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  • guez
    Aug 24, 04:21 PM
    I, too, have a number in the range affected but am getting turned down by the website. Interestingly, when I changed the last letter of the serial number I entered from "a" to "b," it was accepted! I am wondering whether in fact not all batteries in the range are being recalled and Apple is just doing a bad job of communicating (as someone on Macintouch suggested).

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 13, 04:50 PM
    Did you just insult me and then agree with what I said?

    Nope, he said the opposite of what you said.

    You said the once the software is easy everyone will be able to edit well.
    He said that editing well has nothing to do with how well you know the software.

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  • Maximillian
    Mar 28, 09:21 PM
    It's neither a math game nor marketing ploy.

    Apple is not artificially limiting the number of attendees. It's a facilities issue. They are at maximum capacity for this venue. It's not like they can simply print out 5000 more badges. The fire marshal would shut the place down.

    That's why local television coverage of professional sports have their blackouts lifted after a sellout. Not everyone who wants to watch can fit in the stadium/arena.

    Thank you for being cool, calm, and logical in your reply. I just had to give you a gold clap for replying the way you did instead of raging like a fanboy.

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  • freebooter
    Sep 6, 08:15 AM
    I for one am going to buy one of the new iMacs. 24" screen--Jesuuussss!!! I think that's the one. :cool:
    f.w. 800, too?

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  • txa1265
    Sep 13, 12:29 PM
    Nope, none of those reviews count until ZP reviews it, because he is the only person not on drugs.

    My issue is more that since the downturn and so many print & web sites struggling badly, the impact of AAA advertising money on reviews is now clearer than ever.

    I'm not saying that Halo: Reach isn't a great console shooter, just that all of these 11/10 frothing 'bestest EVAR' scores - particularly the ones with more nitpicks than would be present in a 8/10 review of a game without gobs of advertising money - are inherently suspect, because they are bought.

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  • Kimbie
    Oct 11, 07:46 AM
    Here is my setup


    Dell 2001FP on the left hooked up to my Win7 machine under the desk
    Samsun SyncMaster 2494HS on the right, now connected to my MBP that is over on the left of the desk, using a standard PC keyboard and mouse with the MBP at the moment.

    The little black keyboard is a USB with trackball hooked up to the Win7 machine.

    So far this is an experiment to use my MBP as my primary machine rather than just a laptop, so far so good, have sorted most things out I think.

    I will eventually get rid of the Dell and but the MBP on the stand and have the Win7 machine hooked up to the VGA input on the Samsung monitor

    Also ignore the dust :)


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  • Yuniverse
    Mar 25, 12:41 PM
    yes, what's up with 666 MB... :(
    anyways, downloaded fast enough(3 min)... now updating.:)

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  • leekohler
    Apr 4, 04:19 PM
    I agree, but how will we make people feel guilty for murdering someone? I think we can teach children morals without religion but I think there needs to be some coordinated effort to make this possible. This author is at least trying.

    Do you really think people are just gong to run around killing each other if there's no religion? Really?

    Also, believe or not atheists get cancer, lose their jobs, and generally have hard times. People need comfort and support and if there is no religion then there has to be some structure in place to help people through these difficulties.

    Yeah, I had a lot of rough times medically this year. I did not need to pray to some "god" to get through them.

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  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 16, 09:30 AM
    Want to really make it good, be able to do wireless between the iPod and the Zune. That will get Bill Gate's undies in a twist!

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 14, 08:32 AM
    How unlucky do I feel? I just spent a week in Chicago, and on Monday bought a 60Gb Ipod for myself and a 2Gb Ipod for the GF. I left the US on Tuesday afternoon. I knew I should've waited 'til Tuesday morning before buying..... Oh well, gotta smile..... I think.......

    Just eBay them before the world figures out new iPods have arrived.

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  • kresh
    Aug 8, 05:40 AM
    I don't mean to sound dumb, well to be honest I can't help it :p

    But just how much space is this time machine going to eat up?

    If it stores a backup of everything, that's going to get huge in a hurry. For example. What happens if I have a 400 MB video file and I make 20 changes, and save the file after every change.

    I could see this growing to be a storage monster if it keeps every iteration of everything that I do. That 400 MB video would take up 8GB in my time machine, with 20 copies of it. Do that 100 times over a couple of years and that just gets nuts

    Is it only going to store the actual changes and not the whole file again? This is making my head spin, could someone explain how it's going to store backups physically? I know it's not even out yet, but I figure that one of you really smart people already know how this will work. (You're all smarter than me hehe)

    Thanks in advance :)

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  • SamIchi
    Oct 27, 06:34 PM
    I had no problems before update, and no problems now. I don't see a change in the temp.

    I'm grateful that I haven't had any problems with my MB, although I did have a couple kernel panics.

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  • wordoflife
    May 4, 10:46 PM
    Wouldn't be a bad idea. Even if they just made "patches" so we aren't downloading half a gb of updates every 2 weeks.

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  • micahR
    Oct 19, 10:12 AM
    I am really loving the whole multiplayer of Reach. I am not that good at multiplayer, but I having a whole lot of fun. And Firefight is my number one seed, I just wish death had a bigger penalty.

    I really hoping Microsoft re-releases Halo 1 and 2, using the reach engine.

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  • TheUndertow
    May 6, 08:38 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There's nothing good about 3D, and nothing good about clueless bloggers who "think it's great!"

    Totally...our eyes should only see 2D as well.

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  • RobertMartens
    Apr 14, 11:19 AM

    The vast majority of their sales are to less-technology/gadget-savvy users who have bought their Mac because of other people telling them that Macs are good, rather than the hardware, specs, or software on the computer.

