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  • Doc750
    Feb 10, 08:21 AM
    ok this is weird, I just went through change the rate plan set up again .. and now the price is $154/month instead of $170, and nights/weekends is unlimited.

    I know I must have screwed something up here. :confused:

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  • dress with gothic makeup

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 02:41 AM
    Does "I have no desire for a smartphone" go under "already have other phone" or under "undecided/other"?

    If you already have another phone then "already have other phone" would be the logical choice. But really no one here cares whether or not if you don't want a smart phone.

    pictures of gothic makeup. goth makeup styles.
  • goth makeup styles.

  • TheCheapGeek
    Oct 9, 04:19 PM
    Can someone please tell me if Tweetie 2 retains the support from Tweetie 1?

    It doesnt seem like it, im pretty bummed that it is gone.

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  • gothic makeup pictures.

  • It's a tribute
    Sep 5, 10:59 AM
    I've been having fun customizing lately. Here's what I have at the moment:

    Any chance on the info of the weather script/image? (


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  • gothis makeup. changing 1994

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 13, 11:21 AM
    Is your iPhone set up as a brand new phone or restored from an old backup?
    Because it definitely seems like iPhones (all models) slow down once they have a pretty long "history".

    My iPhone 4 is restored from the ashes of my iPhone 3G s (may it rest in peace).

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  • Gothic Fairy Costumequot; as

  • Mal
    Oct 1, 02:26 PM
    Same as September for now.

    Original from here: blog site. ( Not sure where they got it from, if it's not originally from there (hard to tell).
    EDIT: Just want to point out that I don't endorse and have not read all/most of what's on that site. I found the image through a google search. Just wanted to make that clear.



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  • Gothic Makeup Pictures

  • Chundles
    Oct 9, 05:25 PM
    I though this was an upgrade from Tweetie 1 and now i have to pay again for the same app :mad:

    Not the same app, totally new app.

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  • Gothic Makeup - Countess

  • dknightd
    May 4, 07:23 AM
    You only get benefit from 3 channel memory if all chips are the same, and apparently even then it is minor advantage. so I'd use 4-4-1-1 based on what you have.


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  • Gothic make up by ~UruharaFC

  • MacDawg
    Dec 24, 08:28 AM
    Red Ryder BB Gun.

    You'll shoot your eye out :eek:

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  • gothic makeup pictures. the

  • qpawn
    Dec 19, 01:38 AM
    That's very interesting. Is the pattern symbolic (apart from the Apple logo)? :)
    Nah, just a random pattern I put together (apart from the Apple logo). ;)


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  • heavy goth makeup. a heavy,

  • TUD
    Apr 13, 09:39 AM
    thanks for continuing to screw us 3gs owners over apple...

    My phone is on its last leg, dropping calls all of the time, have to charge it 3 times a day. If i had known this, i would have already bought a 4...


    The screen may not change on the next revision. So there may be no need to change production.

    That's what I am thinking.

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  • gothic makeup pictures. male

  • PCClone
    Apr 27, 07:55 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank before an issue snowballs.

    Do you get your rocks off by being a troll?


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  • male goth makeup.

  • NCW
    Aug 1, 03:59 PM
    Geektool is a common one.

    you can apply themes with geektool? I did not know this, ive never done much with it before, just a few scripts for weather and stuff

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  • gothic makeup tips.

  • psychometry
    Oct 5, 06:43 PM
    no, it's CSS3 download the nightly then visit this site.

    Thanks for the link. It does look like WebKit's doing it with the CSS property, so that's good. Interestingly, that page is a good example of how easy it is to do strange, bad things to the scrollbars if you resize it to certain shapes. Developers will have to remember to set mins and maxes for all sorts of elements now if they want to allow resizing. The phrase "can of worms" comes to mind. Oh well.


    pictures of gothic makeup. Gothic Makeup Tips,Gothic
  • Gothic Makeup Tips,Gothic

  • Philalbe
    Mar 20, 08:55 AM
    Philalbe, based on what you've said, he sounds like someone you really don't want to be doing business with. In the end, the pay would have to be a lot better than that for it to be worth all the stress.

