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  • TheKrillr
    Aug 28, 04:14 PM
    this goes to show how behind apple is in updating.
    clearly they arent ready to adapt to an intel platform. the cant even make simple processor adjustments on time!
    all the major companies have made this transition.

    apple needs to stop being so secretive. they need to start acting like a real computer company, and let there customers know when upgrades are coming.
    i wouldnt be surprised if we didnt see these upgrades till october.. no.. january.

    this is ridiculous.

    /end rant

    On time? The other companies just announced, and are not actually shipping. Give apple time, I'm sure they'll be shipping before the others. :-)

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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 23, 05:59 PM
    That's quite a sum of money! A bit more than my Power Mac cost me, even with that extra RAM.

    It's seems to me that it's unlikely that the cost of litigation could have exceeded the cost of a settlement, so does that show that Apple expected to be found liable for patent infringement as charged?

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  • Mac-Addict
    Aug 31, 07:00 PM
    Yes i think i will sell my smelly PSP :) This post has been edited over 24 times due to smelling pistakes
    **Spelling mistakes

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  • scoobydoo99
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    Will be interesting to see Apple's response to this. I don't necessarily mind the data being collected for things like find my iPhone and forensics but I'd like it to be very well secured.

    Not sure what you are saying. You don't mind it being collected for forensics, yet you want it to be secured???

    Forensics is the collection of data/information for legal purposes. This often entails surreptitious surveillance or electronic eavesdropping. By definition, the forensic investigation of your personal activities will NOT be "secured." On the contrary, a forensic investigation will seek to either covertly or directly obtain every available piece of personal information stored about you. Whether you are accused of a crime or just being surveilled and whether you are guilty or innocent is irrelevant. The point is, the information is available for anyone to obtain.

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  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 02:31 AM
    Why are you so cold hearted?

    Why do you feel you are somehow better than everyone else?

    Why do you not feel you need to abide by society's laws and furthermore, why do you not have any sense of ethics or morals?

    I am especially shocked that you have these views after stating you have volunteered 2500 hrs (or over 100 continuous days) in the last 2 years...I would think that this experience would have you develop a sense of compassion, not make you more cold hearted...
    I volunteered only to further my college applications. I really couldn't give a crap about the people my work supposedly helped. All I care about is that it helped me.

    I don't view myself as cold hearted, I view myself as being a realist. This "let's be nice to everyone" crap has turned 95% of society into blithering retarded bleeding hearts. I only care about people who I can use to further myself, or those who have genuinely done something caring for me (family); otherwise you are completely expendable to me (take note anyone who works under me in a decade). I do not feel that society's rules apply to me, because I simply know that I am better than many of the people in society; the rules (including speed limits) are there for lesser folk. Look at our pop culture, it shows how stupid most are. What you call morally and ethically bankrupt, I call opportunistic and motivated.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 04:10 PM
    they are using the OS X API in the context it was meant to be used in. as far as i can tell these images aren't loaded into the iPhone application itself and are rather transmitted over-the-air as the application is being used, thus they are being called by the OS while the application is being run and are merely being displayed through the iPhone application, its like saying you can't see any apple trademark icons through a VPN client.

    Or like saying that if my app has a UIWebView, I have to prevent the user from navigating to lest he be subjected to seeing Apple's trademarked logos and pictures of Apple computers.

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  • FSUSem1noles
    Apr 22, 05:28 AM
    Great, another way to chew through our cellular data..

    I can see it now, after the release of this "cloud service" the cell companies are going to scream bloody murder "our networks can't handle all this data consumption on, we have to raise rates to upgrade our infrastructure, yada, yada.."

    Zooooooom, we the consumer get the shaft yet again!

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  • dextertangocci
    Sep 26, 09:44 AM
    Will it still work in South Africa???

    I hope so....

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  • MacintoshMan
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Nice! I can't wait, i've survived without having to buy the unibody design which I loath so much. The edges are too sharp, the keyboard was better on the old one, in efforts to keep it cool the laptop had to be underclocked. Also, for me as a traveler I often do allot of work on the road and I don't mind carrying extra battery, but with this design its impossible for me to swap out.

    Not to mention the unipad trackpad just isnt for me, in programs like photoshop you end up doing things on accident. But that's prolly going to stay so im going to be out of luck

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 16, 04:09 AM
    I got do a firmware upgrade and get on that X2 sales action. I just hope it will be fairly priced like the non X2's.

    Opps forgot to post the cnet review.

    Hrm...I don't trust cnet: looking at their comparisons I was struck by the XPS 700 with the X6800 being so much faster than the intel board testbed for the X6800. Then I saw what was going on....they skewed the results by using only half the RAM in the X6800.

    Of course considering how it performed despite this, i'm very glad we're using intel core :D

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 10, 09:37 AM
    I'd like to see merom in MBP

    I'd really like to see the conroe, and conroe replacement in a mid sized tower/media center.

    something bigger and better than the mac mini, more powerful than the imac. no integrated display. good upgradability and of course.... priced between the imac and tower. accounting for NO display included, ie about same price as imac. or even a little less.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 29, 09:33 AM
    There are two groups of Apple consumers:

    Group 1: The people who jumped on the Apple bandwagon in or after Y2K

    Group 2: The people who have been loyal Apple consumers prior to Y2K. I belong to this group.

