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  • gregorsamsa
    Nov 2, 05:17 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    However in my experience, fewer people are waiting on Vista for a new machine than you may think. I'm really surprised at how little buzz Vista is getting. I've got several friends with HIGH END hardware running Vista beta now, and the all think it works great except for Aero, which to a person they have all turned off. Every single one of them complains about the speed, but say it is very solid crash-wise, especially for a beta. But when I press them if they will actually buy Vista the day it comes out, all but one said no. The main reason is that there is just nothing all that compelling there. And what with significant evidence ( that they have completely re-written their networking stack, I think I'll be with them on the sidelines waiting for a while until they work the bugs out.

    So at least in my limited experience, people who need new hardware are buying it now - and not really waiting for Vista, which may be 9-12 months off for them anyway. What this means to me is that Apple's marketshare increases can be written off as an anomaly all that easily.

    Thanks for the interesting podcast link. I wasn't unaware of Vista's possible security problems, I just never realized how bad the worst case scenario could be...despite all the delayed launches. Yes, potentially a hackers paradise, but I'd still be surprised if the final version of Vista wasn't far more secure than previous versions of W$.

    I think you're right that some people will be wary of becoming early adopters of Vista in light of all the cited beta-version problems. Many may wait for a Vista SP edition (some 12 months away). Also, there's bound to be some initial confusion for less savvy PC users when faced with 6 different versions of Vista. Despite this, I still expect many millions to be swayed by M$'s mass advertizing campaigns to take the plunge soon after launch.

    But like you, I think none of this need greatly affect Apple's steady rise in marketshare. For sure, Mac OS X will remain the best & most secure OS there is. I just have growing doubts about whether Apple's lack of dedicated graphics in their consumer Macs, combined with the novelty of M$'s new baby, won't cost Apple dearly in the long term. - I very much hope I'll be proved wrong.

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  • ravenvii
    Apr 3, 03:42 AM
    Well, I own iWork, and here's my .02...

    Pages seems to be a cool app. The templates look really cool, and would really spice up various documents I write for school and elsewhere, where before I simply had text and nothing else. But as a pure word processor, my first impression is that Pages blows. I admit I haven't used it more than about 30 minutes, but I wasn't impressed at all.

    And no, I don't even have Microsoft Office (well I had Office v.X, but it's not installed... thinking of it, I'm not sure where the CD is...). I use TextEdit, which, since it's update with Panther, serves perfectly for my word processing needs, which is extremely modest.

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  • rhinosrcool
    Feb 19, 02:23 AM
    Steve looks the same as he did at the last two keynotes.

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  • iGav
    Sep 16, 06:30 AM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    i hope by the time pentium 5 hits the shelves, there will be a G5 on the shelves

    btw, igav, i see that you are on akira's site...i should go there and join up and give the old alphatech a hard time...i miss alphatech and his intelligent comments...even when he gets unintelligent and flames newbies:eek: :p ;)

    I would think that by the time Intel do inflict the P5 upon that we'll be if not running machines with Apples next generation PPC at that time, then they'll be right around the corner......

    And yep I joined akira's site...... although I won't be using it like I do mr...... and as akira said, it's not a rumour site, it's a discussion and problem site about current technical issues and hardware and software...... I thought Alphatech was funny...... sure he sometimes got a little heated, but there was alot of people that deserved it, and hey it spiced things up...... :p

    He seem alot more chilled over at his site..... so that's cool.... :)

    P.S It's good to have you back Jef....... ;) :)


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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 12:53 PM
    Their update system is as buggy as their software...

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  • garybUK
    Mar 16, 04:27 AM
    Surely a 'Made in USA' car is a thing to avoid? Big, no style, bad engines (huge capacity with no power), poor reliability, nasty plastics inside.

    Get a european one, more reliable (VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi) far far superior technology in the engines, safer and better for the environment, plus you pump money into our economy :p

    Some really sexy cars: VW Scirocco, BMW 3 Series Coupe, Renault Megane Coupe, Audi TT, Volvo C30.... plus they will last for years!


