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  • DaveGee
    Apr 16, 03:48 PM
    And hopefully Fiore will do a cartoon about it :p ... well maybe not, his app could be banned again :eek:

    Yea unless he's awarded another Pulitzer that is... :rolleyes:

    Apple is really disgusting me with this $#*(%&*( behavior. They really need to completely reevaluate their criteria and make it CRYSTAL EFFING CLEAR what IS and was IS NOT acceptable and then stand by it. None of this 'reject Google Voice because it duplicates functionality' and then 'approve the Opera web browser'. Reject an APP because it 'ridicules public figures' and then plead that the author to resubmit it once he's awarded a Pulitzer...

    This wishy washy crap is really showing everyone just how UNDERHANDED they treat the whole process.

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  • shingi70
    Apr 13, 12:55 PM
    This sort of thing pisses me off too (as a white male). Because not only does it diminish anything I do - perhaps somewhat rightfully so - it has the reverse effect of making a mountain for any minority to climb which might not even exist. The "white advantage" more or less tells a minority person "to get something a white person gets easily you're going to have to work harder" when this might not be true. It creates an incredibly demotivating false dilemma.

    It might not be true as it was twenty years ago but to say it still doesn't exist is stupid. Also I've never met any other african americans my age who believe that. Its more of a upper class advantage vs lower class advantge and it happens that whites and black are unfortunately usually on opposite sudes of the spectrum.

    So how do you guys feel about me saying that if can i like to support black owned bussiness because there arent that many.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 10:16 AM
    I doubt backlit keyboard will come back on MBA. Apple is trying to differentiate the MBP and MBA. Backlit keyboard is one of their lists.


    Why do people think its necessary or will eventually come back?

    Also SB + BL Keyboard VS Nvidia GPU makes no sense.

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  • toddybody
    May 2, 02:36 PM
    Since when are white ones ever bigger than black ones?

    Oh my, you went there:o


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  • BlueRevolution
    Nov 14, 09:08 PM
    Apple has announced a partnership with a number of airlines to provide in-flight iPod integration during flights.

    Redundant much? Pick one and run with it.

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  • aristotle
    May 4, 12:03 PM
    I challenge both points, pedantically and pragmatically. Canada is no more a "democracy" than the US, though perhaps slightly less messed up. If it was, you would not be able to brazenly put forth the second assertion. In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed.

    The idea that we should have winners and losers is one of the biggest problems facing the US political system. The rollercoaster ride has been pushing the whole country apart from the inside. Failure is inevitable.
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one. Elections are contests and the participants either win or lose but the governing party is supposed to govern for the benefit of all citizens. We have more that two parties here and sometimes the opposition parties change positions.

    We have had situations where the there was a liberal majority with the bloc as the official opposition and the PC (Progressive Conservatives) nearly wiped out and the NDP as the third party.

    Now we have a conservative majority with and NDP opposition (second party) and the Liberals in the third party position. The Bloc are not without party status and there is one green party member.

    It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning even if they have a super majority. That is hypocrisy at its worst.

    I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority and forced through legislation without debate but I grinned and bore it because I understood that we live in a democracy and that we do not always get what we personally want when the people have spoken.

    Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man but the common man voted conservative because they understand that budgets have to be balanced in households so it should be the same with the government. People in their own homes cannot continue to borrow and spend more money than they have coming in so it seems logical to most hard working tax payers that the government should be held to a similar standard. I think it is foolish to mortgage future generations with out of control spending on social programs since those that follow us will have to pay for it and might not have the same social programs to depend on if the overspending continues.


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  • redeye be
    Aug 24, 05:00 PM
    Things are about to change...

    In order to let version 1.0 of this widget really blow your socks of, some changes had to be made on the ExtremeOverclocking side.
    The guys are great in adding some extra info i requested. Small bummer: the current version of the widget doesn't work anymore (it has no idea the xml file changed - no AI yet, sry). I'll try to do a quick fix by the end of the week (should be faster, just not in the mood right now :cool: ). 1.0 should be out before the end of the month (september that is ;)).

    Sorry about this,
    Keep up the fold,


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  • Warbrain
    Apr 5, 09:02 AM
    Apple would not put a capacitive home button. If anything, they'd remove the home button all together and use some of the new gestures that appeared briefly in iOS 4.3 to multitask and go home.

    Have fun using those on a 3.5" or 4" screen.


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  • blondepianist
    Mar 23, 02:09 PM worked reliably from my Mac Mini (2010) to my iPad 2 without saying "you are not authorized to play this video" every other time, I would care.

    I'm assuming you're using AirView or the like? If so, realize that it's a third-party hack - of course it doesn't work.

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  • URFloorMatt
    Mar 28, 09:02 AM
    Hmm. If this does in fact mean a fall iPhone 5 release instead of a June release, then I would think that has to put LTE back in play for the iPhone 5.

    One would have to assume that this means Apple plans to lead off its fall iPod event with the iPhone starting this year.


