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  • go_guy123
    03-12 01:12 PM
    In addition to the above questions:

    USICS had stopped the movement of EB2/EB3 dates by not allotting visas and on the other hand they had also added too many restrictions on H1 extension [like valid Purchase Order for all visa extension], no matter you have approved I-140. These days they give H1 extn for only that period of time till PO is valid. That means if the PO is valid for 4 monnths one gets H1 extn for 4 months only and if it 6 mths then extension for only 6 months. This means that after 4,6 months one again has to apply for H1/H4 extensions and again pay all those fees.

    This really sucks !!
    Is the intention of all these laws is to catch fraud or kick out all immigrants from this country ?

    Yes, to some extent they do want to end the use of H1B for contract related jobs.
    Benching, percentage basis etc were not in H1B rules. Now they are trying to crack down on all that. They are trying to make the H1B-body shopper business model un-viable.

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  • LostInGCProcess
    08-28 04:32 PM
    My understanding is that it is first 4 and last 4 pages. (here pages include the inner hard cover side ).


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  • ashkam
    10-16 01:27 PM
    - 485/765/131 submitted in Aug. Receipts are in with Oct 1 as the date. Why would they mark a date in October on the notice even though they physically received the applications on Aug 15th?

    There should be two dates on your receipt notice, the receipt date : august and the notice date : october. If both are October, you need to contact t he USCIS.

    - Should I be receiving an EAD 90 days from Aug 15th or Oct 1?

    Aug 15

    - My H1 will expire by the end of the year. Should I be concerned? Do I have to do anything if I receive the EAD before it expires? Assume a case where I get my EAD approved and for some reason, my wife who is on H1, fails to get her EAD before the end of this year. Do I have to file for her extension, or take some other action?

    You should be getting your EAD by then otherwise you have to extend your H1B if you want to continue working. Once you get your EAD, update the form I-9 with your employer. As to your wife, you have to do nothing.

    - When can a person safely switch his/her employer? 180 days after filing the application or after receiving I485 approval?

    180 days after filing ( receipt date)

    - Can a spouse work on the basis of the receipt notice from USCIS, or does she need to have the EAD approval?

    She needs EAD approval and the physical card present with her

    - How long (currently) would it take to receive the Green Card in hand? Are there enough numbers available with USCIS to allot GCs to almost everyone who qualifies?

    No idea.

    - Would I get the fingerprinting notice directly or would my employer receive it?

    You will receive it

    - What other formalities would be left after (assuming) 485/765 are approved?

    Wait for the green card

    - Does anyone know of a good site that shows a workflow of all these stages in a Green Card process?

    Here (http://www.ilw.com/seminars/august2002_citation2b.pdf).

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  • royus77
    06-16 06:26 PM
    you can maintain dual status .

    Have couple of questions .

    1) What is the status of dependents in the above case ?WIll they still be on H4 or Adjustment of status( After applying 485/EAD and before getting the approval of EAD)


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  • texanguy
    08-12 02:29 PM
    Has there been any updates on the combined EAD + AP document? After the disappointing Sept 2010 VB, this atleast will lessen the pain...

    1) Combine EAD and AP into one document and issue for 3 years.

    USCIS is in the process of developing a combination work authorization (EAD) and Advance Parole (AP) card. An announcement regarding this combination card will be made later this year.

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  • ras
    08-26 09:29 PM
    I am not well aware of what is to be done. But isn't it a good idea to mail USCIS explaining the situation and possible extension you may need. This keeps USCIS informed about your situation in advance.


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  • sankar_203
    04-20 10:20 PM
    i had the same situation. your friend can apply for H1-B coz he is already counted. He'll loose whatever time that he is used on EAD and get the remaining time that is left on his 6 year period. If 6 years is already passed, he can still file for H1-B based on labor, 140 approval. In my case, my H1-B got denied coz of employer issues and i have an another H1-B with another company. Mean while i have filed AC21 with my new employer to be able to work..Hope this helps..

