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  • leshkanyc
    Jun 24, 02:53 PM
    T-Mobile is next. That's all. Here is what i have to say on it - click to read my blog post: iPhone 4 pre-orders, Apple game and T-Mobile availability (http://www.webandblog.com/general/iphone-4-pre-orders-dirty-apple-game-and-t-mobile-availability/)

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  • kevinkt
    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    Play nice boys LOL

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  • rainman::|:|
    Sep 14, 08:38 PM
    EJBasile: for the record, do you know what happens when you ask for extra anesthesia before surgery? :) ;)

    it's a rare moment that someone is awake through surgery. usually, i understand, it's a result of a specific patient's reaction to anesthesia, not the administration of it.

    of course, that didn't stop me from expressing my fears, the last time I was under :) the anesthesiologist was very thorough, he has clearly answered that question a lot.

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  • mattwolfmatt
    Apr 5, 10:38 AM
    Have you ever gone to move your finger across the trackpad and find that it registered it as a tap instead? Drives me nuts.

    Nope. Never.

    Nope. Me neither. I question your sanity, Warbrain. ;)


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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 7, 10:44 PM
    i really thinking of selling my ipad.. i mean for 90% of the time my 17" MBP gets the job done.. and for quick e-mail checks or when im out the house, my iphone is invaluable, the ipad is a nice idea but i would not use it in the house, and pointless carrying that and my ip4 around

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  • haushinka
    Apr 5, 05:19 PM
    This is all they have now

    MagSafe power port
    Gigabit Ethernet port
    Mini DisplayPort
    Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
    Audio in/out
    Kensington lock slot

    Audio in/out IS the "headset jack". You can plug in the iphone headset and the mac will recognize both the mic and headphones.


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  • drummerlondonw3
    Apr 5, 07:58 AM
    This is so on the money.

    I was just having lunch while watching a film on my iPad. Next table over a table of business people are showing off one of their new iPads. People respond so positively to the experience on so many levels it really has something for nearly everyone.

    The important thing that apple got was that making great computers for 2% of the population, or smaller, was one thing. Making a great piece of hardware for 95% of the world something else entirely and much more lucrative.

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  • EliteGamer
    Nov 14, 10:17 AM
    However im still not sure if apple can pull it off..Sorry double post accidently so using this one instead of my edit


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  • sebastianlewis
    May 31, 04:32 AM
    A solution is a solution no matter whether it's the Command Line or a GUI, besides that, a lot of apps also have a CLI equivalent, Property List Editor and defaults, Disk Utility and diskutil, Automator and automator, etc. So clearly articles involving Disk Utility would also need to include diskutil, and Automator would need to include it's CLI equivalent... not quite the same for the Plist editor and defaults I guess.

    Then there is something like Quicksilver, which is kind of a mix between the GUI and the Terminal, well actually I'd go so far as to say it's an interface paradigm in itself. Then there are preference pane apps which aren't full GUI apps, codecs like Perian and WMV Components which also happen to have preference panes by the way, small utilities like Jumpcut which can function in either the GUI or the CLI via the same keyboard shortcut and just extend the clipboard, so it's really hard to create an artificial distinction between them, and then there are X11 apps, and what about online apps like Google Docs? No, they're not Mac specific apps, but neither is something like OpenOffice.org, they just happen to be hosted online and work in a browser, but a solution is still a solution whether or not it's locally hosted or remote, has a GUI or uses the CLI, or has its own unique interface, uses Aqua, or uses the X Window System, or uses your browsers rendering engine.

    On the other hand, if we were to use subcategories as filters, then that would just have the effect of narrowing the list instead of forcing the user to click through to another category to find what they might be looking for so we wouldn't have to create a distinction between different types of Software in the main category.

    So in reality, Mac OS X is a hybrid breed and so you have to look at where the real distinction is, the Operating System provides the software for a functioning computer, Apple provides their Cocoa and Carbon developers with the HIG, and also provides a full UNIX environment that anyone can take advantage of, and also provides a powerful Rendering Engine in the OS that provides an environment for both Widgets and Web-based Apps to run in. Some people are scared of the Terminal, but the Guides are here and they can be a powerful tool for getting people more used to the idea of using the Terminal and getting the most out of their computer, or if they chose too, they can completely ignore it.


    Clearly there are both cases where there is too much categorisation and where there is not enough. I'm in favour of general guidelines based on the number of articles, ie new subcategories should have at least x articles, and categories with more than y articles may want to be broken up - of course, there will be exceptions, so they should be only very general guidelines.

    I'm open to a big change in the category organisation of the Guides, as it is clearly badly structured in some places. However, any new structure needs to be carefully designed and agreed upon, as it is a lot of work to change and very difficult to undo.

    Overly-general guidelines based on the number of articles is poor structure, if it gets vastly overcrowded then new subcategories should be used very sparingly, but without subsubcategories, a user won't have to click through more than 3 times to get to the article they want from the Guides page, Top Category>Subcategory>Article, and potentially most of the time, two, Top Category>Article, or they'll just search it out which is the most likely, but that doesn't mean a decent hierarchy should be given up since it allows the user to just browse articles of interest.


