billie joe armstrong 2009

billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s
  • Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s

  • leekohler
    May 4, 12:09 PM
    They pay lip service about being for the common man but the common man voted conservative because they understand that budgets have to be balanced in households so it should be the same with the government.

    And apparently, gays should be kept from marrying, abortion should be illegal, and many other things listed here. They aren't that different from our conservatives in those respects at all, and that makes them scary. They scapegoated to get elected as well. Don't act as if they didn't. They're divisive, nasty people from what I've seen so far. Harper being right up there at the top.

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s
  • Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 7, 05:07 PM
    I thought you felt this way about the Jews... So, who's worse? The tea baggers or the christ killers?

    Hey . . . we determined that the Palestinians were the Christ killers.

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Haircuts for Men
  • Billie Joe Haircuts for Men

  • palter
    Apr 26, 05:06 PM
    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)

    Last year, in the original schedule, all sessions on Friday ended before lunch and lunch was the last item on the schedule. During the week, they added a couple of repeat sessions in the first slot after lunch. But, still, all sessions were over by 3PM.

    I don't expect Apple to post the full schedule 'till a couple weeks before the conference. (I agree it would be nice if they posted it sooner.)

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Amber September 08, 2009
  • Amber September 08, 2009

  • efoto
    Sep 17, 04:21 PM
    Alright, perhaps the second time I was going there just to see what I could see, I'll admit that. The other time however was my friend's first time to that mall (yes runninmac) since the Apple Store opened, and he did want to look at iPods, which took him a whole 5 minutes.

    I see what you all are saying, but it makes me sound like some sort of predator or something. I haven't gone in drooling and grunting all while starring at her. It takes two to make eye-contact you know, and it wasn't a creepy sort of thing, just a passing glance from a decent ways away. I didn't see her and suddenly start moving her way or anything, it was just a look. The story was outlined as such solely because I was bored, so I put a little more thought into the story than perhaps I should have....I am not obsessed with her, and if she is reading this then she can read that....I would easily pass her by I just thought she was cute and it caught me off guard that she would say hi to me outside of her paid-to-talk place of employment.

    Anyway, I only go there when I go to the mall, and only because it is the easiest store to relax in for a short while if I need a break from actual shopping, because there is a ton of eye-candy (computer wise) that I can wish for and play with. I will take your advices and not try to make eye-contact with her on subsequent visits, but I have to say that sounds pretty high-schoolish that I can't even look at a girl I happen think is attractive, but whatever if you all seem to think it could really be creeping her out.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. on 28 November 2009 06:19
  • on 28 November 2009 06:19

  • Big JW
    Oct 26, 08:08 PM
    mind telling me how, rickey939?

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

  • Dooger
    Mar 29, 01:14 PM
    Hey dork! Where's the flood?!

    Yup, what a dweeb.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong is
  • Billie Joe Armstrong is

  • simsaladimbamba
    Feb 13, 01:25 PM
    Open Max, then open Preferences (CMD+,), go to the Formats "tab", select the format you wish to transcode to from the "Available output formats:" and add it via the + sign to the above list and set everything to your liking.
    Then go to the Output "tab" and select the option you like under the Locations: Output files: dropdown list.
    Then close the preferences and add the files and folders you like and click the "Convert" button.
    Or do you need more simplified help in navigating Mac OS X and such?
    Maybe you could be more specific with what you actually need help with?

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong @ the
  • Billie Joe Armstrong @ the

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 10, 04:55 AM
    "When the economy is in doubt,
    Run in circles, scream and shout."

    You gotta love the Chicken Little histrionics from people who seven years ago gave the Republicans a blank check and said "Here, spend as much as you want, as long as you're killing camel jockeys and keeping America safe." Then when the dinner check comes, they want to kill funding for Planned Parenthood and NPR, which wouldn't make a dent in the debt incurred by The War On Terrah. Hell, the Shrub's plane ride to the "Mission Accomplished" banner probably cost more than two years' funding for NPR.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong @ the
  • Billie Joe Armstrong @ the

  • Skika
    Mar 28, 08:32 AM
    I think iOS 5 will really be something:)

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong of Green
  • Billie Joe Armstrong of Green

  • skunk
    Oct 26, 08:36 PM
    It's really, really slow. I'm sticking with Mail.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong, from
  • Billie Joe Armstrong, from

  • gugy
    Nov 14, 10:30 AM
    I agree that's a great idea. Apple once again on the forefront of thinking great things.
    My concern comes when an inividual brings a x-rated(porn) content on their iPods and choose to see on the seat screens. That will cause a furor!:eek:

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s
  • Billie Joe Armstrong#39;s

  • stormsweeper
    Jun 22, 07:28 AM
    I'm just wondering *why* Apple is choosing this time to introduce built in SD card readers.

    "This time" being last summer, when they started including them in MacBooks?

    They don't really need a reason besides pretty much every consumer camera using SD media these days.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong!
  • Billie Joe Armstrong!

  • tech4all
    Nov 11, 02:55 PM
    But for not doing much Japanese (actually none), I kinda followed along quite well. :D Kinda cool seeing the ads in another language.

