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  • rainman::|:|
    Apr 30, 08:42 PM
    a very good idea indeed.


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  • greatdevourer
    Sep 24, 03:26 PM
    If both your son and his gal are over 18, then yes. If you think about it, you don't really have that much say in the matter. If he wants to, he's a consenting adult. However, if you don't want him to, then just hint that you're not happy with it

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  • ClassicMac247
    Jul 9, 09:00 AM
    Anyone going to the at&t store here in Brick NJ? I will probably be there around 10min to 8. Leave a comment if you plan on going, it should be empty because no one goes to this place. I don't blame them.

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  • Kieranic
    Dec 6, 04:21 AM
    Considering Christmas is just under 3 weeks away, I decided to switch to a Christmas wallpaper (will keep this for the rest of 2010) :)

    I found this wallpaper about a year ago and it originally had the words "A South Park Christmas" at the bottom (which I digitally removed in iPhoto). It's amazing how fast 2010 has gone but then again, everyone says that every year :D


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  • gfish31
    Feb 2, 08:13 AM
    new for the first time in a while... goin with a zen feel. the orange and green on the separate monitors is a nice look. got both images from

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  • andreas79
    Feb 16, 08:34 AM
    uploading is sooooo slow...


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  • drinu89
    Apr 7, 10:41 AM
    I never considered doing this, at least not before now.

    Thanks for the link.

    Welcome mate :)

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  • Mr. Gates
    Apr 7, 10:59 AM
    I have a 10gig weekly download limit at school and having to download a 600mb update every week for my iPod is annoying.

    That's 10 times the MONTHLY limit for a lot of people in the world.

    Just be happy.

    The USA is spoiled rotten.


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  • kdarling
    Apr 27, 09:19 PM
    Well, it looks like it wasn't a bug after all. It was coded as per the patent application. :D

    Unfortunately not :)

    The patent includes optional implementations where:

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 10:29 AM
    Thanks, Huntn. Good post. Here are my thoughts on your ideas:

    There is a long term move to dismantle government social programs and who needs the truth when we can lie? You know we can't afford you social program and your school because we have these billion, thats B-I-L-L-I-O-N dollar bombers that need building.

    This is all very simplistic, but here goes:
    1. Reform Health care- one illness from bankruptcy is not acceptable for a developed country. Health care should have never been turned into a profit machine along the same lines that you don't want your police and firemen as for-profit enterprises. The larger the pool the smaller the costs.

    'turned into' a a profit machine? As opposed to... when?
    Providing health services and goods has always been a for-profit enterprise. This is exactly what has lead to the amazing growth in medical technology in the past 100 years.

    2. Cut programs before lowering taxes especially on the rich- you can't balance a budget if you have no income. If you must lower taxes, you must first cut the programs and deal with the popular unrest before cutting any taxes. This is exactly what the champion of the Republican Party did not do- Reagan, he cut taxes but not programs and this country ran the first substantial deficits since WWII.

    I tend to agree. Cut programs until our expenses match our current 'revenues.' When the two are equal or are in the black, let's immediately pass an balanged-budget amendment so this problem never happens again.

    3. Progressive Tax policies are a must- The rich are rich. Make them pay their fair share. They can afford it. Cutting their taxes to create jobs is mostly a conservative smoke screen to **** over average citizens.

    For the record, they are paying their fair share. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 95% of the income tax. Your disgusting attack on all conservatives wanting to '****' over all citizens is just that... disgusting.

    4. Stop allowing the Exportation of Jobs- If you want to keep a standard of living. Lowering the standard of living reduces income and tax revenues.

    How? Trade embargo's? Certainly you understand that increasing taxation on the wealthy and corporations certainly won't help.

    5. Enact policies that support a strong Middle Class- instead of wiping it out for the sake of the rich. A strong middle class powers the economy.

    Lower taxes? Strong business climate with low unemployment? You seem to be contradicting yourself... what strong middle class policies are you specifically talking about?

    6. Search High and Low for Corruption- No system will work if it's corrupt. Submitting thousands of fradulent Medicare claims is hurting us.

    I agree. I would start with a MASSIVE simplification of the tax code, and virtual elimination of all government subsidies over the next 5-10 years.

    7. Dismantle the War Machine- in the good ole days we could afford it. Now we can't.

    I tend to agree. Reduce the budget by half, let them become more efficient and more reliant on technology. Take a more defensive posture around the globe and avoid entangling alliances, etc. abroad. That being said, I believe its important for us to maintain a strong national DEFENSE. We do have enemies... and defense is one of the primary constitutional roles of the federal government.

    Almost half the traffic on the Internet comes from mobile devices. Again, it's common courtesy.

