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  • zorinlynx
    Mar 25, 12:50 PM
    Anyone planning to jailbreak their iPad 2, I advise to stay on 4.3. There were rumors that the software exploit used to jailbreak iPad 2 is patched in 4.3.1.

    I may upgrade my iPhone, though, since I don't plan on jailbreaking it.

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  • Ljohnson72
    Apr 11, 01:53 AM
    No one is making you pay for CS 5.5. Just wait and buy CS6, CS7, etc as you normally would have.

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  • arkmannj
    Mar 12, 03:23 PM
    I'm pretty sure Apple doesn't want any other news than the iPad until the iPad is released.

    My guess is New MBP's won't be released until atleast a week or two after the iPad.

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  • Javik
    May 5, 01:15 AM
    I think this will make the iPad 3 very revolutionary. I think it will be crazy but i hope its like the 3d in the 3DS and not with glasses. But i can definitely see 3D coming to all iOS devices and eventually to OSX devices as the bridge between the two systems will become closer and closer as we go into into the future.

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  • syklee26
    Nov 8, 09:00 AM
    i don't understand why some people would long for 12 inch ones when macbook is 13 inches. don't tell me 1 inch will make that big of a difference.

    and I also don't understand those who bash Apple for not making ultraportable laptops....only Sony makes the true ultraportable (TX series) and it is ultra-expensive. Other so-called ultraportable laptop makers usually lack media drive.

    by the way, macbook is the best value of all laptops in the market, period.

    finally, to those who would bitch about macbook not having a videocard, Apple is not a charity. They don't give you laptop for free.

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  • DavidLeblond
    May 4, 11:00 PM
    Or only has one eye ;)

    Thanks for getting it. :) No, I have 2 eyes but I have an eye condition known as Duane's syndrome. My eyes aren't perfectly aligned with each other so my brain doesn't process both images together as a 3D image. Basically my brain only processes the image out of one eye at a time (usually my right eye unless I tell it otherwise)

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  • FoxyKaye
    Sep 12, 03:31 PM
    Took them long enough for gapless playback - I'm going to give it the Dark Side of the Moon and Moby Everything is Wrong Nonstop DJ Mix tests when I get home.

    Anyone been playing with gapless so far? How do you like it?

    Ugly, ugly duckling though - not the prettiest iTunes out there.

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  • hazza.jockel
    Sep 28, 09:13 PM
    I was excited to see that blood gulch had be remade but after playing it a few times i have to say its one of my least favourite maps. There are too many vehicles and not enough vehicles killing weapons. Usually one person will get in a tank and if he is able to take out the other tank theres no real way to stop them. Particularly if they just sit up the back taking long shots leaving you no real chance to get close. Bungie needed to put a spartan laser on the map somewhere.

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  • Analog Kid
    Aug 2, 07:57 PM
    Wow! It's really disturbing how many people are so quick to call this an unfair attack on Apple-- and how quickly the argument on this board gets labeled as "apologists" against "bashers".

    What's next? The code was written at Apple, but by a contractor? The guy who wrote that code has only been with the company for a year? None of the other coders like the guy responsible for that one, so it doesn't count?

    Look: I don't care who wrote what code-- if it makes my machine vulnerable then it's bad. It's not whether Apple wrote it, or whether or not they tested sufficiently (which is nuts because most stuff like this needs to be designed properly-- it's nearly impossible to test all the possible vectors)-- it's that my Mac isn't secure.

    Or someone else's, as I don't have a Macbook, but you get the idea...

    When Apple started advertising its security, we knew this would start to happen. If you tell someone they can't, they'll want to prove they can. The question isn't whether vulnerabilities turn up, because they certainly will, it's how Apple handles it from here. Are they upfront and quick to respond, or do they forward you to Symantec?

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 12:08 PM
    Man, Apple keeps getting lower and lower. First Walmart, now this?

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  • BlueRevolution
    Mar 18, 02:18 PM
    Rofl. Yeah right, reality distortion field...

    Still there. They just cranked it up so that it covers all of us. ;)

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  • Compile 'em all
    Nov 12, 03:16 PM
    I thought he was gonna share a specific experience or incident that got him fed up

    Instead he's just vehemently opposed to the model, which means he should have never started coding in the first place. When you code a release up to 3.0 and then quit on basic principle, that's retarded

    It probably has to do with the three20 project incident a couple of days ago. Basically some devs had their apps rejected because they were using three20 which had some private API calls.

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  • gradydds
    Sep 4, 06:09 PM
    Seriously, i could care less about the computer works fine. I am currently using an Apple kicks ass. I had to update it a bit to be able to use the internet though. Do you think i would be better to wait for the Santa Rosa platform to get a MBP? or just get the merom on the current.....and please don't say "if you keep waiting, there will always be something new around the corner and you will wait forever."

