best friends forever poems

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  • ghostlyorb
    Nov 22, 06:05 PM
    It's coming out the same day as the white iPhone ;)

    So that means never?? ;)

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  • est friend forever poems

  • Ryeno
    Apr 29, 02:41 AM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    NO. This is how it works in the world of corporate business.

    Company A has a patent (or more) that Co. B wants. B uses A's patents without consent. A waits. A finds a patent B has that they want. A uses B's patents without consent. Then A sues B or vice-verse. The two co. get together and work out a licensing deal. Profit.

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  • cute est friends forever

  • eye
    Dec 29, 09:01 PM
    Window Breaker Hammer (If I fly off a bridge into a river and can't get out of my ride.)

    Salad Spinner

    Black Peacoat

    iTunes $15 Gift Cards X2

    Soft Claws (for my savage kitten)

    Bungee Cords Value Pack


    Brown Oxfords 1df7a27427413c19dce60ad-1274701123_450x450.jpg&wmax=200&hmax=200&quality=80&bgcol=FFFFFF

    Wine Preserver

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  • Consultant
    Apr 28, 07:47 PM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    Exactly. Apple should change supplier to TSMC or another company.

    Looks like Apple picked on the wrong company. Give em' a bloody nose Sammy.

    If you hate Apple so much, why are you here?


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  • Cute+est+friends+forever+

  • scem0
    Sep 25, 03:04 PM
    I am not going to read through the whole thread, but here is my take:

    Even though they might both be legal adults, that does not guarantee maturity of action. If you think your son might do something rash, like have sex w/o a condom, then don't let him go over there. His legal right to make the decision relatively unimportant, I wouldn't let any of my friends have sex w/o a condom and they are all 18+. Stop him from doing something rash because you love him. But if he has shown himself to be trustworthy and responsible, then by all means reward him by giving him some freedom.

    My mother acted as though she trusted me, but she didn't give me any privileges, which was a source of great annoyance while in high school. My mother was way too protective of me. I never made a significantly bad decision the 4 years I was in high school. I never got drunk and wrecked the car, I never got in any fights, and I never tried to get out of my responsibilities. Yet, despite all of this, I still had a curfew, I still wasn't allowed to be on the computer after 12:00. Had I been given these privileges would I have abused them? Of course not... I'm smarter than that.

    If your son has earned your trust, then show it by giving him privileges. His age is irrelevant.


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  • duke nukem forever, friends

  • MacBytes
    Jul 26, 02:56 PM (

    Category: Apple Hardware
    Link: iPad sales push Apple into top five PC vendors (
    Description:: If you include tablets, Apple is now the fifth-largest shipper of PCs in the world.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug


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  • Friends Forever Poems 2.0

  • Sankersizzle
    Aug 9, 04:31 AM
    here's mine at the moment!

    best friends forever poems. Best Friends Forever xoxox.
  • Best Friends Forever xoxox.

  • lynkynpark86
    Apr 9, 08:14 PM
    I'm trying to make a script that gets the newest message in Mail, and sets the message's body to a variable. Something like:

    tell application "Mail"


    best friends forever poems. Friendship - Friend Poems
  • Friendship - Friend Poems

  • Multimedia
    Jul 31, 06:34 PM
    At this point, I couldn't really care less about Blu Ray or HD-DVD. I'd be more excited if Apple included Lightscribe or equivalent capability in their drives. Unlabeled discs are piled high on my desk.Get a Sharpie. :DJust got word there is a new New CD/DVD Specific Sharpie. Rumor on internet is that regular Sharpie ink leeches into DVDs and CDs destroying the data on them in a few years. Anyone can confirm or refute this rumor?

    I just got my first Sharpie "CD/DVD Marker" today - new product that will not do the above damage. :confused: :eek: :(

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  • Things for est friends about

  • forkspoon
    Aug 2, 05:15 PM


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  • poems for my est friend.

  • Mr. Clean
    Apr 25, 07:49 PM
    Thank you for the info, works great...

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  • That offers the poem on omg

  • iApples
    Mar 28, 01:40 AM
    I'm not talking getting hurt either ... maybe $500 dollars damage to your car would be a fair price to pay for your foolish lane change? ... fair enough karma for wishing that on the buyer?

    And now please state where I wished the buyer would lose his money?

    I said he deserves to lose his money, I never said I hope he does. There is a difference. We all know PayPal would never let something like this go through, and it would never hold up in court. It is a scam. But if you're not willing to even read the description of a product that you are purchasing online, then I really have no pity. When you go to a store you can physically see and feel the product. When you're buying something online, you look at the picture and then read the description to see exactly what it's about and if it's really what it says it is. In this case he looked at the picture and then placed a $450 bid...


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  • poems for est friends. funny

  • DiamondMac
    Apr 7, 08:44 AM
    Of course since I don't work there i don't know what all their expenses are. But you can't say just cause the iphone stayed the same price doesn't mean their expenses have gone up. You really don't understand running a business if you think cost of an item is only affected by how much that item cost the business (and that was the proof you gave to me, that the iphone hasn't gone up in price, that AT&T is solely doing this cause they can and not cause they are reflecting their own price increases).

