happy birthday brother

happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother
  • Happy Birthday Brother

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 07:17 AM

    I don't think so. Really office for free?

    The price of office is built into the price of the computer, just as the price of iLife is built into the price of a mac - standard accounting practice. You're really not getting iLife for free just like you're not getting office for free.

    happy birthday brother. Happy birthday big rother.
  • Happy birthday big rother.

  • mac.attack9
    Jan 15, 01:38 PM
    Overall not too shabby.

    I think the iTunes movie rentals seems like a decent idea and the software update and price drop of Apple TV will definitely help boost sales. As for the iPod touch update....well you can either have hundreds of useful applications for free or pay $20 bucks more for 4 that should have been included in the first place. Ill stick with the jail break. I am a slightly confused about the Macbook Air for a couple of reasons. If it is going to be marketed as a ultra portable laptop to help sales in the business sector where on earth is the 6+ battery life. Also I thought that apple wanted to try and get some of the pie nternationally and consumers looking for a truly upc arent going to buy a 13 inch laptop no matter how thin it is. Those are the people who are going to be willing to pay the big bucks for a laptop not the student or average consumer. I bought a macbook in dec knowing the possibility of a major overhaul to the entire macbook line. I am very happy knowing that if i had the option to buy the notebook again today I would be buyingn the exact same laptop AT THE SAME PRICE..

    Overall Macbook Air
    - sweet design
    - A couple nice new features
    - Decent power (2 gb standard of memory)
    - Expensive especially if you add the SSD
    - Regular macbook is $500 cheaper, around the same battery life, etc

    I think that while this is a good addition to the macbook line it may (and hopefully) is setting up for some sort of 10-11 inch tablet incorporating more multi touch features.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother!
  • Happy Birthday Brother!

  • snberk103
    Apr 15, 02:38 PM

    If your argument is that security changes post 9/11 have made things better than the previous decade, I think showing it via statistics will be shaky at best. Zero passenger-carrying hijacks in the U.S. in the decade before 9/11 followed by zero passenger-carrying hijacks in the U.S. in the decade after 9/11 is not a statistic you can make a very solid conclusion off of.

    My only claim is that something the TSA is doing is working to help prevent hijackings. This was in response to some arguments that nothing airport security was doing was in fact useful. If you go back, you will see I quoted both TSA and European stats, not just TSA. And that while there may have been no passenger hijackings in the 90s in the USA, there were a couple in Europe, and one in Japan. And then nothing in Europe and Japan or the USA since 9/11. Which I believe is due to increased airport security, similar to what the TSA does.

    That's all I'm saying. I'm not advocating for the current screening, just refuting some baseless arguments that it's a total waste of money ("baseless" as in - "it's my opinion, and I'm not presenting any evidence to support it"). Opinions are fine, and everyone is entitled to them. Just don't expect me to accept an opinion as fact, if I can support my opposing opinion with at least some evidence.

    (I'm using Japan and Europe 'cause they also have a tradition of terrorist organizations targeting their planes, and because they "harmonized" their screening standards to the TSA. No choice, if they wanted to continue flying their planes into or over US airspace. Other countries may have also harmonized (like Canada) but either they don't have a tradition of terrorism, or I don't have enough info about them.)

    happy birthday brother. irthday wishes for rother.
  • irthday wishes for rother.

  • Eso
    Apr 25, 08:22 PM
    They had the perfect opportunity to change the screen size last year. They introduced a higher resolution screen and a new design. They could have designed the phone for a larger screen and talked about how the screen was both larger and sharper. Instead, they kept the same screen size and talked about the 326 PPI retina resolution.

    So now you think that they are adding a larger screen with fewer PPI to last years' form-factor which was designed for a 3.5" screen? C'mon... get real.

    Why would Apple create a new design with the same screen size if they were planning on using that same design a year later with a larger screen? It doesn't make any sense. If they had plans to use a larger screen, they would have done it with the iPhone 4. If they do it in the future, it will have a different design.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother
  • Happy Birthday Brother

  • the-ep
    Sep 28, 06:28 PM
    Gates: What's that?
    Jobs: It's an iHouse.
    Gates: But there's no Windows.
    Jobs: Exactly!!! Hahahahaha!


    So THAT'S what this house is! No wonder why there were no windows diagrammed in the blueprints!

    he can control everything from his ipad and his iphone, he will be so happy with the house we cant have. but in all seriousness that is awesome but i wonder if it will be technological, and everything will run on ios. lol

    In that case, the only thing a robber needs to do to get into the iHouse is jailbreak the security system :D

    happy birthday brother. happy birthday brother quotes
  • happy birthday brother quotes

  • beestigbeestje
    Apr 15, 03:20 PM
    yop, definitly fake..

    happy birthday brother. 20 Nov Happy Birthday Brother
  • 20 Nov Happy Birthday Brother

  • quentoncassidy
    Dec 10, 07:02 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    happy birthday brother. Happy birthday, Brother!
  • Happy birthday, Brother!

  • malim
    Apr 16, 07:32 AM
    I am just rotate the orientation of the third image and the view is different and you can see that the text and the logo is just in a perfect place and no distortion as being mentioned earlier.. this is due to the actual orientation and the camera lens that being use to capture it.. perspective create a distortion that sometimes our eyes can be dupe with...

