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  • GCOP
    10-15 01:04 PM
    Flowers can work this time also. Any/All suggestions, which help to pass the visa recapture bill are most welcome. I think, right time to start any campaign would be after election. In the meantime, we can utilize this time to come up with firm action plan. IV core team is requested to decide the course of action and declare the action plan.


    I think this is a time to start another flower campaign to USCIS. It is ridiculuous to have 7 years of retrogression on EB3 India, same is true to good extend for EB2 India also.

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  • vivekm1309
    06-12 10:04 AM
    Here is a link ...that does talk about issues related to legal immigration ...IV is also mentioned in this article

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  • gimmeacard
    07-12 05:57 PM
    my PD is april 2006, hope it comes soon

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  • tjayant
    11-20 07:08 PM
    Here is my advice to folks trying to jump job just for $$$, even if the GC situation is bad , money should never be the only factor in moving for another job, plan long term , actually from what I know only startups have good opening but highly unstable so it is a catch 22 for most of the folks, I would suggest if you are in fortune 500 companies and the job is boring and salary is bad stick with it for 2 more years , if you cannot get the GC in the next 1-2 years I dont think you will ever get it, this is applicable for folks who applied GC during 2003/2004, 3+2=5years , for folks who has applied for GC after 2004 you can do what you want !!., here again look for favorable environment, Govt's change and policy change so make hay while the sun shine !!, so if the policy is favorable even if the job is bad but you can get the GC in 1-2 year i would stick with that company, because you will never know what will happen after 2 years , It looks to me like we might be in a cusp of policy change similar to 1999/2000, if you miss this boat you may have to wait for another 6-7 years. But again if my understanding is correct America is like a ocean and there is room for everyone , so no one need to be scared of GC etc, every one will get it in some form or other eventually , it is only a matter of time. As far myself iam still waiting for LC, but never really bothered about GC during my 9+ years stay , I just did what I wanted , but after 9 years I would like to move to a startup but controlling myself with the above logic !!!, But one good thing about waiting for GC is it made me a better person personally in learning ton's of stuff valuable for long run. so there is always pluses, everybody wants to be a Pirate (do what we wanted like jump job's at the fist obstacle/temptation $$$) but sometimes it is good to be controlled by external factors to get the best of ourselfs.


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  • vdlrao
    07-14 12:45 PM
    Please find out the visa numbers allotment for EB1, EB2 and EB3 till now. Till now there is about 100k visa numbers allotment for EB3 every year due to the vertical fallout. From now on there would be around 100K allotment in EB2 due to the change to Horizontal Fall out of visa numbers. Out of these 100k EB2 visa numbers, India will get greatest share of around 50k + visas. Please see the below.

    Type and class of admission 1998-- 1999-- 2000-- 2001-- 2002-- 2003-- 2004-- 2005-- 2006-- 2007

    Employment-based preferences 77,413-- 56,678-- 106,642--178,702--173,814--81,727--155,330--246,877--159,081--162,176

    First: Priority workers 21,375-- 14,844-- 27,566-- 41,672-- 34,168-- 14,453-- 31,291-- 64,731-- 36,960-- 26,697

    Second: advanced degrees or exceptional ability 14,362--8,557-- 20,255-- 42,550-- 44,316-- 15,406-- 32,534 --42,597-- 21,911-- 44,162

    Third: Skilled workers 34,282 --27,920--49,589--85,847-- 88,002-- 46,415-- 85,969-- 129,070--89,922-- 85,030

    Fourth: Special immigrants 6,570-- 5,072-- 9,014-- 8,442-- 7,186-- 5,389-- 5,407-- 10,133-- 9,539-- 5,481

    Fifth: (investors) 824-- 285-- 218-- 191-- 142-- 64-- 129-- 346-- 749-- 806

    See the link below for reference:

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  • singhsa3
    03-03 06:44 PM
    Some of the data can be obtained from here

    of course it is not complete but gives a good glimpse.

    Now, you show me your 10 billion dollars :)

    Might not be extrapolation, but gross misrepresentation. Have you taken a poll or do you have any data to justify all the numbers you are including in the e-mail? If yes, then include the links for that in the letter, otherwise no one is going to believe you.

    Why, I can say, I have 10 billion dollars which I will donate to USCIS to improve their system if I get a GC right now.


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  • nomi
    12-11 04:12 PM
    I think the act says that the alien should have filed an application, only after which does the question of available visa comes into picture.

    I think this act is not the applicable one.

    So I think we are still green to discuss this. Do you interpret the same?

    so let`s see what does core team `s opinion about it ?? Core Team, please throw some light on it.


