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  • Fredstar
    Apr 3, 07:45 AM
    Pages is exactly what Apple wanted it to be, a Word processing application with style. Unfortunately style is more dominant than productivity, which is a shame. It can be very slow and choppy at times and clearly needs a lot of work on Apple's front. The templates are cool and you can make some great looking brochure and leaflets but for raw word processing it is poor imo.

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  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:13 PM
    work group manager and x-grid manager

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  • biggrim
    Jan 7, 02:45 AM
    Try going to settings->application settings
    Once the page loads, go to the drop down box and select "allowed to post"
    Find farmville and click edit settings and you can change it there.

    Also, on the news page you can go and click the hide next to any farmville news, then you can select Hide Farmville. This will prevent it from showing up in the news feed.

    Thank you so much for that. Hopefully it'll block it on my iPhone too.

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  • zelmo
    Sep 17, 04:23 AM
    Is that a nano in your pocket or are you just not very thrilled to see me?


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  • Squonk
    Nov 14, 11:50 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    Buying a movie or music while in-flight would be very cool!

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  • MontyZ
    Jun 1, 10:15 PM
    I first thought this whole Folding thing had to do with laundry.


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  • e12a
    Nov 21, 06:23 PM
    Wow! what a great concept.

    Pretty much like some hybrid cars getting power from when they brake.

    The fact that it generates its own electricity, yes, but the same principle no. For light to normal braking the electric motor can act as a power generator, harnessing the kinetic energy of the moving wheels. Brake pads are not involved. Its called progressive braking. Brake pads come into play when you brake hard.

    too bad that's not really anything that laptops can do..unless we can attach a generator to the hard drive and use it to charge the battery when it spins down.

    it's an interesting concept to use heat..i wonder how they will do it. No steam engine here.

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 12, 02:54 PM
    But at the other extreme, I'm sure we all agree it is entirely unacceptable to deny somebody a job, say, because of their ethnicity. This would be ultimately harming them for it; and when we harm others by practising our opinions against them, we breach a fundamental tenet of Western society.

    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)


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  • GSMiller
    Jun 17, 02:17 PM
    The Xbox 360-2 looks a lot better than the new PS3, although I would rather it have a matte finish so as not to show fingerprints or dust as easily. That being said, the Xbox 360 should have came with wi-fi built in from the get go and not been an add on $80 option. I moved my Elite from the living room to my bedroom just so I could connect it to my AEBS and not have to spend a pretty penny doing it.

    "...Priced at $299 (same as the current "Elite", so expect price drops on the older ones)..."

    Probably not...Remember how Sony didn't lower the sale price of the original PS3 when the refreshed model came out--even though it was higher?

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  • Mainsail
    Mar 24, 08:42 PM
    Wow! great deal. All out of the 16gb at my local store. Congrats to those that got one. For those lucky buyers, $300 over a two year useful life is about 40 cents per day, or one quarter of the cost of the cheapest cup of starbucks coffee. Not bad for a device that you will probably use about an hour a day.....or maybe more.


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  • -Jeff
    Oct 26, 01:47 PM
    I think this is a special case. This appears to be a "lite" version of Adobe Audition, which Adobe bought from Syntrillium Software (Syntrillium called it Cool Edit Pro).

    Cool Edit Pro was built from the ground up for the Intel architecture. At that time, Intel Macs didn't exist. Since there was no pre-existing PPC compatible version, they have decided not to create one.

    Don't worry too much. New Mac applications and updates for applications that already have PPC versions will probably be released as Universal Binaries for years to come.

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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 23, 12:43 AM
    Trump is basically the male version of Palin, so I don't want him anywhere near the whitehouse. He's way too far to the right, and I'm pretty sure he would totally mess up the country if he somehow was elected.

    Then how do you feel about our current president?


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  • AP_piano295
    May 6, 09:52 PM
    Lack of education and poverty don't cause terrorism, at least in the case of Islamic terrorists:

    No, jihad is one of the central tenets of islam; Allah's religion must be made supreme on the planet. Hence why Osama and others are referred to by muslims as mujahideen, holy warriors, as opposed to terrorists.

    The qur'an (numerous times) tells muslims to strike terror into the hearts of unbelievers, muhammad said he was made victorious through terror.

