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  • miamijim
    Apr 13, 04:06 AM
    So, how do you define "racism in practice"?

    Is taking the seat next to a white over an asian racist?

    How about going to a black cashier instead of a white one?

    Personaly I will go to the one with the shortest queue, I do not have any Curb your enthusiam white liberal guilt to assuage.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 26, 07:12 AM
    iOS evolution from 1 to 4 is somewhat disappointing. It has become somewhat stale, especially for the iPad. Hopefully iOS 5 is a big leap forward.


    you think it will be anything more than an incremental improvement?

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 14, 08:49 PM
    Blasphemy! Could not help it. :-)

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  • keen-on-mac-1
    Dec 2, 10:10 AM
    That's great for this kid.
    I hope he won't be in too much troubles because of his idea.


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  • nateo200
    Feb 26, 09:16 PM
    Here we go kids!! Expect lot's of grandstanding and some real knee jerk legislation cause this IS the year to gear up for the big election. I wish someone would inform people that it's their responsibility to be informed consumers AND parents. My kid racked up $380 in cell downloads in one month. I didn't need my senator to step in. I took away her phone for a month, blocked her ability to purchase ANYTHING on it, and worked out the bill with my provider (AT&T) who practically wiped it all away. This is just going to burden us with more laws and subsequently, more taxes in the form of direct taxation of products, indirect taxes by way of price hikes due to a rise in business tax, or BOTH.

    Wow some semi-competent parenting here quality bravo that's something America needs more widespread these days, well at least around here. Break your iPhone? No problem dady's an Anesthesiologist mom's a lawyer just by you a new one! Crash your birthday gift an Audi S4 into a telephone pole while screwing around? No problem momy's best friends with the town judge! (yes true stories). Ranting aside this is so rediculous. This would be like if the FCC was called in to monitor how files are transfered around my home network, aka something pity that should be left to these things we call parents. BTW putting a credit card into a kids iPhone is the dumbest idea in the world. You can teach them the value of a dollar if instead you give them an iTunes card and tell them its the only one there getting for X amount of time.

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  • AaronEdwards
    Feb 18, 11:49 AM
    Isnt Jobs a vegan? Cancer or not, not eating any animal products whatsoever is going to make you quite thin. If for no other reason than most things have animal products thus there just isnt a lot to eat.

    Personally, I so wish that was true. But in reality, not all fat persons eat meat, and not all skinny people are vegetarians.

    You can be a vegan and still stuff yourself full with carbonates, sugar and lots of different fats.


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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 24, 04:11 AM
    Great to see so many joining the team :D

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  • eva01
    Sep 13, 08:45 AM
    When i had surgery on my teeth like ten years ago they used a gas on me, i don't believe they use that anymore for anyone. I had surgery last july on my knee and they used IV therapy. And the last thing i said to the Doctor was "It tastes like burning" But seriously it tasted like burning.

    I thought that was the coolest thing ever. It feels cold going into your arm and it burns down your throat for some reason.

    You will be fine iGary so don't worry, i love anesthesia because it made me feel all loopy >_>



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  • kingdonk
    Mar 1, 10:41 PM
    wiki calendar.

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  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 10:03 AM
    Still waiting... Come on blizzard! Send one to me!


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  • kavika411
    Apr 4, 10:51 AM
    The GOP claimed that the the Democrats were overspending, but they failed to address how much worse things would be had they not done all the things to fix the mess left over from their president and party leadership. (A president who started the bailouts and is responsible for the highest budget ever). The GOP did not address this... I wonder why.

    By the way, we could cut the deficit in half with one simple act, all while preserving necessary services and relief for the hardest hit. End the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

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  • taylor swift hairstyles in love story. Taylor Swift Hairstyles; Taylor Swift Hairstyles. darkwing. Mar 21, 08:14 AM. This really sucks.

  • JackAxe
    Mar 17, 07:36 PM
    COOOL! I didn't know about the Master Quest! It will be a whole game for me... Well, sort of. :)


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  • dwright1974
    Apr 12, 02:06 PM
    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.

    If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.

    Are you in education? Or do you have children in education?

    If so, then you can buy it for just under �39 from RM (www.RM.com/thebasement).

    Full disclosure: I work for RM.



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  • eburr
    Mar 14, 10:46 AM
    Willow Bend and Stonebrier don't have any


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  • Makie
    May 4, 02:07 PM
    I took out the key and had a look but can't see anything from top that looks sticky and also the keypress is normal.

