how to do rave makeup

how to do rave makeup. Nu-Rave Make-Up for Gawker#39;s
  • Nu-Rave Make-Up for Gawker#39;s

  • Tones2
    Apr 19, 10:03 AM
    So what's this, an OLD white iPhone 4 prototype with 64 GB with a different version of iOS 4, none of which will ever be released? Wow, great news. :rolleyes:


    how to do rave makeup. But honestly I don#39;t rave
  • But honestly I don#39;t rave

  • freeny
    Nov 12, 08:32 PM
    "Lighten up," it is so... American :p

    What a cliche:rolleyes:

    Is that the best you could do?

    BTW, My Japanese manager thinks they are hilarious too...

    how to do rave makeup. When im doing my make up and
  • When im doing my make up and

  • whoodie
    Mar 10, 10:15 PM
    What are the odds one of you Friscoans will post an update around 3:30-4:00ish and let me know what the line (or lack thereof) at Stonebriar is looking like?? Now I'm debating between Willow Bend and Stonebriar...

    X2, that would be awesome!

    how to do rave makeup. My creepy rave make-up.
  • My creepy rave make-up.

  • John.B
    Mar 13, 01:28 PM
    Is it possible that 4.2.6 and 4.3 have different DST settings? Sure. Unlikely? You bet. Odds are we're seeing an issue with carriers and it localized in spots.
    My work phone is with Sprint (WinMo), and it adjusted two hours forward. :confused:


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  • Rave Makeup by ~AkuseruReno on

  • ColoJohnBoy
    Sep 22, 07:08 PM
    Not to be another bitchy Apple addict, but it's iMac. A single capital letter. Aesthetics are important not only in the computer but the name. :)

    how to do rave makeup. Rave Makeup by ~AkuseruReno on
  • Rave Makeup by ~AkuseruReno on

  • ciTiger
    Mar 28, 11:37 AM
    So Lion won't debut on WWDC? Just preview? :confused:



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  • you how effective this is,

    Dec 27, 06:48 PM
    LOL ...... Your right.

    I put in my Zip Code (Queens, NY) on the AT&T website and click on the Iphone and it said not available in your area.

    So I did an ONLINE CHAT :D ......................... (

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  • Color lack eye makeup is

  • iNeko
    Mar 24, 06:56 AM
    What is pissing me off at this stage is not that the console launches tomorrow or fears over shortages etc, it's the fact that 95% of the launch titles haven't even made it to review which is never a good sign.

    I suspect we are going to see a lot of turkeys tomorrow.

    I've seen a few reviews, ONM gave everything like 8 or 9 out of 10 (no surprises there) and everyone else gave everything 6 out of 10 at most. Pilotwings is the most disappointing, as apparently it's less than an hour long...

    I see that Joystiq and Gamespot and a few other sites (IGN) are starting to put reviews up too, but I'm not that interested in the launch titles! I want to get back to Okamiden and Pok�mon White!

    I think there's plenty of consoles to go around, my order is at "dispatching soon" on Amazon, and other people already have theirs!


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  • New At rAVe

  • MacNut
    Mar 26, 12:42 PM
    Why not just have high fuel taxes ala Europe?In CT we are taxed I believe 50 cents on every gallon. The problem is that as gas prices rise people buy less of it and the taxes dry up.

    how to do rave makeup. Gawker Media#39;s Silent Rave
  • Gawker Media#39;s Silent Rave

  • FoxyKaye
    Sep 13, 11:42 AM
    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.

    Ew - goodness iGary, and they're not keeping you overnight?

    Having had a couple general anesthesia surgeries, I've found the experiences from my childhood and early adulthood remarkably similar.

    1) Wheeled into the prep room, and doctor inserts IV with some sort of relaxation medicine - everything gets really happy, warm and drowsy all at the same time. I start babbling like an idiot.

    2) Wheeled into the operating room (still conscious), doctor places mask over my face and says, "breathe deeply." I take a couple deep breaths while remaining conscious enough to see other doctors breaking out the tools and scalpals.

    3) I panic, thinking "ohmygod I'm still conscious, I'm going to see and feel everything. It's going to be just like the 60-Minutes episode they aired in the 80s about patients remaining awake during surgery. I'm going to go insane with the pain and agony!"

    4) On about the third deep breath I fall unconscious.

    5) Wake up moments later in the prep room feeling sick to my stomach and sore. Throw up. Doctors pump some anti-nausea meds into my IV and everything is OK.

    6) Realize that it's three hours later than "a moment ago" and that I'm really sore.

    Seriously though, the first operation when they knock you out is scary, but the anticipation is much worse than the actual experience. Hope all goes well for you...


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  • colorful scene makeup.

  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 09:36 AM
    Why? Everyone needs to be taking cuts including PPH. I am a Democrat, however I know if it were not for the Republicans controlling the House right now the talk would be of increasing spending instead of cutting spending.

    I think everyone can agree that we need to get spending under control and every department and entitlement program should be looked at and take cuts if necessary. What I would really like to see is an across the board 10% cut if I had it my way. That won't get rid of the deficit, but it would help.