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  • numbersyx
    Mar 15, 11:19 AM
    I was really thinking about an iMac, but I'm considering a Sony Vaio laptop with an IPS monitor from a 3rd party. I'll definitely wait to see what Apple comes out with this week, though.

    Whenever anyone posts on here that they're thinking of going Windows, a lot of people either shout TROLL! or say: fine, goodbye.

    I still feel like it's a shame to leave Macs behind. Still, again I have to say that Windows 7 offers a lot more to the Mac-learned creative community than any other version from Microsoft.**

    **Other than maybe Windows 2000 pro in its heyday... nice solid system that got out of your way.

    Then why are you not buying the iMac?

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 29, 09:37 AM
    But once 4G is implemented, will Verizon's internet and downloading be the same or faster speed-wise than AT&T?

    I know currently AT&T is faster...

    4G can be significantly faster.

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  • the.snitch
    Jul 23, 01:02 AM
    This makes perfect sense - it fits in well with Apple's iPod/iTMS business model.
    I have a ton of eBooks, but i never end up reading a lot of them as I dont like sitting infront of a computer to read them. I was just thinking the other day how i wanted someone to make a stylish, lighweight eBook reader that i could take with me and view in public without looking like an uber dork reading my laptop on the bus etc.
    I think Apple may be able to pull this one off. Hopefully the support current formats like .pdf and .chm (also .cbr for comic books) so that i can use my own stuff, as well as some DRM'd apple format for the iTMS content. Much like how we have mp3 and aac support for the audio.

    Please apple, something lighweight, long battery life, thin and portable, scratch-resistant, and super high res/high contrast screen (OLED/eInk?).

    edit: also magazine support for those macworlds I have in the Zinio reader format would be awesome

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  • talkingfuture
    Apr 14, 09:06 AM
    More great news. I wonder where the limit on this growth will be?

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  • puckhead193
    Oct 15, 04:02 PM
    HAHAHA, i'm guessing Gates never had his way with the ladies ;)
    "NOOO I don't want to talk to that girl and ask for her phone number... instead i'll beam over mine number to her"

    No more than sucking on someone's tongue. :)

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  • yellow
    Aug 3, 11:54 AM
    OK, so their inital aim was implicitly to get in-the-face of smug Mac users. And then Apple "leans" on them, so they go all nicey-nice and 'decide' to a USB wifi card instead? Doesn't this seem slightly odd to anyone else?

    Oct 16, 08:45 AM
    those sites are all run by MS.

    the screen? same res as the iPod, so it will look crappy as the pixels will be stretched to fit the screen.

    Yep, that "comparison" seems very suspicious indeed... Just look at how they compare, in size, a 30GB Zune with a 60/80GB iPod! The 30GB iPod is that much thinner compared to its bigger sibling, let alone to the über-fat Zune...

    And the screen resolution is cr*ap, for a screen with that size... I'm also figuring that since the display is probably a conventional horizontal display rotated in portrait mode, when you use the player, the colours each eye sees will be different, due to the vertical viewing angle, which is generally much smaller than the horizontal; and on the Zune, these will be reversed and will screw our stereoscopic vision, thus causing a lot of eyestrain... Just use a Sansa (which has the same display orientation) for more than five minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about :eek:

    Aug 3, 07:15 PM
    my thoughts about the Banner: There are no new products on this banner (ok, the DVD) only products wich we already know.

    Power Mac/ Mac Pro
    Macbook /(Pro)
    iPod Nano

    thats all i can see. so you will see, that there is no "normal" iPod on the picture. Why the hell ist that? Are they going to release a new one?
    I realy don't belive in this, but it seems strange to me, that theree are all hardware products on the banner with only the iPod missing......

    The iSight isn't up there either. Maybe it's getting axed.

    Aug 24, 01:49 PM
    Yay. New battery for me. Do they really expect us to leave the battery out until then. It's been in there for a year and a half, just seems silly.

    Seems like all 1.8 million people are triying to load the page just like me...

    Apr 25, 09:13 PM
    But why is that?? Why is there an issue in black communities (and apparently not just in the US) where there is a lack of men wanting to be fathers. As for the aunt jemina and uncle ben reference, not sure what you meant by that but came off as a bit racist.

    Really? That's funny... Well, it would be, that's humour!

    It's not an issue in other black communities, for instance Kenya, or Nigeria, or many others including Zuid Afrika.

    As it pertains to gang culture, it's an issue of strength and the ephemeral notion of respect. Unfortunately their definition of respect comes from movies that they've seen or songs they've heard, rather than the respect afforded someone who actually accomplishes something positive instead of how violent he is.

    People who are feared are often respected, people who are respected are not always feared.

    Oct 10, 01:50 PM
    Sorry, I read it :p

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