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  • mrajatish
    05-25 08:52 AM
    Jazzy2, please talk to staff if you can - they like personal interaction. Best of luck. Called Sen. Graham, and Sen. Alexandar. Also, call the business friendly repubs and immi friendly democrats more. Called patty murray, maria cantell, Harry reid, Sen Lieberman, Sen. Salazar, Mccain, Cornyn, Martinez, Obama, Leahy.

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  • Young Selena Gomez and Demi

  • Chelo
    02-13 04:59 PM
    Listen to
    IV good reasons for joining IV
    I. You don't want be waiting forever
    II. You cannot make things happen alone
    III. It is easier to work with a great team
    IV. IV is a WINNER

    .... Or whatever other four reasons you want to write

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  • Selena Gomez at the 6th Annual

    12-28 04:41 PM
    glad it worked for you and thanks for sharing as it may help one of us someday.

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  • Selena Gomez,Young Hollywood

  • boreal
    08-29 01:54 PM
    I think there are still some visas left for EB2 I/C but they want to distribute them judiciously.
    Due to the random processing, seveal people had earlier complained to USCIS and Ombudsman. This may have probably resulted in drawing a line that would mandate following a RD by IOs.
    On the other hand DOS has still not made any official statement as the visa may be available or would be available towards the end of month.
    Thus all those people whose RD is earlier than the published RD and PD is within the window should remain hopeful.

    My theory is that USCIS could not handle the load of all the calls from us to CSRs, the infopass appointments, the SRs being opened...It was pretty silly of them to have moved the dates to August 10 (NSC) when there were thousands of applications with the RD of July 2. Obviously, that resulted in tonnes of SR/Infopass requests. Makes me think there is no one unit within USCIS that can do _some_ analysis regarding the consequences of their actions. This organization exhibits no accountability to anyone, i guess only action from Congress can make it be a little more responsible, but that doesnt seem a possibility as Congress doesnt really seem to have any incentive taking that route. (Even if all 300 of active IV folks cry out loud!)


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  • Selena Gomez was there.

  • nixstor
    10-30 04:30 PM

    Most of the major airlines require 15000 to 25000 miles for flying inside the continental US. Thanks for digging through the threads and making an offer. Just make sure you use your skymiles number on delta and with delta's partners. If you are going out on an international trip that will get you there faster. Their credit cards offer 20,000 bonus miles initially. check delta's and partners websites.

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  • selena gomez eating pizza.

  • jsb
    03-26 09:41 AM
    security clears of what? Anthrax?
    For heaven's sake, those are just text, right? I dont think we can do an attachment..

    There are more than 100,000 emails and more than 40,000 paper letters coming to Obama every day. I doubt, if all get acknowledged after somone reads them. Some sort of filtering process has to handle that task. With security I meant, checking on originating IP addresses against their watch-lists, certain words in the text, etc. As per reports, Obams is given some 10 letters (may be some emails) everyday to read.


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  • dba9ioracle
    09-15 03:10 PM
    Nice idea.. I am for it.

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  • Selena Gomez Young American

  • gchopefull
    10-02 03:52 PM
    just pm you.
    thank you


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  • Selena Gomez amp; Ashley Tisdale

  • immique
    07-03 01:50 AM
    H1B transfer pending & going out of US for 3 days.

    My h1b is valid till Sep 30 2008 and this h1b is from my old employer which I left on jun 20. I joined new employer on Jun 23rd and the petition was filed on Jun 16th, it was rcvd by USCIS on Jun 17th.

    I am going to Mexico on Jul 4th and will be coming back on Jul 7th. Now if I am not asked to surrender i-94 while I leave USA I think I will be OK but if I had to surrender i-94 while leaving USA then what documents I should have to enter (USA) ???

    Should I tell that I have joined new employer or should I not?
    My old employer is not going to cancel my currenct h1b PLUS my old employer had filed for an extension also....

    I have read that if the petitioner can not provide with proof of h1b transfer in form of rcpt notice or approved i 797 at the POE then he/she is inadmissible.

    Please help by throwing out your thoughts/past experience/knowledge base in this area.

    it is advisable not to leave the country while H1 extension is pending and you cannot lie to the immigration officer at the port of entry. if they take your I-94 while leaving (if going to Mexico, they generally do not take I-94) then you may have a problem reentering and you may have to wait until H1 extension is approved and then reenter using the new H1 approval.

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  • looivy
    11-02 12:59 PM
    If this is a possible solution, have your Mother-in-Law visit Canada temporarily for a few day and have her come back to US. I am just floating this idea for discussuion.


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  • Selena Gomez vs Demi Lovato:

  • chanduv23
    08-07 08:04 AM
    Please visit

    Please make it to this event

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  • thomachan72
    11-10 02:47 PM
    Never heard of this before. Wouldn't know what to do either. Can you call them and ask? or send an email? what does your attorney say? Was an educational evaluation done on this?


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  • Selena Gomez is on UK#39;s OK

  • gcwanted101
    09-01 03:35 PM
    Google G639 ( form for the pdf version. Here, it's already done. Just click on the link it will take you to the form you need to request the information. Fill it completely in as much details as possible and then get it notarized for your signature at a bank. Once notarized, mail the form out to the address shown on the form.

    My personal experience:
    I followed the exact procedure as explained above and it took me 3 months to get everything i requested as a pdf document files on a CD instead of paper copies. It depends upon how many requests they have in the pipeline. 3 months is not bad i think. Good luck for your request.
    Hey harrydr, Thanks for the information.
    I know about G639 form though.
    I just wanted clarify that USCIS do provide copy of approved 140 even if there is no 485 application associated with it.
    Because what I have hears was “140 is employer petition USCIS never going to provide it to employee”.
    But thanks a lot harrydr.

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  • Young star Selena Gomez wore

  • sanjay
    12-28 10:01 AM
    I have three friends waiting for I - 140 approval whose date are between Feb 16 - 22, 2007 and all are still waiting for approvals. online status show case pending. And dates in NSC shows April 6, 2007.


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  • H1B-GC
    05-27 10:36 AM
    Do u think, we did't do that.. We did everything possibly we could but of no help and been to three diffrent DMV's.. same old crap.. This seems to be a bigger problem than getting GC.. now we will be restrictited of driving too??

    Talk to your Local "state" Congressman(woman)/Senator.

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  • maddipati1
    08-31 10:54 AM
    Even after they stopped issuing Interim EADs at Filed Offices, one can always 'request' for interim EAD at field office by taking an appointment thry InfoPass. FO then would talk to service centers about the case.
    This is never changed. It is clearly stated in Form I-765 and in the original inter-office communication cancelling the production of interim EAD at FOs.
    Whats new in Ombudsman tele-conference is that u can request interim EAD at a field office just after 75 days intead of 90 days as in earlier policy.


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  • Selena Gomez Nominated For BET

  • black_logs
    05-11 10:43 AM
    We are still working on it, the most probable location & time is Bombay Palace at 7 pm but please wait until it is announced officially.

    Could some one post the Venue and time? (I guess it is dinner meet)


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  • golucki
    07-27 10:24 AM
    Nice Idea. Works Great!

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  • Pria
    01-10 09:49 AM
    Thanks for the information. As suggested, I sent two PP size photos along with the docs.

    03-26 11:06 AM
    I will go first: 50%


    09-14 01:26 PM
    This issue was previously discussed here. In that thread I do not agree with user frostrated who stated that he reentered with an AP that was approved while he was outside the US. That may well be the case but I believe if CBP agents at the port of entry were vigilant he would have been refused entry.

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