    They have to reflect all of their costs in that price to make a profit. And no, they aren't there to be nice to you. Their prices go up, unless they have some reason to believe they'll lose more business than they will make up by price increase, your prices are going to go up. At some point, regardless of if they think they will lose business they will have to increase the price solely cause they'll lose money otherwise. IT seems you think they should only raise prices at this point. Sorry, they are there to make a profit. They will weight what giesv them the most profit. When they give you a price cut, it's not cause they are being nice. It is cause they think that price cut will drum up enough business to eventually make more profit than they would if they didn't do that price cut.

    And my point culminates in that while no, I don't have proof this isn't just cause they can (and you definitely don't have proof cause what you said totally doesn't stand up to reason at all and shows no understanding of running a business), I could easily buy that their prices have increased given that there is a lot of inflation going on (I work retail and i see it in our own prices going up at my store as well as when I buy stuff). If nothing else, they need to make more profit to make the same amount of money as a year ago (as I said, when it comes to inflation, having your wages stay the same = a decrease in pay as your wage doesn't go as far).

    Nobody is arguing that GENERALLY SPEAKING prices increase over time...or that most value in business increases over time. This line that I am arguing either is ridiculous

    I am speaking about THIS $50 increase. There is absolutely no reason for AT&T to do this other than to simply get $50 per consumer KNOWING many will break it for the next iPhone. Is it their right? Sure. Can people be miffed about it knowing that AT&T simply did it to get extra $$$? Absolutely

    This idea that AT&T is doing it because of costs....again, based on what? The general idea of costs increasing? Do you understand how absurdly general and wide that is?

    Revenue for AT&T in the 4th Q of last year was $30+ billion. Excuse me if I have trouble believing that AT&T is looking to help their costs with a $50 increase.

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  • Best+friends+forever+poems

  • iAAPL
    Apr 26, 09:56 PM
    What do you guys think of the 'promo' I made for my App?

    YouTube Link (

    I couldn't believe how easy it was to use the iMovie '11 Trailers feature. It was a little bit strict, so I did have to export it, then import it to make some minor adjustments, but still, very simple.


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  • short est friends forever

  • -y0-
    Apr 24, 02:13 AM
    I'm getting this... one day.

    best friends forever poems. The poem is quot;Forever Young.quot;
  • The poem is quot;Forever Young.quot;

  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 10:24 AM
    i just dont think it's valid

    btw my dad and i are currently building me a double bed, giggedy giggedy giggedy, alright

    I've got a double bed - doesn't mean a damn thing.... :( :mad:


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  • duke nukem forever, friends

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 18, 06:23 AM
    Break it!? More like make it.

    I love life in the melting pot, it's the one thing I really miss about living in London, there's just a degree of culture clash that you don't get outside of the capital.

    I'm in London now and enjoying the mix of people. Nothing wrong with immigration and other people, "culture" isn't something that must be rigidly protected.

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  • forever quotes est friend

  • celticpride678
    Mar 27, 12:28 AM
    It's a bug. Right now, Safari will only "resume" if you restart the computer.

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  • whyrichard
    Jan 20, 02:33 PM

    Oct 1, 12:44 PM
    To fit with the "Fall" theme :)

    Source (

    Apr 20, 03:33 PM
    The iOS ecosystem is more mature than the Android system, and for that I am very happy for being on the iOS bandwagon.

    Android doesn't have an ecosystem. The only thing that's close to have a full ecosystem is MS but even that lacks in a lot of major areas. So does apple's though in terms of mail/calendar/contact and sync in general. [MobileMe is NOT free. :|]

    webOS seems pretty good but HP swears not to ship any product until the others swipe the market already. :rolleyes:

    I love the Apple ecosystem. It's so rich and fits in every day life; from pro-work to easy living, its all there.

    Sep 1, 07:41 PM
    Mine and source (

    Jul 11, 03:31 AM
    What is the temperature there?

    Here in SoCal, it was about 90degrees during the day, and it's about 65degrees right now.

    Mar 2, 12:06 PM
    According to data on your first chart I'd say that corporate income tax revenues need to increase dramatically. Corporate income taxes only represent 9%(191 billion) of revenue yet individual income tax represents 41% (899 billion). Combine that with all the bailouts the government handed out to the banks and some corporations and I'm guessing the net rate might be close to 0%.

    I'm not saying individual taxpayers won't have to sacrifice in order to solve the problem, but I'm not sure why there are those that argue that no matter how many tax breaks corporations get or even government bailouts---that's its always the individual who has to pay.

    It's a policy based on greed straight from the richest people and companies in this country.

    Two things... first, higher taxes does not = higher government 'revenue.'

    Second off, corporate taxes are actually just taxes on consumers of their products. Companies simply pass these taxes along to their customers in the form of increased cost in the good or service they sell. There's no such thing as a corporate tax... it's just a disguised sales tax on consumers.

    Social Security is fully funded to 2037, will run a surplus at that point and is separate from the budget. The ACA is fully designed to lower health care costs and lower the deficit, something which the right consistently ignores.

    If the US were screwed, you wouldn't have countries queuing up to lend you money. Stop cutting taxes on the wealthy and pursuing unfunded wars for a start.

    The biggest problem I see with SS is that it's an unsustainable Ponzi Scheme which requires constant growth in population in order to sustain costs incurred by smaller and smaller groups of people.

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