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rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT-Master II Swiss ETA
  • Rolex GMT-Master II Swiss ETA

  • daneoni
    Dec 6, 07:53 AM
    what is the first software icon in the bar (download's/bandwith !!!!!)

    iStat menus if i were to hazard a guess.

    rolex gmt master ll. ROLEX GMT Master II
  • ROLEX GMT Master II

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 7, 01:37 PM
    Dang! I can't tell you how many billions of dollars I spent on these games as a yout. Ha. Now I could have them all for $15. But too late I guess. I downloaded Tempest for old times sake. It was my fav in the arcade. I don't know if its my age or the iPhone but just not that fun.

    rolex gmt master ll. gmt master 2 rolex
  • gmt master 2 rolex

  • NCW
    Aug 1, 03:31 PM
    what app are you all using to apply themes?

    rolex gmt master ll. FS: Rolex GMT Master II
  • FS: Rolex GMT Master II

  • Snowy_River
    Oct 31, 05:21 PM
    Yes, because the hardware manufactured decided to use "GB" for Gibibyte instead of gigabyte. But since all memory (hardrives, ram) are in base 2, 2^30 = 1GB is correct.

    Sorry, that's wrong. From Apple's website:

    1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less. Song capacity is based on 4 minutes per song and 128-Kbps AAC encoding; actual capacity varies by content.

    The "actual formatted capacity less" bit there is because computers read memory in 2^x formats, as you mentioned Gibibytes (GiB), Mebibytes (MiB), Kibibytes (KiB), etc., whereas manufactures spec memory (with the exception of RAM, I believe) in 10^x formats, or Gigabytes (GB), Megabytes (MB), Kilobytes (KB), etc. So, 1 GB=0.93 GiB. However, of course, most of the public doesn't understand GiB, so computers just report this as GB. So, finally, the "formatted" capacity of the 1 GB Shuffle, if you ask the Finder, is 0.931 GB, or 953.7 MB.


    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT Master II stainless
  • Rolex GMT Master II stainless

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 20, 07:47 PM
    Life meaning life imprisonment has to be one of the things that make US prisons much more dangerous than UK prisons.

    Oh ok, so now we're moving on from the death penalty, to life in prison, to "ok well maybe life in prison might be a bit too harsh as well". See how this goes? What a frickin joke.

    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT Master II ref 116718
  • Rolex GMT Master II ref 116718

  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 23, 10:02 AM
    I went on the internet, and I found this... he must be calibrating!

    I knew it! I knew it!!!

    It must be hard carrying all that brain on top of one's head! :D :apple:


    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT MasterII imitation
  • Rolex GMT MasterII imitation

  • scotty96LSC
    Feb 2, 06:50 PM
    this is awesome, what's the modification... luv the icon and bottom info display...
    Running geek tool to display computer and itunes info. Whole thread on that here (

    rolex gmt master ll. Green Arrow Rolex GMT 2
  • Green Arrow Rolex GMT 2

  • rtheb
    Apr 27, 12:57 PM
    Reading these posts it is obvious that Futurama hit the target...

    iPhone 4 Futurama (



    rolex gmt master ll. ROLEX GMT Master II GM-01
  • ROLEX GMT Master II GM-01

  • ann713
    Apr 4, 08:20 PM

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  • rolex gmt master 2 replica red

  • Vector
    Aug 13, 08:07 PM
    Very nice. I like the happy mac incorporation. The animation is nice, simple but clean.


    rolex gmt master ll. Perpetual GMT-Master II
  • Perpetual GMT-Master II

  • bobindashadows
    Jan 7, 08:56 PM

    no link yet. curious.

    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT-Master II Swiss ETA
  • Rolex GMT-Master II Swiss ETA

  • phungy
    Jan 10, 03:39 AM
    I enjoyed the iPhone speech until Steve invited the others to speak...thats when I closed Quicktime.


    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex: GMT Master II
  • Rolex: GMT Master II

  • lmalave
    Nov 21, 12:50 PM
    this conversation to me sounded more like we were talking about the iPhone2 or whatever needing NEW FEATURES to make it stand out from the crowd even more. i agree that the iPod interface would make the phone experience more familiar to a lot of people and the mp3 player portion much much better then all the mp3 phones out all ready, but its not something new that the other mp3 phones don't already do.

    does that make sense?

    Let me ask you this: besides the scroll wheel, what has Apple ever done on the iPod that is new? It was not the first mp3 player. It was not the first hard-drive based player. It was not the first player to offer photo browsing. It was not the first player to offer video playing. It was not the first player to offer games. Well, you get the idea.

    So the iPod has never been about offering different features. Rather, the iPod success story has been based on different things: 1) elegance/ease of use, 2) smaller/cooler design, 3) "hipness" factor.

    I don't see why Apple couldnt leverage all 3 of the above for the iPhone.

