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  • perm2gc
    01-18 03:33 PM
    Content, content updated. Please verify and let me know.
    Thank You

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  • saketkapur
    11-11 02:12 PM
    Compete America Congratulates President-Elect Obama

    Last update: 4:31 p.m. EST Nov. 5, 2008

    WASHINGTON, Nov 05, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Business and University Leaders Express Optimism that New Administration will Support Much-Needed Reform to Visa Programs for Highly Educated Employees

    Compete America today congratulated President-elect Barack Obama for his victory in yesterday's elections. Compete America, a coalition of corporations, educators, research institutions and trade associations advocating for the reform of out-dated visa policies for highly educated foreign professionals, did not, and does not endorse candidates at any level.

    "We are optimistic that the President-elect and his team understand the critical importance of highly educated foreign professionals to economic growth and job creation. Investing in innovation is one of the most effective ways we can stimulate our economy," said Robert Hoffman, Vice President for Government and Public Affairs at Oracle and Co-Chair of Compete America. "History has shown that top talent living and working in America is a boon to our economy and a proven job creator for quality American jobs."

    Hoffman continued by saying that Compete America was also encouraged that President-elect Obama recognizes the importance of investment in research and supports improving education for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Basic research investments and improved STEM education are two critical components of continued U.S. innovation leadership.

    Hoffman noted that during the campaign, the Obama-Biden policy paper on Science and Innovation stated the following:

    Barack Obama supports comprehensive immigration reform that improves our visa programs to attract some of the world's most talented people to America, including improvements in our legal permanent resident visa programs and temporary programs such as the H-1B program. Obama will:

    Reduce the backlog of skilled immigrants waiting to become permanentresidents by increasing the number of employment-based visas.
    Create a "fast track" system that allows foreign students thatreceive advanced technical degrees from U.S. universities to receive an employment-based visa without having to return to their home country.
    Balance visa and export control policies against the possibility that they deter international scientific exchange or send a message to international students, scholars, scientists, and engineers that theyare not welcome in the United States.
    Work to ensure immigrant workers are less dependent on their employers for their right to stay in the country and hold accountable employers who abuse the system and their workers.

    For more information on how highly educated immigration benefits America, please visit http://www.competeamerica.org.

    Compete America ( http://www.competeamerica.org) is a coalition of corporations, educators, research institutions and trade associations concerned about legal, employment-based immigration and committed to ensuring that the United States has the highly educated workforce necessary to ensure continued innovation, job creation and leadership in a worldwide economy.

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  • vamsi_poondla
    09-26 02:40 PM
    Check it out

    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for your interest in FSB. We admit that there was a
    mischaracterization of the Capitol Hill rally in the story and it was
    corrected as soon we realized the error.

    We have changed the story to correctly identify the mission as a protest of
    the long delays in securing green cards for highly-skilled workers already
    in the U.S.

    We will work to avoid errors like this in the future.

    Best regards,


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  • sledge_hammer
    06-19 06:12 PM
    What is the "period of stay form"?


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  • transpass
    04-10 12:07 PM
    Here are the details for last year and years before:

    (Thanks to user "sangiano" on : link: FY2009 Visa Data, Spillover to EB2 - Will it be Similar FY2010 (http://www..com/usa-discussion-forums/i485-eb/498198953/fy2009-visa-data-spillover-to-eb2-will-it-be-similar-fy2010))

    Employment Visas 2009

    Total Employment Visas for FY2009 = 141,020

    Theoretical values without spillover

    EB1 28.6% = 40,332
    EB2 28.6% = 40,332
    EB3 28.6% = 40,332
    EB4 7.1% = 10,012
    EB5 7.1% = 10,012

    Actual values with spillover

    EB1 40,978 = 29.1% received c.650 spillup visa used
    EB2 46,034 = 32.6% received c.5,700 spillover visas used
    EB3 39,791 = 28.2% received c.550 less visas than quota
    EB4 9,999 = 7.1% Zero spillup visas to give
    EB5 4,218 = 3.0% c. 5,800 spillup visas to give

    What is noteworthy is the fact that spillup/spillover visas were only available from EB5.

    In addition, EB1 actually consumed spillup visas and did not contribute any spillover visas as a result.

    This implies that the total spillover visas available to the 7% limited countries was only c.7,500. Since 5,800 came from EB5, less 650 used by EB1, this gives a subtotal of 5,150. In turn, this implies that there were only 7,500 - 5,150 = 2,350 as spillover from EB2-ROW. In the worst case the difference is entirely from EB5.

    I think it gives food for thought and shows the difficulty of trying to second guess visa consumption in Categories that are always current. I accept it might be easier to get a handle on non-NIW EB2 because of the PERM data available for ROW.

