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  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 14, 01:16 PM
    A good hire, Apple deserves him;)

    imagenes de amor de lejos. AMOR de LEJOS

  • PsyD4Me
    May 2, 12:50 PM
    From the store.:p

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  • DaveGee
    Apr 16, 04:02 PM
    x2 of what you said.... you verbalized what I was trying to say a lot better than I. :o

    Thanks! :)

    I wish they included this but I guess it was more detailed then they were willing to broadcast.

    After NewsToons was turned down in mid-December, Mr. Fiore did not try to submit it again, “mainly because it seemed like it would be so daunting.”

    “It’s not like I had a phone number for someone at Apple,” he said, adding, “interestingly enough, I do now.”

    Just goes to show how two-faced they are.. :(

    Look, believe it or not I'm a big fan of Apple for the most part but the UGLY way they've handled the APP store was/is just too much for me to not speak my mind about it. Oh and before people start screaming... WELL YOU HAVE A CHOICE... Yea I'm well aware of my rights and freedoms and one of them is to LIKE Apple and their products and STILL speak the truth about their militant behavior they exhibit over the APP store.

    imagenes de amor de lejos. imagenes de amor de lejos
  • imagenes de amor de lejos

  • MacFly123
    Mar 26, 04:46 PM
    Just because their demeanor is civil does not mean their exchange is.

    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Haha, nice! We should have a 'caption contest' for this pic like they do on Engadget hah! :D


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  • MacCoaster
    Oct 2, 08:29 PM
    Originally posted by ooartist
    To squash some WinTel people in this forum/post trying to say Windows scales better than UNIX.
    I never said it scaled better. In fact, I said the opposite.

    However, the fact that Mac OS X's kernel is *NOT* BSD, but Mach remains. Mach is a microkernel and a freaking good one, but Mach microkernels that OS X uses has poor task switching; I'm not sure if the Mach microkernels in OS X is based on GNU/Mach (based off CMU's Mach) or the actual Mach microkernel from Carnegie-Mellon. So some of the scalability of UNIX is lost through this. But trust me, UNIX scales way beyond Windows. I've said Windows isn't for computers with more than 32 processors--that's what UNIX is for--pure science--no one needs the crap from Mac OS X and Windows to do science and mathematics research. Real men use UNIX on 8192-way systems. :) :D :)

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  • koruki
    Apr 5, 05:28 PM
    Headset jack was removed, so had to buy a USB headset for example.

    WTF is your friend smoking, they are still there. Unless of course I been smoking something even more intense. A quick look at the spec site on Apple website and looking at my 2011 17" MBP suggest you two needa sober up.


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  • lhshockey24
    Mar 4, 08:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm assuming lines won't be as crazy as iPhone lines an I also don't see shortages either...

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  • mac-er
    Sep 13, 11:05 AM
    I had all IV.

    They start the IV, inject one drug. It made me feel really, really good. I think I am addicted to it, because I would love to have some more of it. (No, I haven't had any since the surgery).

    The second drug he injected me with made me start laughing at everything he (the anthesiologist) said, then my head got really heavy....don't remember anything after that.

    Luckily, they do all the "bad" stuff after you are down your throat, foley catheter.. :eek:

    After surgery, it feels like you have the worst hangover in history. I slept for like 20 hours (through the rest of the day and night). I guess that depends on how much anthetic you get, but there is no way I could've stayed awake for any reason. It felt like I had been awake for 3 days straight.


    imagenes de amor de lejos. Amor de lejos dicho Sweatshirt
  • Amor de lejos dicho Sweatshirt

  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 26, 12:35 PM
    Personally, I can't see how Apple could be seen to be the good guys in this case, given they're sending cease-and-desist letters to people using 'pod' (not "iPod") in their product names.

    I'm actually reversing myself here, now that I've gotten a chance to read it. This isn't a true C&D letter, in fact, they're only opening up a dialog. Also, the pod reference is specific to content loaded onto portable media players, not 'pod' in general. Seems reasonable to me.