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother Scraps
  • Happy Birthday Brother Scraps

  • MacRumors
    Sep 12, 07:17 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple's iTunes Music Store has gone down and has been replaced with a black screen with the simple words:

    It's Showtime

    The iTunes Store is being updated

    Apple is widely expected to deliver an iTunes Movie service today at their media event.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother Image
  • Happy Birthday Brother Image

  • jonnysods
    Apr 15, 04:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Suckaz. Closed system works best.

    happy birthday brother. happy birthday, rother. my favorite photograph of you, bro. happy 30th irthday. welcome to the club.
  • happy birthday, rother. my favorite photograph of you, bro. happy 30th irthday. welcome to the club.

  • Corndog5595
    Dec 10, 07:21 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    Then you get those times when you want to spawn near enemies, and you find yourself sprinting for 5 minutes just to get killed once you get to where you're going.

    happy birthday brother. happy birthday brother
  • happy birthday brother

  • Damnations!
    Apr 5, 04:45 PM
    I think Apple knew what they were doing. I think they may integrate this with Ping (worst thing ever), like 'PersonX likes the same music as you and also likes AdvertY' as some sort of viral marketing.

    They will get paid a lot of money by the advertisers using it and the advertisers will get valuable information back like how many people favourited certain ads gaining valuable information about the market and how to create better adverts.

    I still think it's a stupid idea, but whatever floats your boat.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother Wilfred
  • Happy Birthday Brother Wilfred

  • jessica.
    Apr 21, 01:37 PM
    Part of the issue is what defines "adequately voting"? The voting system on the front page is entirely subjective and- in my opinion- adds nothing to the appeal or disappeal of the story. Same for individual posts.
    Very true. At the same time I will read and form an opinion of the topic all on my own. I'm sure I'm not alone there, but then again I am sure many will take the popular vote route and just form their opinion based on that. Either way, a post that is good for you and me may not be good for others. I've had a fair share of PMs about my posts, both in support of and against. It is all subjective, as you say, and this rating system will be similar.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother :*
  • Happy Birthday Brother :*

  • peharri
    Sep 12, 07:50 AM
    You won't be if Apple are increasing the bitrate of audio tracks as part of the update. It's about time they did.

    Yeah, I'm sure he'll be delighted if his iPod suddenly has less capacity in exchange for a imperceptible improvement in quality. ;-)

    Now, a reduction in bitrate, as an option, might be good...

    happy birthday brother. happy birthday poems for
  • happy birthday poems for

  • Lollypop
    Sep 12, 01:08 AM
    I realize that, but there are more major studios that are not on that list owned by Disney than there are on the list. But maybe it will work out like the TV downloads have, as some have suggested, starting with just a few and adding more. The problem is, Apple does not currently dominate that market; there are other players right now that are equally strong with their video download services. It seems that the market seems to favor having a dominant player, like Windows for OS and iTMS for music downloads. This could leave the door open for Microsoft to dominate this market if Apple doesn't ramp up its selection quickly.

    The iTMS had competition when it started, and it still does... if apple makes it easy and cheap to do movies, like they did with music the will give their competitors a run for their money... also remember, when the iTMS started it didnt have anything else of offer, now its got a lot of music, videos, podcasts and and and... resulting in a lot of content, the movie library can start out small and grow.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday my Dearest
  • Happy Birthday my Dearest

  • Mr. DG
    Jan 9, 03:00 PM
    OK, i dont know if this is a problem, but the URL of the keynote itself happens to contain a spoiler. Could be an issue.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother
  • Happy Birthday Brother

  • dsnort
    Jul 24, 11:52 PM

    Wait for it, it's a nag strip, but sooo worth it.

    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.

    happy birthday brother. Happy Birthday Brother
  • Happy Birthday Brother

  • whiteyanderson
    Dec 15, 03:35 AM
    I'm a Verizon user and am dying for an iPhone but, AT&T just isn't reliable enough where I live (L.A.). AT&T worked fine for me in Texas when I had them but, as soon as I moved out here, there were too many dead spots and dropped calls. To be honest, I think all the carriers fundamentally suck in principle, I'm just forced to use the one that gives me reliable service.

    My question is if AT&T's exclusivity indeed DOESN'T expire until 2012, then what's the deal with the lack of AT&T iPhone commercials on TV these days? There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemd like every other TV commercial was AT&T whoring the iPhone. Now, it seems like I never see iPhone ads on TV and AT&T is touting every other phone EXCEPT the iPhone.

    happy birthday brother. Happy birthday, rother
  • Happy birthday, rother

  • steadysignal
    Apr 10, 06:59 PM
    I refuse to buy anything from Best Buy because of their ethics and practices.

    +1. been done with best buy for a long time. the markup on hdmi cables alone is enough to make me want to throw up in my mouth.


    May 3, 01:50 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Why read it if you are not interested?

    Apr 29, 03:05 PM
    Please make iOS more like OS X, not the other way around.

    The reason why I won't buy an ipad is because of iOS.

    You are in for a long time of not liking OSes of the future as everything is moving in the completely opposite direction.

    Oct 4, 08:29 AM
    But he is building this house in the US, which apparently defines "mansion" as 8,000 sq ft or more.

    Yep, and the average US 'car' looks more like a tank to the rest of the world.

    Define your own boundaries, and call them normal. Nice.

    Jan 9, 05:20 PM
    Use this link:
    Link (rtsp://a2047.v1413b.c1413.g.vq.akamaistream.net/5/2047/1413/1_h264_110/1a1a1ae656c632970267e04ebd3196c428970e7ce857b81c4aab1677e445aedc3fae1b4a7bafe013/8848125_1_110.mov)

    Full Link:

    Using the website I couldn't get in, but the link let me in...

    To bad I saw the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT before watching... oh well, hopefully there will be more announcements.


    Mar 24, 04:10 PM
    Wow, 10 years ago I didn't even have a computer yet... Those times were waaay different :D

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