james hetfield 2011

james hetfield 2011. Hetfield has used a range
  • Hetfield has used a range

  • bertyee
    Nov 2, 07:56 AM
    New iPod Shuffle ordered from the Apple Store on Oct 30 is bieng delivered today - 5 days ahead of the original delivery date that Apple initially promised.

    james hetfield 2011. Flea, James Hetfield,
  • Flea, James Hetfield,

  • Hook'Em2006
    Apr 6, 11:17 PM
    Nice, sleek, good baseball team. Red Sox Nation!!!!

    0-4!!!!! Go Rangers 6-0!!!!!!

    james hetfield 2011. James Hetfield and Justin Hunt
  • James Hetfield and Justin Hunt

  • bobbleheadbob
    Apr 4, 11:29 AM
    Those ****** %}%^>&$s! How could they do this?!?!? :mad:

    james hetfield 2011. James Hetfield beard
  • James Hetfield beard

  • Jmouse
    May 1, 09:57 PM
    Hello ,

    I have an i phone Classic, wanted to update it and use it as a whatever device.
    What would be the latest firmware for the 2G iphone.
    And how do i go on activating it? i dont think i have my AT & T sim handy.



    james hetfield 2011. copywrite Bright 2011
  • copywrite Bright 2011

  • swindmill
    Mar 25, 08:29 PM
    yes, it is 1.5. I'm fairly new to Mac's so I don't have much insight into why this is happening, but basically the 3 apps affected are menu bar items that aren't on the menu bar by default, so I imagine that's the root of the issue

    james hetfield 2011. OFFICIAL James Hetfield
  • OFFICIAL James Hetfield

  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 29, 12:38 PM
    1. Buy DVD
    2. Handbrake
    3. ??????
    4. PROFIT!

    If you are commenting on what you do, then its people like you that make the studios demand limits on legitimate customers like me.

    Imagine buying a car but the manufacturer keeping the wheels when you are not using it. Its stops car theft, but its a pain in the ass for the user.

    Stop pirating! :mad:


    james hetfield 2011. OFFICIAL James Hetfield
  • OFFICIAL James Hetfield

  • Macky-Mac
    May 6, 10:47 AM
    ....In terms of national politics I see nothing particularly wrong with that. In terms of being a human being I find it enormously disgusting.

    LOL, so it's both ok either way and wrong either way? No offense but I think you've reduced your position to one that doesn't really mean anything

    james hetfield 2011. james hetfield facts
  • james hetfield facts

  • Mechcozmo
    Oct 31, 09:02 AM
    Seriously thinking about picking one of these up. That clip makes it all worthwhile.


    james hetfield 2011. James Hetfield
  • James Hetfield

  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:31 PM
    Torture is never justified under any circumstances and that includes sleep deprivation, ritual humiliation, or anything else that is euphemistically known as "Enhanced interrogation"

    Fighting terrorists should be done no differently to fighting any other war (i.e. within the Geneva Convention).

    How do we do that? They are a shadow organization bound by religious or political ideals with no true ties to any nation.

    As a result there is no nation that we could go to war with or otherwise hold accountable for their actions.

    james hetfield 2011. james hetfield facts
  • james hetfield facts

  • Aussieiphone
    Apr 4, 05:56 PM
    Just to emphasize the AT$T rip-off point, for new connections, check out the linked chart from the telco down under Optus


    For the $29/month plan with $18/month subsidized phone cost you're paying a total of $47/month over 24 months (taxes & fees included) for a total of $1128. Gives almost 200 anywhere minutes, texts incl in monthly total, plus free mobile to mobile on same account (for family) and 200mb each month 3G included. Only calls out are charged as part of your minutes, not calls you receive in Australia (so the above could be doubled).

    Compared to AT$T, the min monthly payment is $40 for 450 min (call min both in and out going) + $15 for 200mb, plus cost of texts, plus taxes & fees is going to be min $60/month + $199 upfront for the phone = $1640 over 24 months.

    With one for one exchange rate currently, that's over $500 diff for like 25 mins more in calls/month.

    You could buy an extra phone as backup lol...


    james hetfield 2011. RMM: James Hetfield featured
  • RMM: James Hetfield featured

  • santaliqueur
    May 2, 04:53 PM
    Except that the question "male to male sex" is discriminatory. It doesn't ask you "received anal sex", it asks you about your sexual orientation. Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks.

    Has the exact same risks on an individual basis. But statistically, gay males have a higher-than-average ratio of HIV. Not sure about other STDs, but I would guess it's the same as HIV. Not passing judgment here, just pointing out that as a whole, gay males have a higher rate of HIV.