    I'm not sure why FY2010 would be much different, at least for EB1 spillover.

    Additional notes from subsequent posts:

    There was significant spillover in FY2007 because (based on 154,497 total EB visas) :

    EB1 only used 26,806 out of a possible 44,186 available visas.
    EB4 only used 4,794 out of a possible 10,969 available visas.
    EB5 only used 793 out of a possible 10,969 available visas.

    That gives a potential spillover of 33,731 visas to categories below EB1. In FY2007 that mostly went vertically to EB3.

    There was significant spillover in FY2008 because (based on 162,949 total EB visas) :

    EB1 only used 36,590 out of a possible 46,603 available visas.
    EB4 only used 7,648 out of a possible 11,569 available visas.
    EB5 only used 1,443 out of a possible 11,569 available visas.

    That gives a potential spillover of 24,060 visas to categories below EB1. In FY2008 that all went to EB2.

    The amount *was* smaller in FY2009 because (based on 141,020 total EB visas)

    EB1 used 40,978 which was more than the available visas of 40,332 (i.e. it used some of the spillup from EB4/EB5).
    EB4 used 9,999 out of a possible 10,012 available visas. (i.e it pretty much maxed out)
    EB5 only used 4,218 out of a possible 10,012 available visas. (i.e. much higher than previous years)

    That gives a potential spillover to EB2 of 5,161 visas, which is substantially lower than previous years.

    This is all his analysis based entirely on historic data (no predictions here; just what has already happened). All credit of analysis goes to him. I never crunched a single number; I am just an "integrater" of the info. Please also note that now we have found out that the word "spillover" should actually be "fall across and down"

    Hope this was the info you were asking for.

    Thanks Kondur. That was a very good presentation of the numbers. I very much appreciate it.


    1. Why did EB1 last year needed spillover visas, although it was current all the time? If a category is current, isn't that it has less demand than allocated numbers?

    2. As per May bulletin, EB4 might need a cut off. So we cannot expect any spillover from EB4. So that is clear. Now the spillover chances are from EB5, EB2 ROW and EB1(?). I am including EB1 because, given the current economy over the past year, should there be a better possibility of more spillover from EB2 ROW and EB1 compared to last year?

    3. Also why are the total EB numbers different in different fiscal years (e.g., 141020 in FY2009, 162949 in FY 2008 and 154497 in FY2007)? In FYs 2007 and 2008 did the extra visas come from Family based while it did not for FY 2009? If so, why is it so?

    4. Based on Pending 485 data of March 2010, I barely see few hundred EB4s. And hardly considerable number of EB1s. What's going on? If we go by this data, we should be getting good chunk of spillover numbers...



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  • alex99
    11-02 04:44 PM


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  • gandhig
    03-17 12:45 PM
    EB3 - PD Nov 2004
    EAD - July 2007; FP done
    Masters degree from US but employer filed under EB3

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  • acecupid
    07-13 11:57 AM
    I suggest this thread be closed and we stop giving murthy any more publicity than she actually deserves. :mad:


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  • nomi
    12-11 03:03 PM
    When we file I485 its with Department of States and not USCIS which is part of Department of Home Land Security. In my opinion it is DOS who has to agree filing I 485 even if visa number not available.

    How can we contact with Department of State about this rule. Can we meet with rule making department or its officers and see what they say about it ??
    There should be someway or they are enough rights to change or make new rule. Like they decide everymonth visa numbers ?? what do you guys think ??


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  • desi3933
    03-11 11:49 AM
    Don't put words in my mouth.
    Now you want me to give you reply which you will understand. The SledgeHammer or Mirage way. About the link, read from the top don't just read one post.

    >> Now you want me to give you reply which you will understand.
    Thanks for using such "polite" language.

    I think it is in our interest to punish the first insult; because an insult unpunished is the parent of many others. -- Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1785


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  • msgrewal81
    02-19 12:11 AM
    If you are lazy enough to contact your representative and Obama, you should not complain for not getting your voice heard. Each and every email matter. Also contact Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee [D, TX-18] on her website. contact all. It wont take 5 minutes.

    Dear (Congressman/woman, Pres. Obama):

    Recently an immigration bill was presented in the congress. The HR 264 is embarrassing for legal immigrants.

    1) People who are illegal here for more than 5 years will get green card/path to citizenship but people who are legally here for 4 years and 11 months gets nothing.

