quotes about change and letting go

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  • catchagarwal
    05-04 03:13 PM
    I was working on a company A(on H1B visa) and left 7 month back. While working on Company A, I was in a project in Company C through another Company B. I actually joined company B to avoid this chain. Company A released me after agreeing for his cut for 4 month, and then $2 per hour until the project ends. This was agreed by an e-mail between me and Company A. I stopped paying the company after 4 month of his cut.

    Now the company A has sent me a mail that they want a confirmation mail from Company B that my project ended. If no confirmation email, then they will send me a legal notice.

    Not sure what the employment laws are. Could you please advice?

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  • p_kumar
    10-26 01:51 PM
    how does AP look like?. is it like EAD or just a piece of paper.thanks:)

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  • pappu
    11-03 10:36 AM
    The wicked witch is dead. As for me I have packed my bags and moved to Canada. I first came in 1999 as a student and immigration has been downhill since then.

    Pls let us know if you would like to tell your story in a media interview?

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  • DSLStart
    01-28 01:02 PM
    Not to disappoint you but in this case appeal does not have a good chance. Look at the link here (http://www.eichorn-law.com/CM/IntheNews/6.1.10%20Xpedite%20Technologies%20-%20BALCA%20affirms%20denial%20for%20travel%20requi rement%20in%20advertisements%20but%20not%20in%2090 89.pdf)...

    My perm was applied in Apr audited and finally heard that my perm denied in July 2010.
    Reason - travel language in the notice of filing but not on form 9089.

    Attorney will be filing for an appeal. Do you think its a good option ? Also how long would it take to receive an answer?

    As luck would have it , my H1-b 6 yrs expires in Nov -2010. However my company did apply for an extension to Oct 2011 based on my Perm. Now that my perm has been denied is that extension still valid?


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  • la6470
    06-03 09:45 PM
    Refer to Page 5 of Neufled Memo (http://www.uscis.gov/USCIS/Laws/Memoranda/2010/H1B%20Employer-Employee%20Memo010810.pdf)

    It shows self employment and H1B cannot prove employer-employee relationship.

    >>If so, H1B visa requires proof of salary, whereas owners in an LLC cannot be employed by the LLC. Any ideas on how to solve this paradox?

    My understanding after reading Nolo's LLC guide is that when you file LLC, if you don't state who will be Members and Managers. then everyone by default will be Members and Managers. If you are going to work, then you should be stated as Manager in Operating agreement.

    He can do whatever he damn well wants to do .. I totally applaud him/her if he is making 300K a year and my advice to him/her is that you should not care wether you have a h1b or not, GC or not etc. Just make sure that you deposit your earnings in swiss banks and whenever USCIS throws you out show them the middle finger and go live in Aruba,. We are all ballless human being if we try to play by the rules of this game of discrimination. My advice is "Go Grab whatever you can"

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  • Britsabroad
    November 30th, 2008, 08:01 PM
    In the process as we speak Matt. Almost sold up & ready to begin acquisition...


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  • ata1234
    07-14 12:22 PM
    Receipt Number: lin0720551219


    Current Status: Case received and pending.

    On July 11, 2007, we received this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, and mailed you a notice .

    Whoever it is, they are lucky! All the best!!

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  • sriwaitingforgc
    06-04 12:29 PM
    The online AR11 form is giving 2 options . which one should we choose?

    Only the first option (for US citizen) is giving options for pending cases!!!!

    * Yes, this change of address is for a US Citizen
    * No, this change of address is not for a US Citizen



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  • neerajkandhari
    10-26 04:36 PM
    I was surprised to see my AP in hand
    It seems it was approved on Oct 9 and my attorney received it on 22 oct
    I received it today to be very surprised as the online message still says case received and pending
    What surprises me more is that I had called USCIS 2 times between oct 9 and today and they didnot tell me that the case has been approved

    Good luck to all

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  • senk1s
    02-06 11:52 AM
    H1 can be revoked by employer anytime, but they'll have to arrange for return transportation(in my opinion it is not as safe a fallback as it is commonly believed to be) - as always it depends on the employer

    One is never out of status till 485 is adjudicated adversely


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  • vamsi_poondla
    12-20 12:14 PM
    My Receipt Date is Sept 18th. I changed address before I got my receipt.

    For address change,
    1) On Sept 25th, I filed AR-11 online, then as a chain, modified the addresses on all my pending applications. I got letter confirmations. This happened in Sept.
    2) I also called them in Nov to raise a SR since I did not receive the FP notices. In the SR, I again gave my new address.
    3) Then today I got the status changed as Notice Returned as Undeliverable.
    4) I called USCIS first thing in the morning and again raised a SR
    5) I also took an Infopass to meet field office folks and ask for help

    All this I did to my spouse also.

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  • sac-r-ten
    01-08 11:41 AM
    deepakjain:thanks for the latest info on this.
    Little clarification required, what do you mean "delivered the next day betn 4:30-5:00". You mean one can collect it the next day in the evening?

    jkm2282, sorry for hajacking your post. Any updates from your side?

    THe process has changed the passport are now delivered the next day between 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Mumbai consulate no longer delivers the passport the same day of interview.



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  • mmk123
    07-29 12:18 PM
    Humor is the best way we can take a break from this entire immigration stuff, rules, recession.


    A conversation between some journalists and Prof. Corn Meat-Loaf was leaked to media.