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  • hondaboy945
    Sep 20, 12:38 AM
    So what I want to know from anyonewho knows is can we boot from one of the other 3 HDD's,and then, with the Quadro FX 4500, play some wicked PC games. Or are we there yet, should I just keep saving until all of the cool stuff is ready (CS3, PC games, nasty graphics capabilities).


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  • Bern
    Nov 11, 02:50 AM
    I'm not sure why you guys think the ads are more amusing simply because they're in a foreign language :confused: Not everyone in the world speaks english.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 01:29 PM
    Wait until they start digging around in his past.

    The Donald�s free ride is over. As the 2012 race begins, time for more reality, less reality TV. In this week�s Newsweek, Howard Kurtz says Trump may regret a decision to declare for the White House.

    As Donald Trump tries to leverage his brand with a reality-show campaign for president, surging to the top of the 2012 GOP polls, the past is coming back to bite him. The media establishment has been treating him more as colorful sideshow than serious candidate. But now that it seems The Donald might actually run, it�s time to take a closer look at the darker corners of his empire.

    Take John Robbins. When the retired Army officer heard Trump, in a music-filled tent, talk of putting up the tallest building in Tampa, Florida, he wanted in��because of the Trump name.� But Robbins lost half his $150,000 down payment when the condo project went bankrupt and was �floored� to learn that Trump had merely licensed his gold-plated moniker: �I just don�t see Trump fitting the role of commander in chief. Somebody has to stand up to Mr. Trump.�

    Hamed Hoshyarsar invested $54,000 in a condo at the Trump Ocean Resort Baja for one reason: He was a fan of The Apprentice. He lost every dime when the project was never built. �I want to throw up every time I see him,� says the Los Angeles accountant. �I see all these people talking about him being president, and I would never vote for that guy.� Trump, who exudes a blustery charm, doesn�t miss a beat. �What about the 50 deals that worked out great�are you going to cover that, too?� he asks me. Let the record show he has built some fabulous properties�but has also filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, most recently with his casino unit. �I do play with the bankruptcy laws�they�re very good for me� as a way of cutting debt, Trump says.

    He says he�s not responsible in lawsuits over the two failed condo projects because his partners were the actual builders�and, his attorney says, such confidential licensing agreements are standard. Besides, says Trump, the buyers are �lucky� because they would have lost more money in a tanking market had the projects been built.

    Another venture, Trump University, had to change its name after New York authorities ruled it wasn�t properly licensed; the school is also under scrutiny in Texas, where officials are examining possibly deceptive practices. Tarla Makaeff spent $35,000 to �Learn from the Master,� as a brochure put it, but the marketer says she didn�t get much beyond two �mentors� who were barely available after showing her some properties needing rehab. �I�m just disgusted by their greed,� says Makaeff, who is suing the school.

    But Trump, who is countersuing, has a tape of Makaeff calling two staffers �awesome.� �This is really ******** stuff,� he says, citing customer surveys that rate the school highly.

    Trump sells himself as a head-banging businessman who can shake up a dysfunctional Beltway culture. But as pundits belatedly put him under the microscope, they�ll find him all over the political map. While Mitt Romney is typecast as a flip-flopper, Trump declared in 2000 that �we must have universal health care�; now he says President Obama's health-care law is unconstitutional. He once pronounced himself �strongly pro-choice� but recently discovered that, guess what, he�s pro-life. Obama was �amazing� and �phenomenal,� Trump wrote in 2009; now, not so much. And while Newt Gingrich is branded an adulterer, Trump conducted a tabloid-frenzy affair with Marla Maples, the second of his three wives.

    For now, the press has pushed back hardest on Trump�s strange decision to peddle the birther nonsense. But he knows his customers: Polls show roughly half of Republicans don�t believe Obama is a citizen.

    Trump is suddenly inescapable, all over the networks, which love Trump because he�s good for ratings and the field is dull. Remember Sarah Palin? Her spokeswoman chided news outlets on Twitter for largely ignoring her last speech.

    Trump may be giving his rivals cover by dominating the stage, but if reporters keep turning over rocks, the master showman might be glad he hung on to his day job.

    Link (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-04-24/the-donald-trump-backlash-by-howard-kurtz/?cid=sexybeast:mainpromo4)


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  • rasmasyean
    May 2, 11:03 AM
    Now that OBL is out of the picture, what do you think will happen?
    Maybe more "peace lovers" will demand to bring troops home?
    Will the US work real hard to find another "prime evil target" to keep the "war mongers" interested?
    Maybe Pakistanis will think we now really have little reason to keep bombing them and begin an uprising?
    Will we shift focus to Iran?
    Detailed analyses and conspiracy theories welcome!

    Discuss... :)

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  • Dreadnought
    Jun 12, 03:06 PM
    That could be, I had to restart after installing the security update.