    2) HR 264 says "continuous presence of 5 years". Of course illegal immigrants can't leave the country and they will fulfill this requirement, but legal immigrants can leave country so might have left country for even 3 or 4 months in last 5-6 years to visit home country or any other reason including business. Although brief discontinuity is said to be okay but what if some legal immigrant leave country to be his/her parents for 2 months in last 5 years? So, this continuous presence rule is tailor cut to include illegal immigrants and exclude legal immigrants.

    Is this what law abiding get when they follow rules? I request you to make sure that legal immigrants are ahead of illegals in every way. An illegal should not be awarded for being in US for 5 years while a legal, law abiding, tax paying legal immigrant is offered nothing for being in US for 3 or 4 years.

    Kind regards
    (Your name)



    Now click on the links above and copy paste this stuff there. IT IS IMPORTANT....

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  • engineer
    06-12 11:57 AM
    CIR needs to die for the simple reason that the processing workload for the illegals on the USCIS will add another 3 years of wait for everybody. Simple fact of the matter is that the system has not finished recovering from the last 245(i) amnesty that ended in 2001. That was when the DOL received 6 years of applications in one week and everybody ended up waiting 3 years or more.

    I agree. IV must think of a strategy where they can lobby to get just provisions for legal and highly skilled immigrants approved as seperate bill.
    If we couple this with illegals then no body is going to pay attention.


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  • qualified_trash
    12-27 07:02 AM
    Let us consider this in the context of what happened in this country on 9/11. Almost all of these rules were implemented post 9/11. There is no use crying over this. IMHO, we are paying the price for someone else's mistakes.

    We should just concentrate on legislative relief and in the interim, follow the law to the letter so when we do speak to the Senate/Congress, our position as a group should be above reproach.

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    Airlines: fly direct to India/China/Japan/Philippines etc. it is a lot easier on kids as well (if you have kids :-))

    And finally, it is good to see a bunch of new members on the forum :-)

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  • abd
    09-17 03:35 PM
    I changed employer and location. So I was asked to clarify the location change if I am still with the sponsoring employer or submit a letter from a current employer stating duties salary etc. Replied to them and they are evaluating the response.

    How many days have passed snce they received your response? Was yours similar to mine. Please look at Page 1 of this thread of my detailed RFE. Did the sttus change for you to "Review"? Sorry so many questions but my attorney is sending the response overnight today and i am so nervous and anxious and scared and.... etc.


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  • Administrator2
    04-20 05:36 PM
    We need at least 6 more volunteers for this task so that the volunteers already making the phone calls are not over-burdened. Please help this very important initiative.

    If you would like to volunteer for this effort, please post or send me a private message.

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  • gcdreamer05
    01-16 03:52 PM
    hey slumdog thanks for sharing your story....

    The same happened to my office, but a different twist, the guy sitting behind me got laid off and no one knew about it, after it had happened and 3 days passed by, i am looking at where is this guy, he used to come at 7 am and be there till 7 pm what happened to him.

    so i went n asked my manager and he said, oh myname, you did not know or what last week we laid off 6 folks in the engineering department.

    I am like what !!!!!!!!!!

    And then i immediately said one thing to him, i have worked for 2 yrs for you and i request just one thing back from you.

    He asked me yes tell me what...

    I told him, if you happen to know that i am going to be on the firing list, just let me know as soon as you know.

    since i got lot of things to do... h1 transfer, health insurance this that...

    He just smiled and said dont worry but if it happens i will let you know.,,,,,


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  • Macaca
    01-18 08:15 AM
    We sent out a newsletter last night and out of 8400 emails, we have nearly 250 bounced back.

    Emails like a@abc.com are obviously bogus emails.

    See, I can understand the reason for that, you dont want spam. But we send out newsletter less than 2-3 times a month. And we dont sell information.

    Send them PM and track them when they are logged.

    IV newsletter is NOT spam. It is VERY good cause for the recipient. You have to be more aggressive.

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  • vin13
    11-13 06:46 AM
    Just an F Y I, I havent read all 5 pages of this thread

    Please read all pages and you will get a better idea of what is being done at this time.

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  • piperwarrior
    07-16 09:42 PM
    I am just re-posting something that I had posted elsewhere. I really think that we have to be professional and mature in our response. Does anyone know how one can go about writing an op-ed in the New York Times?


    I think IV should write a letter to the New York Times refuting the claims of NumbersUSA. This should be in response to the article that the New York Times published regarding NumbersUSA's influence on the immigration bill.

    Clearly, this is a task for IV (advocacy, lobbying, public opinion, etc.). The response needs to be succint, cogent and factual, without getting into any rhetoric about the value immigrants provide. Facts will discredit NumbersUSA...

    01-18 09:55 PM
    just sent it to you
    wasn't sure i could put a file here

    03-11 11:11 PM
    More like KLPD :)

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