funny confucius quotes

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  • OhEsTen
    Jul 28, 12:13 PM
    Had Apple licensed FP a year ago like a lot of people were begging... they probably would have had to license it to MS. MS then could - nay.....would have used it to try to beat them with this cheesie spin-off....

    Apple's dominance in the mp3 player market is legal - everytime someone declares an "iPod-Killer" Apple steps up to the plate... they don't try to keep these companies from competing with them.

    MS on the other hand is already announcing how they intend to "win" the mp3 player operating at a loss for a few years - that is not leagal and yes someone at the DOJ is dead asleep.

    Apple is stale right now - so this new competitor is good - they need to step up and blow away their current line of iPods with a completely new device. Remember, thats what they did with the iPod mini. EVERYONE was copying the mini, then when all these companies had their mini look-alikes Apple totally changes it. Apple is waiting now for MS to actually release this thing, then watch - they will totally blow away the iPod with a new design...

    See this movie (

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  • bobthecat23
    Apr 24, 03:56 PM
    can we get a hell yeah? lower prices at&t can go burn in hell

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  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 31, 02:24 PM
    This Rattleware espresso tamper

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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 13, 10:32 PM
    If you ain't white, you ain't right!

    Seriously, why bother?

    Stop playing the 'race card'!


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  • Schnebar
    Apr 1, 07:57 AM
    Took this over Spring Break in Delphi, Greece

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  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 14, 09:35 AM
    Why would it be Apple TV and have the word "Mac" in it?

    I think in lion you will be able to emulate iOS and play all of your apps on your Mac.

    OT: My problem with the Mac OS is how redundant it is. In lion you will be able to access your applications from the dock, launchpad, and finder. I just don't get why you need both a launchpad and a dock. Plus in the dock you can just place your applications folder.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 13, 05:38 PM
    Yawn. What is the point? Seriously? A TV with a gyro and shake to undo? :rolleyes:

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  • macrumormonger
    Apr 12, 12:09 AM
    Currently on ebay as I'm about to part with it. :( What a beautiful lens.

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.02 sec (1/50)
    Aperture f/4.0
    Focal Length 27 mm
    ISO Speed 2000

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  • savage1881
    Jul 27, 10:51 PM
    And you guys accuse PC users of sticking to old stereotypes. If you want to see ugly, take a gaze at the army of external devices that my iMac is going to need. I prefer my cables be inside the case instead of covering my desk.

    2+ full size optical drives opppsed to a single slow notebook drive
    2+ hard drive bays
    Card reader
    Easy CPU upgrading
    Easy RAM upgrading
    Upgradable x16 PCI-Express slot compared to underclocked fixed notebook GPU
    3+ PCI/ PCI-E x1 slots for upgrading to new devices
    Choice of display
    being able to choose what you want to do instead of having everything dictated to you by Steve Jobs.

    An iMac is NOT suitable for the sort of computer use you are intending! As an experienced computer technician who works mostly on PCs, I can assure you that any new Dell, HP or Gateway tower is even less suited to handle the upgrades you are suggesting, with the exclusion of RAM upgrades.

    New PCs are products of out-of-control cost cutting and nothing more. If you want upgradability, you must spend at least $2000 and get one from ABS or another semi-custom shop.

    Finally, the Mac Pro tower is coming out soon. Then, many of your complaints about the Mac's faults will be dealt with. While I am a fan of the Mac platform, I run a custom dual-xeon PC that I built myself and I can say that, from my perspective, I would take any computer over a sub-$1500 PC.

    I've got a fried Dell P4 Motherboard sitting at home b/c Dell decided to use proprietary pin configs with a standard ATX power connector (not my mistake :) ). Mass-manufactured PCs are made to be fortresses, preventing user upgrade. The Mac is a nice, good-looking alternative among only a few alternatives. Atleast you know the each of those external devices is going to work right as soon as you plug it in. With PCs today, esp. from dell, You have no such guarantee on any of the upgrades you suggested. People are making a mistake when they buy a cheap PC, whether you believe they ought to be buying a mac or not!

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 22, 05:58 PM
    I can't see them making the iPhone look like the iPod Touch.

    Agreed. Therefore, it is fake. :apple:

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  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 09:14 AM
    Good luck to the SCP people.

    Still waiting at Brea to find out if I'm the third biggest chump here for waking up as early as I did, or if I'm "winning" to plagiarise from Jedi-master Sheen

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  • Satori
    Apr 14, 02:33 AM
    Maybe a sign of universal iOS+Mac apps?

    Seems most likely since the placeholder has 'Mac' in the title.

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  • netdog
    Jul 12, 03:34 AM
    I think that some of us may be overestimating the coolness of the player as the factor. While that worked in the early days, it may not now.

