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  • Blue Eye Tattoo: The Progress

  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Apr 22, 10:08 PM
    They should change everything if not to just confuse people. Lol

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  • TequilaBoobs
    Jan 12, 08:45 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand. I've watched previous keynotes and he never seemed this bad. The charisma he's displayed in the past has been replaced with smugness. He acted like the iPhone was the second coming of christ and we were so lucky that he existed to bring it upon us.

    When really, this is probably the single worst keynote for Mac users that he has ever given. No hardware updates. No 10.5 preview. Not even iLife and iWork '07! Plus, very people I know are going to be interested in spending $600 + $60 a month or more to use this phone while plenty of us would love to spend $300 or $400 or even more on a full-screen video iPod. God, I wish this keynote was all some nightmare and in the real one Apple actually gave us something we wanted.

    wow jamr u have big balls, coming to macrumors to call Steve Jobs an SOB. that's like going to a kkk rally and saying david duke is retarded. just be prepared to be flamed!

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  • Kewl 3D Tattoos |Three

  • macMan228
    Mar 24, 07:32 PM
    Recently switched to OS X in 2008. the real pulling for me was probably the easiness and the speed of the system as a whole
    oh yeah, vista sucked. :apple:

    tattoos on penis. Celtic Dragon Tattoo
  • Celtic Dragon Tattoo

  • porcupine8
    May 4, 09:27 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that, but I think I have to agree with you. I mean I own the iPad 1 now and love it, but I'd love it even more if I could write on it with a pen. It would be amazing for taking notes. I can't take notes by typing on the thing, I still have to bring a notebook (as in an actual notebook, made of paper lol) or my MacBook.

    Have you actually tried any of the styli out there with the notetaking apps? I balked at first because it looks like no way could it work, but now I love writing in Notes Plus with my Targus stylus (same as the boxwave). It's surprisingly fluid, and I've heard that other apps do an even better job.


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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 1, 09:22 AM
    I don't get it....
    We in scandinavia have put up with MS for years up without raising a voice against MS's strive towards total monopoly. Now when there a new player has entered in a less profitable market and doing well...BAM!
    I just don't get it

    It makes one wonder if our honourable legislators have MS stocks

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  • tattooed penis. tattoo

  • dayloon
    Apr 9, 05:28 PM
    A lot of the 'rumours' you posted are nonsense. Windows 8 will not and will never be unix based


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  • tattoo on penis.

  • definitive
    Apr 15, 03:51 PM
    why even bother posting these fake pictures?

    monochrome noise filter in photoshop, anyone?

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  • a tattoo of a giant penis

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 2, 05:08 PM
    You obviously missed the irony of it all (and yes, OSX is around 10 years old now). Windows was never called "1, 2, 3" etc. so there's more irony for OSX which did takes 10 years to get where it is now (i.e that's how long they've been working on OSX; OS9 has NOTHING to do with the length of time they've spent on the current OS, which has little or nothing to do with OS9 technologically other than the similarity in GUI interface (save the overlap in Carbon libraries). OSX is based on NeXTStep, itself based on Unix. It's not based on Mac Classic OS 1-9. But then my ;) should have clued you in. But then Windows haters rarely get such humor, IMO.

    You're implying that I said something that you are "correcting" me on. Length of time of OS X development? Show me where I mentioned this before proceeding to "correct me". :rolleyes:

    The thing I mentioned was the progression of names: OS 9 then OS X. I know the two are vastly different. I know OS X is based on unix. But to say the numbering doesn't show a progression is silly. OS X instead of OS 10 indicates a significant change while preserving the numbering.

    I was only discussing the name Windows 7. Everyone with an answer believes they know. I don't know so I will not critique the individual answers. But I find it fascinating that between obvious Windows users there is no consensus. I've seen more than one explanation for the "7".

    And finally I am not a Windows "hater". I am a hater of people who care to waste my time telling me why using a Mac is "wrong". I will say that since being away from Windows for the most part for some time now, that I am lost on that OS. It used to be that I could go back and forth with ease. But the subtle changes to Windows have made it less intuitive IMO. And being a non-Windows user I think I am a good judge of whether it is intuitive or not when I try it. Microsoft has been making changes to Office for Mac over the years that I find strange. Labeling axis on a graph in excel for instance is less intuitive than it used to be. But recently I had to use excel on a Windows machine and I have to say it was very strange how it has been organized. The changes to Office for Mac OS are nothing compared to the changes I have seen to Office for Windows OS.


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  • the-oz-man
    Oct 6, 10:45 AM
    Love this commercial! AT&T get a clue from your competition. Your 3G coverage sucks!

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  • and now, the best tattoo.

  • Mars478
    Mar 17, 05:53 PM
    Oh my god... you jealous people always find a way to criticize someone... Seriously, this forum disgusts me sometimes.


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  • Man Tattoos Huge Penis On

  • RichardBeer
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    Awesome! Happy Birthday Apple Macintosh Operating System 10! <333

    tattoos on penis. tattoos on penis.
  • tattoos on penis.