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  • maya
    Sep 22, 07:10 PM
    The iMac G5 were just updated in May 2005. There is a slim to none chance that there will be an update until MWSF JAN 2006. :)

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  • Miharu
    Jul 24, 12:16 PM
    Well, I fell for it and bought this baby. It feels pretty nice, it's not my first XO per se (I had one borrowed for 6 months before from a friend) but it's nice to finally have my own and I can start buying a bigger game library.

    I'll make it a habit to install games now since it has a big enough hard drive, and it makes a lot less noise when no disc is spinning. It's totally not "whisper-quiet" like they claimed in E3 but it's noticeably quieter than the older one. The fan speed rises periodically the longer you have it turned on, after 2-3 hours of gaming it sounded much closer to the old one. Did you notice the new smaller power brick actually has a fan now? That's what's making most of the sound :/

    So far I'm playing RDR and trying to finish some older titles like Oblivion and Fable 2. Got any suggestions? I'm looking at Mass Effect 2.


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  • OreoCookie
    Mar 29, 08:31 AM
    You have to have a standard frame of reference which is a 35mm sensor size.
    That's correct, but you're not using this standard of reference properly: no manufacturer uses effective focal lengths to refer to lenses for dslrs (e. g. it's a 17-55 mm f/2.8 lens and not a 27-88 mm f/2.8 (equiv.) lens), be it a lens tailored for crop lenses or otherwise, but always the physical focal length. I think this is where your misunderstanding lies. This means a full frame lens and a crop lens with the same focal length with produce the same field of view on the same body. A 17-55 mm lens set to 50 mm will produce the same field of view than a nifty fifty on a crop camera (say, a 7D or a 40D).

    Note that very often, this is handled differently on compact cameras where you will often find effective focal lengths rather than actual focal lengths, the reason being that sensor sizes can vary quite widely between models.

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  • 2 Replies
    Apr 19, 11:25 AM
    Looks valid to me, and makes more sense than their current implementation.
    Currently, when you're closing one of the MANY programs that are usually open, you can only interact with the small strip across the bottom of the phone.
    Four icons at a time...you HAVE to scroll... and you can't use landscape mode to see more icons at a time either.
    (Really a poor UI design as it doesn't make efficient use of the limited available screen space.)

    Hopefully, we'll see this soon... (as well as the option for a landscape homescreen..... with active icons. :-/

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  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 07:18 AM
    So we're on our way to a government shutdown because the Tea Party Republicans want to kill Planned Parenthood and Big Bird. How ****ing sad.

    Hey Tea Party, remember, it's all about jobs, jobs, jobs. :rolleyes:

    Apr 11, 07:23 PM
    I can't imagine a fancy Swiss watch is any different from a Citizen or a Seiko. I would recommend going to one of those watch kiosks in a shopping mall and picking out a new band. Most of these places will install it for free.

    Apr 13, 03:16 AM
    Have they fixed the asterisk bug in Word? Or is that still an issue?

    Mar 23, 06:01 PM
    I think it could be a real winner all round.

    More and more TVs are being sold as "Internet Ready." The problem is, on most of them the implementation and user experience is horrible. Half of them require a CAT5 wired connection to your network. And the other half need optional Wi-Fi adapter. Most consumers have neither the time, skill, nor patience to buy, install, and configure them.

    Then there is the issue of usability. It is awkward and time-consuming to try and navigate text boxes using most TV remotes.

    Apple licensing AirPlay as a means of letting TVs show YouTube content, plus stream photos, music, and video content on your home pc or iPad/iPhone would be a tremendous feature for TV makers to sell.

    The interesting question would be whether or not Apple licensed AirPlay to device makers of Android or Windows phones and tablets. This seems much less likely.

    Sep 14, 10:06 PM
    I haven't ever been under general anesthesia per se, but for having my wisdom teeth out about 3 weeks ago I was sedated by IV injection with Diprivan (basically the same thing as a general anesthesia from my perspective -- I was out). An hour beforehand I had taken Ativan as a tranquilizer and during the operation I was given three shots, one of which was Demerol (pain killer) and I think one of the others was Valium. I didn't really perceive anything much that I remember until a while after the surgery -- though third-party accounts indicate that halfway home from the oral surgeon I was able to finally determine that I was in a car on Dodge Street -- but the amnesia effect of the Diprivan was pretty strong (there may have been Versed, I don't know). I do however very vaguely -- almost like a distant dream -- remember waking up after the surgery and telling the nurse I wasn't ready to leave recovery yet.

    Basically it's like nothing at all -- my tranquilized self got into a dental chair, the doctor stuck a butterfly-type IV in my right elbow, and hooked up a syringe of white liquid. I asked what was in the IV, the nurse said it was Diprivan, and I felt myself fade out.

    Obviously back surgery under general anesthesia will be different from oral surgery under conscious sedation, but I've shared my experience FWIW.

    Apr 12, 08:03 PM
    Um.. the iPad does NOT even make calls. How could it drop them to begin with? *duh*

    It must suck to never get jokes.

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