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  • chrismacguy
    Apr 13, 12:57 PM
    Put a big, thick, security door between the cockpit and the passengers that can take a stronger blast than the plane's hull.

    Problem solved; the risk of a man with a knife on a plane is identical to that same man on a public train or bus.

    No ridiculous pat-downs and feeling up of children needed. Allow profiling and leave the metal detectors in place (similar security to our local courthouse) to prevent casual idiots, and have the security door to minimize damage from an organized attempt (if they can't hijack the plane, and can only kill the people on board, it's not worth the trouble; they can just go blow up a bus), and you've got a pretty good balance of security.

    Actually, that wont work, because someone somewhere on that plane outside of the cockpit will have to know the code, and the door will end up being opened mid-flight regardless - otherwise how are pilots supposed to eat/go to the loo on longer flights? Organised groups would take advantage of that in a second, making your idea null and void on any flight over approx 3 hours. The Shoot-up on a plane also wont cause that much damage. While a bullet may exit the aircraft and cause a decompression, in theory the most that should rip away of the aircrafts outer-skin is a 10-10 square. Not drastic, and definitely survivable. Even with multiple bullet holes, the plane would still in all likelihood get down to 10,000ft and then proceed to land with no loss of non-shot-at life, which is what the TSA actually cares about

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  • voicegy
    Jan 12, 01:14 PM
    Statement from the CEA (http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9849168-7.html?tag=nefd.only):

    It's not quite as funny when there are consequences.

    Indeed. Excellent - this is just the action I would have expected and I'm glad to see it happen.:)

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 02:53 AM
    That's 7pm here in the UK... Just when I get home from work! :)

    Are any sites offering live feeds, etc?

    Macrumorslive.com does text feeds (the whole site shuts down, although at WWDC this year was the first time I've been able to access the forums the entire time, and the front page auto-refreshes every 60 seconds) from the event. They're not there but the feeds come from people who are.

    We'll be well informed, don't worry.

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  • Rihanna Red Hair Rock In Rio

  • fel10
    Apr 11, 08:05 PM
    Finally got the iPhone 4, 32GB to replace my Droid. Loving it so far.


    Got a car charger for it


    And a screen protector


    Also got "Tomb Raider Trilogy" for PS3


    Britney's new album, "Femme Fatale"


    And Shaw McDonald's new album, "Closer"


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  • bikertwin
    Sep 25, 03:47 PM
    Yes, a very good point. And it makes me wonder if Adobe will ever charge for it. In fact, now they have rebranded it Adobe "Photoshop" Darkroom, it leads me to believe it will be included as part of Photoshop and not as a seperate product. This might also be why they haven't released it yet, since the next version of Photoshop isn't finished. This strategy would undercut Apple since most photography professionals undoubtedly already own Photoshop and will upgrade.

    No, Adobe is claiming Lightroom will be released in late early a good 3 months before PS CS3.

    I think with this rebranding, they're positioning Lightroom between PS Elements and PS CS, hence PS Lightroom.

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  • CodeRaven
    Apr 7, 09:41 PM
    This and all 100 games.

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  • Rihanna#39;s Red Hair Color

  • grmatt
    Apr 5, 03:11 PM
    I knew there'd be a lot of "wuts" but this makes sense. If you don't like it, don't download it. I'm sure plenty of people will and it only adds value to their advertisers.

    Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 10, 12:17 AM
    Your point? Do you deny General Lee surrendered on this date in 1865?

    This was an important victory for the US.

    Actually it looks like you are being sarcastic. LOL

    Technically the Confederacy wasn't defeated until a month later, and even then forces still fought because of how slow news traveled :p, but yea, Lee's surrender was basically the end.

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  • Mac
    Aug 1, 09:16 AM
    What happened in France will weigh heavily into the decision. Though the Consumer Council (CC) will never admit to that it still will matter. In the beginning everyone here in Norway thought that if the CC would push too hard that Apple and its subsidiary iTMS Luxembourg would pull out, but after heavy consumer discussion it all kind of mellowed out in the summer months.

    I heavily doubt that the DRM demand from CC would be admitted to by Apple/iTMS. As for the legal and contractual language I am quite sure that Apple/iTMS will change this and thus comply with the most important demand from CC.

    Still, the French outcome will be enormously important for all of Europe, not just France and Norway.

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  • Quboid
    Jan 12, 12:41 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand. I've watched previous keynotes and he never seemed this bad. The charisma he's displayed in the past has been replaced with smugness. He acted like the iPhone was the second coming of christ and we were so lucky that he existed to bring it upon us.

    When really, this is probably the single worst keynote for Mac users that he has ever given. No hardware updates. No 10.5 preview. Not even iLife and iWork '07! Plus, very people I know are going to be interested in spending $600 + $60 a month or more to use this phone while plenty of us would love to spend $300 or $400 or even more on a full-screen video iPod. God, I wish this keynote was all some nightmare and in the real one Apple actually gave us something we wanted.

    i totally agree with you. "aint that just cool?" "probably the best photo management program in the world".

    he's was pretty hard to stand.

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  • gkarris
    Oct 17, 10:55 AM
    Actually, the porn industry has gone with Blu-Ray.

    Where's this information?