    But the strange thing is, after taking out the back plate and trying to remove the keyboard ribbon connector from the motherboard, I broke a tiny bit off (the plastic top bit) accidentally and after that the left shift key worked again, however after the computer was on running a flash video in full screen (from one of them online flash video players) for a couple of hours the issue has re-appeared again.

    Regarding cleaning it with alcohol, I'll give it a go and see what happens, but removing the motherboard completely seems a bit of a tricky business.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:38 PM
    I wish Expos� would have been in iOS 4. I really don't like the current multitasking option.

    I like it on my iPad but expose would have been much better.

    Also, using gestures would make much more sense with expose; plus I think its a better experience overall. :)


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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 9, 07:38 PM
    All right, let me rephrase that: government funds plenty of things, like libraries and parks, that aren't "necessary" but wanted. If you want to keep the argument on the federal level, substitute your own examples, including national parks. (Remember Bush trying to push them towards privatization?)

    If you have a balanced budget, and you suddenly unbalance it with tax cuts, the difference between revenue loss and spending is pretty much a matter of semantics. You had the money, and now you don't. At least when you spend it on a service, you expect to get something for it.

    Maybe one of the problems with House Republicans is that they don't think of tax cuts that they can't afford as spending.

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  • Gus
    Jul 14, 02:02 AM
    See this post:


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  • Abulia
    Sep 20, 12:34 AM
    Strange question: can you use the Firmware Restoration CD to update your firmware? This disc is designed to fix a bad update from CD, bypassing the hard disk and the RAID array. Seems to me that it should work, in theory.

    Read all about it here (http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/firmwarerestorationcd11.html). New version released today for the latest Mac Pro firmware.

    May 4, 12:20 PM
    It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning even if they have a super majority. That is hypocrisy at its worst. It appears you are reading these posts, but are you comprehending what he said? Sydde was talking about politicians from different parties working together towards a common goal where ideologies come together and blend into a solution that those with differences can agree upon.

    the common man voted conservative because they understand that budgets have to be balanced in households so it should be the same with the government. Um the liberals did quite a good job reducing the debt and running a surplus, yes things got rough the last few years, but so far there hasn't been a lot of emphasis by the conservative party to balance the budget or to reduce our debt.

    Apr 8, 05:45 PM
    Interestingly, Paul Ryan's proposal decidedly does NOT include any legislation forcing private payers to insure elderly people at reasonable rates. Talk about death panels.......... what most of these morons in the Tea Party don't realize is that the net effect of the Ryan plan is that the vast majority of elderly people will simply NOT have insurance because either they can't afford it or no private payer will take them, which translates into no access to healthcare especially if they have their way with medicaid. Congratulations USA, you are about the reduce your average life expectancy to that of Russia, but hey, it will fix social security because there will be no one left alive to receive retirement benefits.............

    The argument is using Tax Dollars to pay for the abortions as it is forbidden by Federal Law for Planned Parenthood to use the funding in that way...of course they have found ways around it, which is the cause for concern..Me personally, I am on the fence on the entire issue as I am not a woman. That stated, I don't believe abortions should be used as a birth control device either....

    If the laughably few moronic women who indeed believe this to be a form of birth control do not procreate because of it, I am happy for the genepool. No harm done I say. You people do realize that every abortion has a significant risk of causing infertility and other complications, right? And these risk compound with every procedure....... I'd like to actually meet a woman that thinks this is a good way of contraception... just saying...........

    Sep 28, 10:24 AM
    Luckily none of you have a Mac Pro with build 8K1079. It is complete *****. Build 8K1079 is horrible, hell-half of System Preferences doesn't work, Rosetta can't keep PPC apps open, can't plug in some USB devices, can't restart without holding power button down, the curtain of death happens.....a lot. So many problems with build 8K1079 that we don't/can't use it at work here.

    I have a Mac Pro with that build. I've had no serious problems. The only odd thing is that sometimes when I when I go into date/time preferences dialog and try to change something in there the color wheel spins for a couple of minutes and then the controls in there don't work right. All the other system preferences appear to work normally. I've had no other problems. Even iTunes 7 works fine.

    Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to an update. OS upgrades are always cool.

    Mar 11, 01:30 PM
    Willow Bend is at about 90 people

    Wow less than I thought, I may have a chance to get one. going to be there at 3:30pm.

    Apr 25, 10:34 AM
    Its quite simple

    -A 15" version
    -with larger battery capacity (5 hours heavy usage instead of 3)
    -2 USB 3.0 ports
    -and a built in 4G internet connection.

    Then the MBA would be unbeatable.

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