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  • 3d Nirvana
    03-07 06:31 PM
    sry guys, i have to pull out. I have a big essay that has been assigned and i cant spend the time needed to make a good entry. sry!

    i'll make one later and just post it in showcase :)

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  • pappu
    09-10 11:14 AM
    I'm not able to figure out how to post a mssg in chat..is it 'coz I'm restricted or something? At the bottom of the page I see my name as logged in members though..I've over 150 posts and 4 dots..not enough for access to chat or is it that I'm not able to figure out how to post mssgs? Appreciate it if someone can explain it to me.

    Thank you.

    You can post. Just type the messages on the left hand side panel.

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  • pyaradesi
    02-06 07:30 AM
    Kudos to Team IV for keeping the flame alive even in such a situation. If anybody noticed, IV is probably the only organization making any noise about us EB folks right now.
    Pappu and core team, awesome job, please continue with the efforts. I had a few ideas:
    1. Can we highlight past distinguished immigrants who have come thru the EB channel.
    2. The core team, can you please tell, is it realistic to expect congress to view EB separately from CIR?
    3. A lot of us here, have American managers, who would in all probability vouch for us and highlight why they want us to get a GC. We could even quantify this in dollar amounts. Can we highlight this?
    4. A flash went off in my head when I read about a march to DC, do you remember the Civil rights movement, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, can we use this great man for inspiration? After all, though our cause may not be even close to what African American suffered, there are parallels.
    5. Can we take some airtime on tv/radio to highlight H1bs? Is it a good idea? Maybe tech magazines ads?
    6. Compile a list of Congress man/women, Senators nationwide, their stance on EB quota removal, this will help us quantitatively identify where we stand.
    7. Folks, we are in a very tough adversarial situation, let us not forget that 40 od years back, if not for Civil rights movement, we would not be here.
    9. Are there any celebrities who would/could support our cause? Hollywood, u never know we may have support from the most unlikely places.

    This apart, a question to the Gurus, is the DOS visa bulletin based on DOL labors filed for that month? Does DOS confer with DOL to see how many labor certs were filed for the next month to come up with the visa bulletin? If this is the case, the visa bulletin may move at a good pace this year and next, please correct if wrong.

    IV Core team, please lead the way, even if there may not be 100% consensus.

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  • thomachan72
    07-05 04:46 PM
    Money never, never comes last, IMHO. Money does have its place right beside grass root efforts. Any one who undermines either of them at any time is making a huge mistake.

    I am scratching my head to figure out how IV benefits with non paying members? If you say that by being a member of IV, we have done the honors, I have no answer for you. If you say that we all boast about being a 15K member org, You can pass on me. Are you a proponent of "I dont care how IV benefits from me, All that I care for is if I got my question answered or not " thought process? As long as we see IV only as a forum and compare with other forums, we will never see the invaluable difference. while eulogizing the founders, also try to see what they would like us to do. I am positive they would love more contributions than a simple eulogy so that we can enable ourselves with more ammo. Thanks for the undeserved pat. I will be happy if people take a moment and introspect their stand on this issue.
    Friend I dont disagree with you regarding the value of money but we should think in the context of the current situation, right? The CIR is gone for now. It may / may not come back in 2009, who knows. Now we have the 485 filing crisis. You said we have 15000 members. How many of these are actually affected by the current crisis?? I can tell about one person, myself, certainly I am not affected directly. Now if lets say 20% are affected that would be 3000, right? Do you know how many people applied for 485 this time, it certainly is in the 100K or much more numbers. Now if we start being very critical of the few here (approx 3000), who have not contributed, we are making a mistake. I may be completely wrong on these numericals. Lets hope everybody contributes (if IV actually needs fund urgently). Atleast regarding the present crisis we are fortunate the AILF is taking up the case for FREE. People who want to contribute can through IV or even directly. I dont think contribution is going to make a difference here. This is not a lobbying effort involving the pattonbog, this is a legal case in which we are just joining.