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  • ready2switch
    Nov 2, 09:26 AM
    Just from my observation (I have no hard data or anything), it seems that at least 25% of new mac buyers are switchers. And from conversations I've heard around my office, I think that number will continue to grow. Apple is really turning heads with this transition to Intel. People like to know what they're getting in a machine (even if they don't really understand the components themselves) and Intel is a household name for the windows world. Good stuff. ;)

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  • AppleMc
    Mar 9, 11:53 AM
    I live a minute away from Stonebriar but I seriously dislike that mall. I'll be at Willow Bend around 4:30!


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  • MoreBS
    Mar 18, 03:31 PM
    I think sometimes people can be intimidated by all the choices. The trick, when learning, is simplify things, imo. [snip]
    Do this over and over again, with different subjects, until you get a feel for DoF.

    You know that is an excellent suggestion and I am going to do exactly that. Brilliant!

    Thank you very much.

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  • J@ffa
    Oct 26, 12:39 PM
    Got my copy of Leopard and t-shirt! Start queuing about half four, maybe a little after.

    I didn't expect that amount of people� I mean, I figured there'd be a lot of people, but :D. Also, congrats to the Apple store security people for blocking off the fools who started their own alternate queue from the opposite side of the store entrance. The organisation was crappy though. I don't know how many t-shirts there really were, but if anyone from Apple is reading this, next time someone should probably walk down the queue while it's not frantic and hand out numbered tickets for people to show as they go in.

    I can't wait to get home and install it though! The front is so shiny� :O


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  • noservice2001
    Sep 19, 03:53 PM
    nothing for the powerbook g4s?

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  • StellarSoul
    Jun 19, 08:15 PM
    I am currently deciding whether to buy a 360 Slim or a PS3 Slim. PS3 has won out for one single reason. It has an inbuilt 3D blu ray player that will be getting support for years to come. Had the 360 included a blu ray player, I would be buying it. Sorry MS.


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  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 08:00 AM
    The line at Stonebrier is setup all the way down to build a. Bear wih stantions. 11 people in line. Sign in Apple states 3:00 pm close to get ready for Ipad2 launch at 5.


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  • ateslik
    Jun 19, 09:07 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB?

    8 Exbibytes (2^60)

    anyway, Kryder's Law applied to storage for the rest of the thread:

    64GB June 2010
    128GB June 2011
    256 GB June 2012
    512GB June 2013
    1TB June 2014
    2TB June 2015

    but given the growth surrounding this technology I'm expecting closer to mid-2013 until we see 2TB SDXC.

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  • Macshroomer
    Apr 13, 06:04 PM
    My wife is from a professional management environment and is not very impressed with iWork, pages specifically. We are doing a trial of it and we are thinking of doing the same for Office 2011 but are wondering that if in trial mode, will we be able to access the update?

    Oct 9, 05:08 PM
    maybe if target dropped their pricing they wouldnt have this problem
    As ITR 81 already mentioned, they are already often selling at below their cost to attract customers. They don't have any room to go lower unless the studios drop their prices.


    Apr 30, 07:36 PM
    Their entire careers depend on maintaining an OS that needs constant maintenance. Windows is inherently broken, and an entire industry grew up to take full advantage of exactly that. Too funny.

    Anyone who knows anything about IT knows that "Windows" is not "broken". It's just extremely "breakable". :p The fact that a million ppl try to write viruses to steal money from the million banks that use it and have a billion customers that use it doesn't help either. But that's where professional security IT comes in. Not even a Mac is "immune" to this, so pro Mac IT should use security too.

    The reason why carreers are made on "maintaining Windows" is because it's POWERFUL. Why would a group of engineers, developers, and MBA's constanty buy an OS that is > 3x more costly than a Mac OS...just up front? And require numerous certifications beyond a "CS degree" to upkeep? And this is just the "desktop" version, never mind the server version which is the leader in the server industry.'s NOT u/linix sorry...because "web page servers" are not the only computers in data centers!

    The only "entire industry who grew up to uptake Windows" is the average person who tried to copy what they used for work...and in some cases, the software packages from "IT friends". They may be stuck with something they can't handle if they aren't careful about downloading porn, but it still doesn't change the fact that Windows is much more powerful and hence requires much more "computer-savviness" to use on average.

    Apr 23, 11:44 AM
    2010 FXDB (Street Bob). Used to have a 2005 XL1200C (1200 Sportster Custom).

    Very nice.

    Apr 1, 08:59 AM
    Viacom? Oh the humanity! Anyone watch it? Anyone miss it? Anyone Care?

    Mar 25, 03:07 PM
    While reading these pages, what amazes me is that many people keep calling KODAK a patent troll.


    really? which printer or camera uses it? It should be marked with the patent number if it does.

    Earth to MacRumors members... APPLE WILL LOSE TOO MOST LIKELY.

    Doubtful. A judge already said they don't infringe.

    Reacent Post


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