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  • mcguin2000
    Oct 19, 11:51 AM
    I'll be there. Are they closing beofre 6 and re-opening? Do you think there will be a queue.

    A fortnight of dreams. Leopard the iPhone!

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  • jonessodarally
    Jun 18, 01:46 PM
    How beautiful would that be for Time Machine, particularly in a laptop?

    Wow, hadn't even thought about that... That would be so nice. :o


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  • lmalave
    Oct 17, 06:22 AM
    I'm with you. I already catched myself looking up a number in my nano's address book ("contacts") and looking for the "call" item. I'd love to have the main menu going "Music \n Phone \n Phone \n Extras etc." But the nano might actually be a little small for a phone. Try holding one at your ear for a minute. How about an add-on that you plug in on the bottom via the dock connector? Makes the thing a little longer and you can just upgrade your iPod. Kinda like the iTrip, but in the exact same design as the iPod itself.

    No way would an iPhone launch without a keypad. Text messaging is too popular. I think it will be a slider phone, though, so they keyboard is tucked away until you need it.

    And I don't think the nano length is too short for a phone. My SonyEricsson is the same height as the Nano.

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  • onemoof
    Sep 14, 07:10 PM
    Someone asked the difference between RISC and CISC.

    First thing, there isn't that distinction anymore. RISC originally meant that the processor had fixed width instructions (so it wouldn't have to waste time asking the software how big the next instruction will be). CISC mean that the processor had variable width instructions (meaning time would have to be taken to figure out how long the next instruction is before fetching it.) However, Intel has addressed this problem by making it possible for the processor to switch to a fixed-width mode for special processor intensive purposes. The PowerPC is stuck with fixed-width and has no ability to enjoy the flexibility of variable-width instructions for non-processor-intensive tasks. This means that CISC is now better than RISC. (Using the terms to loosely define Pentium as CISC and PowerPC as RISC.)

    Apple will never switch to IA32 (Pentium) because 32 bit processors are a dead-end and maybe have a couple years left. The reason is because they can only have a maximum of 4 GB of RAM [ (2^32)/(1 Billion) = 4.29 GB ]. This limit is very close to being reached in current desktop computers. Apple MAY at some point decide to jump to IA64 in my opinion, and I think they should. Obviously the Intel family of processors is unbeatable unless they have some sort of catastrophe happen to them. If Apple jumped on they'd be back on track. Unfortunately I don't believe IA64 is yet cheap enough for desktops.


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  • grantsdale
    Jul 20, 12:18 PM
    Bah, why do people bump old threads?

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  • big samm
    Jan 7, 09:08 AM
    I am still having no sound and no badges. I have tried reinstalling the app and doing a hard reset. Nothing. All I am getting is the alert but nothing else.

    Your iphone is sooo modded im not surprise... Lol im jailbreak too and everything seems to work except for the sound... The push is fast too it comes 1sec before my mobile me email notification


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  • twoodcc
    May 14, 11:05 AM
    Wow the team is doing really good at the moment, we are set to overtake now before we get overtaken ourseleves. We have some 11 new members over the last week and have over 80 folder, lets get this to 100 :D

    Go team this is very exciting.

    yeah we are looking a little better, but we have a long way to go!

    but i believe the more active we are in this forum, the more people will join

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  • jayP1201
    Jan 6, 07:52 PM
    Does anybody get sounds when receiving notifications?

    No I have the same problem too....


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  • itcheroni
    Apr 13, 04:10 AM
    Look, this is the second time you've told me, incorrectly, what you think I believe.

    "Informed people" is self-explanatory. I don't intend to spoon-feed you a response just so you can intentionally misrepresent it a third time.

    What I'm trying to do is understand your logic. The reason I'm summarizing your position is because I want to avoid misrepresenting you before I go on to explain my own point of view. Please show me where I misrepresented you. This isn't a political debate. I am only asking questions because I actually want to know the answers, not because I'm trying to "win". If you look back on our posts, I don't think you'll find any point where I intentionally misrepresented your posts. The fact that you're reacting defensively is surprising to me.