  • JulianNeef
    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    Would be LOL when this was a paid app :P


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  • snake tattoo on penis

  • Highland
    Aug 3, 07:48 PM
    :eek: Dare!!??? As in double dog dare!!?? As in triple dog dare with a cherry on top!!?? ( Don't get your bowels in an uproar, I'm only teasing!!:D )
    I'm not upset :)

    I just find it really strange for people to defend questionable actions of large companies!

    tattoos on penis. tattooed penis.
  • tattooed penis.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 11:26 AM
    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    Yeah....I know enough about the inner workings of how teachers are paid and how all that works to call BS on what you saying. Give you an idea of how I know fair amount of inner workers is my brother is becoming a teacher and he is the 6th or 7th generation teacher so teaching runs in the family.
    Chances are with out the union you wife would be MAKING LESS not more. Most teachers are good. You have a very small handful that are bad but they are the ones that make the news because yes it is hard to get them out but at the same time those rules got put in place because the administration would really abuse their power.
    The bad teachers you hear about but the large number of good ones never are talked about.

    Pay for teachers is pretty much crap and they are not paid enough for what they have to put up with or the hours they have to put in. This goes double for any teachers in Math or Science were their pay is well below what they would in industry.

    Master degree part what Lee made the mistake on involves a requirement to teach any class that can go on to a 4 year university and that is for accreditation n reasons.


    tattoos on penis. How I avoided getting tattooed
  • How I avoided getting tattooed

  • applekid
    Apr 15, 11:54 PM
    Re-read your post on the first page. So, there's been no one that has run into rtgoldfish on X-Box Live? :confused:

    At least that could make for a possible lead if someone could get the thief to say where he/she lives.

    tattoos on penis. tattooed penis.
  • tattooed penis.

  • voicegy
    Jan 12, 01:14 PM
    Statement from the CEA (

    It's not quite as funny when there are consequences.

    Indeed. Excellent - this is just the action I would have expected and I'm glad to see it happen.:)


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  • tattoo on penis. geisha, penis

  • razorianfly
    Jan 15, 01:20 PM
    I only have one thing to say

    iPod touch + new apps = $20.

    Heh. No.


    tattoos on penis. Head Tattoo Of All Time
  • Head Tattoo Of All Time

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Jul 21, 10:02 AM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."
    The iPhone 4 works marvelously well. It is the most reliable iPhone I have ever owned, and the previous versions set a high standard to match. I am perfectly able to duplicate the issue (in my office, where the signal is poor) but as far as I can tell it has only resulted in one dropped call (while the 3GS dropped more due to holding a less reliable poor signal).

    So if Apple truly had released a horrible product I could agree with you. Instead I'm simply left suspecting that you don't own the thing and are simply content to tell other people how the device works anyway.

    Since a number of people have complained that calls have been dropped and download speeds have drastically reduced, your comment that it has not caused any fuss would appear to be inaccurate.

    Unless you mean it has not caused you any fuss? You might want to edit your sig to improve the accurary that up if this is the case...
    Nah, if I do anything with my signature it will be to remove it as it is rather silly to have it there in the first place. The whole issue is rather tiresome. I do not feel compelled to qualify my personal experience with the phone as mine, though, as by definition it is mine anyway. As for attenuation of the signal, I have indeed some extreme videos of major problems, and Apple has also said that there are a small subset of devices which seem to exhibit this problem strongly (or at least they've mentioned it a few times). There was a video of a person completely killing his connection by touching the side. That would be the mark of a defective device—one which should be exchanged. I haven't experienced anything above and beyond what I've experienced using a variety of phones ever since cell phones first hit the consumer market.

    tattoos on penis. tattooed penis.
  • tattooed penis.

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 05:15 PM
    Yeah, on Friday nights her boyfriend spends all his time on the internet obsessing over gay people. That has to do a lot for her self esteem. ;)
    Personal attacks are very mature.

    Oct 6, 12:45 PM
    There's a reason for that, less work is required to upgrade a tower from CDMA to EvDO than to upgrade a tower from GSM to UMTS. That's why Verizon and Sprint are ahead in the 3G rollout. But that doesn't change the fact that overall, UMTS is a better technology than EvDO. SIM cards, simultaneous voice and data, global compatibility, etc.
    Wonder what Sprint/Verizon's upgrade from EvDO to LTE will be like, compared to AT&T/T-Mo's UMTS to LTE upgrade? :confused:

    The ad is very misleading because it leaves out any EDGE coverage..
    The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.

    Mar 28, 03:10 PM
    In other words, it is now more fair to everyone because you just need to be in the App Store rather than having to submit your app specifically to be considered.

    Why not both methods? Hardly rocket science. This is a way to 'encourage' developers to list their apps.

    May 2, 02:05 PM
    Screenshot fail :) build number in Quicklook titlebar.

    haha, that was the first thing I noticed too. Way to protect that build number!

    Jul 15, 09:23 PM
    im on DSL :D it goes alright i guess.

    howcome you are getting such pathetic speeds? too many people in the street?

    yeah the top dsl speed here is 6 mb/s. not really great, but better than what i'm getting.

    i'm really not sure why the speed is so low.

    I have Mediacom too, I'm supposed to have really fast service, it's ok most of the time but here is what cnet's speed test ( gave me.

    try i just ran it and got 0.81 mb/s. i'm paying for 12.0

    Mar 17, 01:38 AM
    I just told a story and everybody is entitled to their personal opinion, what's done is done, I wasn't look for any congrats for this posting, but I Thank you all for the laughs

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