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  • whitecollarslave
    01-18 08:06 PM
    By law, you are not suppose to make copies of an official US document.

    Where did you get this information from?

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  • ajju
    03-18 10:56 PM
    USCIS director took the course and he failed. Then he went to Moscow and bought a fake BPD&R degree for $175. No wonder we are in such a mess.

    funny :-) lets hope new director had passed and don't possess another fake BPD&R degree :-)

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  • delhiguy
    07-04 08:03 PM

    I agree with you 100 % , I believe having excessive media coverage and lawsuits , would bring the GC number and process in the open , and most americans would oppose the GC as they oppose H1B.

    If i was a american i would surely be happy with USCIS/DOS creating so much trouble for the immigrants to my country , who i believe are taking my job.

    Everyone blaming CIS/DOS needs to understand some basics behind this mess. Before going to conclude anything, first, one should read all the ombudsman reports for last 3 or 4 years. Former INS or current USCIS�s functions and operations were not questionable and not known to public till ombudsman office was established. Ombudsman has helped customers and keep helping to improve efficiency of CIS. Ombudsman main concern (or goal) have been over the 4 years are

    1. Primarily reducing backlogs in any application type particularly 485 and timely approval of any application.

    2. Abolish the need for interim benefits like EAD, AP etc. If they approve 485 in 6 months, then most of us do not require EAD and AP.

    3. Reduce the wastage of EB visas, as unused EB visas can not be carried over to next year (use it or lose it). Since 1992, about 200,000 EB visas were lost permanently. In 2003 alone, they issued only 64,000 EB visas and lost 88,000.

    The recent report to congress, the ombudsman scolded the CIS left and right for its inefficiency and highlighted how many EB visas were lost for ever, in last 10 years despite the very heavy demand for employment based green cards. Based on his report, both CIS and DOS try to obey the direction of ombudsman and modifying the 485 adjudication procedure. The reason for loss of EB visas in previous years not only due to inefficiency in processing the 485s on time, it is also due to lengthy background check delay by FBI, where USCIS has no control. For example, in 2003 they could approve about 64,000 485s only. It is partially due to USCIS inefficiency and partially due to lengthy FBI check. There are 300,000 (AOS+ Naturalization applicants) cases are pending with FBI for name check. Out of which, about 70,000 cases are pending more than 2 years. Out of 300,000 victims of name check delay, how many are really threat to the country? Perhaps none or may be few! Remember that lot of Indians also victims of name check and all the victims of name check delay already living in USA.

    The big problem is the timing when USCIS takes the visa number for a 485 applicant. Till 1982, INS took visa number for a 485 applicant as soon as they receive the application. Visa number assigned to a 485 applicant without processing his/her application. He/She may not be a qualified applicant to approve 485. Still they assign to them. If they found, the applicant is ineligible, they suppose to return the number back to DOS. However, this practice was modified after 1982. USCIS is taking visa number only at the time of approval of 485, after processing the 485 for a lengthy period. For some people, particularly victims of name check, 485 processing time vary between 2 to 5 years. Though, it is a good practice it is not the ideal or efficient process, due to name check delay. Let us assume about 150,000 are victim of name check in 2003. If they assigned all the numbers to these 150,000 applicants at the time they filed 485, the 88,000 visa numbers might have not been lost in 2003. Now what happens, those who filed 485 in 2003 (victim of name check delay) will take EB numbers from 2007 or 2008 quota, if FBI clears his/her file in 2007 or 2008. This will push back those who are going to file 485 in 2007 or 2008.

    That why, ombudsman in his 2007 yearly report to Congress recommended to practice the old way of assigning visa number to 485 applicants, to minimize the loss of visa numbers.

    Now lets come to July Visa bulletin mess.

