tattoos on penis

tattoos on penis. 30th Jan, 2011 at 09:51:12pm
  • 30th Jan, 2011 at 09:51:12pm

  • scott523
    Sep 25, 11:28 AM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    tattoos on penis. THE PENIS TATTOO FOR MEN AND

  • homerjward
    Sep 14, 04:52 PM
    i had it once, this summer, and i was *really* scared, when they first put an IV drip in my arm (they had to look forever to find a vein :eek:) but after they put the relaxant/whatever in the drip i was fine :p then they wheeled me into the operating room, put a mask on me and i was out before the anaesthesiologist (sp?) was done talking to me. the worst part was waking up in a lot of pain, so they gave me morphine, which made me nauseous, which was actually worse than the pain because try as i might i couldn't throw up...but good luck! i'm sure everything will go great for you, iGary!

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  • str1f3
    Dec 27, 07:26 PM
    Read the chat. They say online cannot be done. You can still purchase one in store.

    So in other words: It isn't banned.

    No it's not banned. They are intentionally trying to make it more difficult for you to buy it. You have to do the footwork yourself to get it. It is unprecendented for a company to want to make their product more difficult to buy.

    Seems fraud is the reason from what that rep said in the chat. Maybe we have started to solve the mystery to this thread ( ;)

    This has already hit Gizmodo. At the time of The Consumerist post, they were already trying to reach AT&T Public Relations. The fraudulent claim is to divert attention away from the original reason.

    As for eBay iPhones, you can find any of these for any cell phone under contract on eBay. This, or fraudulent claims, wouldn't be a NYC specific problem.

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  • iHarrison
    Jan 6, 03:16 PM
    someone explain this to me.....wouldn't activating push notifications absolutely KILL my iPhone 3GS battery life?? I've never been able to figure out if push notifications are bad to turn on cause they drain battery life?



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  • Buhbuhb
    Oct 26, 04:33 PM
    Given that universal versions of Adobe's software are not universal yet (Or at least most) does anyone know exactly how much slower any particular Adobe program (photoshop, illustrator, etc.) runs on an Intel Mac compared to a PPC Mac? I've heard it runs slower, but HOW much slower?

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 6, 09:54 AM (


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  • ogdogg
    Aug 19, 09:36 PM
    This new location feature is screaming "Im not at home, please break into my house!"

    If you have people on your friends list that will rob your house, you are an idiot.

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 10:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.

    Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.

    I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.


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  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 05:59 PM
    I got 2 white ipads 16gig wifis at northpark. I was roughtly 50ish in line. They have a lower than expected inventory because of the temp store in austin took some of their ipad shipments.

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  • autrefois
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    Well, let's see... the Zune comes out today. The iPod has been out for about 5 years (?) now. So it took Apple 5 years to have them integrate with airplanes. Shame on Apple for not innovating quicker. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on MS for not innovating quicker too. The Zune's only been out, what,... a few hours and it still can't integrate with planes? Shame on MS. :rolleyes:

    Seriously.... what's with all this Zune bashing? This story isn't even about the Zune, yet someone just had to post something about it. I'm not defending MS or anyone. It's just that I get's pretty redundant when everyone praises Apple and bashes on everyone else (especially MS), like Apple can do no wrong. I bet you haven't even played with a Zune yet. It's like people who say they don't like Japanese food or something. And when asked if they've tried it, they say no. How the hell do you know whether you like somethinig or not when you haven't even tried it yet?

    Apple fan boys...... :rolleyes:

    That's about the funniest thing I've heard, being called an Apple fanboy. Since you replied to my post, I assume you're at least in part referring to me.

    I am almost always critical of Apple here on Macrumors, either directly or indirectly, in my posts. Either that, or trying to poke fun at Apple's expense. Their business practices, their business partners, their pricing, their overheating laptops, etc. I'm always worried people with think I'm a troll, which I'm not. I love Apple products, and have given them (entirely too much of) my money over the years, but I realize the company is not perfect and can get better. I occasionally am under the RDF, but try to keep a reasonably critical mind about things.

    My post was just meant to be funny. MS's Zune wasn't even out yet, so no I didn't expected airplane integration immediately. And apparently Apple even make sure all their partners knew about the announcement before making it, so that's rather embarrassing for them.

    I agree the Zune should be judged on its own merit. My guess is that as an MS product it will probably not be as good as the iPod (heck, Microsoft doesn't even put their name on the box for the Zune) but it will probably gain ground sooner rather than later since people will assume (correctly or not) that Microsoft works better with Microsoft, just like Apple works better with Apple.


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  • magicman007
    Mar 24, 03:21 PM
    Most everyone is talking about the hardware, but what about the software that Apple develops? Gesture technology, 3D rendering, AI, all the graphic intensive stuff Apple has always been known for. There's a lot of potential for software application outside of the Apple hardware the military may be interested in too.

    Now, a hardened Macbook Pro or iPhone would still be cool! :D

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  • MonkeySee....
    Mar 28, 08:18 AM
    I can't upgrade my phone untill sept so if they can hold off the release of the iPhone 5 i'd be super greatful :D


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  • pdpfilms
    Sep 6, 08:10 PM
    Hahaha, some of these are really funny...

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  • Apparently, this tattoo says

  • hulugu
    May 2, 12:50 PM
    No major changes. Some new wacko will step up and fill the fresh void.

    That being said, it is a HUGE moral victory for us and our troops.