    They are not looking to cut funding for PP, they are looking to eliminate funding.

    This is all a circle jerk. They are arguing over less than 1% of the budget. We are 6 months into the budget year already. Can you imagine what the 2012 budget negotiations will be like?

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  • Cosmetic companies make makeup

  • mactactic
    Apr 5, 07:21 PM
    I knew there was a reason to sit the 2011 mbp refresh out.


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  • Medusa#39;s Make Up are a US

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 10:14 AM
    Originally posted by bullrat
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!


    Here's the problem right here with all these nonsensical rants. The G4 iMac is in now way jerky when it comes to window resizing. Whoever has posted this a)doesn't know whay they're talking about b) if they owned this iMac had something wrong with it.

    All we're doing by pissing and moaning about Mhz is hurting ourselves an Apple and the whole debate with the PC switchers.

    I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.

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  • VH1 | Photo | Rave Makeup

  • drlunanerd
    Oct 26, 01:50 PM
    Hmm, this could work in Apple's favour if, for example, the unthinkable happened and CS3 was released as Intel-only. It'd force a lot of pro users to upgrade their hardware to Intel Macs. Then again it could piss them all off into gradually abandoning the Mac platform and switching to PC.

    It's not a good precedent, but inevitable at some point. Surprising that it's happening already though.


    how to do rave makeup. Make up not war!
  • Make up not war!

  • Sal510
    Aug 21, 05:52 PM
    so are they trying to run "FourSquare" out of business haha

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  • $5.89. The Rave Cosmetics

  • lostngone
    Apr 14, 06:31 PM
    There goes the neighborhood...

    Ok, so now we need a Fail-Whale equivalent because I see the Apple cloud going down a lot.


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  • What makeup tips do always

  • cookieme
    Oct 27, 08:21 AM
    Did they give you the full HE discount though - Leopard for �58.75? Or did they charge �75?

    I payed �76.50 which is what they call the Individual Educator discount. I wasn't aware that there are different education discounts.

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  • Eye Make Up Remover - A

  • cantthinkofone
    Mar 21, 09:03 PM
    Aloha everyone,

    I seriously don't understand how people can afford not to complain about the gas prices here in Hawaii. I buy all my gas on any one of the various military bases, as we always get cheaper gas than those gas stations outside. I normally get a gallon of premium lower than most outside gas stations sell their regular unleaded.

    Imagine my shock when just last week, it was over $4/gal here at Schofield Barracks (home of the US Army's 25th Infantry Division - Light). It was the same over at the Pearl Harbor-Hickam Combined Base (they merged, but I'm not sure that I got the name correct), although the off-base prices haven't risen quite as sharply, but they're still paying right around $3.96/gallon for regular unleaded gas.

    I mean, we're not even in the summer season yet, not that Hawaii actually has a summer season. I mean that, like in the US Mainland, we get raped at the pump during the "summer" season, for no other reason than the gas companies here can do it. I mean, what else can we do except bitch and complain? If we want to drive our cars, we have to buy the gas, right?

    Don't try that here at Fort Wood. Gas costs the same as it does off post but they throw a huge fit if they see you getting gas and aren't military.

    I paid $60 to fill up today. Gas was $3.35/US Gal.

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  • The rave about natural

  • fs454
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Just having beat Portal 2 on my 11" MBA with a 1.6ghz core 2 duo and the 320m, playing it on max settings, native resolution at ~40fps was GREAT.

    This isn't possible on the Intel graphics, it'd tip just below smoothly playable at these settings. The CPU is barely a bottleneck, seriously. What other 11" device can run a modern game maxed out?! Thank god for the Source engine, and for Apple's 320M+C2D choice.

    Sep 19, 04:25 PM
    I'm a bit confused, because, I can't update the EFI ... I strictly followed the instructions. Poweron while holding the power button... then some secondes after speed flashs of the led (I mean stroboscopic) and then just a long BIIIIIP and normal boot after that ...

    Tried many times, any hints ?
    Thx a lot

    I'm in the same boat. It beeps, I see the update bar but the DVD drive pops open and then shuts -- then normal boot. Ugh!

    May 6, 01:43 PM
    So im wondering while i wait for my new imac what your idle/load temps are

    Would be super if you wrote which imac you have aswell.

    Wondering how much the 95w * cpu does to the temp in the imac.

    Would love to hear idle/load gpu temps aswell :)

    * 95Watts are only for the i5 3.1GHz and i7 3.4Ghz, i5 2.7 is rated 65W :o Anyway I'm curious too :D

    Aug 14, 10:22 AM
    Yay! 20 more ads

    Oh here ( I found some new "get a mac" ads

    Sep 19, 11:39 PM
    alli did was put in the xp cd on the drive.. pop in another hdd.. and rebooted.. at startup press and hold the option key and your startup devices come up choose the xp cd... boot from that then install to the other hdd.. and done and done xp is installed no problem as for the drivers thats where bootcamp driver disc comes in

    but mind you.. you do NOT need bootcamp to boot and install windows xp.. but will need it for drivers and such

    Aug 19, 09:53 AM
    Doesn't appear to be working yet :/

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