nuestro sistema solar

nuestro sistema solar. nuestro sistema solar
  • nuestro sistema solar

  • iJohnHenry
    Nov 9, 07:15 AM
    Mmmm, maybe they can convert liver cells, which renew themselves, to kidney cells. ;)

    Hey, arn, what do you think about that possibility??

    nuestro sistema solar. Cielo Sur - Nuestro Sistema
  • Cielo Sur - Nuestro Sistema

  • Macmaniac
    Jan 4, 12:18 PM
    That was the date I joined over 3 years ago now. An interesting point is that my 3 years is marked by the same day that Steve will keynote at MWSF, kinda eerie.
    Whats a little sad is that there are only 15 people with join dates before me that are still active posters.
    Cheers and were all looking forward to 5 years at Macrumors:)

    nuestro sistema solar. sistema solar
  • sistema solar

  • X2468
    Mar 23, 11:23 AM
    Mr Serlet was the creative force that shaped their Macintosh Computer Operating System in it's various forms, until the present.

    Today is a huge milestone in the history of Apple and the direction they are headed.

    Thank You Mr Serlet, for your brilliant and exemplary service. You will be missed.


    nuestro sistema solar. external image nuestro-barrio-
  • external image nuestro-barrio-

  • Vatche
    Dec 28, 08:13 AM
    I gave allot but only received a cold as well as a " Best uncle in the whole world." Keychain from my niece and a box of puffy mint candy from my nephew. I guess I was on the naughty list.


    nuestro sistema solar. sistema solar
  • sistema solar

  • drinu89
    Apr 7, 10:41 AM
    I never considered doing this, at least not before now.

    Thanks for the link.

    Welcome mate :)

    nuestro sistema solar. Nuestro Sistema Solar
  • Nuestro Sistema Solar

  • faroZ06
    Apr 7, 08:54 PM

    Exactly, why do people ask when they have a Google search bar right there :D?


    nuestro sistema solar. NUESTRO SISTEMA SOLAR

  • drewsof07
    Oct 10, 07:45 PM
    Just a snapshot from last year :)

    nuestro sistema solar. El sistema solar
  • El sistema solar

  • wovel
    Apr 27, 04:13 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank befoe an issue snowballs.

    As they said, it has been a week. It is not really there fault that the media instantly makes a storm out of every Apple issue.

    if they are not tracking people then why have the feature? maybe the information is for someone else??... who knows but one thing is for sure its an invasion of privacy..... even if I do stay home all day and night.

    It is clear from your reply you did not read the transcript or any thing else on this issue...


    nuestro sistema solar. nuestro sistema solar
  • nuestro sistema solar

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 13, 04:37 AM
    Don't worry, he's promised to be a good boy. And he knows that he has to keep it clean.


    Actually I have seen a kinder and gentler edesign since the mini-mod topic was brought up.

    Congrats and best wishes to all!

    nuestro sistema solar. Planets of the Solar System
  • Planets of the Solar System

  • rnelan7
    Dec 25, 11:22 AM
    PS3 slim and a Shady McCoy jersey amongst other little things.

    Merry Christmas everyone!


    nuestro sistema solar. El sistema solar no es un
  • El sistema solar no es un

  • Brasilian
    Apr 26, 04:57 PM
    I used to use PList editor on my PC but its not working very well on my Mac, is there anything similar I could use?

    nuestro sistema solar. (Nuestro Sistema Solar
  • (Nuestro Sistema Solar

  • See Flat
    Apr 7, 02:59 PM
    Come on now. Other than a VERY select few, Atari games are terrible and don't hold up at all.

    It's a nostalgia trip for us old farts. Cheap way to remember how primitive it all was, but on the other hand, how ingenious game designers were way back when. All games were not just running around blowing up and shooting stuff.


    nuestro sistema solar. Un Sistema Solar como el
  • Un Sistema Solar como el

  • Sieben
    May 6, 01:33 PM
    I am using win7 through bootcamp, but i can't use the two fingers-right click on the track pad and also the fn key doesn't work.
    Does anyone here have any idea why i can't use them ?

    nuestro sistema solar. Sistema Solar
  • Sistema Solar

  • Transporteur
    Apr 24, 04:03 PM
    Datsun 240z:

    What the heck is that? Cheap 1968 Mustang Fastback mockup? :confused:


    nuestro sistema solar. nuestro sistema solar .
  • nuestro sistema solar .