    Because of tight holding of visa cutoff dates for EB3 and EB2 for the first 8 months of 2007 (From Oct 2006 to May 2007) USCIS approved only 66,000 485s. For the next 4 months they have about 60K to 70K numbers available. If they approve the pending 485s with slower speed or old cut off dates, there is a potential estimated loss of 40,000 EB visas by Sep 2007. Thats why, based on ombudsman recommendation, DOS moved considerably the cut off date for June. When they took inventory in May, there are about 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications were pending due to non-availability of visa numbers. The �documentarily qualified 485 applications� mean the application filed long time back and processed by USCIS and cleared the FBI name and criminal check, and found eligible for green card. Apart from 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications, there is thousands of 485 applications (documentarily not yet qualified) pending due to name check. When DOS checked with USCIS they found only 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications (in all EB categories put together) are pending. However, the available visas are more than 40,000 (60to 70K). Then they made with out consulting properly with USCIS they made �current� for all EB categories. This is how they determine �current� or �over-subscribed� and how they establish cutoff dates.

     If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered �Current.�

     Whenever the total of documentarily qualified applicants in a category exceeds the supply of numbers available for allotment for the particular month, the category is considered to be �oversubscribed� and a visa availability cut-off date is established.

    There is nothing wrong with DOS to make all categories �current� for a July bulletin as per they definition of demand vs supply estimation to meet the numerical limitations per year. Perhaps the DOS did not aware of other impact of making all categories �current� ie fresh guys entering into I-485 race. Because of �current� there will be additional tons and tons of new filings. The rough estimation is about 500K to 700K new 485s and same amount of EAD and AP applications will be filed in July. But the available number is just 60K, and there are already 40K documentarily qualified 485s are pending more than 6 months to 3 years to take the numbers from remaining 60K pool. That leaves just 20K to fresh 485 filings. If 700K new 485 filed in July, it will choke the system. People have to live only in EAD and AP for next 5 to 10 years.

    For example, an EB3-Indian whose LC approved through fast PERM on July 30th 2007, can apply 140 and 485 on July 31st 2007 as per July visa bulletin. For his PD, it will take another 10 years for the approval of 485. During this 10 year period, he/she has to live in EAD and AP and need to go for finger print every 15 month.

    Therefore by making �current� for all EB categories is a billion dollar mistake by both DOS and CIS first part.. Another mistake is timing of rectifying mistake. USCIS and DOS and law firms should have discussed immediately about the potential chaos about making current and rectified move the cut-off to reasonable period to accommodate additional 20K 485s. If they modified the VB, with in couple of days after July 13, then there wont be a this much stress, time and wastage of money.

    There is nothing wrong in issuing additional advisory notice or modified visa bulletin to control the usage of visa numbers. The only mistake both USCIS and DOS is made is the timing of issuance of modified visa bulletin or advisory notice. It indicates poor transparency in the system and bad customer service. Now, they used all 140K visas this year. Assigning remaining 20K visa numbers to already pending 485s which are not yet documentarily (name check delayed cases) qualified is not the violation of law. It was old practice. In fact, ombudsman recommends it. They have the trump card which is Ombudsman report and recommendations. Therefore they are immune to lawsuit. Therefore, filing the law-suit is not going to help. The only two mistakes I see is 1) making all categories as �current� in June 13 and second is modifying VB only on July 2.

    My recommendation is to IV is capitalize the situation in constructive way. Law suit only bring media attention with the expense of money and time. The constructive approach is getting an immediate interim relief by legislation to recapture unused visas in previous years to balance the supply vs demand difference.

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  • pappu
    06-10 12:28 PM

    On Tuesday, when we were on the Hill doing meetings during Advocacy days, we were informed by the senior Senate office that an amendment to prevent H1 and work authorizations is in the works in the Tax bill. We immediately requested this office to oppose this amendment. Senator office expressed full support for us and shared with us that the Senator's office has already expressed opposition to such an amendment.

    We would like everyone to know that just because someone has EAD, it does not mean we are in safe haven. There is no safe haven till we have approved green cards. And for those who think that they don't need to participate actively, this is a wake up call.

    We have also learned that this is degree 1 amendment. This means it will be voted on on the Senate floor even when it is non-germane to the bill. We have also learned that if such an amendment comes up for vote during this difficult political climate, it appears that such an amendment will have 70 votes in the senate which makes each one of us extremely vulnerable to be forced out. Everyone on H1, L1, J1 or EAD will risk the renewal of their current application status.

