love poems in urdu language

love poems in urdu language. | Urdu Poetry
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  • andyone
    Nov 19, 03:25 PM
    Unauthorized selling of premium products is called "diversion" in the industry.

    And I thought it was called "competition"...

    I don't know about the US, but in Germany it is illegal for a manufacturer to demand a minimum resale price or to sanction resellers for their pricing.

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  • Socratic
    May 3, 02:58 AM
    The question asked of heterosexuals =/= asked gay and bisexual men. The risk factor for straight people is risky sex, the risk factor asked for gay men is not risky sex, but sex at all - even once. Its not the same thing. If there was no bigotry behind the question it would be raised this way to all, no matter what orientation "have you had unprotected sex with more than one partner in the last 5 years, if yes have you been tested for HIV?"

    I don't buy it for all the reasons previously given. If it was not a medical issue why is it such a common rule across so many western countries? And why does it not apply to gay women?

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  • This poem or Ghazal Is one of

  • Mord
    Sep 24, 07:13 PM
    i dont get parents that dont want their kids to have sex... just does not compute, your son is 18 he can do what he wants.

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  • Skika
    Feb 1, 10:46 AM
    iOS Fabric :D


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  • lhawkins
    Jul 26, 09:40 PM
    The problem with that is that without a real HDMI connector HD-DVD or Blue-Ray commercial disks will downsample the video due to the DRM restrictions. You have to have an actual HDMI connector on both ends and they have to support HDCP to get a fully digital, full resolution image on any monitor/HDTV.


    HDMI ( is a video/audio output standard that combines DVI video and optical out audio.
    Sound familiar?
    Yes, the MacBook Pro has both DVI out and optical audio out ports. Use a DVI to HDMI cable and a optical audio cable, and there is no need to have a dedicated HDMI output. In fact, as the MacBook Pro has a dual-link DVI port, it has the ability to power more than 1080p. Combine this with the included Apple Remote for Front Row, and you have yourself a (somewhat expensive) media center (with an unnecessary screen?;) ).


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  • ghall
    Aug 7, 11:23 PM
    Here we go.


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  • Urdu poetry, love poems

  • rugby
    Sep 4, 02:15 PM
    I was browsing's monitor section looking for reviews of Apple's 17" lcd screen and I found this. Hmmm.....

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  • jwesty5
    Nov 19, 12:35 PM
    I think many people are missing the boat on Steve Jobs alleged statement. Saying TJ Maxx is "not an authorized reseller" is just stating a fact. It's not as if Apple even cares that TJ Maxx is doing this. In fact Jobs is probably happy at the fact that the iPad is getting yet more publicity at his competitors expense and spending $0 while doing so.


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  • idesign245
    Oct 3, 01:18 PM
    was bored so I decided to design myself a new desktop and hard drive icon for fall...

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  • fireshot91
    Sep 22, 03:05 PM
    I'm not as much of a fan of them as everybody else that likes them, but I mean, I still listen to them every-so-often.

    My friend likes them a lot though, and I can basically name off part of his iTunes for you if you'd like other stuff he likes:

    Porcupine Tree
    System of a Down
    Arctic Monkeys
    The Killers
    Kings of Leon
    Linkin Park
    Green Day

    Okay, I'm tired of listing/remembering.


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  • Saturdays
    Nov 20, 12:00 AM
    If it works and is $100 cheaper and has the warranty. Then I can care less on the consumer end.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 15, 05:22 PM
    I wonder if there will be a critical point where enough states get rid of it so the rest follow?

    I don't think so, at least not in the forseeable future. Some states will probably keep the death penalty for many, many years. Also, the federal government still uses the death penalty in certain cases, though only three people have been excecuted by the federal government since the '60s. The US military also have captial punisment on the books, though again they have not executed anyone for over 40 years.

    It's interesting to note that Michigan is the only state that constitutionally forbids the death penalty - all other death penalty bans are statutory.


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  • mpossoff
    Feb 10, 08:47 AM
    As my previous noted, call ATT to make the change until they fix the website process...go to your online account and you'll see the + delineation beside A-List Nation 700 as my attachment shows as of today.

