cadillac tattoo

cadillac tattoo. Shaq Superman tattoo
  • Shaq Superman tattoo

  • YsoSerious
    Mar 27, 03:44 AM
    Aloha everyone,

    I seriously don't understand how people can afford not to complain about the gas prices here in Hawaii. I buy all my gas on any one of the various military bases, as we always get cheaper gas than those gas stations outside. I normally get a gallon of premium lower than most outside gas stations sell their regular unleaded.

    Imagine my shock when just last week, it was over $4/gal here at Schofield Barracks (home of the US Army's 25th Infantry Division - Light). It was the same over at the Pearl Harbor-Hickam Combined Base (they merged, but I'm not sure that I got the name correct), although the off-base prices haven't risen quite as sharply, but they're still paying right around $3.96/gallon for regular unleaded gas.

    I mean, we're not even in the summer season yet, not that Hawaii actually has a summer season. I mean that, like in the US Mainland, we get raped at the pump during the "summer" season, for no other reason than the gas companies here can do it. I mean, what else can we do except bitch and complain? If we want to drive our cars, we have to buy the gas, right?

    Hey, a fellow Hawaii local. Gas here on Oahu North Shore is $4.20 Regular Unleaded. Monday it was .10 cents cheaper so it essentially raised 10 cents in 5 days. 2-3 weeks from now at the rate we're going with fuel prices, regular unleaded gas will reach the $5.00 mark.

    cadillac tattoo. Mexico City Tattoo Convention
  • Mexico City Tattoo Convention

  • MacMyDay
    Apr 17, 05:08 AM
    What people don't appreciate with Apple's terms is that they are there as a legal document to protect Apple. It is absolutely impossible for them to define every single situation where they would or would not approve an app, and the fact that they've admitted they made a mistake and are willing to accept this application again is only a good thing. Why people are turning around and complaining about this is quite surreal, as if you truly wanted Apple to make it crystal clear and avoid any issues, they'd be no point them having any department at all to reassess any apps and this wouldn't even be a topic.

    In my companies own terms, we have to rules are unlikely to ever occur or just protecting us - but as with most companies, we're flexible enough to change them if a situation comes up. Is that now suddenly a sign of weakness? It's like in politics: if you refuse to change your mind, you're stubborn and difficult, and if you're willing to budge you're weak. You just can't win, but you'll never win when these discussions are read by people who see the first 10 replies all think the said company (regardless of who it is, cos I see it all the time with Microsoft who get painted a horribly bad picture, which I too disagree with) and are saying how awful they are.

    cadillac tattoo. Cadillac Rockabilly Tattoo
  • Cadillac Rockabilly Tattoo

  • Rapscallion
    May 5, 03:53 PM
    This is basically what apple uses

    cadillac tattoo. always wanted a tattoo of
  • always wanted a tattoo of

  • bugout
    Nov 26, 01:24 PM
    well.. I was a sucker hoping for an authentic kit. My wife really wanted a white iphone, and I bought this kit to convert a regular one as an x-mas gift.

    Apple has nothing to worry about. These pieces are not from Apple.. they're friggin plastic. Filing a dispute with paypal and my CC now.


    cadillac tattoo. So where is Mariah#39;s tattoo?
  • So where is Mariah#39;s tattoo?

  • bildio
    Apr 17, 06:10 AM
    I installed Windows 7 with Bootcamp.

    Except for the initial installation steps, with reboots, Windows 7 does not shut down completely. I see the "Shutting down ...: message. Not sure if it will eventually shutdown or if there is a problem. If the latter, what's the fix?

    Other than this, Windows 7 seems to be working okay.

    cadillac tattoo. Cadillac Logo Tattoo.
  • Cadillac Logo Tattoo.

  • koruki
    Apr 5, 05:45 PM
    Oh Snap! I just got normalised :(


    cadillac tattoo. Tattoos have been used to show
  • Tattoos have been used to show

  • WillEH
    Apr 27, 07:42 PM
    I asked this because I am new to politics and want to learn more about it. When people answer this question most of the time they have reasons to back it up like things the candidate has done in the past. I am just trying to learn more about politics is all. And it starts a good thread full of information for me to read.

    cadillac tattoo. The book chronicles the tattoo
  • The book chronicles the tattoo

  • tvguy
    Mar 2, 12:15 PM
    for a small sum of a $1billion usd, i volunteer to watch over the innocent children and their purchases. I will smack their little fingers with a a bamboo cane. Suddenly this reminds me of that south park episode where they started smacking "add" kids. "sit down and study." i think parents need to get caned then schooled into using parental controls



    cadillac tattoo. tattoo on lilly or billy
  • tattoo on lilly or billy

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 10, 08:29 PM
    I think I am going to do the University Park store since I have never been there and I have been to the Knox street store a lot.

    Probably get there around 1pm tomorrow hopefully the line won't be too bad.

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  • Tattoos On Travis Barker

  • crees!
    Sep 29, 01:34 PM
    And installed!

    No issues the first 30 secs.... :D

    Thanks for being the sole brave soul.


    cadillac tattoo. iamp;#8217;m getting a tattoo of
  • iamp;#8217;m getting a tattoo of

  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 12, 08:06 AM
    winclone hasn't been updated in a while but could still work for you.

    however, also have a look @ Casper (

    I know about the WinClone part, but how would one run Casper when restoring the Windows partition?