    So, islamic terrorism will still go on until the entire earth is made islamic. These are facts, alas.

    That article contradicts itself in the title...

    may not reduce terrorism but could make it less effective :rolleyes:

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  • KingYaba
    Mar 15, 06:13 PM
    Most of the foods I buy are domestically grown. I always look for the oranges from Southern Texas because those taste the best.


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  • chrismacguy
    Apr 18, 02:43 PM
    I would say around $50, since it has the original box. Collectors like those original boxes.

    I'd say $50 is a maximum, since most of us collectors already have them (I got mine for Free, and I see them got for $25-$50, even as new)

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  • stubeeef
    May 27, 07:40 PM
    I am running the Award Winning folding widget on 10.3.9 using amnesty.


    you can find your user number in the panel to the left of your profile, above user summary. In my case the number is 125107.


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  • Dreadnought
    Jun 1, 04:54 PM
    It works fine with glencox. Very strange, but in a couple of days Issmit should be passing me, so if it is something the widget it should happen again (at least with my widget). I'll let you know.

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 27, 10:57 PM
    It's easier to play when holding, but you can only shift it about a half an inch or so before images split. There's zones of 3D, so middle, off the left a bit, and so on.

    I was playing with the AR Cards, which is actually really cool, but since it realies on moving in real 3D space, I encountered some image splitting and jerkiness as I moved around the card. BUT, it was still fun and really impressive. They grabbed the wooden table my card was on and made it part of the game's 3D environment. So the table would warp in 3D. I shot at this 3D dragon that popped out of a lava pit with real time deformations.

    Anyways, so far I like this thing. It screens are a definite improvement and the bottom touch screen feels more accurate than my DS.

    BRING ON ZELDA NOW!!! That's really why I bought this. :D There's a static image of it in the Operation Manual...

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  • Kendo
    Apr 20, 09:43 AM
    To those waiting for the next MacBook Air, if the refresh includes Sandy Bridge and a backlit keyboard however has Intel HD Graphics 3000 as the GPU, will you simply pick up this generation's unit at a discount or opt for the refresh?

    There are arguments that Sandy Bridge won't be noticeable in actual day to day activities like browsing the web and watching HD movies however it is argued that the graphics will take a big hit, especially when looking at the 13" MacBook Pros.

    Dec 9, 05:40 PM
    Well, I'd like to get my hands on a DS, but cash is a bit tight. I'm hoping someone would be interested a trade for (or buy outright) a nice, older, PC.

    - P3-1ghz,
    - 256mb RAM,
    - 10gb HDD (I can most likely dig up another 10-20gb HDD to add),
    - CD-ROM (I have a CD-RW drive of unknown speed/quality I can include as well),
    - NVidia TNT2 GPU,
    - network card, modem, keyboard, mouse.
    - I have a 19" CRT that I haven't used in awhile for someone local (in the Lansing, MI area).
    - Has Win98, Office 97, and some other software if you want it (Visual -Basic, some older PC games), with licenses of course.
    - Could also install pretty much any Linux variant for ya, if you wanted. I have Ubuntu on there right now.
    - I would be happy to include a joystick (uses the old fashioned "game port") and/or a USB gamepad.

    Figured it was worth a shot. :) Anyone who would be interested in CDs, VHS tapes, comic books (decent collection, including the full Superman Doomsday series), or some Star Wars "memorabilia" (toys still in packaging from the mid-90's re-release of the first 3 movies) in trade should PM for a list of those things as well!

    Nov 14, 01:05 PM
    (By the way, I always remember the third line as "Take one down, pass it around.")

    We used to alternate verses. You know, to break up the monotony of it. HA! :D

    Mar 23, 01:54 PM
    I thought other players were also offering such technology... Hows airplay any different ? :cool:

    Unless they want to copyright the term "AirPlay"

    The difference is Apple get's $4 per device and the manufacturer has a widespread of devices that people already have ready to use with it.

    I say it's a win/win

    Blue Velvet
    Feb 12, 07:37 PM
    Ouch!! I don't have a Mac yet - have tried right mouse clicking it, but no options come up?

    Ummm... Control-I?
    Yikes, it's a PC...

    Better... in the File menu with the album selected, halfway down, 'Get Info'

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 27, 06:02 AM
    Trump, the Strip (part 1):

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