    In the end, it is all marketing... which is the case with most of Apple's products.

    They have been selling PC hardware now for years at a higher price than their competitors.

    Windows 7 isn't any worse (or better) than MacOS for browsing the web or checking email.....

    so its not the OS that is influencing soccer moms and emo kids to buy Mac either.

    It is the 'cool' factor, IMO

    I like your 'games' point but not so sure about your other claims.
    Did you mean that Windows buyers ARE more techno-savvy?
    Or that Techno-Savvy types tend to avoid Macs?

    Higher Prices for Better Machines.
    Fantastic designs are not cheap. And Apple never skimps on Components
    Quality Windows PCs cost about the Same as Macs but don't have iLife.

    You think a Mom or kid wouldn't think the Mac OS is more attractive and easier to use?

    You say "People telling them Macs are good" but are not clear why they do tell them that. Are Macs really good or is "All marketing"?

    What does that mean? Is it just another word for 'Trendy'?
    How did Macs get to be cool or trendy?
    I always defined cool as 'being comfortable being yourself'

    Finally, why does every switcher I meet have the same expression on their face. They all look relieved, like we have just pulled them into the life boat.

    Cool may get you to buy something but it can't make you LOVE something.
    So why do Mac users LOVE their machines so much?
    If you own one I don't really have to explain.

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  • David29
    Apr 13, 05:07 PM
    "Randy Ubillos, who did the demo, added more features ..."

    Great, That's the guy who "redesigned" iMovie and screwed it up. I'll bet he was partially responsible for the "improved" (sic) iPhoto 11 as well.

    I'll reserve judgement until this hits the streets.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 17, 04:58 PM
    I don't know why you would expect them to not also sell its big brother, the hottest toy / gadget to be found? It's for kids, you know?

    I thought Toys R Us sold cheap plastic toys for kids. I'm obviously mistaken.

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  • nconnella
    Mar 11, 02:47 PM
    Oh god, please let this be true. I almost wish Macrumors didn't post this because it seems like a very unreliable source... It's gotten my hopes up and I'd almost rather not know and just be surprised when it happens! Fingers crossed that the wait is almost over...

    Mar 19, 12:41 AM
    What about the iPod OS? Isn't it on the hd, like the Nomad Jukebox of that time? I had one of those and it was easy, if expensive, to find hd larger than the original already formatted including the OS.

    I believe that the core of the iPod OS resides in firmware. A bit of research reveals that after replacing the drive as seen here (http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Repair/iPod-Classic-Hard-Drive/564/1), putting the iPod into disk mode and restoring with iTunes will reinstall any missing pieces.

    Apple hates physical buttons. No Apple device in the past ten years has ever moved backwards in the drive to eliminate physical buttons.

    Button to open laptop display? Gone.
    Latches for batteries? Gone.
    Trackpad button? Gone.
    Physical buttons on the iPod? Six.
    Buttons on iPod Touch? Two (Four if you count the volume.)
    Buttons for ejectable drives? Never existed.

    Dude, you will never again see physical buttons for these things on an iDevice itself.

    Why buy new if you intend to void the warranty? This is something I'll probably do in the coming few weeks myself. I think 1.8" HDD development's more or less plateaued as well.

    Unfortunately, you are probably right. Though it would be nice to see one last revision of the Classic, I have a feeling that this is the end of the line. Also, a good point on the buy used bit. I tend to forget that the Classic is still two years old as is and used models are readily available on eBay, etc.

    Apr 15, 08:34 AM
    Easiest solution is to skip Adobe... they've continually disregarded market "prices" for their products for years (even MS grew up to the fact that you can't charge end users $750 per license for Office when free alternatives exist). There are legitimately better applications produced by smaller companies as well as Apple without having to spend this kind of atrocious amount of money. Products from IMSI, Omni, etc. are cheap and very good. $650 for PS? Gimmie a break... it isn't worth 1/10 of that...

    I'm using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. For people like me it's an excellent product. It includes all the features someone like me (a keen amateur) needs and only costs �65.

    Whilst Adobe's UK pricing is bordering on criminal, at least PSE is an affordable option.

    IJ Reilly
    Aug 29, 11:26 AM
    I think the prices of Windows and OSX are quite the same. You can buy a new version of OSX more frequently for a lower price per each version, or buy a new version of Windows once and pay more for it but receive free updates/service packs for years. The yearly costs are quite the same.

    Service packs aren't really upgrades, they are mainly bug fixes, security updates and minor feature amendments -- and even they come only infrequently (two service packs for XP in five years). Apple provides the same thing for free, and more regularly. Each of the decimal upgrades to OSX have been far more significant than either of the XP service packs.

    I don't understand why anyone would want to turn Microsoft's plodding into a virtue. It's as though giving your customers less value for more money is a good thing.

    Oct 28, 12:28 PM
    Here's my roommate's macbook. Hasn't been serviced yet, you can tell by the screws.
    just kidding

    Oct 24, 10:24 AM
    As you probably all know my Mac only setup, here is my Mac / TV / Gaming setup of my bedroom (I'm 15). PS3 is connected to the TV.

    The 'corner':

    The PS3 connected to the TV:

    The Mac / iPad desk:

    The iPad is in the Apple iPad case. On the right, I can relax (watch TV, play PS3). On the left I make homework and work with the MBP / iPad. As I sit at the desk I often watch TV. Very relaxing. Photo is taken with my iPhone 4. My PSN is: jessieblommaart. Add me, I'm unbeatable with FIFA 11....;)

    Loving my setup, it's finished now.

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