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  • nojoke
    10-22 03:07 PM
    I mean tax everyone equally. During this tough economy time, consider everyone and not the middle class or upper class or lower class.

    Equally- That is tough to define. Equally as a percentage of their income/earnings? Rich don't even have 'income' to pay the income tax. They probably are paying 5 or10% of their earnings, while you and me pay 30+% of our income.


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  • tikka
    07-03 10:35 AM

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  • Jaime
    09-10 02:54 PM
    People are unjustly attacking your reputation - With the recent trend of attacking the H1-B visa program in regards to some consultancies exploiting it, every one of us is hurt. Even if that's the fault of just some employers, we, all of the employees of whichever company (not just consultancies) are affected, because the general public starts putting us on a par with illegals as far as lowering the country's overall quality of life, when we in fact enhance it!


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  • veni001
    03-11 10:38 PM
    No change for EB2..... India
    EB3 moved about three months

    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 8 July 2004 8 July 2004
    FX 1 Jan 2005 1 Jan 2005
    F2A 1 June 2006 1 June 2006
    F2B 1 March 2002 1 March 2002
    F3 22 May 2001 22 May 2001
    F4 1 March 2000 1 March 2000
    E1 Current Current
    E2 1 February 2005 Current
    E3 8 September 2001 1 February 2003
    EW 1 June 2001 1 June 2001
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current

    Cut Off Dates- Consulate General of the United States Mumbai, India (

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  • reddymjm
    09-10 05:45 AM
    for eb3 - I think things will be better than what most are expecting. I know that is not enough but atleast it is not hopeless. I guess what most can do is hope for best and be ready for worst. this is why I feel it will be better
    my feeling is this - dates will move faster than what most are predicting - the reason is simple --more and more spillover. the fee increases has been a blessing in disguise and that coupled with recession, means that less visas are being used in family section.
    simple math is this - earlier lot of gujrati's would get their dates current when they were in their 50's / 60's though family. earlier it would cost them around 4-5 lakhs for a family of four to immigrate. now their cost would be around 10 - 12 lakhs ..on top of it, if they come here, the jobs are scarce. hence many are staying back (which makes sense). similar thing is happening for other countries ..and hence there will be more and more spillovers from family which means dates will move faster.

    True. But this is slower as this gets split in to all categories. For EB3 to get all of that or most of that will take years.


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  • sandy_anand
    11-11 09:24 AM
    I'd like to point out that Obama is the President-elect. He doesn't become the president until Jan 20 when he takes the oath. Right now the situation is exactly like it was before the election.

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  • gcnirvana
    04-20 06:23 PM
    We need at least 6 more volunteers for this task so that the volunteers already making the phone calls are not over-burdened. Please help this very important initiative.

    If you would like to volunteer for this effort, please post or send me a private message.

    I can make phone calls. Sent a PM


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  • wizkid732
    07-29 04:02 PM
    I hope the process is improved. There cannot be so many loopholes where in some get it some dont. Everyone is hardworking and deserve a GC. The waiting game is too painful.

    I edited my post as i didnt want to offend anyone. I was just chiding not to crib.

    Remember you always have two options for everything. It depends on which one you take.

    wizkid , You are absolutely right. Reading your story is just a great inspiration.

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  • pcs
    11-11 05:45 PM
    Pl reply, if you want to join me...

    we will plan, find the money and execute it....


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  • GotGC??
    04-20 02:23 PM
    [SIZE=3]Attn: California Members � Please participate in this event to support STRIVE ACT.

    Will be there ! Go IV !!

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  • GCard_Dream
    12-13 01:18 PM
    I am sure this topic will come up again and again when new members join. We recently had quite a few (over a thousand) new members join IV and as the word gets around, there will be even more interest in IV and new members/non-members will visit the site and ask questions. I don't think we should expect everyone (new or old members) to know everything that was discussed in this forum from day one. That's not practical.

    Every few days I see a new thread that is asking for information on how to change from EB3 to EB2. There are literally hundred or so threads that talks about this issue yet still new threads pop up regularly asking the same info. This is bound to happen and can't be stopped.

    If you know that a topic has been covered somewhere, making a link available would be very helpful. If you think that a certain topic is brought up on a regular basis, may be we should make that thread sticky or have that information on homepage or somewhere where it's easily accessible.

    We can always argue that members can do their own search on the forum. While that's true, if we know the answer and can quickly make that available to members, I think we'll be doing a service to our members. Just a thought.

    All , this subject has been raised very often and every time new members join in they start a thread and start questioning it.

