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  • gccovet
    06-13 10:21 AM
    I believe that there is a great flaw in the way the USCIS allocates VISA NUMBERS among EB1, EB2 and EB3 which is very much evident and if we can stand united we can get something done.

    After carefully observing the trend in VISA approval and VISA bulletins, It is a reality that EB3-I is not moving and at the same time EB2 and EB1 are moving fast in relative terms and probably may even become current ( EB1 is already current ), But one thing USCIS is clearly not considering is the Priority Date, which basically means that they are not giving a damn thing about how long the person from EB3-I is waiting for. Here is my suggestion and some of the IV representatives need to analyse what Iam gonna say and see if they can stand up. Being an EB3-I india myself, i totally agree that EB1 and EB2 should be given a weightage and some preference over EB3, but I dont agree to what USCIS is currently following, EB2 With priority 2006 getting ahead of EB3-I with priority date 2001. This is ridiculous and to even think about it, it just sounds stupid. What they can do is , They can move the Dates in both Categories while giving preference to EB1 and EB2 first.

    Please dont jump up & down before i complete. Iam just giving you an example of how things should work and how they can move dates forward for all 3 categories while maintaining that EB1 and EB2 gets preference over EB3. Let us ignore Eb1, since it is already current. Now Coming to Eb2, the priority Date is 2004 for them.Ideally speaking, They should not move them ahead until atleast EB3 reaches 2004. But once Both EB2 and EB3 reaches the priority date of 2004, Obviously EB2 gets the preference over Eb3 and EB2 will start to move ahead but not by much, let us say 1 year. Now, Clearly, EB2 is still given the extra preference over EB3 but at the same time, we are maintaining the priority dates between EB2 and EB3 as close as possible so that the system is not totally unfair to EB3 filers. I think, as one of the un-biased Organisation we should stand up against this unfair treatment in general. I hope even EB-2 will understand what iam trying to say.

    let me know if iam making any sense. If am wrong, also let me know. So that i can get a better understanding of things and correct myself.

    I can understand your feelings.
    As of now, the only solution is to support IV to push for getting wasted numbers back and removing per country quota.

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  • polapragada
    04-26 06:45 PM
    We dont have to fight on H1B vs L1B. But the fact is employees with L1 are suffering more then H1Bs.

    YES santhan...

    BTW I am H1B :D

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  • 21stIcon
    10-10 08:38 PM
    Long term USA bonds are toast --->

    Look at 1930/1960/1990 history you would understand why it make sense buy US bonds during stressed time because yield will go down and price will shoot up

    Why should China/Taiwan/Arab get out of Gold? There are no strong indicators for doing that for now.

    Eventually they will get out when they find there is no purchasing power on other side of globe. learn How gold crashed from $840 -$170 between 1981- 1990 and why gold price was stable between 1991-2001.

    Gold price would not shoot up when most of the developed countries banks are in trouble like 1989-1992

    I would not suggest more than 5% of your net worth in gold, but you should know your appetite

    China has to lend more of its reserve to western economies otherwise its own export will be in peril, so they would not invest in gold...

    Learn relationship between crude and gold, crude would go back to$50/barrel , so Arab govts would have not money to buy gold...

    I cannot stop but laugh at your insistence that USA is global economic engine. More than half of the population is in deep debt and their population is ageing fast. Students can't borrow money now on easy terms to dund their education. THere is virtually no appetite for more debt to fire the economic engine at all.

    Physical gold and silver is best to possess.

    Russians were stronger in 1970's and US crushed them to no where ,800 banks failed in 1990 and Japanese were stronger than today's Chinese economy but US smashed in 5 years

    If you understand how US crushed you would not laugh you would be happy that you are in best part of earth

    Moreover I am not saying I am right on everything , I am just writing what I feel , time has to judge our predictions.

    Do you know why economists are not best paid executives than scientist?

    You would understand laughing and bet would not make sense on capital markets.

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  • logiclife
    01-29 07:31 PM
    I dont think companies are really geared to file for 140 within 45 days of labor approval.

    Most of the companies take 4-6 weeks to just send the documents the lawyers request for filing 140. Then the lawyers, most likely forget something and request more documents. It takes another 2 weeks for company to send those.

    All in all, on average I think companies need 3 months after approved labor to be ready to Fedex that 140 petition. No malicious intent on the part of employer, its just how things are. 45 days is going to make things difficult for many companies and many of the lazy, slow, procrastinating law firms.


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  • rheoretro
    11-13 02:46 PM
    - First, it is highly unlikely that Hastert will ever, ever support CIR. That itself is a "red flag" from a post by "Red card."