    If I can offer you just a little bit of advice, having run my own business for quite a number of years, it would be this� Firstly, you're charging WAY too little. I did too when I started out. That's why this guy back-pedalled IMO, not because he's a nice guy, but because he realises that no one else will do the quality of work you're doing at this price. I could be wrong, but he sounds like some people I've seen before. He knows you're a bit green in business, and he'll take advantage of it to save every penny he can, hence the line that 3 hours is all he can afford. You have to be confident in your service and your prices and set them accordingly. If he values the service you offer, he will pay the price. If not, he'll go in search of the next person gullible enough to pay what he's offering, and he will. This kind of person places no value in establishing long-term business relationships and he offers very little value to you and your business.

    I know you're only starting out and you're keen to get any work you can, but in the long term it's going to bite you because a lot of the customers you're establishing now at this price are going to start taking it for granted. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but you need to find out. I'll bet you people are charging upwards of 4 or 5 times that amount.

    Good luck! :)

    pictures of gothic makeup. Gothic Makeup Tips
  • Gothic Makeup Tips

  • beachbum
    Sep 26, 05:58 PM


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  • Sexy Gothic Makeup Tutorial

  • MykullMyerz
    Mar 21, 06:20 PM
    what did you ( you probably answered this 100000000 times):apple:


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  • goth makeup how to.

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 03:04 AM
    I can imagine that Apple provides detailed specs to the manufacturers of the glass and that there is a bidding process involved. That means that any deviation from the provided specs after production will have to be corrected at the cost and time of the manufacturer, not Apple.

    If this is actually the case, than the manufacturer can even be held accountable for the loss in sales.

    More likely it was Apple's fault for specifying either a nearly unachievable spec or for giving a bad material specification.

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  • Fall-Winter 2009 Goth Makeup

  • mgheiti
    Feb 1, 04:46 PM
    iOS Fabric :D

    Original link?

    Nov 20, 03:44 PM
    ...and if he is, is there the frightening possibility that if he says it for long enough, the iPhone rumour will come true.

    That'll be in 2021, when Apple, the media division of Packard-Dell, rebrands a Sony-Ericsson-Realnetworks Q-380Z 6th-gen personal communicator and sells it as the "iPhone Yahoogolous."

    Sorry, that probably needs some explanation. In much the same way as "Turbo" was in the '80s, and "Power" was in the '90s, and "Extreme" is in the 2000's, "Yahoogolous" is the marketing-word of 2021. Nothing to do with the .com that took over Microsoft in 2015 though.

    Jan 10, 12:16 AM
    "meh" is the word that comes to mind.

    I Agree

    It's not like the iPhone wasn't expected, and for those outside the US it's all a bit too far away anyway to worry about.

    Personally I was hoping for announcements in regards to leopard, iLife/iWork and future macbook options (Such as the 12" macbook pro... I have drooled over 12" powermacs and the like since i used my brothers in 2002)

    Maybe with this quote ...over the next several months we're gonna be rolling out some awesome new stuff for the mac... I may not have to wait too long

    Dec 10, 02:43 PM
    classic :cool:

    Come on dude, get in the holiday spirit and share :D pretty please :D

    Apr 29, 12:29 PM
    don't bother. as far as some members here are concerned Apple is an untouchable divine entity

    Correction. Apple barely broke into top 50 in US patents holding recently.

    Patents only mean something if they're completely defended from copycats. I believe both companies are 100% correct in bringing legal action if they believe their patents have been violated without fair compensation.

    As an AAPL shareholder, I am glad Apple is challenging all over with their patent portfolio, as it provides more intangible value to the company, its future products, and of course the stock values.

    I hope Apple wins in all battles, and we should be behind them for seeking damages not ridicule them as I see on these forums so often.

    As an AAPL shareholder, I wish Apple used the energy more on innovating and less on suing.

    Apr 9, 09:52 AM
    Nap works a treat!! mid 30 deg at the hottest.

    is there a way i can install itunes 10.2 without getting osx 10.5?

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