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  • Hallivand
    Apr 19, 09:43 AM
    Sometimes knowing about iOS in advance ruins the fun at WWDC....


    imagenes de amor de lejos. AMOR DE LEJOS AMOR QUE NO VEO

  • Surely
    Apr 27, 07:04 PM
    Douchy is as douchy does.

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  • amor de lejos frases.

  • Watabou
    Apr 30, 05:02 PM
    No, you made his point because you went all defensive and fearful over Android.

    It's not any "harder" to use or figure than iOS. Heck, the iPhone has a 274 page user manual... So much for "intuitive".

    Huh?! I didn't think I got defensive over Android. I don't know how just stating Android was difficult to use translates to "I am defensive and fearful over Android".

    I just stated Android was difficult to use. That's similar to saying I like eating icecream out of the box rather than taking my time putting it in a bowl or a cone and then eating it. See what I'm saying? Now, some people may like the latter way but I much prefer iPhone's navigation, iPhone browser, perfect integration with iTunes, iCal, Mail and others, and the App Store to Android. That said, I do like a lot of the Android features, especially the notification bar that just amazed me.

    I use iPhone because I found it much intuitive to use. If you take my iPhone away and force me to use Android, will I enjoy it? No of course not but I won't be fearful of using it...geez.

    P.S. Android has over 300 pages of user manual. But that's beside the point right? ;)


    imagenes de amor de lejos. Fragan Boy – Amor De Lejos
  • Fragan Boy – Amor De Lejos

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 14, 09:45 AM
    Since this is Zune launch day:

    Seeing as apple now has a majority of auto makers making connectivity and now the airline industry is getting on board, this is a major blow to the Zune. Neither cars nor airplanes will come with every connection possible so that any media player can be used. This is a great step for apple and potential apple customers.

    How about a built-in mag safe connector for the airplanes too? :)

    I'm sure that a 3rd party adaptor will appear to connect an iPod dock connector to whatever kind of connector the Zune ends up using...

    Still this will give the iPod one more feather in its cap. I'm certainly thrilled by this news, and I think it makes the idea of a video iPod much more appealing. In general, I've taken the stance that if I'm going to watch a video on a plane, I'd rather watch it on my PB's large screen. The iPod screen is just too small. But if I could watch it on the plane's screen, that would make the iPod a viable alternative.

    This would also eliminate one of my pet-peeves about the in-flight entertainment. Ever since airlines (i.e. JetBlue) have started offering TV, there's been a slight problem. When the captain comes on, it mutes the sound of the TV, but doesn't pause it, or anything like that. The last flight I was on, I was watching a drama, and at a pivotal plot moment the captain came on with "Hello, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain.... if you look out the right side of the plane you can see...". He droned on for several minutes while I watched two people talking to each other, resolving a plot point. I had no idea what they were saying (not being a very good lip reader), and I was furious! It would have been one thing if he was coming on to give us some important information, but he was just simply giving one of those "up here at 35000 feet the air is really cold" speeches, and he could NOT have picked a worse time to do it, as far as the program I was watching. Now, if I had been watching something on an iPod, I could have paused while he was talking, or rewound after he was through. (I expect if it's going through the plane's system it would still mute out whatever I was watching in favor of the captain's voice.)

    imagenes de amor de lejos. Amor de lejos dicho Tote Bag
  • Amor de lejos dicho Tote Bag

  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 7, 07:33 AM


    imagenes de amor de lejos. Amor de lejos dicho BBQ Apron
  • Amor de lejos dicho BBQ Apron

  • Abstract
    Sep 17, 07:14 AM
    Is this a joke or what? Are people that work in retail different to the rest of us? Am I missing something here?

    Think different. Think about long-term discounts........and relationships (with Apple!)