    Disclaimer (or flame suit): I don't care about gay marriage one way or the other. In fact, I wish the government would stay out of ALL marriage, gay or straight. Apart from identifying domestic partnerships for tax purposes (something any two adults should be able to enter into), the government has no business establishing marriage definitions. Your church may vary, and you may choose to believe whatever you wish, but our tax dollars should be used more effectively, than to ban two gay dudes from getting married. Stay out of my business, and I will stay out of yours. Promise.

    Rant over! :)

    james hetfield 2011. james hetfield facts
  • james hetfield facts

  • DakotaGuy
    Jan 10, 06:36 PM
    This has to be the worst MacWorld in my recollection. I was super excited to see a Leopard demo, and to order iLife '07 and iWork '07. Especially iWork, which I use all the time.

    The name change scares me. The iPhone is useless to me since it is super expensive, and Cingular won't touch South Dakota with a 200 mile pole.

    And the Apple tv? Please. If it had DVR capability, I'd be on board. But, everything has to go through iTunes.

    My only highlight of the day wasn't even in the keynote, and that's the new AirPort Extreme Base Station. I'll probably get one of those sometime this Spring when I get married. Oh well.

    This was a sad day that I got way too excited for. I fear the Mac is getting replaced by Steve's stupid little toy called iPhone.

    I agree with you. As a person that lives just a few miles north of you (20 or so) the fact that the iPhone is Cingular makes it worthless for me as well. In fact, anything but Verizon or Alltel is worthless in most midwestern and western rural areas. I guess however you have to cater to where the most customers are so I can't fault Apple for that. I am just glad that companies like Verizon and Alltel haven't forgotten about us in the rural areas like other companies have.

    For me the Keynote was pretty boring. The Apple TV is cool enough, but hardly a "must have" item. I would have loved to see some iPod updates (without the phone) or some software updates. Oh well, maybe later this spring we will see something along these lines.


    james hetfield 2011. Metallica#39;s James Hetfield
  • Metallica#39;s James Hetfield

  • HiVolt
    Mar 23, 08:32 PM
    You only hear about VP or Sr VP leaving/going in the media because, well everybody below is not important.. You will understand what it means when you start working...

    Haha, what makes you think I'm not working? Sure, I will never be a Senior VP of anything, but I've been working now for 15 years. And not flipping burgers.

    james hetfield 2011. James Hetfield of Metallica
  • James Hetfield of Metallica

  • greenerob
    Apr 24, 05:54 PM
    Downloaded a song from itunes on iphone 4 and it wont transfer to itunes on my computer.

    I disconnect the the iphone after syncing and it shows in my purchase log, but it won't show in the library. I also tried to drag and drop and it won't let me do that either.

    Any suggestions?


    james hetfield 2011. James Hetfield and Haley by
  • James Hetfield and Haley by

  • cootersgarage6
    Feb 6, 01:06 PM
    In the new Mac Mini I am expecting to see an intel i3 chip, the same RAM, and a little more GHz speed. I also except it to stay the same size, because it will still need to fit DVD's and CD's... if we still even use them.. Lol.

    What are you expecting to see, and when?

    james hetfield 2011. LaurenHetfield: Mar 10 2011,
  • LaurenHetfield: Mar 10 2011,

    Oct 5, 11:14 PM
    I don't know about you guys but I have Windows/OS X and for the windows part I am falling in love with Opera it is the fastest browser for windows, in is small with tight coding and it doesn't use all your RAM. I hope this comes to mac if it does well that would be the ****


    james hetfield 2011. James lt;3
  • James lt;3

  • StrudelTurnover
    May 1, 03:34 AM
    So what's wrong with @suit.com? My humor for the day. Thanks for playing.
    I would pay real cash money for zoot@suit.com

    I just hope they make iDisk as good or better as DropBox. iDisk in its current iteration is just awful.

    It would be nicer if they just licensed DropBox. I mean the AppleCare tool has been a third party product for years, and we just kinda hope that it actually works if and when we need it.
    Why can't they just pass the ball to people that know the terrain better? Infrastructure improves, sales improve, free riders are happy, Amazon S3 doesn't buckle because hell how many Apple customers are there using a measly Gig to sync their Address Books anyway...

    I just don't know what the fiscal advantage is to keeping their clunky system in-house and betting a $4.5M domain name will help Store Geniuses meet their attach rate quotas.

    james hetfield 2011. james hetfield facts
  • james hetfield facts

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 19, 03:18 AM
    For that matter, why not Madoff? The effects of his mischief harmed far more people than even Manning. Why should he be spared the chair?

    Harmed them financially, not physically. Not death penalty worthy. Again, i support the death penalty only for the most heinous of crimes. It should be used sparingly.

    james hetfield 2011. Hetfield says he is often
  • Hetfield says he is often

  • ezekielrage_99
    Mar 22, 09:43 PM
    Then don't put it in the portfolio. If all you can do is one thing at a time, then yes a hole will appear. If you're a freelancer, you will NOT BE BLAMED for a company's evil doings. If you ARE blamed, you don't know how to pitch yourself.

