quotes about him making me smile

quotes about him making me smile. miss u quotes for him.
  • miss u quotes for him.

  • fujitsu
    May 2, 02:53 AM
    Yes, I'm a self-confessed Angry Birds addict as well. Can't wait for the Angry Birds Rio update. Two more weeks before they release the update.

    quotes about him making me smile. To help make me smile
  • To help make me smile

  • PeterQVenkman
    Nov 12, 03:42 PM
    And when FCS4 comes out it will be a year ahead of CS5. What's your point?

    The point being that nobody knows when, or if, Final Cut is being upgraded, or what the quality of it will be. One can hope it will be awesome. One can hope it will be out next month.

    It's hard to plan purchases around what might come from Apple. Secrets may be great for building buzz around an iPhone. It sucks for planning software/hardware upgrade costs in business.

    quotes about him making me smile. will always make me smile.
  • will always make me smile.

  • Rojo
    Oct 3, 03:36 PM
    Sorry if this has already been mentioned somewhere (I couldn't find it), but...

    ...is there a date for when we can expect this change to .Mac's webmail?

    Also, I can understand why Apple previewed iTV -- but why the preview for something like this? Will we be seeing more previews from them? Doesn't seem like their style. Not that I'm complaining... ;)

    quotes about him making me smile. ones that make me smile
  • ones that make me smile

  • Small White Car
    Mar 23, 09:22 AM
    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    I'm guessing that you're not someone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Allen)who's been in that position (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates), though. How does your opinion account for those guys?


    quotes about him making me smile. that just make me smile.
  • that just make me smile.

  • Kobushi
    Dec 20, 12:01 AM
    Hmm...this isn't nearly as cool as the original 132KB one. Heh...oh well.

    quotes about him making me smile. make me smile: Joselyn,
  • make me smile: Joselyn,

  • ScooterPT
    May 3, 08:29 AM
    I will be giving this week as well


    quotes about him making me smile. He Holds me when I start to
  • He Holds me when I start to

  • Squonk
    Oct 31, 01:00 PM
    This post answers my question. So it would be reasonable that one year from now a 3G shuffle could be 2 gigglebytes (reduces confusion :) )


    So, 3G = 2GB? OK, Got it!

    The only reason I could see for having the Shuffle larger then 1GB would be for people like me who have higher bit rates and still want a fair number of songs on it. I sample at MP3 320Kb with VBR on high. With my 60GB (no, friends, that is not the 60th generation iPod, but rather 60 gigabytes), I have lots of room for my large files. :cool:

    quotes about him making me smile. Adric could always make me
  • Adric could always make me

  • -SD-
    Jul 25, 02:11 PM

    Enough of this Tekken X Street Fighter nonsense, the re-release of one of the greatest fighting games ever is coming. And now we have online play :D This is almost certainly going to be on PSN/XBLA, but I doubt it'll be out before next spring.

    Now, about that small matter of a Power Stone collection with online play....



    quotes about him making me smile. clowns to make me smile.
  • clowns to make me smile.

  • VSMacOne
    Oct 9, 05:51 PM
    i'm very tempted...

    I purchased Tweetie 1.0 but got bored with it and went back to TweetDeck. Still loving that dark theme from TweetDeck so not sure about Tweetie 2.0. Although, the Offline stuff sounds great!

    quotes about him making me smile. It#39;s making me smile,
  • It#39;s making me smile,

  • datanggou
    Apr 25, 12:54 AM
    Hi all,

    Just need to know the BEST and simplest way to hook up my macbook and my Sharp Aquos TV. I don't want to use adaptors.

    i have heard about DVI to HDMI cables, but what do I use for the sound? People also mentioned about VGA calbes? Meanwhile, there's something called the mini-DVI to HDMI. Which one is best?

    THanks all!


    quotes about him making me smile. Quotes give me so much
  • Quotes give me so much

  • zen.state
    Mar 31, 01:48 PM
    Well i'm waiting on one of these http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Firmtek/SATA1V4/ comming from Oz and one of these as well http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Sonnet%20Technology/TSATA/ thats a bit more local!

    Both from fleaBay at way less than the OWC prices. The 2 port will run 2x 2.5 inch drives to become the main HD for the G4 and possibly its time machine backup. The 4 port will look after my itunes, photos etc and general backup duties.

    I post some pix once it looks different from stock with a load of drives whirring away :D

    Just got my ram ordered as well. $26 for 4x 512mb sticks

    Those Sonnet SATA cards are also made by FirmTek for Sonnet. My 2 port card is exactly the same but has a red PCB and says FirmTech rather than Sonnet. This one:
    Great card and works 100% seamless with 10.5 and 10.4.

    Great price for the RAM!

    quotes about him making me smile. that make me smile.
  • that make me smile.

  • partyBoy
    Apr 8, 01:24 AM


    quotes about him making me smile. keeps making me smile.
  • keeps making me smile.

