iceberg slim quotes

iceberg slim quotes. Posted by icebergslim at 9:43
  • Posted by icebergslim at 9:43

  • 2002cbr600f4i
    Feb 18, 12:54 PM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

    He had a liver transplant.... Alcohol is a no-no after that!

    iceberg slim quotes. really good quotes about love.
  • really good quotes about love.

  • MacUser4_20
    Sep 29, 01:12 PM
    10.4.8 is being downloaded as I type!

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  • cheer quotes. cheer with Funny

  • ngenerator
    Mar 21, 12:06 PM
    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.

    Lol, that was punny! Excellent play on words ;)

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  • Quotes 2011, Marriage

  • twoodcc
    May 28, 11:39 AM
    I have noticed that a lot of the new folders (including myself) are folding a lot of points for the team, great to see :)

    I have now hit the 6k red colour for folding :cool: Need some more competition now on the lower score table :p (no point trying to chase the others ;)

    good for you and others! :)

    hey there's always a point to chase others! i myself will be dwindling down soon it looks like. so you gotta chase me!


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  • sishaw
    Mar 28, 10:32 AM
    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    1. Porn
    2. Flash content

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  • Marriage Quotes SCREENSHOTS

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 27, 12:11 PM
    Lucky you.
    5D, not so much.

    Could be that the 400D came with the latest software. Have you tried getting an update from the Canon website (DPP 2.2 etc). I can PM you the version numbers of the various utilities later on if you want?


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  • fpbecker
    May 5, 09:35 AM
    Microsoft asks consumers to �do the math� before buying a Mac

    Microsoft has launched a new Mac vs PC site.

    The new site, �Do the Math�, launched in Canada recently and aims to compare Mac based computers to several PC counterparts. Microsoft has put together comparison charts for the following Macs:

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  • gkarris
    Mar 28, 12:46 PM
    Why did you buy a 3DS if you're not going to use the 3D?

    At least the option is there - you can turn it on "a little"... ;)

    It is cool - hoping for a Black Friday Special - like a free game with it... :D


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  • good friendship quotes

  • CanadaRAM
    Nov 21, 05:03 PM
    And the first rule of investing is, if a little company 'leaks' the 'fact' that they are 'in discussion' with a major market company, it means they have nothing.

    If they were in serious discussions, there would be non-disclosures.

    I could be in discussion with Universal about starring in their latest blockbuster movie. I sent them a letter, they sent a rejection form letter. Voila, discussion.

    The issue with using such a device in a laptop or whatever, is that there must be a temperature gradient -- that is, there has to be a hot end and a cold end. The hot end is a given, a processor. But you still have to cool the other end of the device, so you still have to have fans/radiators/or whatever to draw heat away from the cold end for the effect to work. Doesn't change the fundamental problem of cooling a machine with limited space and power.

    As mentioned earlier, if you want to ACTIVELY cool a CPU with these, it takes the application of a boatload of electricity to do it.

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  • bigandy
    Nov 21, 04:17 PM
    That sounds pretty cool - if it could be harnessed to charge from the heat developed by a processor, RAM, or even the battery itself... :)


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  • Cute Love Quotes, Funny Cute

  • Rodimus Prime
    May 5, 07:50 PM
    The "Apple Tax" is largely just in the mind. PC Magazine, and several tech blogs, have had comparisons and found that a Mac is cheaper than machines from some Windows machines (I think Sony and Dell were more expensive but I could be wrong). Out of five tested, the Mac was in the middle.

    I did the math, and gave it up after I had consistently lousy experiences with every version of Windows I used, with hardware from a variety of well known manufacturers.

    I will happily spend the imaginary premium if it provides with a stable operating system.

    if maybe if you go spec for spec but often times you end up having to pay for a bunch of crap you do not need or want to get what you want from Apple.

    Take this. I needed/wanted a 15in Laptop higher res screen and i7 processor. I bought it for around $1500. Same laptop from Apple over 2 grand. I was willing to give up the alumium body and battery life because they were not as high on my list.

    Or try this one. Someone wants a 17 (hell even 15 in) screen but only really need a core duo or a i3 processor. If they went Apple they have to pay a huge tax to pay for all the extra crap they do not want/need just to get that 15 or 17 in screen they want/need.
    Apple Tax is in the form of having to buy a bunch of extra crap you do not need/want to get the few items that you do need/want.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 10:16 AM
    I doubt backlit keyboard will come back on MBA. Apple is trying to differentiate the MBP and MBA. Backlit keyboard is one of their lists.


    Why do people think its necessary or will eventually come back?

    Also SB + BL Keyboard VS Nvidia GPU makes no sense.


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  • Illuminated
    Apr 27, 04:25 PM
    He's an empty windbag...

    ...worse than Bush.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 12, 06:16 PM
    We can choose not to employ someone born stupid because they'd do a worse job so why can we not also choose not to employ somebody born of a particular ethnicity if they'd do a worse job because of it?

    You'll have to explain how a person would do a worse job simply because of their ethnicity.


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  • quotes on beauty within.

  • talkingfuture
    Mar 28, 09:28 AM
    I seem to remember a rumour not long after the iPad 2 event that iPhone 5 would be delayed until late summer / autumn. Perhaps all these rumours are falling into place and we won't see iPhone 5 until after the summer.

    iceberg slim quotes. Iceberg, 26th January 2008
  • Iceberg, 26th January 2008

  • normwood
    Feb 24, 06:05 AM
    So....regulators are looking into poor parenting skills! :confused:

    Our tax dollars hard(ly) at work.