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong Billie
  • Billie Joe Armstrong Billie

  • redscull
    Apr 6, 01:27 PM
    This is not what you originally said. You said "unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated" which is something else altogether, about personal ability. Why else would they have to be a "tech friend". If it was only about having one "period" then any dumbo friend/relative with a computer would do.My argument wasn't changed, but it might have been misunderstood. If every normal person was using the tablet, it would only be their tech friends who had a true computer in addition to a tablet (my implication being that only techies maintain multiple personal computers). So all the normal tablet users would need tech friends for the occasional sync. Sure, any dumb friend with a reasonably modern computer would do, but the idea is that all these dumb friends have moved on to tablets as well. At some point, everyone has tablets, and only the techies have a second, "real" computer.

    You can get apps without a computer. You can get music without a computer. You can get TV shows and movies without a computer. You can get mail without a computer. You don't actually need to sync anything. If you do not have anything to transfer over anyway (your "it's going to be the only one he's using" scenario), then you don't need a desktop.I'm wondering if you've ever tried a "never synced" iOS device. It actually is limited in some fairly annoying ways. For "normal" people, one of the biggest is the inability to manage photos. You can import them with the photo kit, but you end up with one stupid huge mess of pictures until you use a real computer to rearrange everything. You also miss out on updates. And maybe you think that's not important, but it becomes a big deal when all the apps you want to download start requiring a newer iOS version than what you have. It might take a year, but you'll reach a point where not syncing ends up meaning you can't get apps either. There's also a different mindset around backups for a portable device vs. a desktop. Justified, too; it's a lot easier to lose or wipe out the data on an tablet than a desktop computer. It needs wifi or even cloud-based backup without having to first sync to a computer.


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe from #39;94!
  • Billie Joe from #39;94!

  • talmy
    Mar 14, 09:46 AM
    We may all be jumping the gun on this one. Apple says that Lion Server is included in the Lion preview. That doesn't mean it will be included in the final release!

    Obviously developers need a copy of Lion Server to test their applications. Just like Mac Developer members can get Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server downloads, this is just a convenient way to package up both Lion client and server into one download.

    billie joe armstrong 2009. An intense Billie Joe
  • An intense Billie Joe

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 15, 04:59 PM
    It's only on the front page:


    billie joe armstrong 2009. Day#39;s Billie Joe Armstrong
  • Day#39;s Billie Joe Armstrong

  • runninmac
    Sep 17, 10:56 AM
    One day, just rush into the store and shout "I Love You!". That should get her attention.

    & creep her out ;)

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Billie Joe Armstrong Cartoon
  • Billie Joe Armstrong Cartoon

  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 09:44 AM
    Willow Bend is at about 20 people

    billie joe armstrong 2009. Green Day frontman Billie Joe
  • Green Day frontman Billie Joe

  • CTYankee
    Aug 19, 10:51 AM
    oh, great. Just the thing aliens will use to find out where I am and abduct me again. Yeah, sure I had to opt in, but do you know how hard it is to say no to location features?! I mean seriously, don't they realize all the bad ways people, er 'others', can use technology like this.

    If they get me again I'm

    Mar 25, 10:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.

    Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.

    I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.

    What if I came along and stole all of Apples patents and used them in a way that were above and beyond anything Apple created with them?

    You're thought process of this situation is completely horrible.

    Apr 21, 01:51 PM
    Well, Looks like I know who to beat and rob.

    Watch out Carmack...;)

    Mar 28, 12:46 PM
    Why did you buy a 3DS if you're not going to use the 3D?

    At least the option is there - you can turn it on "a little"... ;)

    It is cool - hoping for a Black Friday Special - like a free game with it... :D

    Apr 13, 10:53 PM
    I was planning to have guns blazing indiscriminately but I guess I can silently hover if that's the game plan :mad:

    Oct 6, 02:19 PM
    I mean really people do you think iPhone and by extension Apple is permantly tied to just one screen size? Do you realize how stupid that would be from the standpoint of running a competitive business? Beyound that should Apple give up potential sales, to people with different needs, just to keep a bunch of thin skinned people happy with respect to their iPhone purchase?

    In anyevent please stop the whinning about developers, if they followed Apples guide lines their apps would work fine on the new model. In fact many people in these forums really should just shut up until they read the developer documentation.

    Second; I personally find the idea of a slightly larger iPhone to bevery attractive. Considering the comments in the thread many other people do too. Why is pretty straight forward, more info on screen or real estate. This doesn't even have to lead to a massively bigger device either. Length might be impacted only modestly and maybe an 1/8 to a 1/4" wider. Adding one or two rows of text while editing and cutting down on scrolling would be huge. In the end the aspect ratio would be wider and allow for better video play back.

    The important thing is enhanced usability which i think many here are underestimating in importance. For many the current iPhone screen represents a compromise in size (most cell phone screens are) but as technology moves forward supporting bigger screens becomes far easier. The GPUs in the ARM SoC are now to the point where they can drive just about any sized screen (pixel count). So technology has removed many of the barriers to larger screens. It then becomes an issue of salability of the device. Comments in this thread indicate strong demand for a slightly larger model so I don't see a problem.

    Conversely the ability to produce a smaller cell phone is like wise driven by technology. The demands and requirements are different here though. I suspect many would be willing to give up some of iPhones smart phone features but yet retaing some of the advantages. One big one is the very clean syncing that a small iPhone would have to support. Honestly the device doesn't even needs to support the same GUI as the market is different. Here customers are more interested in ultra portable small devices. Apple can be as successful here as they are with smart phones simply by paying atention to details. The should be as the market for these devices is huge, far larger than smart phones.


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