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  • frases de amor de lejos

  • mufflon
    Oct 16, 06:39 PM
    I would definetly buy one given that it'll be released - today, tomorrow or in 10 years time - my current mobile, a LG, makes me a sad being - anything with decent menus and nifty design might even invoke some hidden love for phone capable gadgets (other gadgets on the other hand is already giving my economy more than enough problems - but I love it and wouldn't do it in any other way)


    imagenes de amor de lejos. Amor De Lejos
  • Amor De Lejos

  • iSavant
    Apr 14, 09:28 PM
    I had to rate this front page story as "negative"

    just on-a-count-a I'm not used to seeing human faces when I visit the mr site

    Make it go down the page, Please!

    imagenes de amor de lejos. Amor de lejos dicho Shirt
  • Amor de lejos dicho Shirt

  • hankk
    Jan 29, 06:54 PM
    I'm trying to install Panther on our G3 iMac DV from the back up disks that came with our new G5 iMac. (G3 iMac DV: 10.2.8; 768MB; 80GB)

    Among the bundled software is Nanosaur 2.0 (pretty fun). It is not supported on the G3.

    The install options are:
    1. Panther + bundled applications
    2. Bundled applications only
    3. OS 9 only

    There is no Panther-only install option that I can determine.

    When I attempt to install on the G3, the installer determines that the target machine does not support the bundled software (as noted above) and stops.

    I've inspected the directories of all the back up disks and have not found anything useful.

    Does anyone know a work-around to this issue? Or if I want Panther on the old machine, will I have to purchase a Panther upgrade?

    One final question: Will my proof of purchase coupons entitle me to a copy of Panther or Tiger that I could install on the G3 iMac?

    Thanks, Hank

    imagenes de amor de lejos. AmOr de lejOs - Baby Rasta
  • AmOr de lejOs - Baby Rasta

  • iKnowMr.Jobs
    Mar 13, 03:10 PM
    My iphone 4 with 4.3 got it right this morning. My aunts 3g with 4.2 didn't and my brother's 3gs with something between 4.0.1 & 4.2 didn't get it right either. I think 4.3 has something to do with it changing automatically.

    Apr 12, 07:42 PM
    Right now in NYC you can walk in the Apple store anytime and get the Verizon iPad. ATT models are extremely hard to find.

    So how is it that Verizon is preferred???... (I know why but I'll let you guess...:))

    This is not surprising. All the Chinese resellers who were buying iPads in NYC are unlikely to buy the Verizon CDMA, because it cannot be used abroad. The GSM version (i.e. the ATT version) is one that can be used in most places abroad, as long as the iPad is unlocked.

    Mar 21, 06:46 AM
    Except for the iPad which seems to get the advertised 10 hours. I've never really believed apple when they claim x hours of battery life.

    Its all puffery, the term used for advertisers to lie about products.

    Mar 27, 12:51 AM
    Stereoscopy works but by god that sweet spot it requires is really fecking tight! The merest tilt throws it off and as this is a handheld console you will be throwing it off a lot, unless you unnaturally physically force your arms to hold it as rigid as possible, hold your eyes half crossed and fixed tight (which strains), and your neck stiff too. It's clear why Parralax 3D is a long way off being used for commercial TV screens. When it works it works, but it takes a wasps fart to blow it off course.

    That's disappointing. I read in a review the 3d effect hurts the battery life, too.

    Still on the fence about getting one...Nintendo's newest console and all...but none of the launch titles really interest me except Shadow Wars.

    Oct 6, 11:02 AM
    Computers and phones isn't the same thing. I could see them doing it with the iPad since its a computer but I honestly can't see them doing it with the iPhone. Might they change the size of the screen for the next iPhone? Yes. Will they sell two models with different screen sizes? No.

    You are saying that for everything apart from the iPhone, having more than one type of model is necessary. But, for the iPhone, it'll be doomed to failure?


    Nov 14, 08:56 AM
    guess the bigger question
    will this be available in coach or is this just a first class option?

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