  • kcbruce
    Oct 6, 08:30 AM
    What I've been waiting for is true javascript support for wysiwyg textarea editors. I run a Mac blog site and I have to ask users to use Firefox. It seems a little sucky to do that for a Mac specific blogger site. Since Safari 1.3 Apple said they included the nessesary "hooks" for these editors, but no one has been successful in getting any of them to work in Safari.

    I downloaded the latest nightly build of Webkit and it still doen't work :(

    quotes about him making me smile. They really don#39;t do him
  • They really don#39;t do him

  • virividox
    Aug 16, 01:55 AM
    keep that gif use it as ur tar once u hit 500 posts :)


    quotes about him making me smile. make me smile,
  • make me smile,

  • schatten
    Oct 31, 10:44 AM
    Yeah, the whole 2G = 2nd Generation thing is getting old. Most people with any sense can discern 2G from 2GB, but that's assuming that most people have any sense, which sadly isn't the case.
    (I don't get it; when people say they have a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive in their computer, they always say "120GB," not "120G." So why get confused at "2G iPod?" It's simply confounding!)

    Even with clarification, people still foul it up. I concur with recommending to referring to it as the G2 Shuffle, or even "new iPod shuffle" as Apple refers to it on their site.

    I'd recommend naming it "clippy" but well... that would just start a whole new debacle!

    Anyway, even though I already have a 5G iPod (err... that's 5th Generation, or G5, or iPod Video) I might pick up one of these clippy ones. I could take it places where I fear to carry my larger & more expensive iPod. It would also make a great gift!

    quotes about him making me smile. Babies make me smile and calm
  • Babies make me smile and calm

  • Watabou
    Apr 24, 04:27 PM
    These are, according to me, the best cars money can buy and therefore my dream cars:



    quotes about him making me smile. It made me smile.
  • It made me smile.

  • Cassie
    Apr 7, 09:42 AM
    I'm so weird...I want one. :o

    But, given the choice, I already have my dream car.

    (Not my pic)

    quotes about him making me smile. And then he made me smile!
  • And then he made me smile!

  • apolloa
    Apr 7, 01:07 PM
    Oh goody. I am glad Apple actually realises that the last 3 updates have just made my iPhone 4 steadily WORST and MORE buggy with each release!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Shame the phones nice hardware but Apple of late have REALLY screwed up on software QC, and that's something THEY do!!

    Please FULLY test IOS 5 before release :cool::confused:?

    quotes about him making me smile. that always make me smile
  • that always make me smile

  • Melrose
    Dec 4, 07:17 AM
    Mine.. well, for like a few more days:


    snatched it from here (http://www.falconmotorcycles.com/gallery.html)

    girl, girls...

    omg that's so hot. ...what the hell is it? :confused:

    Apr 12, 07:23 PM

    Should be announced at 7P Pacific Time?

    Why does it say "NEW" on the above page?

    Aug 3, 03:39 PM
    On my MBP.

    Mar 31, 12:33 PM
    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this, but, while it's a cool demo, I'd probably never use this. The iPad would have to reach at least the amount of control and sensitivity of a Cintiq to make this useful. So it's cool that Adobe is working on it, and maybe with future revs of hardware, the iPad will get to that point (I really hope it does). But it all still seems like finger painting to me until you have control with some sort of drawing utensil. The funny thing is, Steve Jobs - the man who spouts and gushes over creating tools by artists for artists, and - is the one man leading the fight against any sort of stylus for use with the iDevices. While I agree with him on use throughout the iOS interface, all artists are NOT created equal. I've seen fantastic work by some of the guys using their fingers with those paint programs, but I'd say for the majority of artists out there, the real key is going to be getting a stylus that works properly in a drawing or painting app on the iOS.

    At the studio I work at, the day the iPad was announced, there were about 40 people that were willing to blow up to $1k on the iPad had it come out with some sort of stylus support - not for interface, but for drawing. These are people that use Cintiqs day in and day out. When the price point of $499 was announced their jaws dropped in unison. SOLD! But when no stylus was announced and when Jobs said "If you are using a stylus, you are doing it wrong", there was a collective sigh and gnashing of teeth. Not a single person purchased one.

    So while it was a cool demo, it's still a hard sell to people who do this stuff all day, everyday for a living. Let's see a real stylus for artwork from Apple that is meant to work with the touchscreen on iOS and let's see it blow everything else away!

    Until then, maybe this is the best we can hope for.

    The Cosmonaut (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danprovost/the-cosmonaut-a-wide-grip-stylus-for-touch-screens)

    Sep 22, 02:40 PM
    I just got a jazz drive but its scsi, how can i get a cheap converter like under $50 buxs to use on my powerbook

    Feb 13, 03:20 PM
    Funny that i don't look at the titles much ... some of these guys im surprised weren't mods already.

    Congrats to all; good choices on all accounts.

    Have fun. :)


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