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  • diamond.g
    Jul 30, 10:53 AM
    That's the great thing about a platform like the Volt, or anything like it: you can easily change whatever gives the electricity. Gas not working right? The American public finally getting their asses out of their collective heads about diesel? Just get one the right size, and hook it up to the generator. It works for trains. Small fusion reactors finally a possibility? Bingo!

    If GM hadn't ****ed up when they tried bringing diesel cars to the market, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. We still have some old M-B diesels kicking around, and probably a good bunch of them run on SVO by now.

    Subaru still sells FWD cars, just not in the US or Europe.

    Why did you burst my bubble of Subarus awesomeness? :(

    Don't forget the dealership markup. Some of the automotive blogs have people complaining that the dealerships are adding a $10k markup to the already expensive vehicle.

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  • madhatter61
    Apr 8, 02:17 PM
    Why would you run a promotion on something that sells out the moment they come into inventory? Sales are for Android products that can't be moved any other way.

    Perhaps it is something like, "Purchase an Android device and we will let you buy an iPad."

    I think you noted the situation. It doesn't play that a promotion is needed for the hottest selling product ever launched. Promotions are to get rid of stuff. so they don't have to give it back to the vendor at a loss.

    This is so confusing. At least you and I are on the same page ... and still confused.

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  • leekohler
    May 5, 11:30 AM
    There is nothing wrong with a doctor talking to anyone about guns, as they can be a risk to health. That's like telling my doctor he can't tell me to use condoms if he asks if I'm gay, or that he can't tell me to do certain stretches before I play hockey, if he asks me about that. This proposed law is a load of crap. Asking people about activities they engage in are key to treating a patient.

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  • Arip
    Sep 25, 06:37 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    3. Use the patch tool.

    Let us know what you find.


    nothing strange happend (

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  • Chasb
    Jan 15, 02:19 PM
    Some nice products, but nothing I wanted or need.

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez Fringe Bangs; Selena Gomez Fringe Bangs. AvSRoCkCO1067. Jul 19, 10:51 PM. Source? :rolleyes: MacOSRumors.
  • selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez Fringe Bangs; Selena Gomez Fringe Bangs. AvSRoCkCO1067. Jul 19, 10:51 PM. Source? :rolleyes: MacOSRumors.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Aug 7, 02:26 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

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  • a456
    Sep 12, 08:40 AM
    Can't wait :D

    The Australian store is claiming that the store is busy or to check my connection :confused:

    Ditto for the UK iTunes Store :rolleyes:

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  • Mr. F
    Apr 5, 03:59 PM
    oh boy oh boy oh boy

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  • Luph67
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

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  • paduck
    Aug 3, 06:54 PM
    It has a lot of standard features, and seems to be more on the premium targeted market vs. regular sedans.

    Did the Preius start out on the expensive side as well?

    Well, the Prius carries about a $5000 price premium compared with a comprable Toyota or Honda. But it sells for $24k without as big a tax credit (if any). So I'd have to say that the Prius Premium isn't close to that of the Volt. Plus, you can fit three car seats in a Prius. The Volt is a four-seater.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 15, 07:31 PM
    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    The record companies might not like the deal they struck with Apple but I bet they like the fact that they got that money still coming in. In this day and age were almost everyone pirates there music at least with iTunes some people are still buying music. Some money is better than no money.

    Amazon on it cloud stuff just said F-You to the record company and Amazon has enough sells like Apple iTMS that they can force the music company to bend over and take it.

    Without getting licensing in place before launch I can see this bitting Amazon in the ass just like what happen to Google with the Google TV. No wonder why Apple is still talking to record companies.

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  • baryon
    Apr 8, 03:36 AM
    If someone can make such a broad statement, they are an inferior person

    How do you know? Maybe Windows 8 will have multiple desktops. IE is also gaining all the features that all the other browsers have... Just a few years late, that's all!

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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 04:49 PM
    No problem dejo, I understand.. It can be frustrating for others as well as myself and that's why some people tell you to go read all Apple's documentation for a simple question and some others help you no matter what. Speaking a language fluidly could take years, I can hardly speak French myself but that is not stoping me from going to France & ask for coffee in their language. (even if they get upset cause I talk awful, which some do, but some others like it :P).

    About my issue, I think I solve it. I was able to show up an alarm with using that method after I declare it appropriately.

    I now have some thing like this :

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender

    selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena gomez#39;s short curly and
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  • jetjaguar
    Apr 8, 09:09 AM
    - New faucets for bathroom & kitchen
    - 2 tickets for "Insidious" yourself a favor, go and watch it... I havent been scared like that since is scary as hell :eek:

    really? i was really disappointed with insidious .. the previews made it seem so much scarier

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez hair short and
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  • ArizonaKid
    Sep 9, 03:54 AM
    I am white biz grad from ASU (reason to be boring)...and those people in the crowd were pathetic.

    I would be up standing on the chair bouncing, rhythm be damned. What a pathetic, old white crowd.

    Somebody wake up Bob Dylan for these old bastards and bitziches.

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez short hair curly.
  • selena gomez short hair curly.

  • appleforever
    Aug 7, 04:02 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    What school. I logged in under education and it is $649 for the 20".

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez short curly hair.
  • selena gomez short curly hair.

  • Surely
    Apr 21, 04:23 PM
    Where did the buttons go?

    we've turned it off to make some tweaks.

    It'll be back in a bit.



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  • selena gomez short curly hair.

  • LondonCentral
    Apr 9, 12:50 AM
    The only "Worst Buy" I am against is the one in Owings Mills, MD where they discriminated against me just because of a small disability. Pending a court case with corporate on this matter.. and I used to work for them back in 2005 and left them on a great note. Eligible for re-hire.. then tried to go back to them(Owings Mills) and the manager was very disrespectful and also discriminatory.

    I plan to have that store shut down permanently.

    What kinda bizarre court case would result in an entire store being shut down!?
    Unless there's toxic material under the damn thing the most you'll get is an apology and perhaps a little compensation. If you succeed of course. Good luck though.

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  • count chocula
    Nov 24, 12:12 PM
    yay for the sale! i got a bluetooth mighty mouse. :)

    Sep 12, 08:14 AM
    3am :(

    I was just getting ready to go to bed for a couple of hours before 3 but I'm a little hyped now.

    Bloody Apple

    mate im hyped as well might get some sleep, get up early...... i need a new ipod, im due for an update..... my 3g stuffed up today, earphone jack doesent work anymore:( it has had a great life:D

    Apr 6, 12:37 AM
    Thread re-opened, although further cleanup may still occur.

    If you wish to continue posting in this thread (or any other) please observe the Forum Rules, particularly those related to the Rules for Appropriate Debate (

    Thank God (or should I say Demi-god :) ) that you closed this post down earlier. I promise to not try and engage the Brit or the Irishman in a conversation ever again!

    Apr 29, 02:54 PM
    Did distracting iCal go away?

    Oct 3, 01:38 PM
    I want Bill Gates to have a keynote that has a timeline of all the Pocket PC Phones releases they had in the last 5 years. Then Bill Gates will say "So you know what we have been doing for the last 5 years. Lets see what some of our competitors have been doing with phones in that time."

    Apple, please come out with the damn phone!

    Steve Jobs retiring

    Steve Jobs says "iRetire" and walks off. I just don't see him retiring anytime soon.

    Sep 14, 05:26 PM
    That is too bad, my latest electric bill is about the same as it's been all summer.

    my power bill (which includes water and sewer) was $385 last month!

    but i did finally get someone out to look at the a/c unit. i believe that is a big part of the problem. we'll see

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