    - IV has indepth explored and studied this option and have found that this change is not possible administratively.
    - we have not just met a lawyer. we have met few lawyers. we also have communicated with USCIS in the past.
    - In the past some administrative changes have been done by USCIS, but this change cannot be done by them. All, we already had this idea long long ago and we also thought that why dont we do it if it so simple and then we dont have to go through all the legislative hurdles. But NO it cannot be done by USCIS.
    - Faxing USCIS will not work. USCIS does not take policy decisions. We need to approach policy makers to get it done and that is what we are doing. By coming up with ideas, endlessly discussing despite explaination by IV and not working with IV action items we will all go in divergent directions and lose focus on the main action items we want each every member should focus. If you really feel for some idea and want to help, instead of asking IV to give explanation to every question on the forum, contact any of the active IV core members on the forum and bounce ideas. We need people with ideas and also same people willing to work on them too.
    - If it was possible to get it done administratively, then in the current Skil bill push we would have/ and lawmakers would also have just asked USCIS to implement it.

    Hope this explains this topic. Thanks

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  • spicy_guy
    07-28 11:36 AM
    But I do understand your point though, FYI. I already left them last summer in good terms and I still have good relationship with them. I also referred few of my friends (who had bad experience with their employers and wanted to come out) to ECG and never heard any issues from them yet :)

    Other than the above, I really do NOT have anything else with them, TRUST ME dude!!!

    Cool. Hard to find such Desi companies.

    10-20 01:11 PM
    Highly Skilled workers:

    Ensure high skilled workers trained and educated in the United States have the opportunity to stay and work in the United States upon graduation.

    Reform caps for H-1B visa program to rise and fall in response to market conditions. Reduce bureaucracy and waiting times for workers to arrive in the United States.

    Increase available green card numbers to reflect employer and employee demand.

    Extend the ability for H-1B visa holders to renew their H-1B status while waiting for their green card number to become available.

    Ensure available and qualified American workers are given adequate and fair opportunities to apply for available positions.

    The rest of you guys; tell me this is not good for the EB community!!! Immigrants blindly think that Democrats are somehow the only party that will solve every problem of theirs w/o even looking at their agenda.

    It is a no-brainer, McCain has a plan that will benefit us. I know we have no voting powers, but our support (in anyway legally possible) should be for McCain. Period!

    Do you really believe what that website says? Seriously? You don't think that's a little to targeted towards pulling our heartstrings? With no solid action plan to back it up? Just like a hooker ad on the freeway?

    John McCain does NOT know how to use a computer. That webpage has been designed, scripted and QA'd to specifically get that reaction from you.

    The Republicans have been using this tactic for the past 8 years. They pretend to cater to your needs and then leave us shortchanged. Eg. WMD. Terrorism. Did that benefit us, really? Do you feel safer? Or do you feel just about the same except that gas has gone up about 300%, food 200%, unemployment 5%, housing market crumbled and economy about to "crater"?

    He doesn't compare with Mccain on any of the issues except being able to talk. He spends more money running negative ads than Mccain. Then he says, john, 100% of your ads are negative where as only 50% of mine are negative. Which is true but if you dig further Mccain is spending 1bout 50Mil on negative ads where as Obama is spending 80Mil. Though he is correct in his percentages statement,is he really correct?

    Any time any question is raised , call them slimy is another strategy of Obama. He did it with Clintons and he is doing with Mccain.

    Have you had a look at the candidates' actions though? Barack has been realistic and truthful so far. He's went a gotten a good VP to back up any inexperience he may have. He's been addressing issues at hand, and I can't really fault him for ignoring the immigration scene when the financial scene has gotten so bad.

    McCain has been a total disaster. Sarah Palin? Really? At McCain's age, if anything untoward happens to him, she'll be your president. She'll be taking care of the mortgage sector and finance on wall street. All those companies the govt bailed out? Yes, she'll be taking responsibility for all those. Is that really where you want to spend your GC life in?

    On top of that, McCain has been acting erratic and weird. He's suspended his own campaign, gotten his crowd so rowdy that he got himself booed by his supporters, refused to look at Obama in a debate... is that how a maverick works? Is that how a tried and tested veteran behaves?

    And then he's done the Bush thing again. Flat out lied to everyone to benefit himself. See David Letterman's case, where he stood the poor host up.

    Folks, look at the BIGGER picture, and not your own selfish needs. There is no point getting a GC to a land that was not the one you had in mind.

    03-11 12:14 AM
    bluesund.. your wireframes are different than the final render?

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