    - Actions speak louder than words. If Murtha becomes the majority leader in house than Democrat agenda for 2008 presidential agenda will be Iraq not immigration. That doesn't mean no immigration reform, just not in the "lame-duck" session.

    - Lets wait for next year for any progress on immigration.

    GCS999 - excellent points! I asked someone yesterday why they even care about Hastert. He's toast, anyway.There's a very revealing article in the Washington Post today, which says that the Dems will tread cautiously, and perhaps even slowly, on immigration. And they have bigger fish to fry, the number one being Iraq. Not sure what the needless hullabaloo about the lame duck session is. People need to stop crying wolf.

    Democrats May Proceed With Caution on Immigration
    Explosive Issue Not A Top Priority For Incoming Leaders

    By Darryl Fears and Spencer S. Hsu
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Monday, November 13, 2006; A03

    When election results started rolling in Tuesday, Cecilia Mu�oz said that she and other immigration advocates were "holding our breath." One by one, Republicans who had fought tooth and nail for stricter immigration laws fell, turning control of Congress over to the Democrats.

    By morning, a 700-mile Mexican border fence passed by Republicans in a pre-election gambit had fallen flat with voters. A sharply worded GOP bill that targeted illegal immigrants and spurred marches by millions of Latinos in the spring appeared likely to fade into memory.

    "I think this is the best environment we've had on the issue in quite some time," said Cassandra Q. Butts, a senior vice president for the pro-immigration Center for American Progress.

    But when it comes to immigration, things are never easy. In the days after the election, Democratic leaders surprised pro-immigration groups by not including the issue on their list of immediate priorities. Experts said the issue is so complicated, so sensitive and so explosive that it could easily blow up in the Democrats' faces and give control of Congress back to Republicans in the next election two years from now. And a number of Democrats who took a hard line on illegal immigration were also elected to Congress.

    "It's not without its challenges, for sure," said Jeanne Butterfield, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. "You've got opposition in both parties. You still have restrictionists in the Republican Party. You have Democrats who've been reluctant to move on any kind of worker program."

    Butterfield predicted that lobbyists and Democrats have less than a year to move legislation that could put some 12 million illegal immigrants on a path to legal residency, before the looming 2008 elections make a deal politically impossible. And analysts say the fate of President Bush's proposal to create a temporary worker program for 200,000 immigrants is in doubt, with labor's allies in charge.

    In recent days, advocates have been burning up the phone lines talking to one another and to try to determine whom House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the presumed speaker of the next Congress, will appoint to key committees, and how the new Democratically controlled Congress will approach the issue.

    Major challenges lay ahead. The Mexican border remains a sieve where an estimated 100,000 immigrants sneak into the country every year. Conservatives in the House, and some Democrats, want the border sealed with manpower, fencing and technological gadgets before they will even consider guest workers.

    Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which opposes increased immigration, said Democrats should implement an enforcement program first. Anything else might be political suicide.

    "The Democrats need to get their majority reelected in the next two years," Krikorian said. "My sense is that the Democrats have grown up enough to know they can't get reelected trying to get everything they want."

    Immigration experts are on the lookout for the kind of compromises that led to the flawed immigration reform laws of 1986 and 1996. In those years, a White House and Congress split between the two parties passed watered-down laws requiring employers to check the legal status of new hires to satisfy businesses and immigration advocates. They also failed to give enforcement agencies the money, staff, technology or practical ability to do the job.

    The miscues paved the way for an explosion of illegal immigration.

    "The question is, will this just be another split-the-baby approach, such as we saw in 1986," said Robert Bonner, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection from 2003 to 2005, "or are we actually going to do something that is going to seriously achieve the objectives of controlling the border?"

    At the White House Friday, the Bush administration struck a bipartisan chord, trumpeting both border enforcement and a guest worker initiative. "The President believes a temporary guest worker program, where you will know if you're in or you're out, is going to relieve pressure on the border and also reduce the incentive for people to travel from Central America through Mexico in search of such jobs," said White House spokesman Tony Snow.

    Bush supports a proposal by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) to allow foreign nationals currently outside the country to work in the United States temporarily. Illegal immigrants now in the country could work too, but only if they pay a $2,000 penalty for breaking the law, pay back taxes, undergo a criminal check, learn English, take civics lessons, go to the back of the employment line and then work six years with no legal problems.

    The McCain-Kennedy bill would also strengthen the border and create a computerized system to check the legal status of workers. The Senate bill would authorize spending $400 million to expand a pilot program used by 5,000 employers to cover new hires by more than 8 million U.S. companies within 18 months.