    The charts look amazing on my iPhone.


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  • twoodcc
    Feb 7, 06:03 PM
    great job guys! we are averaging over 500,000 points per day as a team right now!

    we still have some teams that are going to overtake us, but we will overtake some as well. we are doing much better than before! but we gotta keep it up! :apple:

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  • acfusion29
    Mar 26, 08:42 PM
    ya... that won't fly with PayPal, especially since he listed it under Cell Phones & PDAs > Other and not under art, or pictures.


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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 21, 04:06 PM
    You are missing it arn't you. When people do a graph to compare smart phone OSs they do not take the graph and account tablets, MP3 players or tvs they only count the items that are sold as phones.

    I often do see apple users making comparisons to android such as "Androids have worst battery life." which is a broad comparison to it. It is also not true. The Atrix now holds the title as the longest lasting smart phone OS.

    Why would you ever make a comparison like that? That's like comparing "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". They're the same thing. Doesn't make a difference what device it's on, it's still the same OS. Is is that tough for you to understand?

    Give me ONE compelling reason why you would ever compare just the phones segment.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 5, 09:19 PM
    You might look into Freenode. They do have a little bit of bureaucracy, but they do try to keep it down to what's necessary.


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  • JWalker1995
    Mar 6, 12:25 PM
    Is the memory backwards compatible??
    SO could i use ddr2 memory instead of ddr3.


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 13, 05:59 PM
    One of the tings I saw last year was that they are going to make their new cars feel more like what Americans are used to driving.

    Go test drive a Camry/Malibu/Accord to find out what that feels like. :o

    And that is a shame - since one of the few joys I had with my POC '99 New Beetle was how fun it was to drive. So much for fahrvergn�gen -�gen

    I have to admit I always thought the Fahrvergn�gen thing was a bit silly, but it did position the VWs as "different", something the new Jetta and Passat are emphatically not. They are intentionally more the same.


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  • Lynxpro
    Jul 27, 06:26 PM
    Any 1080p television worth anything can easily deinterlace the 1080i signal from the Toshiba HD DVD player with zero image degradation. There simply is no difference. The 1080p vs. 1080i thing (for HD DVD and BD) is a myth.

    First, I mentioned that the outputting problem is common with both formats the existing HD-DVD AND Blu-Ray decks currently on the market because the decoder chip is just not that great. That is why people are making a big deal about the upcoming Sigma Designs decoder chip that will come standard in both formats' second generation machines. Look it up.

    And deinterlacing an input signal is not as good as the outputting device outputting in progressive scan in the first place. Do you want to argue that upscaling DVD players are just as good as the current HD formats while you are at it?

    Sony has not stated any plan to use H.264 encoding. No studio has stated any plans for H.264 encoding either. It's either MPEG-2 vs. VC-1, and if you've watched anything on HD DVD, you'd know it's capable of amazing results. Compared to all available Blu-Ray discs, VC-1 beats MPEG-2. A better Blu-ray deck will not make the crappy MPEG-2 discs look better, because the problem is with the disc, not the player. Even when BD50 discs are viable (some day!), they'll still use MPEG-2. Warner, who has already released VC-1 encoded HD DVDs, will be releasing the same titles on BD in... you guessed it... MPEG-2.

    Nobody is arguing that VC-1 does not outperform MPEG2. However, it is nowhere near as good as H.264 MPEG4. We know it, the SMPTE knows it, and of course in their dark hearts, Microsoft knows it too. The problem currently is that the machines on the market do not have good enough decoder chips - again, referencing the problems that will be solved with the Sigma chip hits the market - to decode the H.264 codec. But once the good chips hit the market, it is doubtful that the HD-DVD format will ever back H.264 because that would cheese off Microsoft. And the success of VC-1 and iHD is crucial to Microsoft's entertainment expansion plans. If HD-DVD dies, Microsoft loses out on both VC-1 royalities as well as iHD licensing and places the Xbox360 ultimately at a competitive disadvantage.

    Just because Sony hasn't announced H.264 support does not add up to much. They don't even have their own player on the market yet. And until then - as well as the PS3 launch - I doubt they will announce support. After all, currently, Sony is only interested in Blu-Ray being viable for upcoming consumers; they really do not want us buying the Samsung player currently. So no, I (also) highly doubt your assertion that Sony will still cling to MPEG2 when the higher capacity discs hit the market. Furthermore, Sony already uses H.264 on their PSP UMD titles. Obviously, the reason why they haven't done likewise on Blu-Ray discs has to do with the decoder chips, not due to any sort of conspiracy or incompetence factor that you seem to be asserting.