    IV is working on defeating this amendment. Please stay tuned for further updates.

    On Tuesday, Mr. Sanders sponsored an amendment S.AMDT.4319 in bill H.R.4213

    AMENDMENT PURPOSE: Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
    Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 6/9/2010
    Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 6/9/2010

    Source: Congressional Record - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) (http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?r111:1:./temp/~r1119eE0Na:e98:)

    SA 4319. Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mr. Grassley, and Mr. Harkin) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4213, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

    At the appropriate place, insert the following:


    (a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Employ America Act''.

    (b) In General.--The Secretary of Homeland Security may not approve a petition by an employer for any visa authorizing employment in the United States unless the employer has provided written certification, under penalty of perjury, to the Secretary of Labor that--

    (1) the employer has not provided a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (29 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.) during the 12-month period immediately preceding the date on which the alien is scheduled to be hired; and

    (2) the employer does not intend to provide a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to such Act.

    (c) Effect of Mass Layoff.--If an employer provides a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act after the approval of a visa described in subsection (b), any visas approved during the most recent 12-month period for such employer shall expire on the date that is 60 days after the date on which such notice is provided. The expiration of a visa under this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review.

    (d) Notice Requirement.--Upon receiving notification of a mass layoff from an employer, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall inform each employee whose visa is scheduled to expire under subsection (c)--

    (1) the date on which such individual will no longer be authorized to work in the United States; and

    (2) the date on which such individual will be required to leave the United States unless the individual is otherwise authorized to remain in the United States.

    (e) Exemption.--An employer shall be exempt from the requirements under this section if the employer provides written certification, under penalty of perjury, to the Secretary of Labor that the total number of the employer's workers who are United States citizens and are working in the United States have not been, and will not be, reduced as a result of a mass layoff described in subsection (c).

    (f) Rulemaking.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Labor shall promulgate regulations to carry out this section, including a requirement that employers provide notice to the Secretary of Homeland Security of a mass layoff (as defined in section 2 of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (29 U.S.C. 2101)).


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  • gcsim
    12-10 09:28 AM
    what r these guys playing immigration-immigration with us.

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  • oliTwist
    02-13 12:57 PM
    come on this is bull s***.


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  • Michael chertoff
    07-12 09:06 PM
    AUG BULLETIN is already out, it moved to March06 for EB2,

    He is talking about next month (September). I think we have to wait for next year now.

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  • failure Him is tupac dead

  • hpandey
    04-09 05:41 PM
    On the same note, Kumarc123, it is hard to see them working with 2001 EB3-India category for more than 5 years. 245(i) or not...still 5 years...how about that.

    Anyway, my point is let us leave predictions. USCIS gave their predictions way back in their Jan 2010 bulletin. Maybe we all should stick with what dates they gave us than we trying to predict.

    Now another venting, more calculations, more uproar everything will continue for 1 more week from our members...:rolleyes:

    I completely agree with you . For five years EB3 is stuck in 2001 that means people who came here 10 years back are still waiting. Something needs to be done by someone somewhere but I guess no one has any idea who can ( except the congress ) .

    All of my friends about 10-15 of them who came with me in 2000-2001 timeframe got their GC's and their citizenships in EB3 ( none in EB2 ) and I am still hanging .

    I wonder what was that which made their application go by light speed and my application go into a blackhole :)


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  • Humhongekamyab
    03-09 01:18 PM
    I have been here 18 yrs and still waiting. You are lucky if you get it in 16 yrs. Ofcourse not all my 18 yrs have been in GC queue.

    9 years and counting.

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  • grinch
    02-15 09:15 PM
    haha dont give up man!

    but nice case!


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  • laborchic
    09-12 11:06 AM
    So many people in NJ Thread... How many are coming for the rallly....

    Please forrward the Businessweek article to everyone.. This may give us a good bump in increasing the attendance..