    I saw a special on 80's technologies and had Beta and VHS on there. The porn industry was really the one that finally tipped the scales (especially the rental of it).

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before, with the sliders... :(

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  • Red Hair Dye Ideas.

  • maflynn
    Apr 10, 06:46 AM
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    That's the difference between an apple user and apple fanboy ;)

    I use the tool that best suits my needs, up till now its been apple hardware and apple software for me but that doesn't mean it will be the case in the future.

    The cost of apple computers is such that I need to be sure it actually solves a need before I plunk down a lot $$ on it, just so I can show off that cool apple logo on the back

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 1, 10:48 AM
    i hope that title isn't too long.

    anyway, i'm finally getting out of this place and going back to my apartment tomorrow. so right now i have basically no folding output, but will get everything back up when i get back.

    i found out from a friend that my power did go out a day after leaving to come here. i had everything setup and running perfect when i left, and bam! the power flickers and everything went down. i almost wanted to drive 14 hours back!

    but instead i got another i7 system, which gives me 3 total. i should have them up and running hopefully by saturday.

    i should be good for at least 70-75 PPD. i've been having problems with one of my i7 rigs, so only 2 of them will be doing the bigadv units until i have time to work on it.

    but it still should be my best output yet.

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  • rihanna red hair now.

  • Earendil
    Sep 25, 06:45 PM
    Well I guess what I am saying is that the graphics card really doesn't have the muscle that, say, four processor cores do. You should see what my activity monitor does when I crush some havy stuff - it might use two cores if I am lucky.

    And what I'm saying is that once you step down from a $4000 machine you see a much larger power ratio in the graphics card/processor image crunching.
    Take my set up, I'm betting that using my graphics card benafits me greatly.

    In your case though it would be awesome to hand more of that off to the extra procs.

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  • JPyre
    Apr 15, 12:29 PM
    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.

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  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:13 PM
    Welcome to 1984.

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 14, 05:26 PM
    That is too bad, my latest electric bill is about the same as it's been all summer.

    my power bill (which includes water and sewer) was $385 last month!

    but i did finally get someone out to look at the a/c unit. i believe that is a big part of the problem. we'll see

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 09:10 PM
    The campaign is great, and you really get attached to the characters.
    I don't know what you're all talking about.
    No, having to replay sections over and over and over and over, just to learn what is killing you is not great. It is crappy 90s game design, that we should not have to deal with in 2010. Crappy checkpoints mixed with crappy enemy and team "AI" (if you can call it that) make for a really crappy game. I'm turning it down to Recruit just to get it over with, so I can flush it from my mind as quick as possible.

    I beat both MW games on Hardened, and about half of the levels of each on Veteran. While the plot in both was ludicrous, they were at least fun. Lots of clear objectives, teammates who would stay out of the way, and very few of those "monster closet" moments (grrrrr, Favela :mad:) Those games were fun from start to finish. Black Ops is just a mess of crazy flashbacks cutscenes, messy game design, and terrible direction.
    Yeah. I liked MW2's campaign better. It may be because I am from the DC area so it was quite weird seeing it war torn.
    How about Fallout 3? I've never been to DC, but I find it really funny how when I see it on TV or in movies now, I recognize so much of it, and where things are, just from my hundreds of hours in that game. :D

    Sep 12, 07:19 AM
    Man that's early must be a big update. :cool: :D

    Jan 9, 04:33 PM
    What I want:

    - Ultra-Portable Subnotebook
    - Updated Apple TV
    - Movie Rentals
    - Mac OS X 10.5.2
    - 3G iPhone w/1.1.3
    - Official SDK

    Steve Ballmer
    Apr 29, 03:01 PM
    Whew!! They also brought Safari's "Drag Image to Desktop to save Image File" back in this Preview Build. :D

    In previous Lion Builds, dragging an image to the desktop resulted in a Safari Link file to the Image's location on the web.

    That was actually fixed in the build before this one.

    The new "Show Downloads" button is interesting. But I wish it would replace the separate Downloads window altogether, just so it's one less thing taking up screen real estate.

    Sep 12, 07:58 AM
    I've been getting some weird redirections at the Australian Apple Store...

    Just remembered that of course the Apple Store itself will be down at some stage tonight, so I checked it out. But instead I was redirected to the UK education store page. I tried re-entering the address several times but kept getting redirected to different parts of the UK store.

    It's back to normal now, but very odd behaviour nonetheless.

    And the Australian iTunes Store is also showing the black screen now. :)

    Sep 12, 08:43 AM
    My predictions:

    1. iTunes Movie Store with Disney and Lion's Gate. Pixar film "Cars" available for download immediately ahead of DVD release! Movies are DVD quality, and cost $14.99 including a version playable on your iPod.

    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    3. One more thing...Watching TV & Movies on the road is great, but where most people enjoy these things is on TV. New device. Streams movies to your TV from your Mac. Front Row interface, HDMI output, Apple remote. Also, Front Row 2.0. Not a WiFi device. Uses dedicated spectrum for quality. (8MB embedded Flash RAM cache allows films to stream uninterupted). New features, including movie and music purchases within the interface. Available for download today so you can upgrade your Home Theater Mac Mini.

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