    Prior to jumping on the bandwagon, many of the folks in Group 1 and the rest of the world made fun of the folks in Group 2. Group 2 people were often considered crazy cultists with a "sad fetish" for Apple (it took a certain type of individual to recognize the insane greatness of Apple products). Group 2 people were also considered stupid/misguided for sticking with Apple. Many of the people in Group 1 and the rest of the world most likely agreed with Michael Dell when he said Apple should close down.

    Fast forward to today. Apple now generates more revenues AND profits than Microsoft. This is an important milestone for the Group 2 folks for the simple reason that Apple has finally won the technology war. It may have lost the PC battle but Apple is now indisputably the technology innovation champion. And it became the champion WITHOUT any benefit of a monopolistic position that Microsoft had over the PC operating system for decades.

    When I hear comments from people dismissing the significance of Apple surpassing MSFT in profits, I know that these people belong to either Group 1 or are MSFT fanboys. They will never understand the blood, sweat, and tears that Apple and its cult members had to go through to reach this point.

    Congratulations, Apple, for reaching the pinnacle. Thanks for doing what you do best: making insanely great consumer technology.

    There is just so much wrong with 100% of your post. I can't even begin, nor will I spend time, contradicting every sentence.

    In short, there is no war between Apple and Microsoft...nor has been for decades. Also, you think Apple is not a monopoly? Apple makes the hardware, the OS, the apps, and Appstore, and APPROVES what apps consumers can purchase. No...that's not a monopoly. No, sir.

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  • markjerard
    Apr 4, 12:46 PM
    Me neither. I wonder if the suspects were armed...or at least how smashing glass doors escalated into gunfire.

    If you go back and read more carefully you will see that there were three burglars against one guard and 40 shots were exchanged.
    Three burglars shooting at one guard...I think that justifies the guard's action don't you?
    Fortunately the guard was a better shot than the theives this time.

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  • pengu
    Sep 18, 12:28 AM
    because the p910 when released was a $AU1300 phone. i dont want to be paying for that TWICE (no phone is free. u either pay up front or you pay in your monthly contract) if i change carrier. you dont get a new Mac because you change ISP, do you?

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  • emon878
    Mar 23, 06:51 PM
    Do a poll macrumors.... Us 6 want them pulled Now!!... the others not quoted want them to stay on the App Store for no real good or beneficial reason

    I'll give you a reason many people that use this are drivers who aren't drunk and just want to avoid the hassle. Like others have said if you are drunk enough this would be hard to use.

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  • mymacluvsme
    Aug 24, 03:56 AM
    Is this a one-time payment to include all future uses?

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  • cirus
    Apr 22, 08:54 PM
    An important detail is that one needs to add the graphics TDP to those Intel numbers, so there's still hope for some Llano goodness.

    uh... They already are included. The graphics processor is on the die and the TDP of the chip is for the CPU and the GPU. So do the Llano CPU.

    At least wikipedia it.

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  • chedda
    Apr 19, 12:47 PM
    Another crippling lawsuit?? This lawsuit is crippling Samsung? :rolleyes:

    Okay Vegasman crippling should be replaced by tickling i forgot about samsung heavy industries.

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 9, 10:01 AM
    With the decent graphics and these C2D's they make the iMac a formiddable machine. Alot of PowerMac's are going to be replaced by these new iMac's i feel. Probably Apple's most impressive, solid and reliable machine at the moment

    Unless Leopard is designed to make full use of the extra threads/cores available on the quad-core Mac Pro. Like that OS someone mentioned earlier in the thread that saw 60-70% performance gains when the cores were doubled.

    I think the Mac Pro is fairly safe as a workstation, but fewer people will use it as a simple desktop now that iMacs are so competitive.

    Sep 11, 09:37 PM
    Since we are on the eve of the announcement, I thought I'd give my 2 cents. :)

    I hoping for downloadable movies to own at either $9.99 or $14.99 and in high definition. It might be in 720P as a download service just can't compete with Netflix or walking to your friendly neighbourhood DVD rental store. And because the movies are in H.264, the download of HD movies should not take any more time than regular DVD, although if they released movies in 480P, it wouldn't be too bad, either, although with DRM and the time to download, doesn't make it competitive against DVD, plus you don't get the fancy packaging or the hard-disc copy.

    Sep 12, 02:29 PM
    I very much would like to have seen the prices remain the same and include an AC adapter again.

    Machead III
    Aug 31, 01:18 PM
    Let's face it, many people are already regularly downloading movies by nefarious means, and are perfectly happy waiting a couple of days to obtain a ~700mb file over the course of a few days.

    All Apple need to do is apply the same logic as they did to music, to movies. The situation is identical. People will pay for faster download times, previews, wider selections and peace of mind. You could easily get a movie into a good-enough-quality video file of around 800mb-1gb - sure, not VIDEO_TS quality, which is why they'd have to be a bit cheaper than retail DVDs. But it'd work, I know as a film maniac I'd use it pretty regularly.

    It may rely on a few extra things though. Let's say, a video iPod with a big capacity, maybe a new video file format (.avi is perfect but Apple obviously don't dig it) and IT HAS TO BE SAID bigger godamn hard drives in Apple portables.

    Even with a video iPod, a Movie Store is going to interest lappy users perhaps most of all, and the current 60gb standards in MacBook just doesn't cut it for ****.

    Oct 27, 10:06 AM
    And Greenpeace wonder why people don't take them very seriously.....

    Oct 12, 12:41 PM
    They might as well add a Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro too.
    Please CAN IT!

    CAN IT!

    My god we cant talk about anything on this board without the core 2 duo macbook/pro crew coming to mess up a thread THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LAPTOP UPDATES

    CAN IT!

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