    Ad agency specifically in Australia are an interesting thing, since it's a very small market it's very easy to be out of the system due to who knows who and who has worked for who. Nepotism at its worst IMHO.

    Never send a boy to do a man's job. Or, in other words, recognize the difference between yourself and what you're getting into. If you can't tell, then sayings such as, "in hindsight," will be in your future.

    That was the point of my initial posts, hindsight is 20:20, and learning off others experience/failures can be a good thing.

    Read: UP FRONT. Bedazzled for the maple table and view of the Meiji-jingu is just that - bedazzled. The problem was your lack of experience. **BUT** that would only be held against you if you couldn't EXPLAIN it. Now if you're talking about getting more work in Japan itself, then you'd better qualify your answers as such, because that is a different business culture.

    It was hardly being bedazzled by awesomeness or dealing on a different cultural level with Japanese business (which I have done in the past, funny story about curved edged business cards though...)

    Considering it was one of the largest web advertising companies in the Southern Hemisphere, hardly a player you'd expect to take a fall and be out of business within 6months of contracting there.... It had massive backing, a large list of clients, and employed well over 750 staff in Australia alone.

    If you're in a position to pick-and-choose, then either (a) you already know yourself, your talent, your work, and you are NOT the kind of person who the OP is, or (b) you need to go through the fire AND know how to learn from and explain mistakes.

    Though I understand where you're coming from, you also have to credit the fact there's an expectation of newbies to take every single job coming just because it pays rather than taking a strategic look instead of the day-to-day tactical vision.

    Mr Snubbles
    Apr 25, 11:06 AM
    Ummmm.. what if I bought a iPhone 4 at launch. Recently broke it... and now want the white one?

    Apr 7, 03:19 PM
    Would love to see a bluetooth joystick. Classic. Not looking forward to the palm blisters, though.

    Jan 7, 02:46 PM
    You should check out TvvitterBug Version 1.0 available on the App Store. It's incredibly simple, powerful, flexible, fast, and most importantly fun! It quickly and easily allows you to customize your Twitter experience just for you. Released yesterday!

    Apr 4, 10:55 PM
    Well, this is macrumors and i try to stay away from economic theories, but you asked for it, so here we go:
    Monopolies cause "allocative deadweight loss" (although its main argument applies towards state-owned enterprises)
    What does that mean?

    In a competitive market, producers dont have the freedom to set a price because the rival can always undercut them until the point where lowering the price will cause in a loss.
    BUT the monopolist firm can decide the price it charges by varying the quantity it produces, so it will produce only up to the quantity where its profit is maximized. UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, the level of output is lower than the socially optimal one, which is where the max price a consumer is willing to pay is the same as the minimum price that the producer requires in order not to lose money.
    When the amount produced is LESS than the socially optimal quantity, it means not serving some consumers who are perfectly willing to pay MORE than the minimum price that the producer requires but who are unwilling to bear the price at which the monopoly firm can max its profit. The unfulfilled desire of those neglected consumers is the social cost of monopoly.

    So basically, monopolies will start losing more money when they start raising the price since consumers will either 1) not be able to access such services (since they will only make the MIN amount for MAX price and by using calculus, you would rather spend a little more in the amount produced and make a little less profit rather than having an EXACT amount although you would make the best profit IF you sold ALL items) or 2) consumers will just stop using it since cell phone devices are not a NECESSITY but instead a WANT. do you think you will pay whatever cellphone company if the price exceeds a certain comfort zone in your income bracket? you wont.

    Furthermore, I will take it one more step. Monopolies can be good. If you look at the Mexican carrier, Telcel. The year Telcel was monopolized by Carlos Slim (riches man in the world now) coverage in Mexico grew more than it did in the hands of the state. According to the "monopoly=bad" argument, service in Mexico should have dropped in every other city that is not important in Mexico's economy while service should have exploded in cities such as Mexico City and Puebla. No, it exploded in the main cities while it also exploded with the whole country

    In conclusion, monopolies are only dangerous IF the monopoly is a necessity based. i.e. lets say one man owned the whole united states food supply. Then yes, monopolies would be the worst. But not cell phone companies, cmon if monopolies were SOO good for the company why would Bell even break up his own company? just for the lulz? I dont think so. Because the government told him so? I certainly dont believe it since Bell probably would have had the power to lobby his way out and in case nothing worked he couldve just brought it up to the Supreme Court.

    Anyways, enough with the economics jargon. Enjoy your economics class :P

    I like you.

    Mar 25, 11:13 AM
    I'm using Garmin Mobile XT on my Windows mobile phone--it's really really nice.

    Using maps on my iPad.... uhhhh.... not so nice :P

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