    I'm not so sure that the void can be filled. Osama Bin Laden had become a figurehead, split away from his funding and logistical support, and existed as a symbol.
    A new leader would have to fulfill that same roll, but Al Qaeda's money trail has been cut to ribbons, their logistical support is broken, and the organization's ability to recruit may be blunted by the 'Arab Spring.'

    The Taliban, however, will keep on rolling, but they have always operated as a separate group, although their operational structures were intertwined.

    Remember that Al Qaeda has been 'franchising' itself since before 9/11, so expect to see clones popping up in Africa and the Mid East that claim the same lineage, with leaders who will claim to be the next Osama Bin Laden.

    However, that moment has passed.


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  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 19, 09:53 AM
    My post is "coming soon"......IN PURPLE TEXT!!!!;)

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  • jayP1201
    Jan 6, 05:17 PM
    Should be in:

    Settings > Notifications > Facebook

    Although I still get NO notifications no matter what, so I can't guarantee that'll work :(

    Thanks.. I'll also try resetting the phone...


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  • tattoos on penis.

  • 0815
    Apr 26, 06:40 AM
    All true... but what happens when you replace the hard drive? Willing to buy one from Apple with the OS preinstalled?

    Thats what the USB stick is for - you boot from it like you used to do from DVD and install - that simple.

    USB sticks are too expensive and take too much time to duplicate "en masse". DVDs are very cheaper and take few seconds to duplicate if even that since they are being pressed (not burned in the case of mass duplication). USB sticks are also more expensive.

    It doesn't make sense to go to a USB only distribution model, at least from a cost basis. As for Mac App Store... meh... why not do downloads outside of the Mac App Store, I don't want to use that POS. I've been installing OSes from HTTP and FTP since the mid-90s, no need for a "Mac App Store" to do it. What happens if I don't have a 10.6 or 10.7 installation going and just want to wipe the computer ? Linux has been doing network installs from nothing. Upon purchase, just provide a USB thumb-drive image I can put on any 1 GB thumb-drive to boot into the installer where I put in my purchase code or something. No need for the "Mac App Store".

    Funny how history repeats itself (or better the comments on current events) ... those are the same arguments that I heard when computer manufactures started to get rid of the Floppy drive: but CDs are so much more expensive, I can't get everything on CD, people don't know how to handle them, ....
    Also: don't compare the price of big read/writeable USB sticks in the store - with a fixed (read-only) image they can be mass produced fairly cheap - yes DVD might be a tiny bit cheaper for now - but there are other cost savings with the tiny USB sticks compared to the big DVD boxes (packaging, shipping, storage, .... and you save the money to put the DVD drive in the machine)
    Lets face it: the DVD is at the end of its life cycle, it was great for its time but now is the time to say good bye.

    At this point in time most non-enthusiasts are barely comfortable reinstalling an OS. They'd be totally lost if OS X wasn't on a disc. I'm sure Apple doesn't want to have to deal with all the extra support calls and will provide Lion on DVD for any Mac that has a SuperDrive. DVDs are on their way out but still have a lot of mainstream life in them.

    even non-enthusiasts manage to put a USB stick in the right slot. You know, even my father (who does not know anything about computers and sometimes scares me with his very naive computer questions) knows how to put his USB stick in the computer to copy some pictures to it. If he can handle to put a DVD in the drive to boot and reinstall, he can handle to put a USB stick in the right slot to boot and reinstall.

    We are still in a transition period. There is zero reason to think 10.7 won't come on DVD. Not everyone -- actually most -- people in the U.S. do not have high speed broadband (4 Mbps or faster) service either because of cost or availability [stats here for the non-believers:,3343,en_2649_34225_38690102_1_1_1_1,00.html] . It would be suicidal for Apple to ship a multi-GB OS only via download. Especially Apple home users, who bought into Apple because of it's ease of use, are not going to sit for hours as their new shiny OS downloads, then sit for another 15-30 min as it installs.

    Why? You don't need high speed internet to put a USB stick in your computer, no need to wait for hours, just plug it in and be happy.

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  • Hrududu
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    You don't need that to play new Starcraft, do you? :eek:
    Probably not, but it sure sounds like fun! :D

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  • sunkenfaith
    Dec 12, 03:19 AM
    Hi everyone, I am a really poor photoshop user, and prior to posting this, I have done alot of reading and read alot of tutorials, but alas, my skills are too poor to fulfill what i need to do.

    I just need help to cut a wedding picture of mine into a heart shape to fit another photo which is a shape of a heart.

    Can anyone kindly give me concise details on how to do it or better still can anyone give me a great wedding present by helping me out with it?

    May 28, 08:23 AM
    How is this?

    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apple Bitch? Really? Lovely name.

    Bear Hunter
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    I know what some of the plans are as I met the reps from Apple when they came to visit us.

    edit: ...and as mentioned, some of you have no concept about the military at all. It's pretty amusing actually.


    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:39 AM
    sure why not ... I also wanted Ross Perot to be President

    Apr 30, 04:43 PM
    You just made his point

    Hmm, so if I choose a OS that is more intuitive to use, more easier to use, I am not tech savvy anymore?

    If I had to use Android, i could. After three days of using Android, I pretty much know the ins and outs of that OS but I still find it more difficult to use than my iPhone.

    Same could be applied to Windows vs Mac. Sure, I know how to use Windows enough to troubleshoot it and stuff but why use it when I can just use a Mac and have a much happier time using it since it's so user friendly/easier to use?

    I don't want to purposely use what's overly complicated just to be called tech savvy thank you very much.

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