shorter hairstyles for thick hair

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  • Fukui
    Apr 3, 05:39 PM
    I'm not too familiar with Ruby. What is it?
    It's useful to add pronunciation to the text for different language speakers, or usually in JP language papers so someone can know how to speak a particular Chinese character.

    It may be obscure but its very useful, especially if it was built in to Cocoa just like spelling...

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  • spazzcat
    Aug 19, 11:54 AM
    Can anyone confirm this? It's so annoying when new features are turned on by default. I guess I just need to delete my account. I have a fb, but never check it, but I keep it around just because I get an email if somebody sends me a message on there and then I contact them back. Facebook is just awful, worst mistake signing up for it. If you don't have one DON'T GET ONE!!

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 5, 04:42 PM (

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  • TheNewDude
    Apr 30, 10:30 AM
    Preorder the game from gamestop and you get a beta key also.


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  • mrbrown
    Feb 18, 10:45 PM
    Neither is Zuckerberg. He is not legally allowed to yet.

    What country are you from exactly? Zuckerberg (26) is well above the legal drinking age in the US...

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  • BBC B 32k
    Oct 17, 05:01 PM
    Either in Regent St. on friday night or MacExpo on sat.
    Was in Apple Store last monday to get ipod touch but they had sold out. trawled london and got the last one at Micro Anvica :D


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  • tobefirst
    Nov 14, 01:58 PM
    I'm sorry, my goal wasn't to keep people out of the topic, but to make it easier to talk about the two separate topics. Why can't you post over there?

    He's 11 posts shy of the requirement.

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  • jeremiah256
    Apr 28, 02:07 PM
    Must haves: Faster CPUs and Thunderbolt - not so important now but in 6-18 months anticipate widespread Thunderbolt equiped monitors with USB 3, SD, Firewire and ethernet ports built in. Your external monitor will be your hub and Thunderbolt means future proofing your MBA. Like to haves: me and my pretty mouth would like a backlit keyboard.:p


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  • runeapple
    Mar 26, 03:22 PM
    He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?

    Maybe he spent all his money on iPads?

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  • Short Haircuts for Thick Hair

  • mrgreen4242
    Dec 9, 05:40 PM
    Well, I'd like to get my hands on a DS, but cash is a bit tight. I'm hoping someone would be interested a trade for (or buy outright) a nice, older, PC.

    - P3-1ghz,
    - 256mb RAM,
    - 10gb HDD (I can most likely dig up another 10-20gb HDD to add),
    - CD-ROM (I have a CD-RW drive of unknown speed/quality I can include as well),
    - NVidia TNT2 GPU,
    - network card, modem, keyboard, mouse.
    - I have a 19" CRT that I haven't used in awhile for someone local (in the Lansing, MI area).
    - Has Win98, Office 97, and some other software if you want it (Visual -Basic, some older PC games), with licenses of course.
    - Could also install pretty much any Linux variant for ya, if you wanted. I have Ubuntu on there right now.
    - I would be happy to include a joystick (uses the old fashioned "game port") and/or a USB gamepad.

    Figured it was worth a shot. :) Anyone who would be interested in CDs, VHS tapes, comic books (decent collection, including the full Superman Doomsday series), or some Star Wars "memorabilia" (toys still in packaging from the mid-90's re-release of the first 3 movies) in trade should PM for a list of those things as well!


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  • mercyjan1985
    Nov 2, 03:56 AM

    you already use to card....

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  • spydr
    Jun 22, 07:56 AM
    Most are class 6 or about 6MB/s, some are class 10 or about 10MB/s. The fastest are around 30MB/s but that costs over $200 for a 32GB card.

    Wow � sounds like USB 1.0 speeds. Here comes the past!


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  • vancleef
    Apr 15, 02:15 PM
    Agreed we are spoiled. Unfortunately the U.S. has a horrible infrastructure as far as public transportation and such so many people live far from their jobs and have to drive everywhere.

    I remember in New Zealand paying $4 something per liter :eek:

    Here where I live at the Sheetz gas stations its $3.75.

    Yes and that is the discussion here in Sweden. As you might know we have a big chunk of our population out in the woods far from any larger cities and these areas are slowly dying in favor of urbanisation. And without any communion service worth mentioning these people suffer from the high gas prices as you might guess.

    Either way, didn't mean to offend anyone mattcube64 :)

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  • NewSc2
    Oct 9, 04:16 PM
    hm, wait, people don't already download movies??

    **hides torrents**


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  • Squadleader
    Apr 8, 05:46 PM
    Humans should have the full right to decide over their own bodies, that includes planned parenthood and abortions.

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  • SilianRail
    Apr 5, 06:29 PM
    don't ask me! ask the EU about it. i don't make the regulations. but i can tell you this, they want a standard port for charging purposes and data transfer, so that you have to deal with fewer cables. it's not a bad idea, if you think about it.It's a bad idea for Apple when they can't charge you $99 for a 50 cent piece of plastic and copper.


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  • dcv
    Oct 17, 05:14 PM
    pub is good, match bar for cocktails :p

    Have you met dcv or me before? :confused: :D

    Whoa, spooky, that's exactly where I was going to suggest! :eek: :D

    shorter hairstyles for thick hair. short haircuts for thick hair
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  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 10:55 AM
    The site has been updated!

    Direct link to the "What's New" page (

    shorter hairstyles for thick hair. short hair styles for thick
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  • iGary
    Sep 13, 08:52 AM
    I've had general anesthisia about 11 times now (long story ...).

    The gas is fine i remember once the anesthitist asked me to count to 10 whilst he put the mask over my nose and mouth. ( i reached 3 or so :D)

    The IV isn't much worse (and i'm not a huge fan of needles!).

    You do feel pretty groggy afterward when you come to, well i least i did, and its definately worth getting someone along to help take you home. They could just be there to pick you up and make sure you get into bed ok when you get home. You'll prob be asleep for a good 10 hours after that.

    On the whole the administration of the anesthetic is not unpleasant.

    Best of luck with your surgery iGary

    Unless they keep me overnight, I'm having the midshipman I sponsor from the Naval Academy pick me up and get me settled at home. I'm sure I'll be just fine - I'm just a worrier. :rolleyes:

    Apr 5, 11:34 AM
    Like a touchpad wouldn't it be possible for it to recognize what is a tap and what is just touching to the surface? i.e. it would only initiate a command based on a quick touch and release.

    Sep 23, 08:37 PM
    i guess everyone knows about the whole "MHz myth" thing...
    Reason for G4 processors killing the Pentium 4 is cuz of the pipeline and i'm not gonna bother cuz everyone probably knows...

    Nov 2, 10:01 PM
    So many of the switchers are college kids. A few
    months ago they had an article about how the
    market share in college is really falling more toward
    mac, more than ever before. Apple is getting them
    young, and that will pay off in the long run. I got
    my first Mac when I started college and now that
    I finished, I got a new one. The new laptops have
    made a huge dent in this age group, so that is what
    a lot of this whole market share increase is caused by.

    Mar 26, 04:54 PM

    Steve:Let's go discuss this somewhere more private
    Schmidt: My place or yours?

    Apr 30, 04:49 PM
    Hmm, so if I choose a OS that is more intuitive to use, more easier to use, I am not tech savvy anymore?

    No, you made his point because you went all defensive and fearful over Android.

    It's not any "harder" to use or figure than iOS. Heck, the iPhone has a 274 page user manual... So much for "intuitive".

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