    But some experts are skeptical. The non-partisan Migration Policy Institute has said that the pilot system is flawed, will take at least three years to implement, and will fail unless it is made much more accurate. The MPI panel, co-chaired by former congressman Lee H. Hamilton (D-Ind.) and former senator Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) also said other steps are needed, such as producing tamper-proof Social Security or other employment ID card based on fingerprints or other unique identifying features.

    Others say thousands of immigration investigators are needed to verify legal workers and track down those who remain in the country illegally.

    James W. Ziglar, former commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, said if Congress does take up an overhaul, "the recognition that enforcement has to be of equal stature is something that will occur this time, because the lessons learned from the 1986 act are still burning very brightly in the minds of people on both sides of the debate."

    Mu�oz, a vice president at the National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Latino civil rights group, said Democrats should move carefully ahead with a plan that satisfies both sides.

    "This notion that it's dangerous to vote to support comprehensive immigration reform I believe to be false," she said. In Arizona, she said, voters rejected anti-immigration Republicans Randy Graf and Rep. J.D. Hayworth.

    But, to show how complicated the issue is, Arizona voters also approved three referenda to make life tougher for illegal immigrants.

    Anti-immigration Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), who was distraught after the election, believing a guest worker program was inevitable under the Democrats, now says he's changed his mind.

    "It seemed to me that it was not going to be as easy for them as I had anticipated or feared," Tancredo said. "They're not putting it out there as their number one, out-of-the-box issue."

    The more he thought about the issue, the more cloudy the future seemed.

    "I don't know," he said. A temporary guest worker program "could certainly happen. I may be just skipping past the graveyard."

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  • franklin
    07-11 02:02 AM
    I am not sure if you are being facetious but I think that is a great idea! :)
    No, I'm not being facetious :)

    There is always a chance that a well publicized (we are working on that part!) rally might attract opposition to the rally.

    I wholeheartedly think that this gesture would be seen as fairly "american" and could defuse tension if it arises. Plus it would link back nicely to the flower campaign as well, and the eventual destination of the bouquets sent.

    Political stance on wars aside, I don't think there are many people who don't support the lives on the line.


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  • javadeveloper
    11-25 12:07 AM
    i am working on H1B and my wife is on H4, she was not included in 485 yet so she is not having EAD, can i change status from H1B to EAD, please advice.

    Let's assume you used EAD and lost H1B status.What will happen to your wife's status?She may loose H4 status because you are no longer in H1B status.I guess it may be better for you to stick with H1B.I may be wrong , take professional help

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  • mhathi
    05-23 02:01 PM
    I don't think I agree completely. I called all of the lawmakers for the CHC campaign, and while you are right, I spoke to the assistants, they were all polite and promised to pass on the message, which is what matters in the end.

    Lawmakers know that we do not have voting privileges yet, but they also know that we are contributing to this economy far greater than many. I do not remember the source or the thread, but this question was asked before about an online petition, but ironically, that is shown to be not as effective as phone calls.

    If you ask me to sign a piece of paper, I might do it even if I am only vaguely supportive of the idea. But I will certainly not take the trouble to call (or better yet) go to the senator/congressman's office and present my case in person unless I really beleive in it.

    regarding your "saar.. support the bill..." comment, I would not go there if I were you. Thats a whole different can of worms and borders on an insult to a) people who are not from that part of India (or for that matter the world) and b) more importantly, for people from that part of the world who are in this country since a long time and have taken the pains to lose the accent.

    Finally, even if one speaks in an accent, is that the sole reason for a lawmaker to disregard him? Then should a Tennessee senator not listen to someone from New York because the New yorker speaks English in a New York accent?

    Please remember IV may be largely Indian, but it is a meeting place for legal immigrants from all over the world. The same way as India may be "largely Hindu" but it is still a secular country and we have had many great citizens and leaders that were not Hindu, the current president notwithstanding.


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  • anandrajesh
    02-01 12:26 PM
    Please donot let this thread a self-flogging ritual...
    We the H1Bs are the victims of the this system. We did not create this system. It is true that there are social costs associated with this system. Abolishing the system is not the solution. Reform and making the system just is the solution..That is all we are asking for....
    Blaming the victim of an atrocity for the atrocity is sheer stupidity....

    Remember for Every Google, there is a ENRON. So based on ENRON experience you dont generalize all American Corps are dishonest.

    Same logic applies here i work for a Small "Desi" Company and they are very honest and pay me reasonably well. They dont break laws or find ways to circumvent it. So i dont like to hear all H1Bs Companies are Cheats.