    Apple has in their favor the fact that many people now have ripped CDs and bought protected music in Apple formats. If that base is solid enough, Urge won't fly, and hence there won't be a large installed base of protected WMA files in search of a player. If a significant number of Vista users are just starting their collection, or building on existing MP3s, there is a very strong chance that they will do the easiest thing and buy protected WMA files from Urge. This could spell disaster for Apple, particularly if Microsoft is willing to replace any protected AAC files in people's collections free of charge.

    Finally, while in the early days of online music sales, it was the players and not the music downloads that drove the market, we are inevitably going to find that the players become the razor and the downloadable music the blades. Microsoft will probably price their player based on that model.

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  • 7on
    Jul 24, 04:22 PM
    for a while on ebay there were $30 Apple BT mice. Don't know if they're still there, but it was a good buy.

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  • Zephi
    Oct 21, 07:10 AM
    You mean the wishes that, uhm, are to fulfill? If so, then I'd love to get some money, which I suppose I won't get more than my monthly sum of pocket money. No macs this year, damn.

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  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 01:19 PM
    The colours are burning my eyes out:

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:42 PM
    Nice metric you have there, $some people on the internet have said it, thus it must be true.


    Pretty amazing. Now "speculation" is considered "fact". No wonder this country has so many problems.

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  • MacRumors
    Jul 28, 07:13 AM (

    ZDNet reports ( on Microsoft's recently revealed audio player initiative known as "Zune". Last week ( Microsoft confirmed that they were entering the music player market with an integrated solution for music, called Zune:

    "We do need a more consistent experience," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a January interview. "That doesn't mean it's bad to have a variety of devices. I think that's great. But there are some things we need to make sure are more consistently delivered across the portable devices."

    In the latest article, Microsoft's president of the Entertainment and Devices Division states that the Zune initiative is a long term effort with tie ins into other Microsoft projects including the Xbox, Medica center and Live Anywhere gaming.

    Bach didn't offer new details on Zune but said creating a sense of community and making it easier to find new music are central to it. "We're not just introducing Zune to do the same thing other people do," Bach said. Still, he said, the company expects it to take three to five years for the effort to really pay off.

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  • i.mac
    Apr 22, 06:10 AM
    This settles it:

    Image (

    You should be a lawyer...

    Countess Psy
    Oct 28, 04:41 AM
    I was going to wish for world peace yet I'm sure it's unattainable so I'd settle for this :D

    Mar 10, 04:11 PM

    Nov 11, 03:39 AM
    So sincere curiosity here: I've read the reviews and it seems like this browser can't do all the Flash-related stuff a personal would normally want to do, ranging from some popular video sites like Hulu to Flash games. I'm not missing Flash on my iPhone or iPad one bit, but I'm also a little curious at this browser's success. Is it mostly people downloading something because they feel like they're getting a thing they were told they couldn't get? Or does this product actually offer something excellent?

    You're absolutely spot on here. Nothing excellent, just a short-term sense of victory over a perceived hurdle for lots of folks. I persinally have no use whatsoever for Flash on my iphone so I did not buy this app.

    Dec 3, 03:56 PM
    So, we are going to see even more of this message board trolling and FUD. There are many obvious 'newbie' troll posts. But, I am also seeing some 'moles' trolling too. Some of them showed up many months ago and are now regulars. What they are doing is providing newbie support.

    The newbie comes on with a troll post, and bam, he gets a regular, or two to give legitimacy to the disinformation. The thread is off and running. Another tactic I notice is the thread subject troll. The subject line is written to be very negative, but then the first post is very much toned down, sometimes even apologetic, "Sorry for venting, I know this is rare...", that type of stuff. The damage is done and no one is aware it was a disinformation attack.

    The stakes are high and MS has been found guilty in court of doing the things I am describing. This is not the ranting of a paranoid. I happen to know a considerable amount about disinformation and the tactics involved. With a little work, you can see the same things. Look at the post history for those making anti-Apple posts. The critical eye can discern the inconsistencies in what they write.

    I can understand the feelings behind what you are saying, and do appreciate that point of view. I however however, am not sure that I can really see anyone doing hopeless FUD spreading on this particular thread. You seem to be (like a few others) concerned that those of us who have security concerns, have given up on Apple, and want to work with these 3rd party groups to provide us with security solutions. I don't see many people on this thread with that attitude, I see concerned users like myself, that want to see that Apple heads up security themselves.

    To me the poll and question "After the Month of Kernel Bugs, are you concerned about Mac OS X security?" was interpreted by me as ..

    Yes I am concerned about Mac OS X security. Meaning, I am concerned about my operating system security in general.

    For whatever reason, I believe that anyone that voted Yes, is being interpreted by some people as it meaning "Yes I am concerned about Mac OS X security, as it is a hopelessly unsecured operating system, god save us, the world is going to end!".

    Perhaps a few of the people who said yes may think that, but don't assume all of us are like that! Please feel free to look into my post history, not that it is any of your business anyway. You will find that I am a true Apple and Mac fan through and through!

    Apr 30, 09:14 AM
    Wake me when iMacs have matte screens again.


    free mirror!

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