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  • ksvreg
    04-09 11:32 AM
    That is the reason I mentioned before that we have to give heads up to employer's HR department about these scenarios and let them come up with correct wording for POEs questions. This could be new virus breakout and we need to find a cure or prevent it someway tactically until the strategy in place. Not sure I make much sense here. In a nutshell, we need to contact our HR and request them to anwer (HR has to answer like this: It is possible to hire citizen but can not be done immediately. Its a process and takes a while to do that and no guarantee that citizen can be found. Until that time business will be impacted badly.) POE officer in case if there are any such questions. Generic answer from HR misleads and misued at POE.

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  • gcgonewild
    06-11 03:22 PM
    Sent to NJ Lawmakers


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  • ajju
    02-20 03:55 PM
    Ok guys before you shoot it down heres my calc for EB2 pending apps from 2000 to Dec 2003. Obviously its a rough estimate, who knows how many eb3s switched, labor subs etc etc etc.

    From pending apps from 2000 to 2003 dec are about 96. Assume represents 1% of total population so it would be 9600. Each app has about 1.5 dependents so about 15,000? If you assume as lower say 0.5% then number would obviously increase to 29,000.

    Ok now shoot me down.

    Good calculation... On brighter side.. if I assume being 2%.. the numbers would be 7500.. Hope its enough to clear out with just the extra EB1 quotas in this quarter.. And then, next quarter we see some more progress for EB2 India.. Just a wishful thinking...

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  • kumar1
    12-15 11:01 AM
    Very well said. What you said, also gives strength to my point. We are self proclaimed "highly skilled" workers. We shouldn't have been trained, we shouldn't have been air lifted by desi consultants. We shouldn't have been sold for short/long term projects after coming to the US.

    Actually, during 1999-2000 year, when I was about to graduate from IIT, yes, my class mates used to receive calls from Microsoft based in Seattle and Phillips based in Holland. Those companies paid final year graduating students (with good track record), a return trip to Seattle for interview. That was the real demand! And mind you, those students were very talented. They already had secured 100% aid from excellent US universities. So, it was a scenario of good company taking interest in excellent students and then filing for H1-B and subsequently green card. Can you imagine, Microsoft getting a RFE from USCIS to show "ability to pay"! We have so many people yelling on these forums because companies do not have the ability to pay to these "highly skilled workers".

    I can go on and on.....

    I do not agree with anyone who claims that we are really "required" here. We are fighting to survive here and we are fighting to get Green Cards. We have 50 million hate groups in the US that do not like us at all. It is a tough road ahead !


    I agree to most of the points you wrote. I believe there is one thing that you missed.

    H1B is a dual intent visa that allows a foreigner to work in US and also apply for permanent residency. It was originally intended for American companies to hire people from abroad. But how many American companies hire people directly from abroad? Even if there is some, it would be very very minimal.

    Body shoppers are the one who take on the difficult task of interviewing/recruiting/sponsoring/air-lifting the foreigner to USA in addition to preparing the candidate to withstand the rigors of a visa interview.
    They give initial accommodation (agreed, a 1BR aptmnt cramped with many ppl), pay on bench ( accepted, not all), place the candidate on a project and get the foreigner US work/cultural experience. After they go through the whole nine yards, these American companies jump in and poach these H1Bs.

    Take the body shoppers and glorified body shoppers like TCS, wipro, infy etc out of the equation and you would have sheer wastage of H1B numbers since the American companies will not go abroad to recruit someone who is unfamiliar with US work culture.

    That is why congress came up with 20K quota for master degree holders who can be recruited directly by US corporations. In my opinion, US corporations should not complain at all since they were never interested in upholding the true spirit of H1B by recruiting people from abroad directly.



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  • glus
    09-19 11:02 AM
    This must be done. Also, we could include flags of all the member nationalities, to show this website is an international one. So if we have members from 20 different countries, this should be clearly shown. Guys, the problem is not only for indians, it is also for the others like me.


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  • alex99
    04-07 03:55 PM
    I was going through the flatcenter PERM data for year 2004.