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  • happy birthday quotes for dad.

  • alexf
    Apr 2, 01:50 PM
    *caugh, caugh* It's 1.0.1. Also, It's not so much that it has bugs are anything, I think it UI is horrible.

    Yes, I think the UI is aweful too.

    I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings!

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  • cute pictures of quotes. like

  • stujohnson
    Oct 25, 03:27 AM
    Sorry to raise a small but wavering flag here but...

    Where the hell are the upgraded MacBooks??!!! :mad:

    I agree... I ordered a MB a month ago and it was lost... I got a refund because I was tired of getting jerked around "oh your mac is here, now it's there, now we don't know.." So I decided to wait for c2d... just principle really...can't justify spending so much cash if I'm gonna get a 'free' upgrade sometime soon.

    I've searched everywhere re: macbook update to one knows.. that's what you'd expect. Honestly, I doubt they're gonna update it before christmas

    iceberg slim quotes. love quotes and pictures. love
  • love quotes and pictures. love

  • bugout
    Nov 26, 03:26 PM
    Did the add say it was from apple then ?

    No but the site says it's glass front and back.

    Mar 23, 02:00 PM
    5 years ago Apple was pushing open standards with no licensing require (ie, zeroconf) and no one would buy in. Now they offer a standard with a fraction of the capability and charge for it and everyone wants it.

    People are stupid.

    Jun 1, 05:29 AM
    How does what I said mean we should merge articles whenever possible? :confused:

    I don't think MediaWiki supports using categories as filters.

    If there's a "Terminal Commands" subcategory of a "Software" category, the CLI applications are still classed as software. By putting them in a subcategory, we are not hiding them, shunning them or separating them by "walls of steel". We are merely putting articles in logical groupings to make them easier to find. They are not split off because they're not "Mac-like".

    A simpler category structure does not necessarily make the guides any simpler to use.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to change what you said or anything, I was just using what you said (that the list in the category would become quite long) as a reason for why we should reduce the total amount of articles by merging articles wherever possible.

    And no it doesn't support filters, but we can certainly fake it.

    They're split off from the main software category because of the perception that a lot of users may not want to look at the Terminal... it does reduce the amount of articles in the main software category.

    Good point on the category structure not necessarily making it easier to use... errr... I'll get back to you on this, it looks like I'm going to be up quite a bit longer than I'd like anyway, I'm having MacPorts update some of my outdated packages and gcc42 has been building for the past 3 hours.


    Edit: Also I'm not entirely against a Beta, but it has to be small scale so we have far less editing to do, not an entire category, but maybe a small subset of the articles in that category in a test category.

    Sep 16, 06:53 AM
    Originally posted by solvs

    I'm just so tired of PC weenies saying Macs are all style, no substance. And like many computer users who actually use their computers, I'm torn. Speed and price, or style and stability?

    Only when Real-Time is really Real-Time, only then will I be truly happy.

    Please stop the stability ************. We are not living in the age of windows 95 any more. Some of you guys live with illusions.

    Jan 12, 04:08 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.

    I don't get all the confusion people are having...

    The push notifications just push your notifications... the little red numbers at the bottom right of the screen. Those, including new messages in your inbox and event invites (which don't show up as badges because they don't show up as little red notifications in to begin with.)

    You don't receive a notification whenever one of your hundreds of friends updates there status, so you won't receive a push notification on the facebook app either.

    Nov 2, 05:17 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    However in my experience, fewer people are waiting on Vista for a new machine than you may think. I'm really surprised at how little buzz Vista is getting. I've got several friends with HIGH END hardware running Vista beta now, and the all think it works great except for Aero, which to a person they have all turned off. Every single one of them complains about the speed, but say it is very solid crash-wise, especially for a beta. But when I press them if they will actually buy Vista the day it comes out, all but one said no. The main reason is that there is just nothing all that compelling there. And what with significant evidence ( that they have completely re-written their networking stack, I think I'll be with them on the sidelines waiting for a while until they work the bugs out.

    So at least in my limited experience, people who need new hardware are buying it now - and not really waiting for Vista, which may be 9-12 months off for them anyway. What this means to me is that Apple's marketshare increases can be written off as an anomaly all that easily.

    Thanks for the interesting podcast link. I wasn't unaware of Vista's possible security problems, I just never realized how bad the worst case scenario could be...despite all the delayed launches. Yes, potentially a hackers paradise, but I'd still be surprised if the final version of Vista wasn't far more secure than previous versions of W$.

    I think you're right that some people will be wary of becoming early adopters of Vista in light of all the cited beta-version problems. Many may wait for a Vista SP edition (some 12 months away). Also, there's bound to be some initial confusion for less savvy PC users when faced with 6 different versions of Vista. Despite this, I still expect many millions to be swayed by M$'s mass advertizing campaigns to take the plunge soon after launch.

    But like you, I think none of this need greatly affect Apple's steady rise in marketshare. For sure, Mac OS X will remain the best & most secure OS there is. I just have growing doubts about whether Apple's lack of dedicated graphics in their consumer Macs, combined with the novelty of M$'s new baby, won't cost Apple dearly in the long term. - I very much hope I'll be proved wrong.

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