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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Nov 20, 01:35 AM
    MR wrote:
    "Why would you let TJ Maxx of all places undercut the iPad prices by $100?"

    That question is so stupid! It sounds like he does not want cheaper iPads, and no competition!? One could think, that this happens in North Korea or Cuba, but no, it happens in the U.S.A.! People want a dictator!

    Just imagine that everyone screams "I want a more expensive iPad! Please Steve Jobs give it to me!". It does not look like it would happen.

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  • latogoga
    Apr 29, 09:23 AM
    i came up with this yesterday

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  • friendship quotes in marathi. best friendship poems in; best friendship poems in. lmalave. Sep 26, 10:31 PM

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 30, 07:11 PM
    How do you open localized strings?

    Using qlmanage -p or vim, you can see the contents, but they look compiled.

    But anyway to view the files properly?

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  • cannonball
    Oct 19, 08:34 AM
    Best I've seen so far... (though I have many more to look at).


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  • rxse7en
    Jul 26, 11:28 PM
    Just make sure your cable provider allows you to record from it. Make sure the signals are not encrypted.
    I purchased EyeTV500 and after I figure out the only way to record HDTV was from over the air antenna. I returned it to Elgato after I found out I would have to spend good amount of money buying a really good outdoor antenna plus make holes in the wall and etc. to be able to connect it to my EyeTV and computer.

    That's a good point! Grrrr... Always something. I just checked ElGato's site and they don't offer an HDTV over Sat solution that I can see.


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  • Happybunny
    Oct 16, 03:50 AM


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  • techfreak85
    Feb 14, 08:03 PM
    possibly get a i7 970 6 core as they just dropped in price
    Woah.... $600 is kinda tempting...:o

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  • morty192
    May 6, 06:50 PM
    Is there no way to access the hardware test on the apple supplied DVD whilst using a wireless keyboard??


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  • andreas79
    Oct 7, 08:19 AM
    just changed mine,going to keep it for long :)

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  • SevenInchScrew
    May 2, 11:37 PM
    Oooooooh, R32!!

    Those MKII MR2s and the FC RX7 are extra awesome looking as well. I really, REALLY love 90s-ish Japanese cars. So many amazing vehicles back then.


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  • SeaFox
    May 1, 02:56 AM
    This instantly made me think of Laputa: Castle in the sky as well as the Laputa in gulliver's travels.

    This is great news if it means the end of mobile me. Die Mobile Me - DIE DIE DIE. Anything will be better than the self centered sounding I simply will not use the email address in a professional context. Don't mind, and still use it, but sends the wrong message.
    Also, this.

    As big a fan of the film, and Miyazaki, as I am, I'm not sure the end of the film would make for a good analogy!! 'Store your data with Apple: watch it crumble into the sea or float off into space!' :)
    That's already happening. I got an email from Apple tonight telling this was the last reminder they were going to give me to update my calendar on the MobileMe systems to the new version otherwise I'd lose the ability to sync it and wouldn't be able to view it online, either. Which sounds like they're going to delete it for all intents and purposes. :rolleyes:

    I bet the only reason it's required I click something to perform this update is because it entails agreeing to a new EULA with some nefarious new terms or requires I start using the newest version of iCal to sync with the online calendar (which, coincidentally, isn't available for the version of OSX I have, which coincidentally requires me to buy a new Mac to run). :rolleyes:

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  • mif
    Apr 3, 09:41 AM
    Space Odyssey 2011.


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  • GGJstudios
    May 5, 01:55 PM
    About LCD display pixel anomalies for Apple products released in 2010 and later (

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  • mrgreen4242
    Nov 29, 05:02 PM
    Don't the movie studios operate as commercial businesses? Don't they make a profit (overall - some movies flop I know)?

    They couldn't affort to spend $100M/movie if they didn't get the money back!

    Therefore, iPod sales are 'extra' income for them.

    I know that there may be some drop-off in theatre ticket sales if the same movie is available via iPod sometime in the future, but don't they face this now with DVD sales?

    It may be simplistic, but why not hold back offering the on-line sale of the movie until they have exhausted the 'theatre experience' the way they do with DVD sales, and then get ready for the '2nd wave' of additional income.

    I agree that you should pay for what you have, but I also think you should get what you pay for without excessive restrictions. Yes, electronic media differs from physical media and some rules should be different, but the underlying principles stay the same.


    Except that iPod/iTMS sales would represent, generally speaking, the loss of a DVD sale. They would love, I am sure, to ONLY sell through iTMS and similar services, assuming:

    1) They sold the same number of copies,
    2) They had the same or great profit margin, and
    3) They had better/stricter copy protection.

    On that note, I'm still amazed no one has reverse engineered the iTMS video copy protection scheme. I hear DVDJohn has done it, but is using his powers for "good" (well, his good) and selling it to companies who want to offer DRM'd video for playback on iPods without going through Apple.


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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Sep 26, 10:44 AM
    I disagree. Live under their roof, live by their rules or at least go through the hassle of trying to get away with breaking them.

    If you're old enough to deal with the possible consequences of sex, you're old enough to find a place on your own. If you're not old enough to do that, be sure one of you is sterile before proceeding. I say this a week after my 17 year old cousin gave birth after both being on the pill and using a condom. It happens. If you can deal with that possibility, you're old enough to move out.

    Sure, it's easy to be almost certain that nothing will happen. Tell that to my cousin.

    I was thinking the same thing myself.

    Have not yet read if the gf is 18 or older yet. And that is an issue. For with him being 18, there maybe statutory rape issues - not from her, but her parents.

    Hope that all will go well with your cousin in the years to come.

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  • jsw
    Feb 12, 03:20 PM
    I hope this doesn't signal the end of edesign's stabs at newbies with comical macros :(.That torch has been passed to you, Wes. Time to start making some macros....


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  • kettle
    Mar 3, 03:44 AM
    remove the control panel from whichever Library/PreferencePanes directory it was installed into.
    maybe logout and back in again.
    or even keep it and reduce its effectiveness to near normal.

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 1, 06:54 PM
    Does it come with the new or old earphones?Old. You have to buy the new ones alacarte.

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  • canucksfan88
    Feb 15, 08:58 PM
    I want it too. Thank you. :)

    i got tired of waiting for the op lol and searched enjoy!

    Mar 6, 01:14 AM
    whats folding

    Apr 7, 02:40 PM
    Bristol Fighter, yaeh!

    You can have it up to 1000 bhp and still take it down the shops. If I can get one before middle age it'll be in orange, otherwise I'll have it in grey (a la Porsche Sport Classic)
    Side profile isn't the best, but other than that, it's a pretty sweet looking piece. The front, in particular, is quite nice.

    Apr 17, 12:30 PM

    Man! I really like this one... :D :cool:

    Apr 17, 05:15 PM
    Why the difference posted on console vs AJA? This was done on my MBA 13 TS128SSD.
    Write 186.2 AJA vs 197.89 Console
    Read 205 AJA vs 217.61 Console

    May 5, 01:01 PM
    Ask one of the Apple Store managers, but I'm almost certain they would have a procedure for destroying/recycling those displays. Apple doesn't seem like the sort of company who would let someone take any of that home when they're done with them.

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