    In the Coulm Last_sig_Event, some of data rows have value

    'Received Regional Office'.

    Anyboay has an idea what does this mean?.



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  • GCard_Dream
    03-18 05:35 PM
    If that is the case, I am not sure why China didn't even move a single day. From the example, China should have gotten half of the unused visas. :confused:

    This is the post from Ron:

    I have to confess error and make a correction. The AC21 legislation changed things far more that I suspected and changed the allocation process from what I had learned previously. In further corresondence with the Visa Office, I've learned that I was wrong about how numbers are moved from worldwide to single state allocations. The following is a direct quote:

    Employment First Preference example: Annual limit 40,000 - (expected) 25,000 ("rest of world") - 3,300 (China limit) - 3,300 (India limit) = 8,400 unused numbers. Those 8,400 numbers could be made available to China/India applicants without regard to their normal 3,300 per-country limit for that category. But those extra numbers would need to be made available to China/India applicants on an equal basis, and in doing so making sure that the additional number use would not result in the Worldwide annual limit being exceeded. Thus, the same cut-off date for each country since the extra numbers must be made available in priority date order without regard to country.

    I apologize for the confusion generated by my earlier remarks

    So whatever said in the visa bulletin makes sense.

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  • admin
    02-04 03:45 PM

    We're asking for transparency and increase in efficiency in all of USCIS operations including Name Check.


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  • amitjoey
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  • sandiboy
    08-15 02:29 PM
    Would rather be interested to see the Processing times update for this month

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  • sroyc
    02-14 09:57 PM
    The current case is over 50% of H-1B issued to Indian and Chinese every year. And that is why now most people here are waiting.
    Do you think RoW H-1B applicants should shout loud and ask for the country limit to be set on H-1B?

    That would be one way of preventing the creation of two different classes of skilled immigrant workers in the workforce. Please note that the distinction between these classes is not based on profession or skill level but based on country of birth.

    It simply defies common sense that the quota is not enforced anywhere in the immigration pipeline except the I-485 approval. I would be more accepting of this policy if it were applied uniformly - while issuing student and work visas, PERM and I-140 applications along with the I-485 application.


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  • dilber
    04-29 04:32 PM
    I opened the mailbox at home this evening and to my complete surprise -- the physical card! Sudden burst of efficiency at USCIs, 6 days from approval to actual delivery of card.

    Good luck to everyone else!

    May be you scared the USCIS with your phone calls and they just wanted you out of their systems. So that you don't rally other people and then they might have to really become efficient.:cool:

    BTW really happy for you... enjoy:o

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  • nervous-wreck
    03-15 05:08 PM
    C'mon guys, what the hell have you been doing for so long?

    I mean look at the archived Visa Bulletins, you observe the following:

    1. EB2 was current for India ALL THROUGH 2003
    2. EB2 was current for India ALL THROUGH 2004
    3. EB2 was current for India till August 2005
    4. After the retrogression in 2005, EB2 India moved up quickly through 2003-2004 to April 2004 by the beginning of 2007

    5. Even after the summer 2007 fiasco (EB2 Current fro July, August 2007), the priority date for EB2 India moved to April 2004 and stayed there for 3 months

    What more do you wish for?
    I don't understand how there any can be anyone from 2004-2005 India still left in the EB2 category.

    This is pathetic. What the hell have you been waiting for?

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  • willgetgc2005
    02-16 11:40 AM

    Yes. You are right. We got to keep hammering. It is a national security Issue to let people roam for years freely. Such a security fallacy, will prop up any Senators ears.

    Ofcourse, we tend to miss such genuine opportunities to raise relevant Issues....

    Any idea, how we can make this an agenda and get it to the IV volunteers and office bearers ?

    09-26 11:47 AM
    I just sent an email to the editor... hope these mails open their eyes and they repost the correct article... :D

    03-19 03:05 PM
    Not only EB2, EB3 India also will move to April 2005, atleast for couple of months before this FY ends, to use the 140K numbers.

    I hope this happens. :)

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