    Let's just forget it. It's my fault for expecting a rational conversation on a message board.

    The American government taxes less and serves less than any other western industrialized country, while spending over a trillion dollars a year trying to control foreign affairs through military might.

    That my friend, is a recipe for financial disaster.

    Have you been studying Mises?

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  • mrholder
    Apr 5, 09:04 AM
    Picked up a 32 gig last night for $399. I had a choice between a 16 gig and the 32 gig. Those were the only two they had left in inventory. I figured since I'm going to be using this for quite a while, I'd go ahead and get the 32. I was glad they had a couple left. :D


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  • stonyc
    Sep 13, 08:27 AM
    My experiences with general..

    A lot like what Racer described: hooked up the IV, then came the injection, after a few seconds I could feel some warmness spreading up my arm, then my chest and finally my eyelids just started feeling really heavy.

    When I wake up, out of the OR, I feel really really groggy... can barely lift my head to look around to see where I am. Both times my parents had to help me walk to the car. Got home and had something light to eat... soup, crackers... then more sleep. Few hours later I'm feeling infinitely better and I fall asleep around a semi-regular time and sleep for a good 9-10 hours.

    Never got sick, just sort of dizzy and feeling "out of it".

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  • Daveway
    Apr 2, 04:46 PM
    Stop dogging on Word. Word and Powerpoint are GREAT apps. But only when on a mac. The Windows versions are horrid. When It comes to value, I think Office is better with the education version. I haven't been as comfortable with Keynote as I have with Powerpoint. To everyone his own, but Word is a GREAT app.

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  • Ca$hflow
    Apr 24, 06:34 AM
    Make the RAM user upgradable even if it means only having one ram slot. I really feel strongly about this because it seems that the MBA is morphing into a full functional iPad with a keyboard. :(

    I can not help wonder if this is going to put more laptops in landfills this way.:eek: There are many people that can't afford ordering the ultimate BTO option and are able to upgrade the components over time.:cool:

    What do you think?

    Jul 16, 07:23 AM
    Picked up my pre-order today, so far so good! The main reason I exchanged for my Elite was to see if the new Xbox was quieter in RL, which is its by a huge factor. I've got MW2 installing at the mo, and from 3m away can barely discern a hum - no more turbine hall, huzzah!

    With no disk in it really is whisper quiet. There's a shrill "beep" when you use the DVD drive eject button to confirm you've actually touched it, as it's not illuminated in anyway that's probably a good thing.

    Only issue I had was that the HDD was not detected first time I switched it on. One removal and insertion later and alls good, 227GB usable space. I'll ditch all of the pre-installed stuff before I get around to installing all my go-to games, add-ons, saves etc.

    Suits my Samsung HDTV to a tee, one happy owner here!

    Oct 9, 04:54 PM
    gee, the retail stores would speak out against something that would hurt their sales, wouldn't they?

    apple is providing an alternative just like retail stores provided alternatives to going out to a theater when VHS was released. im certainly not saying it's better, i would never download an itunes movie, because i'd rather have a physical dvd. but now i have the choice.

    Mar 24, 05:39 PM
    It's a great deal; can I hire someone to convince my wife I need an iPad? Nothing I can say will convince her otherwise ;)

    Lesser Evets
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM
    I understand why people like iOS, and it is useful for a lot of things. Productivity is far behind novelty/entertainment at this time, but iOS will become far more versatile when the portable hardware ups a few leaps.

    iOS 9 + iPad 5 might be worth the hype. IMO

    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    While they're at it, why don't they just integrate the whole Apple TV GUI into the TV and get rid of the crappy TV GUIs?

    Motorola ROKR.

    It's conceivable that they'd license AirPlay because, well, on the display end, it's simple and doesn't involve an interface. It's like plugging in a screen or speakers, only wireless. But there's no way in hell Apple is going to leave any aspect of the rest of the "Apple TV" user experience in another manufacturer's hands. Not again, and not when they can sell the Apple TV for only $100. If the interface shows an Apple logo and lets your browse your iTunes library, it's going to be a 100% Apple product.

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