    Says feature removed from account?

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  • sad love quotes hindi.

  • ChrisA
    Nov 19, 09:10 PM
    There are no print ads. Thus its extremely difficult to accuse someone of bait and switch. Sites like macrumors and slickdeals are doing all of TJ Maxx's advertising for them. Brilliant.

    Yes some marketing guy at TJ gets a few coworkers to go to the local Apple store (Or maybe Walmart) and they buy 100 iPads and sell them at a $10,000 loss. They get more advertizing that way them paying $10K to an ad company. This gimmick is dirt cheap, cheaper then just one newspaper ad.


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  • rdowns
    Mar 23, 04:48 PM
    Bertrand's accent is really funny.... I remember him saying: Snaw Lepawd... Also, wasn't he one of the CEOs of BE, Inc??

    He helped found Be, right? I do know he was responsible for not allowing G5's to run Snaw Lepawd.

    Uh, no.�e

    Jean-Louis Gass�e (born March 1944 in Paris, France) is a former executive at Apple Computer, where worked from 1981 to 1990. He is most famous for founding Be Inc., creators of the BeOS computer operating system. After leaving Be, he became Chairman of PalmSource, Inc. in November, 2004.

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  • Keebler
    Dec 7, 03:38 PM
    I agree 100% with both of your posts. It still bothers me that compressor is the only application that can make full use of both my Mac Pro�s CPUs.

    And I really hate the look of low bitrate AVCHD but we have to work with it nonetheless.

    rowlander, you can get compressor to work with more than 1/9th of a core?
    That sarcasm is directed at compressor and not at you.

    I WISH i could get compressor to work. Oh, sorry....I should clarify, to work beyond 1 frickin' file! If i start a batch, the only thing I'm not sure of is which error I'll get - it's usually 1 of 2.

    Yet, I can use Innobits, Bitvice to compress MPEG2 files for DVD (and the ac3s) and well, wouldn't you know, this fine 3rd party apps makes all my cores jump with excitement without me even praying to get on my knees and cry for help :)

    I'm a pretty laid back guy, but man compressor just busts my kahonies. Heck, I even emailed Mr. Jobs about it (although nothing back).

    And don't even get me started on having to export to QT first. I do not even come close to understanding the logic behind that considering it's their own software!

    BUT, compressor is stopping me from upgrading to an 8core so no more money for Apple in that case. No sense spending a few grand on a machine whose potential won't even come close to being tapped.

    I don't drink, but feel like I should have one right now.

    ugh :)


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  • Poetry should be in urdu

  • RaZaK
    Nov 11, 04:33 PM
    Here's to hoping it releases before May....when i graduate. :D

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  • Apple 26.2
    Apr 16, 10:20 PM
    Thanks so much for making another thread buddy.

    Gotta up the post count some how!

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  • j33pd0g
    Aug 16, 05:27 PM
    My jeep... my guitar... and an aiff file.

    Feb 7, 12:34 PM

    Sweet shot; your own?

    Apr 7, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Awesome. Some might be Coleco exclusives, but I'd probably buy these if available:

    Burger Time
    Keystone Kapers
    Mouse Trap
    River Raid
    Empire Strikes Back
    Kool-Aid Man (lamest game i can remember, but so funny)
    Donkey Kong Jr
    Bumper Jumper
    Yar's Revenge
    Missile Command

    Oct 11, 02:14 PM
    switched it up a bit... my design.

    Apr 11, 12:22 PM
    I feel all MacBooky :D

    Any links to this wallpaper? Love it.

    Apr 4, 11:00 AM
    they'll let people upgrade at the subsidized iphone price (with a new 2-yr deal) because they'll see a mass exodus of subs if they don't.

    it will all work out.

    there was supposed to be a mass exodus when the Verizon iPhone was reeased as well/ It was not as many as the analysts expected. I doubt there will be a mass exodus for this either becasue the majority of people are sheep. They might get mad for a moment, but eventually they will justify staying and that will be it. Making a stand is hard, conforming is easy.

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