    1) Apple could make the iPhone easier to use than other phones. Nokia and SonyEricsson already have pretty decent user interfaces, but Apple could still top them. Again, it's a matter of degree and Apple tends to get the little details "right". Plus Apple's solution for synching with the computer will probably more seamless than with any other phone

    2) Apple has proven to be extremely adept at miniaturization. Ask yourself this: why hasn't someone made a 15.4" laptop that is 1" thin and weighs only 5.6 lbs like the MBP? Why is no other 30 GB or 80 GB MP3 player as thin and light as the iPods? With both its Macs and iPods, Apple has proven that one of its strenghts is putting consumer electronics in a tiny, appealing package. I expect the same from the iPhone.

    3) The Apple brand is still quite potent. If Moto could sell so many of their craptacular RAZR phones based on "coolness factors" alone and very other redeeming features, can you imagine what Apple and its marketing machine could do with the iPhone? The mind staggers.

    ...and that's why the numbers we're hearing through the grapevine are 10-15 million iPhones sold by the end of 2007 alone. I think those kind of numbers are pretty spot-on.

    rolex gmt master ll. ROLEX GMT MASTER II 14016

  • Santabean2000
    Apr 28, 01:20 AM
    I'm hoping for the new iMacs but I don't think so.

    minis, whitebooks, iMacs... come on Apple pull one out!


    rolex gmt master ll. ROLEX GMT MASTER II 14112

  • buyusfear
    Feb 1, 05:56 PM
    I was just wondering if you were going to post new snaps of your strings. Thx! :)

    THanks, glad you like

    rolex gmt master ll. say that the GMT Master II
  • say that the GMT Master II

  • felipur
    Mar 25, 07:34 PM
    Apple is going to (probably already has) develop its own map data. Map data is a strategic resource and is increasingly used for competitive advantage.

    At the moment, there are two leaders in high quality map data, Navteq and TeleAtlas. There are some smaller players with much lower quality and/or much more limited coverage but these two have mostly locked up the market for the last 10 years or more.

    Navteq is owned by Nokia. Before they were bought by Nokia, Navteq pretty freely licensed their map data (for a huge price) and owned the navigation device market. In the last few years, they have been cutting off access to any company that they see as competing with either Navteq or its parent company Nokia in areas they want to own.

    TeleAtlas is owned by TomTom. They are much more open to licensing their data but with the major restriction that their data can't be used for turn by turn navigation.

    Google was licensing TeleAtlas data until fall 2009. At that point, they had developed their own data set (by driving the roads) enough that they could use it in Android. A month later, Maps 2 came out with turn by turn directions because Google was no longer restricted in their map use. The quality of the maps was and still is lower than the TeleAtlas data but Google owns it.

    Google, too, is using its map data for its own competitive purposes. They won't license it for general use, only for use within Google products or add-ons.

    Apple needs map data and is either going to have to buy it or create it themselves. It's possible that Apple could buy TomTom. They're only a $2Billion market cap so it's quite doable. Other than that, there is no map data set that Apple can rely on having access to.

    Mapping and related applications is an area that has not really progressed much. Maps on a handheld are pretty similar to the printed maps of the last 500 years. Apple could do a lot with maps and it's encouraging to see signs that they are pursuing it.


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  • ROLEX 16710 GMT-MASTER ll M

  • mikethewxguy
    Apr 22, 11:28 AM

    Direct link:

    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT-Master II Series
  • Rolex GMT-Master II Series

  • jayducharme
    Apr 7, 12:11 PM
    This looks completely awesome. I'm glad the iCade became reality. Next up, hopefully: the long-rumored pinball table. Whoever said years ago that Apple products aren't good for gaming?

    rolex gmt master ll. Rolex GMT Master II 116718
  • Rolex GMT Master II 116718

  • geko29
    Apr 7, 08:51 AM
    w/ TRIM support I hope

    This isn't solid state storage, so TRIM is not even in the picture.

    The last quote I got for a 300GB SSD module for our SAN was $17,500 (after a 50% "discount" from list), about six months ago. So if we assume that the price has gone down a bit since then and Apple gets crazy volume discounts, let's assume they'd pay around $10k. Times 40,000 units, we'd be talking $400M just for the drives themselves, not counting the hot spares, enclosures, controllers, switches, licensing, and all the other ancillary stuff involved. We'd be somewhere between a half and three quarters of a billion dollars.

    Aug 15, 12:36 PM
    Originally posted by dukestreet
    Arn - is MacBookstore one of you sites?

    yes. one of his many lil' projects.

    Dec 6, 02:24 AM
    Now that would just be teasing to look at every day. :eek:

    she looks so beautiful in 1080p the freckles OH MY GAWD:eek::eek::eek::eek:

    franswa za
    Apr 13, 11:51 AM
    gullible people ............ wake up!

    how bored/stupid are you!?

    2012.......... yes.......



    Dec 24, 07:08 PM

    Some money to go towards the 2011 iPad and MacBook Pro.


    Apr 27, 08:16 PM
    Waste of bandwidth. Move on. :apple:

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