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  • newuser
    07-14 07:59 AM
    Digged it twice.


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  • dogking
    04-07 10:19 PM
    Contributed $100

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  • khadash
    08-19 01:01 PM
    Poll Done
    PD Oct 2002
    EB3 India
    I 140 Approved Oct 2004
    I485 Pending since Oct 2004.


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  • satyasaich
    09-13 04:21 PM
    But, can i do a small change that "approximately 500,000 potential buyers stranded to invest around $100 Billions in Housing market(assuming that average price of home @$200,000)"

    In the housing market terms, $100 Billions is a kicker and no doubt a Winning argument.

    This might sound weired..but I think we can get some support from Housing Market !
    The housing market is slowing down significantly and there are millions of unsold homes out there.

    More than 1/2 million people are stuck in the green card process. I am sure
    most are waiting for green card before they buy their house and make longtime commitment.

    I think we are a "Frozen" pool of customers for the Housing Market.

    500000 H1B X 300000 (average house price) = 150 billion dollar market is just
    inaccessible just because of retrogression.

    I think we should convince them to help us FINANCIALY
    Edit/Delete Message

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  • ujjvalkoul
    05-24 02:02 PM
    I am sure each one of us has enough resources to settle anywher ein the world....it is just more work, shifting etc etc....

    Whoa re willing to take that initiative....let show them waht mettle we are made of - these selfish politicians...and Corporate america


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  • ssunka01
    04-20 01:29 PM
    :confused: :)

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  • rajuseattle
    04-18 08:08 PM
    Lets keep this thread to celebrate OP's Green Card and some inspiration for Hopeless EB-3 guys.

    Krish: I agreed VISA recpature and not including dependents will help us a lot, please keep the thread for celebration only.


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  • EB-VoiceImmigration
    04-07 04:52 PM
    @Alex: I like your will to file compliant. There are lot of people who want to do this, but doesn't have enough courage to even start the process. You did the first step by looking for information on how to file compliant. Since you decided to go back, I dont want to comment on other options

    I saw one post on the thread by "Mayday" (its the ONLY relevant post for your initial question) on how to file complaint. Please follow that. I tried to search for more details, but I counldn't get more. Also please contact DOL (www.dov.gov, just call them, If I'm in your place I will do the same) see if they can provide any info. Some where I read that we can even complain from our own country. check that.

    Most of the people in this forum are kind of "zombies".( they will get back to normal life once they receive their GC) Please ignore them.

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  • TomPlate
    07-11 01:06 PM
    guys get the ration card next month free 1kg rice. Please also make sure you get palmoil.

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  • desi3933
    03-19 05:10 AM
    * AILA�s Business Litigation Comm. Re: Neufeld memo*by*H-1 Cap Blog (http://www.h1cap.com/?p=121)
    The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has a Business Litigation Committee (BLC) and we met this week and the hot topic of discussion was the recently released Neufeld memo. There is a strong belief that the memo was issued in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act. There is also the belief that the memo violates long-standing precedent and established law. It is believed that there are numerous industry groups as well as individual companies that may be pursuing litigation on this matter. The BLC is in the process of working with the American Immigration Council to create a special section within its clearinghouse service http://www.legalactioncenter.org/litigation-clearinghouse (http://www.h1cap.com/blocked::http://www.legalactioncenter.org/litigation-clearinghouse) specifically dedicated to collecting and posting relevant documents and information on this issue. This will allow all interested parties to be kept up to date on efforts being made to address this policy. We are looking for information regarding actual litigation as well as significant meetings, letters, etc. to USCIS officials as well as Congressional members on this topic. We will then organize the relevant documentation and make it available for access by others. If you are interested in participating in this clearinghouse effort, please keep us updated on your efforts. contact mfh@hammondlawfirm.com for additional info.

    Any update on this? Any legal update?

    It seems no one is talking about this memo anymore.


    07-02 05:43 PM
    Yes but do note you do not have endless time to file a complaint. I don't know how many months you have to file a complaint after leaving your job but I know for sure there is a time limit.

    I think its 3 years from the event, that you have to file a complaint. If its past 3 years, you cannot file the complaint. The event may be such as you left the employer and your employer withheld your last paycheck(very common issue with desi consultants) in the name of covering your H1 expenses etc.

    04-20 07:49 PM
    Like I said I have never attacked anybody first, unless I was provoked.

    Yeah, the Gladiator, doesn't attack unless provoked. Good one. Keep them coming.

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