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  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 11:25 AM
    Well then what was your question? That list is what you want: a list of all supported cameras. The 9500 is not supported.

    I believe he was answering my question.

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  • (Tamil Actor) Wallpapers .

  • balamw
    Jan 2, 10:46 PM
    Any help?

    Not using VLC, but when I have wanted to extract audio from DVDs I've tended to use bbdemux http://sourceforge.net/projects/macbbdemux/ or bbdmux http://members.cox.net/beyeler/bbmpeg.html to first pull the audio out of the VOB and then converted it.

    The other approach I have used is to use handbrake, and then demux out only the audio.


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  • Hot and sexy Tamil actress

  • abz1981
    Apr 19, 02:56 PM
    is it me or does the opening and closing of applications and jus the whole moving around of the ios on that iphone look really faster than the ios on iphone 4. Could it be powered with the new rumoured A5 chip thats going into the iphone 5?

    tamil wallpapers. IndiaGlitz - TAMIL ACTRESS
  • IndiaGlitz - TAMIL ACTRESS

  • thefourthpope
    Mar 23, 07:22 PM
    :apple: should stick to their peacenik roots. No Army plz.




    tamil wallpapers. 3 Idiots in Tamil.
  • 3 Idiots in Tamil.

  • Burnsey
    May 3, 12:26 AM
    Hm, that pretty much sounds the same as the difference between conservatives and liberals in the US for the most part. Hope they don't try to take away your universal health care!

    The Conservatives are for some privatization, or as they call it "alternative delivery", but I doubt the population will allow them to completely privatize healthcare. Normally I'm for a smaller government, but when it comes to healthcare you can only either trust the corporations who make lots of money off of you when you're sick, or you can trust the government. In this case I trust the government a lot more.

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  • barenature
    Apr 26, 02:25 AM

    Something odd happened to me yesterday and I'd like to ask for your opinion. I had been postponing the latest update of OSX for a few weeks and decided to finally install this update yesterday.

    After installing this update, my iMac became terribly slow up to the point that it is basically unusable. Booting up takes ages and when logged in I see the spinning beach ball more than I'd like. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and decided to simply do a clean install as I did not have the time to figure this out.

    After a clean install, I downloaded all the updates and the iMac seemed to run smooth again, but this morning I noticed that the iMac is again extremely slow.

    Has anyone of you experienced this problem before?

    Some additional information:
    - iMac 20" 2.4GHz 4GB RAM 320 HDD
    - tried resetting PRAM
    - HDD only has one partition (so no Bootcamp)

    I have run an Apple Hardware Test and I am getting an HDD error. The odd thing is that when I now boot from the install DVD and launch Disk Utility, my HD is not even showing up. It only shows up as a drive labeled "Media".


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  • Blow up of Hot Tamil girl

  • scandalous sc
    Aug 19, 02:39 PM
    Even with the new update today I still couldn't log in, it wasn't until I turned off BiteSMSsb in Mobilesubstrate via SBsettings and the Facebook app finally worked!

    tamil wallpapers. Ankita-Angeetha-tamil-actress.
  • Ankita-Angeetha-tamil-actress.

  • dukebound85
    May 5, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    MS just doesn't get it. No OS X, no sale. Whenever MS tries anti-Apple marketing, they lose. They're completely out of touch, deer in the headlights style, in this new market situation. It's now becoming comical.

    They tried this garbage with their Laptop Hunters campaign a couple of years ago, where they showcased some yokels walking into a big box store and passing over Macs due to price.

    Apple went on to sell more Macs than ever before.

    Desperation breeds a lot of baloney. The PC and netbook market are contracting at an alarming rate, thanks to the effects of the post-PC era, where MS barely has any presence.

    Keep milking that Windows licensing cash cow, MS. Google and Apple have you right where they want you.

    May Steve Ballmer continue to drive MS into the ground. It's fun to watch.

    Ahh, another pro apple, anti ms post from LTD lol

    No they get it perfectly well. They know Apple has a premium charge compared to other manufacturers so why not try and exploit it:rolleyes:

    The microsoft usability tax costs even more, in wasted time and low productivity.
    I think it really depends on what your needs are. You have been around here long enough to realize that...

    Or perhaps you would be willing to show how I can be more productive on my mac when it comes to using industry standard CAD software like ProE? or Solidworks?
    Pretty please?? lol


    tamil wallpapers. tamil wallpapers.
  • tamil wallpapers.

  • 63dot
    Mar 12, 02:12 PM
    I know of a company that makes....let's say trailers. They are built in Brazil. They ship them to the US in crates. When they get here, they are uncrated, the wheels and tongue are bolted on, and they slap an "Assembled in the USA" sticker on 'em and sling 'em out the door.

    I have no idea about trailers. I got this image of a human tongue and a sticker licked by tongue and made to say, "USA".

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  • -digital-wallpapers Tamil

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 24, 01:50 AM
    seriously just shut ur pretty faces with the tired backlit keyboard anthem.

    Bit rude don't you think?

    this is like the least desirable feature

    In your opinion.

    esp since it has a direct impact on battery life.

    Not on my Pro or VAIO Z.

    so simple really:

    -more power
    -longer battery life
    -IPS display
    -less weight
    -runs cool

    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    Fair enough.


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  • New Tamil actress Haritha Hot

  • linsam
    Jan 7, 02:57 PM
    Still no sound --- even with the update.

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  • Tamil Actress Wallpapers

  • gammamonk
    Nov 12, 08:48 AM
    Anyway, in the virus one, the second to last line should start:

    sore de



    trying Unicode this time.

