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  • phillymjs
    Oct 3, 08:51 PM
    One of my clients is a huge, global corporation (that shall remain nameless), and they use Notes. I only support a smallish design department that uses Macs, and I quickly learned to loathe Notes.

    Allow me to quote a rant I wrote about it on 10/8/02, after coming home from a long day of battling Notes issues at that client:

    "Lotus Notes [6.0] for the Mac is a turd that they just keep trying to polish. Whoo hoo, it's finally Carbonized and sports the Aqua interface-- that's like putting a fresh coat of paint on an outhouse. This is the most half-assed Mac port of a Windows app since Microsoft Word 6-- scads of 8.3-named library files, a terribly unMaclike interface that is possibly the worst mangling of the 'web browser' metaphor that I have ever seen, and a complete inability to accommodate more than one user per machine, even on a multi-user based OS like Mac OS X. You'd think a company like IBM could actually assemble a team of competent Mac programmers, but judging by the quality of Notes for the Mac, they can't. Memo to IBM/Lotus: Half-assed Mac support is worse than none at all. Rebuild Notes [for the Mac] from scratch, or take it out back and shoot it. It makes Outlook/Exchange look like paradise, even with all the security and virus problems."

    That client is now using 6.5.4, and I still hate it. Four years later, and it *still* wants to put the user data folder inside the Notes application folder by default when you install! Last week I ran Migration Assistant to move someone's data back to a PowerBook that had returned from being serviced, and Notes got messed up somehow. It was set to spellcheck all outgoing messages automatically, but lost the location of its dictionary. How do you think Notes would handle that? Just inform the user, "I can't spellcheck, but would you like me send out the message anyway?", right? Wrong! It wouldn't let the user send any mail at all, until I remoted in and disabled the spellcheck entirely. When I was back on site today, I had to reinstall Notes on her machine to fix it.

    Which brings us to the problem of support. The only solution I can find for 99% of Notes issues on the Mac is to just reinstall the damned thing.

    I could keep on going, but you get the picture.... Notes is a godawful abortion of a software program, and I would lead a much happier life if I didn't have to deal with it. IBM claims they want to improve it? Well they've certainly got their work cut out for them, don't they?


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  • ZZ Bottom
    Mar 30, 09:09 PM
    Disgusting spammer

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  • dmmcintyre3
    Jun 4, 01:58 PM

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  • kgarner
    Aug 30, 11:40 AM
    Do you have a link that explains this more. I would like to check it out before offering an opinion. I don't see anything about it on Google's site. Thanks.


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  • Funny Adult Costumes

  • AppleMacDudeG4
    Apr 28, 07:09 AM
    Are you referring to Lord of the Rings Online or are you referring to something else? Lord of the Rings Online is a Windows based game so you would need to run it on Bootcamp or through a program like Parallels.

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  • Prom1
    Dec 28, 06:38 PM
    Microsoft is rock solid?

    Let's see, as a 15 year IT worker who has supported many MS environments, I have been yanked out of bed at 2am 3 times because "new" viruses that the Anti-Virus software didn't even know about, had brought down hundreds of machines on the network, and had even brought down routers and switches.

    I think the $100,000 we might spend on IPS/IDS blades for all the core switches to analyze the traffic coming from Windows machines might be better spent if we just put Macs in the network and maybe stick a free Snort box in there as an after thought.

    Companies spend millions just keeping their Windows machines in line -thank about it. MS has never been serious about security.

    Very Very interesting point. AntiVirus contracts/solutions (or lack there OF) is VERY costly as a day to day part of operations and productivity. YES Microsoft is part of the problem, but all these rogue developers trying to bring down microsoft & other corporations are also part of the problem.

    I'm VERY interested to see just how much storage space virii definitions take up both on workstations & on server just in the drive to security & uptime.

    Is it NOT AMAZING that in the last 20yrs we've come so far with regards to computing?!


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  • Funny Adult Costumes

  • joueboy
    Nov 19, 02:27 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Finally TJMaxx finally got the attention they wanted without spending thousands of dollars in advertising.

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  • Snake Charmer Costume / Funny

  • Macaroony
    May 3, 06:25 AM
    Why would it be ironic? Giving blood is a selfless act and anything that helps increase stocks is a positive.
    I wasn't saying anything against donating blood, I commend that. I just pointed out that there aren't that many potential donors here to actively support that cause.

    I can bake cookies, though, and if you give me a tenner I'll go buy some OJ on my way.


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  • Have Some Adult Fun With A

  • mikeschmeee
    May 3, 12:08 AM
    Yup! They don't make them like they use to. Many people ask me why don't I buy a new car instead of dumping more money into my old Prelude. But the new cars that are available aren't the same. Unless I'm able to purchase a Porsche but thats another story. hehe.
    Onto more photos.

    Dubberz Spring Unsprung 2011: ( ( ( ( ( (

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  • Mr.Noisy
    Feb 6, 10:58 AM
    Time to Change :)

    Original Image ( before Photoshop & Silver Pro Nik Filter added.


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  • ToxicDrew
    May 4, 09:44 PM
    I was wondering if one would be able to get a FaceTime HD camera and install it on a 2010 iMac? Could it possibly be as simple as just taking the iSight cam out and plugging the FaceTime HD in? I would really like the 720P capability of the new cam.

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  • FloatingBones
    Apr 30, 08:47 PM ( went digging in the latest Mac OS X Lion build to see what they could find [...]

    Aren't these guys in violation of their developer agreement?


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  • BornToMac
    Aug 3, 06:31 AM

    Link please?

