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  • leekohler
    Mar 4, 12:20 PM
    Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source: To quote the site:

    Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
    Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.

    I spewed no lies. You really think $50,000 is a lot of money? I don't- not for people who are educating our children.

    I work in advertising as well and make less. I haven't had a raise in 6 years. You know what that tells me? That we need a union too, not the opposite. Companies sit there and say there's no money for raises, and then show you the financials for the year and say, "Look how great we're doing! Profits are up!" But why should I care? I don't see any of it, neither do you.

    Yes, I absolutely really think so. The problem is that if (as I suspect) you only get your news from left-leaning organizations you're only getting half of the truth. Based on what I see, it's still the right that is more energized, it's still the right that is excited to vote in 2012, because deep down everyone realizes that these protesters are protesting for petty reasons. They don't care about the kids, the schools, the state, the budget, the economy... they just don't want THEIRS to be taken away. I've seen several polls which report exactly the opposite regarding public opinion on the unions... it's all in how you phrase the question.

    IMHO, unless there's a MAJOR uptick in the economy and some MAJOR concessions made on the left regarding reducing the deficit, they don't stand a chance to win seats in 2012. Still a chance for the White House? Yes, but he probably won't be favored at that point if significant improvesments are seen in every day Americans' lives.

    Amazing world you live in. Like I said, please keep it up. Keep taking things away from workers. See what happens.

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  • JAT
    May 3, 11:50 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that, but I think I have to agree with you. I mean I own the iPad 1 now and love it, but I'd love it even more if I could write on it with a pen. It would be amazing for taking notes. I can't take notes by typing on the thing, I still have to bring a notebook (as in an actual notebook, made of paper lol) or my MacBook.
    Uh, there are pens that work on these. The Apple Stores use them on their Touches for signatures and whatnot. I have a family member who takes perfect notes on her iPad by typing. Maybe you need more practice. She found the MBP too noisy, but the iPad she loves for notes, faster than paper.
    Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.
    I think your problem is that you apparently only have 2 uses for a piece of electronics. So no, probably not a product for you.

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  • hulugu
    Apr 26, 03:40 AM
    Exactly, I agree one hundred percent.

    The legal liability in letting or encouraging employees of any company to step in and break up a disturbance like the above would be incalculable.

    However, regardless of corporate policy, had/ if something like the above happened in my workplace, I would have stepped in regardless of policy.

    It's depressing how corporate policies created out of fear of liability, have made it easier to be a gutless wonder than a participant in a civil society.

    Of course the employees should have jumped in and stopped the fight, but I agree that McDonalds cannot be held liable for their employee's failure to be decent human beings.

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  • 4np
    Nov 17, 06:15 AM
    The laptops are hot enough right now; AMD's tend to run even hotter so I hope this rumor is fake :S

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  • creator2456
    Apr 10, 12:36 AM
    Can you report your speeds with that whenever you get it running?

    I shall try to remember, but won't have it until Wed., won't have connection until the Monday after.

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  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 01:24 PM
    could you link me on how to get the government discount? my dad works for the post office and that is federal government...could somoene tell me how to get this discount? thanks

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 05:06 AM
    As stupid as they are, probably not. They're happy with having the most market share, why should they bother changing anything?

    That's understandable.

    But, when it's as easy to get a virus as downloading a banner ad from a website that you visit ( sometimes even legitimate ones) using IE with ActiveX enabled, then *maybe* a stronger security model is called for.

    These days, if you're running Windows and don't have at least a good antivirus, antispyware and (can't hurt) firewall, you're almost assured of getting infected somehow. I see it all the time at work - we have people coming in paying hundreds to have us remove viruses and to install a new antivirus program, because they didn't know the old one expired.

    MS has done a lot in the security department; much more than Apple has ever done in the last years. But yes, Windows needed it; Mac OS didn't.

    The extent to which viruses appear on windows has decreased but yeah, there are still a lot of viruses and one can easily be caught up in that situation.

    If Microsoft was smart, they'd even *consider* doing this - I hate to say it, but look at Mac users - even though we're not immune to potential viruses in the future, how long has OS X been around, and how much malware is out there to infect it? Maybe 5-10 programs? UNIX just has that stronger security model...

    I don't think its about malware/viruses.

    Mac OS X provides all the features one needs (as a pro and as a consumer - not all though). UNIX is one of the biggest advantages of Mac OS X. Back in the day, the nerd crowd went apple mainly because of Mac OS X's UNIX capabilities. The times have changed though. But I think if Windows 8 comes out as a UNIX compliant, its going to be tough for Apple to reside in the pro-nerd market.

    That doesn't mean apple is going to lose marketshare. But that kind of competition is going to be a major setback to apple in reference to how 'expensive' the mac machines are.

    That said, and again, times have changed. Apple charges for the complete ecosystem rather than machine by machine OR software by software costs.

    I wish windows goes UNIX to attain dead heat with Mac OS X.
    I'll be the first one to jump and get a windows laptop (won't leave my macintosh though, ever ;)).

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  • linked.account
    Apr 29, 04:28 PM
    Please also replace those crappy black white icons with colored ones.What is wrong with colors? Is lion color-alergic??

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  • ct-scan
    Oct 3, 01:09 PM
    iPhone will come out before X'mas.

    Xmas 2007 maybe :rolleyes:

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 07:44 AM
    I just opened iTunes and it ask me if I wanted to update...What version did you have - and what version did you get?

    I just restarted my 6.0.5 without getting any such message...