    Thanks-- You're right. By the way, what computer are you posting with? Must not be a mac! (^__^)


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  • Apple Corps
    Feb 26, 04:14 PM
    You are vested after 5 years - that is correct - but what is the PBO (projected benefit obligation) for 5 years service in industry vs what the PBO is for 6 years "service" (ha ha ha) at the public trough :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    tamil wallpapers. IndiaGlitz - TAMIL ACTRESS
  • IndiaGlitz - TAMIL ACTRESS

  • JackAxe
    Apr 5, 02:56 PM
    Somehow I was expecting to see a lot more praise and excitement for the 3DS after it launched....

    The 3D effect seems to trigger mixed reactions. Other than that...there really doesn't seem to be anything truly exciting about it? I don't see any "wow, those graphics!!" or "holy cow, this thing is fast/powerful" type comments.

    The general vibe I am getting from here and other places is more like "pretty neat", rather than "wow, so awesome". :confused:

    I bought my 3DS for Zelda, so as it's not out yet. It's just what it is.

    The original DS wasn't exactly a WOW factor at launch and for many -- especially the press -- it was considered a complete joke as they praised the PSP. Its launch line up was worse than the 3DS, but years later its games and sales speak for itself.

    Anyways, the 3DS just needs titles. It's a solid portable gaming system with no shortage of GREAT DS games to play on it until 3DS titles start to role in.


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  • Wallpaper looking cute and

  • Elijahg
    Apr 5, 09:02 PM
    No, it doesn't. The line-in port does not supply power for a microphone.

    The combined line-in/out jack on the newest Macs certainly DOES supply a small amount of power for the mic built into the iPhone headphones. The separate line in port on older Macs doesn't, but the headphone port does supply power (on my 2009 MBP at least). It's not the same amount of power as the mic port on PCs, but it's similar. The mic on an analogue headset designed for a PC has never worked on a Mac. The old Plaintalk mics back in the beige Mac days used to have a really long connector, so the tip would touch the power part of the socket in the Mac.

    Some people seem to want a new Dock Connector, but I think the current one is here to stay for quite a while yet. It's thin, tough, and has plenty of pins for analogue and digital data. Plus there are thousands of devices that use the Dock Connector. If Apple were to change the design, it'd likely prevent future devices from connecting to the thousands of accessories.

    The only problem I've ever had with the connector is the quality of the cable. It's awful. It's made from a kind of eco-friendly rubberised plastic, which tends to tear easily. I've had two or three cables split at the connector end; the cable plastic is much too soft.

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  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:03 AM
    Go and try it and come back...

    Edit to add:

    Here is a great little one page explanation of EF vs EF-s (http://jefflynchdev.wordpress.com/2009/01/10/understanding-canons-ef-s-lenses/). I quote from it:

    Which, once again, agrees with me.

    Go back and re-read ALL the posts. You will see that I never claim that a 50mm EF lens and 50MM EF-S lens have different focal lengths. They do have different EFFECTIVE focal lengths, dependent on the camera sensor size being used, as your quote agrees.


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  • Asin is Tamil, Telugu and

  • neildmitchell
    Sep 15, 02:11 AM
    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.

    yowzers ! :(

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  • Hot Tamil Actress Wallpapers

  • adroit
    May 2, 10:58 PM
    Ba-bye Canada :'(

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  • Hot Tamil Actress In Two

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:26 PM
    Randome shots after they have all somehow gotten mixed up, if you want to know what one it belongs to just hover your mouse over the image and find another image with the same name/time.

    Sep 22, 11:21 AM
    Okay, I'll agree with you about not being able to "custom" build your own Macintosh. It has drawbacks and advantages. Mostly advantages in my opinion. Apple has always made systems that perform more predictably. Simply put, the software (OS) and the hardware work better hand in hand. Although Microsoft has done pretty good with XP, it does some neat stuff, but I still prefer OS X. However, even though you can't build your own Mac, it is very easy to add after market upgrades such as hard drives, RAM, PCI cards, etc etc...at least in the towers. Obviously, the iMac is for the person who does not care to go inside their computer, they just want something that turns on and works. Today, most of the hardware is pretty interchangeable.

    In the future I'd like to see the hardware makers standardize even more, so maybe all the PCI cards could work in both systems without the need for different ROMS, but that will probably never happen, due to the stark differences in how Apple and Intel/AMD design the MB.

    I don't know about the 2 processor limit on the G4. I always thought if the processor supported SMP, then you could go to town.

    I never remember seeing any PCs with USB until after Apple released the original iMac. If they did, they sure were not using it much. In fact, they still mostly use the PS/2 ports. Maybe because the PC liked to crash back in the Win98 days. USB was definitely plug and pray for them back then.

    I personally don't mind what Apple charges, since they make a product that works. I never go a week without hearing someone crying about something being wrong with their PC and Windows.


    Apr 5, 10:46 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.

    Mar 11, 11:02 AM
    We are 12th and 13th at Willow Bend. We are currently at the end of the line. There is a roped off area and they are saying LIMIT TWO PER PERSON.

    How's the Willow Bend line looking now?

    Aug 14, 10:02 AM
    hah! actors!

    Apr 8, 08:33 PM
    But another unit is just what the 'system' requires of Sally, poor girl.

    You could do with a crash course in Economics, not that I agree with what they are trying to achieve.

    I am not saying no one should produce children. I am just saying its not the job of the government to make sure people are only cranking out units when they are "ready". Its called personal responsibility. If you get knocked up, deal with it. It's usually your own fault. Maybe your parents should have taught you to keep your pants on. It's not up the the government to teach you these things.

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