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  • sam_hoosier
    07-19 02:11 PM
    Try this -



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  • coopheal
    10-23 01:26 PM
    Second, you are obligated to take up employment in your field within a reasonably short time after your green card is approved. I would think that if you had already started a new semester, you could wait until it ended to resume your employment, but not much beyond that.

    So is it conditional GC??

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  • nozerd
    12-17 09:18 PM
    Yup, same here. 7 yrs 5 months and waiting.

    Even friends have stopped asking me when I will get my GC. I think they may have asked so many times they got tired.

    Funny to see ppl now a days getting labor in 3 months for what took me 4 plus yrs.

    Hav been current since Oct 1st this yr and still nothing. It used to hurt but now am numb to the pain. Just hope the same job I have been in since 9 yrs still keeps me until some positive outcome comes (if it ever does).


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  • adi787
    11-11 07:58 PM
    Hello RamK:

    Would you please share your exp here?

    Were you able to invoke AC21?

    Also, can I have my H1B extended after 6th year( 3 yr ext), based on 140 approved.

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  • chanduv23
    09-17 02:10 PM


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  • sanju
    07-11 01:30 AM
    I emailed some of our core members. I hope they can take out some time to deal with these rouge elements tomorrow. In Hindi they say- Asteen Ka Saanp ( snake in your sleeve) for this kind of behavour from USINPAC

    I agree with you 100%. I think Anti-Immigrants like NumbersUSA and Tom Tancredo is better than USINPAC. For Anti-immigrants atleast we know where they stand and we know what to expect from them. usinpac is the worst kind of disease for the community where they can trick you anytime and you will not even know when they are stabbing you at your back. They just want to do photo-ops and claim the credit for the things they didn't even know. I live in VA and most people in Indian community in northern VA know about the inside story of these scamster. Initially a few lawmakers got the impression that usinpac represent the Indian American community, maybe that is what the con-artist at this org conveyed to a few lawmakers. Now everybody in DC area, including the lawmakers, know the truth about this group. A journalist friend in MD told me that even press and reporters know about this totally useless org called usinpac.

    It is one thing if they do something and then claim credit for doing it. The problem is first of all they claim to represent entire Indian American community; on top of that they do not do anything about the any issue including green card issue. But when they see something happening they will try to take ownership of anything moving and will try to make a show that things are moving because of them. Just as in this case, all the members of IV sent flowers and these guys are releasing press release to tell to the world that they are the once doing this drive. Such press release from them is extremely damaging as the basic intent of the ENTIRE flower campaign was o draw media attention. In this case usinpac did not spare all the people spending days and nights to coordinate, Nixtor and English_august and thousands of people who sent flowers. How can someone stoop so low? Now they want to get media attention and that is why they have sneaked in this press release. IV core must come clean on this and clearly renounce these consistent immature acts of these con-artists. This org with extremely bad reputation and we must stay as far away from them as possible.

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  • cooldude
    07-19 10:10 AM
    We are a big company B part of another big company Part A. The labor, I-140, and I-485 has everything mentioning B as the employer.

    But for the employment letter, the lawyer got the letter from A which refers that I am a permanent employee of B with all the required details. I asked the lawyer why the employment letter is on company A's letter head and she said it is fine since your Company B is part of Company A.

    I am concerned how will USCIS know Company A owns Company B. HOpefully it's fine.

    Please help.


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  • arnet
    11-02 12:13 AM
    yes, you need passport size photograph (2x2 inch) for AP/EAD. when you file I-485, you will file EAD/AP and for that you need photographs. you need atleast 2 photographs for EAD and 2 photographs for AP. check the photograph specifications in EAD/AP form instructions or in USCIS website. USCIS is very specific about the photograph, I know couple of friends whose EAD applications are sent back when they did meet their specifications. so pay attention to their specifications.

    check these websites for your reference inaddition to USCIS.gov:



    Disclaimer: I'm not an immigration attroney so please consult one for your situations as laws/procedures are changing constantly.

    Are passport photographs needed?

