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funny star wars pictures. Yes Folks it is the Grand
  • Yes Folks it is the Grand

  • gregorsamsa
    Jan 12, 08:55 PM
    Actually, I find your post to be spot off. I find your portrayal of Mac owners to be shallow, self-serving, stereotyping and weak. I did notice you used the term 'some' in an attempt to mitigate your attack.

    The fact is, of the 50-100 Mac users I know, I only know one other person who reads these boards. The majority are just owner/users who love their machines. If I were to pick a group of smug zealots around here, it would be the the Apple bashers.

    I expected the trolls to come flying out of the woodwork after Tuesday. You are living up to all my expectations.

    The "some" in my post wasn't meant to mitigate anything. I meant every word I said in exactly the way I said it. That you then choose to attach your own paranoid interpretation to it is entirely down to you.

    There's actually no Apple bashing in my post whatsoever but, as is all too typical with a few people, feathers are all too easily ruffled & then we get the tired, old accusations of trollism coming out. That you should talk about "living up to all my expectations" is kind of rich in the circumstances.

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  • Star Wars Funny Images. not

  • satkin2
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    I really can't see Apple removing the usage for 'pro' users. They're just making it more welcoming for the millions who are now in the Apple ecosystem through iOS devices.

    My understanding is that unlike Windows, Apple offers one (or two if server edition) version of the OS, be the most experienced pro or the new comer you use the same system.

    I would expect Apple to make the Mac OS to be far more like iOS in that you do what you see, so the new comer isn't faced with libraries etc; however, somewhere in the system there will be options to view and access the deeper lying elements of the OS that the average user won't need to ever see.

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  • funny star wars quotes.

  • CodeRaven
    Apr 7, 09:41 PM
    This and all 100 games.

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  • funny star wars.

  • neutrino23
    May 4, 12:01 AM
    I love this commercial. It is beautiful on so many levels. The photography is beautiful. The pacing is calm. The ideas are high minded.


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  • Star wars - A place for all

  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:08 PM
    haha this is as lame as a tv station bringing out a half hour of the most "unique" and "fascinating" ads, wow.

    also, maybe if they were some good, funny ads it would be ok, but no. The ads shown in the pic are just "EAT MCRIB" and "MAYBELLINE"...

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  • funny Star Wars stuff).

  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 07:41 AM
    I just opened iTunes and it ask me if I wanted to update...


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  • Funny Star Wars Demotivators

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 10:27 AM
    PS: if you look more closely at Apple's 3Q numbers, you'll see that desktop sales were relatively flat: the growth was in laptops.

    As we should expect. Laptops are where the growth is in the PC market today, period. I'd expect Apple's desktop sales to jump in the next couple of quarters, after Adobe ships the Intel version of CS. A lot of users in the pro market are waiting for this.

    funny star wars pictures. Funny Picture. Star Wars
  • Funny Picture. Star Wars

  • Banyan Bruce
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    What is this hideous faux leather iCal format ????? It's just like the truly awful wooden background that somehow crawled in to the iPad. Please think again on this. It will look abysmal on a large iMac or MBP screen. It looks like a child's toy. :o


    funny star wars pictures. 10 funniest star wars
  • 10 funniest star wars

  • H00513R
    Apr 15, 01:51 PM
    Using aluminum would hinder the cellular reception wouldn't it ?

    Yep. Just like the iPad.

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  • Funny Pages 2.0 | Star Wars

  • autrefois
    Sep 12, 08:44 AM
    Hey everyone, I just came to tell everyone I found out from a super secret source that there's a MEDIA EVENT TODAY!!! This is brand new exclusive news I just found out!! I wouldn't be surprised if the iTunes Music Store went down at some point, either. You heard it here first!

    I won't bother to read the rest of the thread because I am sure I am the only one who has found out this information.

    ;) :p

    I know people get really excited before Apple events, but people should still please make a quick check to see if something has been said one or a few hundred times first before posting.


    funny star wars pictures. Star Wars behind the scenes
  • Star Wars behind the scenes

  • franswa za
    May 2, 10:45 AM
    I find it amusing that the G1 can run Android Gingerbread fairly well, but Apple makes it impossible to upgrade the original iPhone to the latest and greatest iOS.

    and, your point is?

    "old tech" wanting 2 b supported to include WHAT? you can still phone from the device, yes, my droogie?,

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  • Funny #39;Star Wars#39; Clip This Is

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 8, 12:58 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    Perhaps! New Hardware is coming out (iMacs???) and the promo will be a buy a Mac get an iPad for $X.


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  • Funny Star Wars parody,

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 28, 11:51 PM
    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)

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  • stuff Funny Star Wars and

  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:45 AM
    I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:


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  • dump for Star Wars Week

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 11, 09:33 AM
    exactly. I am tired of these damn rumors.

    :D You're joking, right? If you're tired of rumors, it's just so easy to stop directing your browser to a site called

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  • Vader - Star Wars Fan Art

  • xAnthony
    Mar 17, 06:22 PM
    It's an insecurity. If they truly felt there phone was better they wouldn't have to say anything.

    Haters going hate

    Couldn't say it better than this.


    funny star wars pictures. the one with the star wars
  • the one with the star wars

  • lmalave
    Oct 20, 10:09 AM
    I do have a great deal of faith. My friends think I am nuts. Half the money is on margin and I am paying $420 a month in interest. Just a few months ago when it was down to $50 I had a margin call and I was in the hole $28K before having to dump 10K to cover the call. I did not mind since I did cash out last year with a nice 29K profit.

    Apple is a strong company with over $1 billion in cash and a growth rate unmatched in the industry. If I can hang in and keep it I will double my money in a little over a year.

    Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).

    Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...

    P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.

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  • Star Wars Freak Funny Picture

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 11, 02:54 PM
    New glasses. I have to pick up another pair in 2 weeks.

    funny star wars pictures. pretty funny - Star Wars:
  • pretty funny - Star Wars:

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 19, 07:05 PM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

    You are the one exaggerating.

    Of course he didn't mean it literally. You have to get out more if you haven't heard this...

    Sep 12, 07:51 AM
    You can't even check on orders already placed at The store is down.

    Sep 12, 10:45 AM
    Must be alot coming out today, if the store is down 1hr and 15min before the actual event.

    Nov 16, 03:01 PM

    Hopefully Apple will stick with the best for now. (Intel) I've seen the promises AMD has but it's leaning toward 4x4 to compete with Intel. What's on the lower end for the average user when a Core 2 beats the pants off of what AMD has out.

    And one more thing....

    Introducing the Macbook mini AMD edition!

    AMD 4x4 processors at 2.6ghz
    Nvidia 4x4 compatible chipset
    AMD x1950 graphics w/ 512 memory
    12in sxga screen
    2 gigs memory standard

    Liquid Nitrogen not included...


    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    So wait... a $101 discount on the 17" iMac but only a $41 discount on the 24" model? That doesn't make sense. Usually the more expensive the item, the larger the discount.

    The dicount is around $100...the highest end model is $2059...the 24" iMac with wireless keyboard and's a configuration they stock in the stores.

    Apr 5, 03:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    As a showcase of ads it can't be bad can it? I bet it'll be useful to some out there and is good advertising for the iAd service.

    This app isn't hurting anyone.

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