    Journalist A: Welcome, Prof. Meat-Loaf. I have heard a lot about you. Why are you working so aggressively against G-1b visas? You teach Computers, right? You also seem to have more publications on this topic than in CS.

    Prof. Corn Meat-Loaf: Let me tell the truth. Yes, these *outsider* kids are very smart, they do all cutting-edge research, that I cannot keep-up the pace with. They have hijacked all the research which I could have done. If we don't allow them to do research, then I will get a chance to do it in few years. Writing Unix/Linux tutorials is not going to help much. I need my job security. Hence I had to work for this job. It's secure and easy for me to keep doing it.

    Journalist B: Ok, we understand. This is similar to blaming others for your own problems. It is convenient and easy. But, why do you think that entire G-1b visa program is bad? If there are any bad apples, we identify and throw the bad apples and not the entire basket, right?

    Prof. Corn Meat-Loaf: I actually favor family immigration (look at my biography). I cannot oppose family program and I need something to oppose to keep my payroll running. G-1b is a favorite program to target as politically those guys cannot speak or do anything in return and that makes my point looks more sound and firm. My friend, Mr. Tom Jerry from GutterShield also favors the same program (look at his biography too) and shields my comments. Also, bringing in more unskilled labor helps me having same level of conversation with them instead of feeling left out.

    Journalist A: Gotcha! Why do prefer O11 visa over G-1b visa?

    Prof: Yes, O11 visa helps us bring best and brightest like models etc. They help this economy by luring us to consume expensive designs and to talk about them during lunch hour. As letter *O* looks like zero - I would like to return it back to ones who gave it to us.

    Journalist B: Have you ever thought of grooming more students from here under your able guidance. That's the real solution to this. May be we all should focus on STEM education for some time than speaking about idols and proms. May be a geek should deserve the same attention in school like a football player.
    Corporations in capitalistic society will use the same principle for everything - If you can't produce it (goods or services); buy it!

    Prof: Nope, firstly that's time-consuming and will need a lot of effort. I love short-cuts. Secondly, everywhere I see these outsider graduate students - why should I groom them?
    (Corn and Jerry suddenly start singing and dancing... their friend Piano and "Due Drops" join in)
    Corn and Jerry, yes papa,
    G1 visa, no papa,
    raising the bar, no papa,
    let's fool people, ha ha ha..

    Journalists A and B: Gotcha! Thanks for now!

    Prof: Nice meeting you, what's your name?

    Journalist A: Mr. We-wake from BusinessYear!

    Journalist B: Ms. Herbs from BusinessMonth!


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  • aguy
    01-15 01:55 PM
    I am hoping that the availability of visa numbers has little or no effect on 140 approvals.


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  • Berkeleybee
    02-09 10:40 PM

    Would you start a new thread to explain what text in the PACE Act makes you think that only future F-4s will benefit from this? Feel free to cut and paste from the bill.

    I'm sure PACE will go through many revisions -- it would be helpful to know what the fine print/nitty gritty is.

    It is my understanding that the intent of PACE is to provide this benefit to all US STEM Advanced degrees.


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  • Alabaman
    08-28 05:06 PM
    For example if the minimum requirements of the job is BS with little or no experience, you would be in an EB3 category, irrespective of whether you have a MS or a PhD.

    I am a lil bit confused here. If there is a job that requires little or NO EXPERIENCE, would it be hard to find a US Citizen?


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  • kirupa
    05-21 08:32 PM
    Hi Marina - can you zip up and attach your project? :)


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  • GCard_Dream
    07-28 05:07 PM
    In other words there isn't really any harm in using the travel doc so long as you don't use the EAD and maintain h1/h4. This is good to know. However, I am still thinking about technical details like whether to surrender the I94 or not on the way out and whether I should show both H1/H4 and travel doc to the IO at POE.

    When i asked my lawyer, they said that this is not true. You can come back with travel documents and still continue on h1/h4. You lose your h1/h4 status only if you use your ead card.


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  • reddog
    03-09 11:22 AM
    I think she need to fill I-9 form to switch to EAD and thus switching out of H1.

    Right now she is on H1 as well as AOS.

    incorrect thought.
    I-9 is a Employment Eligibility Verification form that stays with the Employer.
    She is considered to be on an AOS status. nothing to be done.

    01-09 03:31 PM
    1. Do I Need an airport transit visa since iam travelling via France ?
    Depends on the airline..Air India would let you board...Other airlines may not allow you to board.I have heard of cases some people getting sent back from airport.Do not know anyone firsthand..Air India told my wife that they would not deny boarding and anything happens in Paris that is her risk.She got the transit visa from french consulate just to be on the safer side...noone came to check it when plane at paris.

    2. How long will it take to get my fresh passport if I applied over the counter on emergency system (Tatkaal)
    Faster in US in India consulate that in India offices..At least NY is fast

    3. Can I travel with an expired H4 visa ?
    The only requirement for exiting the US is I-94...Usually they just take it and not even look at it....You can travel to a destination outside US...They would let you leave...No coming back without valid visa..

    You can travel inside the US...Just keep the USCIS application receipt copy with you....You can show that copy as proof that you are making attempts to maintain legal status..

    10-07 03:05 PM
    I too got transfer mails in April 2008. TSC to NSC to TSC. But when I last checked at infopass they said its at NSC. In April 2009, my approved I-140 is also transferred from TSC to NSC. Last month when I checked at infopass, they said 140 is in "Transit".
    Dont know how and where it will end up?

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