    Based upon the info on that link, it is apparent that Sony is no stranger to encoding using H.264 and thus there is no logical reason to conclude that Sony won't shift to using H.264 on all of their Blu-Ray titles once their own players and the PS3 ships.

    As for Warner Home Video, they have a vested interest in making sure Blu-Ray does not succeed. Warner and Toshiba both make quite a sizeable fortune off the royalties from the DVD standard. They both want HD-DVD to succeed so they can maintain those royalities. Had Sony and the rest of the Blu-Ray Disc Association agreed to preserving the Warner/Toshiba royalities, there would not be a format war currently, and Toshiba would not have prostituted itself to Microsoft over iHD and VC-1.

    Furthermore, iHD is apparently much easier to develop for than BD-J. That's one reason why there are already HD DVDs with interesting new features (like the "In Movie Experience" on Bourne Supremacy) vs. no new extra features for any BD discs, nor are there any discs announced with new (BD-J) features.

    Can any other posters shill the Microsoft party line more? "They" said the Sony Playstation2 was "too hard" to program for versus programming for the Microsoft Xbox. Which platform won again? Which platform had the most third-party support? That's right, the "too hard to program for" Playstation2. The reason why there are extra features on the current HD-DVD titles has to do with the fact that they are using VC-1 and the Blu-Ray titles are using the space-hungry MPEG2 codec currently. There's no room right now on Blu-Ray releases for the "extras" you are bringing up. It has nothing to do with "how hard" it is to program BD-J.

    Reminds me of how Warner Bros. people started the whole "Brandon Routh is so well endowed that special effects are having to be used to tone down his crotch for *Superman Returns*" rumor that was circulating in the trades and online months before the film debuted. It was a recycled rumor that Warners had used back before the release of the original *Superman* with Christopher Reeve to generate buzz for potential female viewers. Kinda like how you are recycling/repeating the "BD-J is too hard to program for" rumor.

    Let us also remember that Apple sits on the Blu-Ray Disc Association board. They could have supported either format, but they chose Blu-Ray for some reason...hmmm... Kinda like how they chose Dolby's AAC format as their "next generation" audio codec instead of Microsoft's (tin can sounding) WMA audio format. That speaks volumes.

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  • w_parietti22
    Dec 3, 11:02 PM
    Im looking for a Dlink Bluetooth adapter... anybody have one? PM me.

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  • MattG
    Jan 4, 08:20 AM
    Welp... Got Notes 7.02 today.

    Visually, it looks "fatter". The fonts are more substantial. Almost bold in look. It also looks more "modern" if you will.. or more "mac-like".
    The installer actually uses the default OS X installer. That's nice.
    The whole BS "Lotus Notes" directory with all it's turds is replaced by a nice applicaiton bundle. That's nice.
    They added Safari as an option for URL handlers. That's nice.
    It upgraded 6.5.x just fine, though I had moved my data directory to my home directory a while back, not sure (yet) how the upgrade will go if one's data directory still exists in the app's hierarchy.
    It IS a Universal Binary! WooHoo!! That's REALLY nice!

    It's still a carbon app. That's NOT nice. You'll notice the old MacOS watch icon. A sure sign of a carbonized app.
    It still uses BinHex 4.0 as the default Mac attachment encoder. That's NOT nice.

    I don't know how it handles emails with embeded java or HTML (I'm sure other users have experienced Notes crashes when reading some emails with HTML in them). Wait and see on that one.
    It seems to be a bit faster, despite being a carbon app still. Wait and see on that one.

    Well good to hear there are some improvements. Will have to see about downloading this today.

    Nov 15, 08:19 AM
    Can't wait for it ! Hopefully in January !

    Sep 4, 04:36 PM
    Mine for the month

    Apr 29, 06:33 PM
    I am trying to attach a photo to an email and all of a sudden, the window is too big and I am unable to make it smaller OR choose the pic. I am able to get the photo but on the bottom, where it says cancel or 'choose' or is it 'open', I can't see that part.

    I know this is super easy n whoever is reading this is probably giggling to themselves, 'this girl hasn't learned a damn thing'.....I'm trying folks, I'm trying.

    I appreciate your help, as always!!


    Apr 5, 08:00 AM
    That thing is just awesome! Might copy the theme for my old bug I've got in the garage (sitting there in parts for almost 5 years now :rolleyes:).

    yeah rusty is pretty amazing. not sure if you know the whole story, its pretty epic

    Apr 1, 05:41 PM
    Man, Mac OS looked horrible back then. Even below 10.4:eek:

    Oh I dunno, I really like the look of some of the older Mac OS X versions, Snow Leopard is a little too boring for my taste.

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