  • Sankersizzle
    Oct 9, 06:45 PM
    That's not the same Miranda Kerr who's father is Jim Kerr of Simple Minds is it? I read he had a daughter who was into acting or modeling or something, but never looked it up.

    I just did some research, and alas, I don't think they are related. Also check yo' pm's!

    nuestro sistema solar. de nuestro Sistema Solar -
  • de nuestro Sistema Solar -

  • heaven
    Feb 16, 02:42 PM
    Maybe a bit late, but:


    Congratulations to all the new moderators and to edesignuk for becoming a mod mini (love your macros and keira) :p
    Im sure this will help the amazing MR community.



    nuestro sistema solar. de nuestro Sistema Solar
  • de nuestro Sistema Solar

  • troop231
    Apr 6, 11:43 AM
    How much is that?

    12,000,000 GB I believe roughly? *Actual Formatted Capacity May Very Haha

    nuestro sistema solar. nuestro sistema solar.
  • nuestro sistema solar.

  • twoodcc
    Nov 20, 11:45 AM
    i'm still waiting for the 1 gen ;)

    me too. but both sound nice i guess

    nuestro sistema solar. de nuestro Sistema Solar:
  • de nuestro Sistema Solar:

  • Mr.Jonh
    May 4, 07:52 AM
    I just found a few links more to this thread.

    Apr 4, 11:29 AM
    Those ****** %}%^>&$s! How could they do this?!?!? :mad:

    Aug 3, 08:31 AM
    I just changed it. I like to take screensavers from, although if I find a few nice ones on here I'll probably change it again :) I think it's like the US Qashquai - not terribly exciting but there you go.

    Dec 22, 09:14 AM
    Some people obviously don't know the cost of staff downtime. Each day, how much longer does it take windows computer to boot up than a Mac? Minutes longer. Add that up over every single work day. Then add the anti-virus scans, annoying pop ups, etc.

    Sure, a Windows machine might take longer to boot than a Mac. But realistically, in a normal office environment computers are left running. This particular point is pretty much moot.

    I just saw someone spending 4 hours on the phone with issues of the accounting software not working on windows 7.

    Yes, because clearly one data point indicates an industry-wide trend. Check the boards for Applecare horror stories, and those stories are from Apple's target market. Imagine what a nightmare it is when your business depends on uptime and you're told "yeah sorry... you have a small nick on the chassis so we won't replace it."

    And it turned out to be the anti-virus, after half a day was wasted (and maybe an hour of my time too). That would have bought a Mac Mini or a new MacBook Air, which can run the same software with ease without security conflicts.

    The typical argument of the fanboy... security. Security is a user problem, not a technical problem. I've yet to meet one properly trained employee that has gotten malware on their Windows machine.

    Perhaps if you'd like to participate in this discussion further you would consider grounding yourself in reality (and/or subject matter knowledge). Clearly you're in over your head.

    Since doing a little more research into it and taking the comments on this forum into account I have changed my opinion on whether or not macs should form part of our IT infrastructure.

    It's not so much that Macs do not fit at all into an enterprise environment, it's just that you've made it seem like your entire supply chain, user training, SLA network, etc etc are all geared towards Windows. It doesn't make sense to throw another cog into that system.

    I currently have enough trouble simply trying to ensure compatibility between Excel '07 files and Excel '03. Adding Excel for Mac files into the mix will no doubt simply introduce another layer of complexity which is certainly not beneficial. This is indicative of many of the 'small' problems that are typically faced every day in the office, again, no thank you to having any more of those.

    Annoying, isn't it? Microsoft certainly isn't perfect.

    I spend all day writing reports, specifications, data sheets, e-mails to clients and suppliers etc. All of which require dotting every I and crossing every T from a grammar point of view.

    I certainly hope so, but I doubt it. The possessive apostrophe is pretty elementary. Just be careful when you start getting calls from Mac's Computer Hardware.

    Jul 18, 11:09 AM
    Hi guys, I got this e-mail that my replacement slider has been sent. It's been a week and a few days and I still haven't received it. I live in Canada but the e-mail didn't come with any tracking number or a useful number to begin with. Here is the e-mail so can you help me!

    Sep 4, 11:19 AM
    Link (

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