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  • hayesk
    Apr 4, 11:23 AM
    You are obviously missing the point. Apple's new subscription model is preventing choice from coming to it's customers. How is that not a bad thing?

    What are you talking about? It's enabling choice. Customers have a choice to send their personal data to FT. Before, they did not. What choice is Apple taking away from customers?

    Apple says: "give choice to customers."
    FT says: "no choice for customers."

    And you have the nerve to call people Apple fanboys. That term should nullify your point right then and there.


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  • Funny Adult Costumes

  • ILikeTurtles
    Mar 21, 07:36 AM

    Just to give a quick backstory; I spent years going back to school for design and at last I've finally acquired my degree. I now have a budding freelance business with a handful of small clients, all of whom are relatively civil, good natured and appreciative of my work.

    Recently a long distance client I really get along with referred me to someone. He hired me to do a logo for his marketing startup. He was pleased with the end result and asked me to take on a second project, designing a mockup for a website that he could then turn over to a developer. He set a time limit of 3 hours, because that's all he could afford. Everything was going fine till about 2 hours in. He liked the direction I was going in, so while I was waiting to hear back I did some small revisions (off the clock), just to satisfy my own design sensibilities. I sent them to him to see what he thought. He suddenly calls me saturday afternoon and from the get go, seems to have an attitude. He wants to go over all the revisions I sent him. So I scramble for my macbook. As I'm going through my folders in search of the files he starts getting flustered and belittling. I offer to call him back in an hour after I've gathered everything and before one of us says something we'll regret, but he wants to stay on the phone and takes an even more offensive tone. I'm a laid back guy, but I had enough and firmly reminded him that I was trying to design a site for him within a 3 hour limit and had been good enough to not bill him for all the phone time he insisted on and had even stopped the clock a couple of times. He then startled to backpedal and complimented me on my work and how fair my pricing was ($25.00 an hour). The conversation went on for about another half hour as in the aftermath we awkwardly discussed the project. I think I did a pretty good job of remaining diplomatic. I've now just about completed the project and now he's talking about having me design a business card:rolleyes: The whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know there can always be an element of stress with any type of work is, but that was a bit much.

    Sorry for the rant, but I felt like I needed to vent to fellow designers. Anyone else have any horror stories?:)

    My advice as a designer - CUT & RUN!

    There will be other clients to replace this a-hole.

    funny adult costumes. Funny Adult Costumes
  • Funny Adult Costumes

  • stone01
    Apr 26, 08:48 PM
    My iPhone 3Gs is registered to my home mac comp. I try to plug it in to my XP PC and it beeps quickly three times and the comp doesnt do anything, then a few moments later it beeps twice, kinda like it was just disconnected.


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  • Prom1
    Oct 1, 12:36 AM
    My last exposure to Notes was 12 yrs ago. We hated it. After 5 yrs, my then company decided to move to Exchange to much hype that it would be a lot better.

    It wasn't. I still miss the days of Notes. I've since moved on to two different companies, each of whom have used Exchange. Not once has the Exchange implementation been any better than I remember Notes being more than 7 years previous.

    But I will face facts. Notes lost the battle - it is a dead platform for all intents and purposes. As went 1-2-3, so went Notes. It's a shame really because Exchange/Outlook is so terrible, that you'd think anyone with a modicrum of experience could trump it without even trying really hard.

    I mean, really, do you need 80% of one of my CPU cores to look up a name in an address book? And how large does the memory footprint of an e-mail app need to be? I often have to shut down Outlook just so compiles will complete in less time. But that will never get better now, because there is no one to push them.

    Well said. Maybe its time freeware communities such as OpenOffice make a HUGE push of functionality, portability, efficiency, and ability to work with Active Directory & Such to challenge MS.

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  • mshan
    Jun 24, 10:06 PM

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  • Peel
    Jul 27, 01:44 AM
    I guess I'm not as much of a purist as some here. I make DVDs off EyeTV digital HD broadcast recordings with Toast 7 and they look and sound very close to the original HD broadcasts on my 24" Dell 1920 x 1200 display. I cannot see much nor hear any difference.

    Call me old fashioned but I just don't see why I would want Blu-ray or HD-DVD until they are cost competitive with good old fashioned single layer 4.38 GB DVDs. :rolleyes:

    Well maybe on the 24" screen, but go to play it on a 42" or larger plasma monitor, and the difference will become apparent. On the 24" screen you've got a pitch of about 92 ppi, the plasma screens run from 53 ppi for the 42" down to 37 ppi on a 60" screen (remember the resolution doesn't change, just the screen size). On these less dense screens, the full resolution of the HD image, along with the greater color depth that HD provides over NTSC is significant.

    Full of Win
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    We iPhone and 3G iPad owners are plenty upset by this as well.

    Well, to be fair, you express hate toward Apple constantly. And given the conspiracy ideas in your signature, you are plenty upset about lots of things in your life. So I would hardly consider you a typical case. Apple could offer free computers tomorrow and you'd instantly post a message expressing your hatred of Apple for doing that.

    I don't hate Apple, just many of the things they do. Most Apple products I love.

    Sep 25, 10:36 PM
    Duff-Man says....I would have a search through the forums - use the term "headphones" or "earphones" - you'll get *loads* of hits as this subject has been done dozens of times already.....oh yeah!

    Jul 4, 08:09 AM
    Still looking. If anyone has anything let me know. Thanks.

    Dec 8, 08:51 AM

    ChristMAC Icons:

    Santa Mail:

    Bowtie-Christmas (used for iTunes):

    WP (don't know original source):

    Thanks very much! :D

    Jun 18, 04:09 PM
    have a personal shop booked for 10am, so will be gone by 11, I hope.

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