job in unix or whatever", that everyone else who doesn't work at your company is a computer idiot. Not that this has any impact on "IDC research" but I've actually worked with languages from PL/1 (that is...Programming Language One!) up to .NET. And I can tell you that most of these "Windows bashing / Linux conquest rhetorics" are only taken up by actual computer idiots who just follow one side of hype...or college kids (who at least don't know any better...yet). Go to a REAL computer forum like Ars Technica and see what they think of "enterprise Macs" there. ;)


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  • bmustaf
    Apr 5, 05:59 PM
    Well, the Xoom isn't tied to the carrier. Google uses it (currently, at least) as the reference device for their Honeycomb platform.

    I think iPad 2 and iOS has advantages, but as an Apple supporter myself and user/dev owner, too, I think the hubris in this community is very dangerous.

    The bigger they are, the higher they know how the saying goes. The U2 wasn't untouchable, and neither is the iPad 2. The sooner we get over this idea that there is an inherent superiority anything Apple, I really think the better off Apple and its products and the ecosystem actually will be!

    Ever since Android was released on phones I have been hearing that it "is just a release or two away from being a great OS". The reality is that most Android devices are extremely lucky if they get one upgrade ported to them by their carrier. I'll stick with an iPad2 rather than buying something and hoping that it improves with time.

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  • SPUY767
    Oct 28, 09:04 AM
    This was one of the most handy little apps that I lost when OS X hit the scene. Super intuitive, super effective.

    I have Peak and Pro Tools and neither handle those simple, everyday audio needs like a SoundEdit 16 could.

    I very much think there is an audience for Soundbooth and that it will be well received. Based on my experienced with SoundEdit 16, if Soundbooth were Universal, I'd more than likely purchase... immediately.

    Amen to that. Nothing I have ever found is as good at simple splicing of uncompressed audio files than SE16. Amadeus comes close, but not cigar, it just doesn't feel like SE16.


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  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 02:03 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    I am mad at apple, their processors suck right now... not to mention their price. Im not gunna spend 3,000 for a computer that I could get with -yes - a worse os, for 1,000. Macs just arent worth it right now. Until they have something that can compete speed wise, my next comp is a PC.

    You don't need to spend 3,000 to get an extremely fast mac right now try 1,600-1,700.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 06:58 PM
    Wait, what ? :rolleyes:


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  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 10:14 AM
    Did they really need a media event for such a small update?

    I didn't think it was over yet and even if it is why wouldn't they want to show off what they've done?

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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 27, 07:34 PM
    It should not matter what "I think" about Trump as it relates to your vote. But, I think you are trying to get a deeper sense of the candidate by asking others, which seems both reasonable yet misguided to me. My suggestion is that, at the end of the day, vote your conscience based on what HE SAYS and DOES and not what others interpret. You have a moral compass, use it.

    I asked this because I am new to politics and want to learn more about it. When people answer this question most of the time they have reasons to back it up like things the candidate has done in the past. I am just trying to learn more about politics is all. And it starts a good thread full of information for me to read.


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  • KEL9000
    Oct 10, 09:22 AM
    G5 laptop finally.

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  • iJaz
    Oct 9, 03:54 PM
    I agree, except for one little thing===> HD Content distribution. No real solution for that one yet. You can't very easily d/l a 25GB HD movie. Even compressed, it's a massive freakin' file. I don't think there's a comsumer level internet connection that could support such content offerings.

    Faster internet connections will come, I have 24 Mbit/s, not unusual here in Sweden. Of course Target is looking at this as a threat in the future, not right now.

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  • roscos
    May 6, 05:51 PM
    I'll take the Fonz mantra here: If you're cool, you know it and don't have to tell everyone. I think the guy that wrote that article is probably a moron in a depressed state trying to make himself feel better.

    JOEG4?The guy is not a moron,he know what he wrote.Let us respect ourselves here.To call someone a moron is not good,I think you should apologize to the guy in question

    Nov 28, 10:58 AM
    You could do a whois search and see where the DNS records point to and perhaps there is a Technical Contact showing the company name/address.

    In terminal - 'whois'

    EDIT: Ah beat to it.

    Dec 6, 01:49 PM
    Well I've noticed something really weird by pure accident is not that important but it did got my attention and if anyone knows why I would like to know for sure

    first of all i have an ibook, an adsl line and a telindus adsl modem. With the modem I have two computers connected ibook and my brothers windows based machine...By accident in my ibook i used a crossover cable to connect with the modem..and by suprise the internet worked. I tryied the same cable in the windows based machine kai ofcourse it didn't work.... It really seems weird (the straightthrought cable works fine with both mac kai windows computers).

    thnx :D

    Mar 26, 12:35 PM
    So when everyone buys hybrids and the gas tax revenue dries up we will be forced to pay for how far we drive.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has a suggestion for raising money to fix the nation�s highways: tax drivers based on how many miles they drive each year.

    In a report written in response to a request from Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota), the CBO laments about the shortfall in the federal budget�s appropriation for highway maintenance and reckons it�s time drivers start footing the bill based on how often their foot is on the gas pedal. The driver would be charged according to the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) above that which he is allowed under appropriately promulgated guidelines.
    The 26-page study is entitled (none to cleverly) �Alternative Approaches to Funding Highways� and goes into some detail regarding the new tax scheme and the benefits and challenges thereof.

    �About 25 percent of the nation�s highways, which carry about 85 percent of all road traffic, are paid for in part by the federal government....� reads the opening line of the paper. In other words, why should the federal government, already so strapped for cash, keeping paying so much for the highway while those who use them get a free ride?

    Mar 24, 10:39 AM
    Apple has to at least match the toughbook for harsher climates and conditions:

    The military and the Army has had a "dialogue" with Apple for years... pretty much every project involving a piece of field equipment has gone to another manufacturer because of durability concerns.

    Mar 5, 12:52 AM
    if BB won't let me buy one on launch day then I will probably be in line at the Knox St store

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