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  • WeShallOvercome
    09-06 05:24 PM

    I am a july 2nd filer but had issues with my checks since my Bank account got closed due to fraduent activity. So not being sure if my checks would get cleared I applied second time on Aug 17th. Yesterday the bank was successfuly able ot channel my July 2nd checks to my new account and hence I need to withdraw my second application since my first one went through successfully. I had originally filed at NSC, but got transferred to TSC. Can someone help me on the procedure how to withdraw my second application and also not lose money from the checks on the second application.

    Thanks in advance.


    I would wait for the receipts of my 7/2 applications to come and then stop payment on the second set of checks.


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  • 4move
    10-19 10:25 PM
    One of my family member went through this, in a routine medical exam (this was not for immigration office) and he referred us to a infectious disease control specialist. After chest x-rays and several other tests the specialist mentioned that tb screening test can be positive some times for BCG vaccination or exposure to TB bacteria from a person who has active TB. This is not a disease (called latent tb), but there is 5% chance that it could develop into a active TB disease (in case the positive was because of exposure to TB bacteria. Initially, he prescribed Isoniazid (300mg), which has severe lever side effects, for 9 months with blood exam to monitor lever function. But, she could not tolerate this medicine even for 5days because of several other side effects (lever funtion test was normal though). Then he switched her to Rifamfin (600mg) for 4 months. There was not any noticeable side effects of this, and level function tests was after 2 weeks for the first time and once in two months after that. But one thing to note that TB screen test would be +ve rest of the life after this and you need to carry a certificate from this physican that you have completed this course of medicine and nothing needs to be done. Hope this helps.

    Can anyone point me to any documentation for physicians that suggests repeated follow-ups even after the medical report has been signed, sealed and submitted to the immigration office?

    As with a lot of applicants from India, I tested positive for tuberculin because of the type of immunization we receive and had the requisite skin test and chest x-rays done. After this the doctor signed the medical report and gave me the sealed envelope. He has then put me on a 6-month medication program for tuberculosis. The medication is quite strong and is supposed to affect the liver. He also wants me to come in on a regular basis (and spend $80 every time) to get blood work done to "make sure the medication is in my blood stream".

    I am not sure why I am being put on this medication for such a long period as I don't have tuberculosis. When I questioned my doctor, he said it was necessary - not giving any more details.

    Have others gone through such an experience? Am I a source of residual income for his office?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • logiclife
    06-23 06:46 PM
    I have forwarded all emails I got to Swati, who is in LA and will contact you about the documentary.


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  • HV000
    11-02 09:59 PM
    According to OH Law's website:

    11/02/2007: H.R. 3043 Conference Update - Both Immigration Bills Killed!

    One good news and one bad news. According to the AILA, the Conference committee took out both immigration riders from the H.R. 3043. It means that there will be no increase of the H-1B to $5,830. At the same time, there will be no recapture of EB-3 visa numbers for the Schedule A workers through this legislation.

    Michael chertoff
    02-16 08:48 AM
    i was sure some one will come with this info...let the fight begin..:d


    06-14 08:23 AM
    Hello My current Consultancy is not paying me well, they are holding $1000 from my monthly pay check. :( I have a long term contract with client where I am currently working. I am think of H1 Transfer to other consultancy.

    I want to know is this the right time to go for H1 Transfer? :confused: Are H1 Transfers getting rejected?

    What happens if my H1 transfer got rejected? My H1 with the existing will remain right? Will my current consultancy knows if my H1 Transfer is rejected?

    H1 Transfer rejecting = H1 Visa rejection? :confused:

    Please let me know.

    Thanks a lot.

    First of all it is illegal for them to haord any type of money.

    Secondly if you don't have a green card process through them, or you do and you have your second step cleared and it has been more tan 180 days. You can the find a different employer and transfer, if your present employer tries to act smart, tell him you will call the labor department and inform about illegal practices in the company. Or best say, you will call senator Dubin's office.

    Gone are the days when Desi employers can treat consultants like crap, they are jsut blood suckers.

    Good Luck

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