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 03:00 AM
    That's what's driving me mad at the moment.
    I forgot one other thing, which is also driving me mad... the foot steps. For some reason, Treyarch decided to take basically all sound of footsteps out of the game. That makes "Ninja" a worthless perk now, as you don't need it to be silent. But, it also makes it much easier to get ridiculously stabbed in the back.

    I've heard that foot steps, along with the spawn issues, are a couple of the main things being fixed in the first patch/update. I really hope so. The fact that they made it into the final release like this is mind-boggling, so a fix is the least they can do.

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  • iMeowbot
    Oct 28, 04:59 PM
    Didn't the Open Darwin project get shut down a few months back already?
    Yes, that project closed down, but OpenDarwin, and the associated Web site, and the decision to give up, were all independent of Apple.

    I don't like the concept of Apple loosing its open kernel due to someone reading between the lines on what is legal and what is right. Thats sad.

    This is really the same thing that was being done by the earlier project. The claim from Apple all this time has been that Darwin (but not the higher level OS X stuff) is open source; this is supposed to be happening.

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  • bushido
    May 4, 08:25 AM
    lol at those "u signed the contract" blablabla, its not like u have a choice, it should be left out from the damn contract u sign from begin with just like here in germany :D

    vodka wallpaper. I#39;d imagine there are many like me that would rather not use Apple hardware but would gladly buy OS X to run on their computers. vodka wallpaper.
  • I#39;d imagine there are many like me that would rather not use Apple hardware but would gladly buy OS X to run on their computers. vodka wallpaper.

  • Benjy91
    May 3, 01:55 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Because now they're doing this, it's only a matter of time before they turn their heads to iOS?

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  • err404
    May 2, 11:36 AM
    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out.
    Apple has been open about collecting location data. However that does does not come from consolidated.db. The database that everyone is talking about is data sent FROM Apple TO your phone. Why would Apple collect the data that they sent to you?

    The issue is that if your phone is compromised by a third party, this DB could be used to infer information about your location (you location is not directly stored in the DB). The changes being made reduce this risk by shortening the cache and encrypting the data.

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  • DoFoT9
    Jul 30, 10:35 PM
    yeah i wish they had gpu folding for mac os x. but really, there aren't that many mac video cards

    i know! it cant be that hard to write some support for it can it? just support some of the later ones even.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 16, 04:53 PM
    Hardly. Do look up "affront" in a dictionary.

    Sure it is. I find your particular brand of narrow-mindedness offensive. Therefore it is an affront.

    ...and with that you have nothing to offer me anymore... Goodbye...

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  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 03:14 PM
    Three new toys to own (MacBook Air, :apple:tv 2, and Time Capsule) plus an update for my existing toy - iPhone.

    Count me as pleased.

    Now hopefully an MBP refresh will happen next Tuesday.

    what you're getting ALL of them? :eek:

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  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 12:05 PM
    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    Apr 16, 06:41 PM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Yeah, I know... there are also Apps that break the rules and get axed, but for the most part, my first point is true. Any legitimate application can get approved.

    If you keep up with Android apps, security is one of the their problems. Open? Yes... risky? Yes.

    Didn't that lady's iAd gallery app get rejected?

    also, the Google Voice had problems getting out. And different browsers didn't appear for a long while I thought.

    Mar 28, 04:07 PM
    So..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.

    If you have a great app, you may not need the App Store to help market it. So why give Steve 30% when you don't need to.

    Apr 27, 07:14 PM
    If I want to open 10 threads on the subject in 10 different forums, well.. **** it.. that is how I like it.

    If you want to take a dump in the pool because "that's the way you like it" that's fine. Don't expect anyone else to like it.

    (I think 2/3 pages in this thread are not related to the code itself, instead everybody is giving his point of view about why or why not Pro developers should help new ones.)

    Obviously you attract that, for some reason.

    cult hero
    Mar 25, 12:27 PM
    They will either merge iOS and OS X into something new or they will simply drop OS X altogether in favor of iOS. Since iOS is much more successful than OS X ever was and since it is getting more and more features and we are currently being trained - or better: conditioned - to even obtain our development tools through the AppStore, an "open" platform like OS X will very soon become obsolete for Apple.

    *rolls eyes*

    I'm gonna say this again: not happening. Lion may very well be the end of OS X in the sense that they give it a new version number and use new naming conventions but iOS and OS X are not merging in the sense that OS X will be locked down like iOS.

    General purpose computers versus what are still treated consumer electronics (phones, tablets, etc.) have different needs and their OSes are different. Are there rumors about Windows 7 being superseded by Windows Mobile? How about doing away with Ubuntu in favor of Android?

    There are a lot of components that the two OSes share. They will continue to share components and will continue to, more or less shape one another. It doesn't make any sense to lock down a computer. Developers are what make a platform. Locking down a computer like the iPhone and making it hostile to developers will KILL Apple.

    Take your tinfoil hats off people. If you think we're heading toward a day when I can only install Apple approved AppStore apps on my laptop, you're just being paranoid. It doesn't help Apple AT ALL to do that.

    Apr 23, 01:17 PM
    Right. We should leave that to corporations.

    It's funny that unions are doing exactly what people are afraid corporations are doing.

    But what's even funnier, is that all the while, the unions bring us down. They ruin education, give millions of dollars to crappy candidates that are just going to repay them later by pushing crappy legislation that helps out the unions.

    They do little-to-no good for anyone, and are some of the strongest and most corrupt political machines in existence. But people are afraid of big businesses?

    grow up, and don't ask for more than you earn. It's your job to earn your money. It's not the governments job to baby you the whole way there, and its pitiful to rely on a union to make sure you get overpaid and have job security no matter how bad you are at your job

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