    It says the following on its website:

    Casper provides a near-instant recovery capability by creating a fully bootable backup of a Windows system drive, including a backup that can boot and run directly from an external USB drive�.

    � Requires computer with BIOS support for booting from USB hard disk drive (USB-HDD) devices. Not all computers support booting and running from USB hard disk drive type devices.

    Does that mean, a backup via those means could be booted from an external HDD connected to a Mac?

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  • quot;Cadillac tattoo twins pitcher / pimped out cadillac stsquot;

  • Miharu
    Jul 24, 12:16 PM
    Well, I fell for it and bought this baby. It feels pretty nice, it's not my first XO per se (I had one borrowed for 6 months before from a friend) but it's nice to finally have my own and I can start buying a bigger game library.

    I'll make it a habit to install games now since it has a big enough hard drive, and it makes a lot less noise when no disc is spinning. It's totally not "whisper-quiet" like they claimed in E3 but it's noticeably quieter than the older one. The fan speed rises periodically the longer you have it turned on, after 2-3 hours of gaming it sounded much closer to the old one. Did you notice the new smaller power brick actually has a fan now? That's what's making most of the sound :/

    So far I'm playing RDR and trying to finish some older titles like Oblivion and Fable 2. Got any suggestions? I'm looking at Mass Effect 2.


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  • Aviator Tattoos In Flight

  • twoodcc
    May 3, 08:43 PM
    I just joined anonymously, but I used the MacRumors team number.

    thanks for joining our team! any reason you didn't want to choose your own username?

    cadillac tattoo. Click on photo to enlarge
  • Click on photo to enlarge

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 3, 03:13 PM
    ^^ Interesting literal interpretation of the topic. The couple are so alike and different at the same time. Looks good from the hight point of view.



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  • dj pauly Cadillac loving

  • Vantage Point
    Mar 19, 05:49 PM
    Tiny discounts like that are why people will buy from places like Amazon since even if the price is identical they save much more on the sales tax.

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  • tattoo pictures. cadillac

  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 09:36 AM
    Why? Everyone needs to be taking cuts including PPH. I am a Democrat, however I know if it were not for the Republicans controlling the House right now the talk would be of increasing spending instead of cutting spending.

    I think everyone can agree that we need to get spending under control and every department and entitlement program should be looked at and take cuts if necessary. What I would really like to see is an across the board 10% cut if I had it my way. That won't get rid of the deficit, but it would help.

    They are not looking to cut funding for PP, they are looking to eliminate funding.

    This is all a circle jerk. They are arguing over less than 1% of the budget. We are 6 months into the budget year already. Can you imagine what the 2012 budget negotiations will be like?


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  • tattoos on penis

  • mcrain
    Apr 5, 03:56 PM
    You are completely, either willfully or not, ignorant of the situation in Wisconsin.

    Remember, they had a surplus until their Governor decided to give big business a tax cut almost identical to the "Deficit" they're not facing. :mad:

    Don't forget that the Union stripping bill that somehow is going to help with the fake deficit was passed only because it wasn't a revenue related bill.

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  • Tattooed millioniares-Brand

  • CyberPrey
    Sep 19, 07:25 PM
    i have the exact same problem, i can't get update to work, i unplugged all the usb and firewire cables etc. nothing, beeeeep, reboot, grey screen, apple and circle for normal boot... frustration.

    i'm running startup disk in sriped raid, can this influence the update?

    I have the same problem... can't update...

    3 disk striped array for mac OS
    system came with a 7300Gt, but I got my upgrade to the X1900XT...

    I can't think of anything I have done personally to cause the update to fail...

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  • cadillac at cadillac And

  • mccoma
    Sep 27, 01:42 AM
    gotta love Wired's stellar reporting and fact checking. I swear, page hit advertising is going to be the end of good journalism.

    Feb 24, 12:43 AM
    The company also offers parental controls built into iOS that allow adults to completely disable in app purchasing, although many casual users may be unaware of the option's existence.

    RTFM. This is a personal issue and something that doesn't require government involvement. Why should Apple have to re-work the system to account for parents who raise greedy spoiled children?

    Oct 10, 07:51 AM
    I doubt very much Macbook is getting updates at the same time Pro Models do. Thats not how Apple operates. First the pro models will be updated then that tech will show up months later in Macbook with some crippling like in the Gpu.

    Actually, it wouldn't be the first time if Apple decides to update the MacBook and MacBook Pro together. They have done a full update with laptops before, though I will agree that I remember it being not too common.

    Dec 18, 08:51 AM
    God i hope RATM get number 1, i cant see it, i've just got a feeling that X Factor will win :mad::eek:

    Jan 6, 05:00 PM
    Yay another push app to drain that 1200mAh

    Sep 1, 06:45 AM
    Apple did the same thing with the DTK hardware... they released a "Software Update" version, with a letter revision to the same build #'s, and it was to enforce security and/or entrap those running the 10.4 Intel build on non-Apple P4 hardware. Get it? Apple Software Update connects to Apple servers, so they know exactly to whom/what/where their "update" is being sent and installed.... then they cross-reference those IP's against logs of ADC member logins (and this is only necessary when assuming the user submitted false info during the Leopard registration, instead of their real name/address). IP match? Boom! Gotcha.

    Maybe they just want to see how many of those IP's belong to Microsoft's net. :rolleyes:

    ...unless you have a dynamic IP

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