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  • amy lin
    Aug 20, 04:04 AM
    I think now it is late.

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  • Doctor Q
    Feb 13, 01:21 AM
    If you are talking about mouseover thread previews, here is the discussion about it.

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  • amor poemas cortos. gh0sted

  • Foxer
    Jul 23, 11:43 PM
    Hey all. I was screwing with iTunes4 tonight and I managed to delete all my playlists. They're still on my iPod (as is the whole iTunes library). Is there a program out there that will allow me to download my playlists from the iPod to iTunes? It will save me several hours of work if I can do that.

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  • amor frases. de amor cortos

  • JoelLombardo
    Apr 22, 03:16 PM
    First post ever! This is from my Mid 2010 13" MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz.



    App that's always open:


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  • jediistar
    Dec 2, 08:23 PM
    Where's the holiday spirit, everyone? :D

    Any chance for the original?

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  • irun5k
    Sep 27, 01:58 AM
    My $10 a month ($120 a year) web hosting account has 170 (thats right, 170!) gig of storage, something like hundreds of email accounts, php, ssh access, mysql, more, more and more.

    True, it doesn't do all the fancy stuff that .mac does with sync'ing and so forth. But that isn't my point. My point is that we should expect more, much more for $100 a year because web hosting providers are able to make a profit by offering much more. If the users demand it Apple will come around. But not if people keep paying for the service as-is. So they upgraded the webmail client- great. The eagle really took a ***** today didn't it?


    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. MENSAJES DE AMISTAD. mensajes

  • SpanishUser
    Oct 6, 11:12 AM
    I did, in fact, mean using JavaScript on page load to disable the user from changing the size of the textarea, not within my browser. It's like using CSS to disable the dotted border Firefox puts around links when they are active.

    Form elements, and the divs that contain them, often need either fixed widths or have widths that are proportional to their containers.

    Take Google ( Depending on how the layout is set up (this is just hypothetical), resizing the search box would push those three links next to it off into oblivion if they were all in a div that was fixed or proportional to the page width. It doesn't matter if Safari "dynamically redraws the page" since the div would still be calculated to be the same. Worse yet, depending on its overflow attribute, they could be pushed onto a new line.

    I'd really not like to see Safari become the next IE 5. It already has its share of JavaScript bugs. This would just mean us designers would have to spend that much more time envisioning what would happen if a user resized every form element on every page and incorporating it into our layouts. This is why I hope there's a way to disable it outright.

    I hope you remember the user CSS take precedence, the user can choose a minimum font size and run an extension like nonscript to firefox so by default
    no javascript would run.

    The Web is based in that is the reader the one that decide how a page would look if you do not like that begin to design magazines or book.

    Note: the noscript funcinality is something I would like to see added to safari.

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. Mas frases graficas de amistad
  • Mas frases graficas de amistad

  • HiRez
    Mar 31, 10:21 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

    You post an article about the iPad with video that can't be viewed on an iPad? Thanks.


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  • mensajes de amistad y amor.

  • Autopulated
    Feb 7, 12:28 PM
    This photo isn't uploaded anywhere, but I have another shot of the same scene ( over at DA. :)

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. amor y amistad poemas.
  • amor y amistad poemas.

  • whyrichard
    Apr 27, 10:59 PM

    Going to Dj a few parties... i already have a Music Fidelity V-DAC and the MIXX, wondering if i can cue up music through my macbook, preview it through headphones, while the music is playing through the usb connected v-dac....

    what do i need to pull this off?

    am i making sense? some music and drink in me currently... ha!



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  • de mensajes cortos para

  • MacBytes
    Aug 11, 12:56 PM (

    Category: Deals and Coupons
    Link: BeLight Back To School Sale: 50% off (
    Description:: For qualified education-affiliated buyers, BeLight Software takes 50% off of a selection of software as part of its Back to School Sale. Sale ends August 31.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. poemas cortos de amor. versos
  • poemas cortos de amor. versos

  • Shaun.P
    May 2, 04:08 PM
    For those who cannot give blood, I understand that feeling as I'm in that group with 2 cases of cancer. Before I was diagnosed I did give a few (too few) times and wish I had given more.

    For those who can give blood, I've seen the huge need. My wife had acute leukemia (ALL) and over 18 months of chemo was in desperate need of blood 10 times. Fortunately the blood & platelets were available when needed.

    After that experience I felt I should have given more, but have no hesitation asking you to give a few units.

    Sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis - is she in remission?

    It is good to read real stories mentioning the need for blood.


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  • JGowan
    Jul 27, 09:48 AM
    I've got a thought...

    You've probably already been slapped about this but I haven't read through all the posts...

    Dude... I'm assuming you're a Christian to be so up-in-arms about the holiday (but I don't think that's the right example, honestly) -- you need to also be more tolerant of other religious holidays at the same time such as Hananachaka (butchered that) and Kwanza as well as some others, I'd imagine.

    Wonder what price they will be by christmas (i bloody hate the term 'the holiday season'!!) anyone any thoughts?

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. Mensajes De Amor Y Amistad
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  • TheCheapGeek
    Oct 9, 04:19 PM
    Can someone please tell me if Tweetie 2 retains the support from Tweetie 1?

    It doesnt seem like it, im pretty bummed that it is gone.


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  • frases de un amor imposible

  • rans0m00
    Feb 10, 01:06 AM
    Just changed mine over. Ty Verizon iPhone for reducing my monthly minute usage. Wish the competition had come sooner.

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  • partyBoy
    Oct 2, 08:36 PM
    I can never get these attachments to work ... :o

    What city is that ?


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  • nigameash
    Aug 2, 02:28 AM

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. imagenes con palabras de amor
  • imagenes con palabras de amor

  • Wicked1
    Mar 27, 03:54 PM
    I thought something was suspicious just looking at their feedback rating before reading their description. I guess that is what you get for dealing with someone with a cloudy past and not reading what you are bidding on or buying, that seller needs to be banned from eBay.

    mensajes de amor y amistad cortos. mensajes de amor para
  • mensajes de amor para

  • MacBytes
    Aug 12, 04:33 PM (

    Category: Apple Software
    Link: Apple iOS 4.0.2 fixes security vulnerabilities (
    Description:: Apple released the iOS 4.0.2 Update for iPhone and iPod touch which addresses security vulnerabilities that have been making the news lately. iOS 4.0.2 can be downloaded and installed using iTunes.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

    Jun 27, 08:31 AM
    Nice, pre-historic Apple software :D - still sealed is always good :D - try putting it on your unibody xD

    Jun 13, 05:29 PM
    Thought it would (roughly) convey Steve's thoughts on all the leaks this year, using a hit that most people are familiar with.

    actually one of my favorites!

    Feb 2, 11:42 AM
    what's the weather app call, i like to have something similar on my 2nd screen, thanks...

    Its just called Yahoo! Weather via Yahoo widgets. =)

    Feb 9, 01:52 PM
    Yes you do lose rollover minutes when changing from one rate plan to another if yo have more rolloever than what is included in the new rate plan.

    You can use this FAQ and the chart shows all the details.

    You change plans and the accumulated Rollover Minutes in your existing plan exceed the number of Anytime minutes in your new plan

    Apr 6, 02:16 PM
    The Isilon gear is phenomenal. Lot's of huge players using that gear including Facebook, ABC, etc.

    I may be biased (EMC Partner), but I think that is a great choice.

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