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  • Macaca
    01-31 04:35 PM
    If I-140 has been approved, would it still be fine to apply for transfer from H1-B to F1 status by using form I-539 & university issued I-20 ? How long does it take to transfer status from H1B to F1 ? When can one start school �. Only after I-539 approval or after only applying ?

    For pursuing an MBA, does it matter if one is on F1 or H4 (spouse is on separate H1)
    How long does it take to transfer status from H1B to H4 ?

    Please look at the following post in For NIW and OsR applicants (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3081).

    I am EB2,with an approved I-140 in NIW category.My PD is 16 jan 2003.since last 8 months dates moved only 7 days.I am in a pathetic situation, my children are studying in NY colleges and I am paying out of state tuition for them, I am pursuing my phd, the stamp in my passport expired and I came to India to get extend the dates on my F1, but the visa extension was refused saying when you have approved immigrant petition you cannot extend the non-immigrant visa.

    The conflict of interest issue,the consul said you wait till your dates are current then you enter even after being the beneficiaries of my EB2.


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  • yetanotherguyinline
    05-14 12:39 AM
    Unfortunately one needs to have a GC or be a USC in order to be eliglible for FAFSA or any federal financial aid.

    I am in part time MBA program in UCB and many of my classmates with EAD/AP are getting FAFSA benefits. I am also applying for it next year...

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  • snowshoe
    05-09 05:18 AM
    Good to see a fellow chapter member get a green card.

    All the best and hope you will continue your support for PA-IV as always

    Thanks Bala and webm. Congrats yganreddy!

    I was watching a few cases with RD and PD close to my application on , many of them seem to have been approved in the last two days. In total there are 20+ approvals (for EB2/EB3 India) reported on for the last 2 days, most coming from TSC.


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  • CADude
    02-21 11:16 AM
    YES and YES.

    How does one "change" to EB2?. I have a PD of Oct 2003 EB3. Should i submit a new labor and if it is approved my category will be EB2 PD Oct 2003?. Should i also file another I-140?.

    Not that i want to. just out of curiosity. thanks

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  • Milind123
    06-07 10:52 PM


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  • canleo98
    06-30 11:10 PM

    It is possible. Such an action would be illegal, but CIS has already stopped accepting I-485 applications for another category known as “Other Workers,” despite June Visa Bulletin showing that category is current. My advice to all of you is keep filing all through the month of July. For all we know, they may never issue such an illegal policy or they might lose a lawsuit filed against them. So keep filing. Regards to all. Rajiv.
    Rajiv S. Khanna; Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna

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  • go_gc_way
    12-11 03:34 PM
    First someone from IV core has to confirm that this rule change does not need congress action. I am sure the core has explored this option before.

    Until then, there is no point in having any discussion on this.

    I second all , who want to contact USCIS for this. We can take out this from our wish list for a bill.

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  • pappu
    11-20 01:09 PM
    All pls PM each other and exchange phone numbers and emails so that you can start building your local IV community. Once you have contacted each other, you can start the action items for state chapters.

    03-03 06:13 PM
    Consider this:
    Even though IV has 25000 "registered" members. There are only 400-500 visitors. The same people visit the site often. The number of visitors dramatically increase, if there are newsworthy events that affects most of the people.
    So the sample size is NOT 25K but around 500, based on the daily visits.

    This of course is not a whole lot but Idea is not to be statistically correct but to feed newsworthy information to the Media, and here are the facts.
    a) 1 MM people in the line for EB green card
    b) All of them highly skilled with at least bachelors
    c) Average income 75K +
    d) Average family size: Slightly more than 2 .
    e) Life Dream : The American Dream
    f) Bottleneck to the life dream : The long ,excruciating backlogs.

    thats even worse. you are taking a poll of 500 people (*IF* you get that many respondents to this poll, my feeling is you wont cross 250) and expanding that to 1 million people in line for EB greencard.

    This is not extrapolation, its a joke.

    For the sake of the immigrant community, please dont drag CNN to Immigrationvoice.org to look at a poll that 200 people took of which 50 claim they would buy a house if they got a GC tomorrow. We all lose credibility if we make such statements.

    10-10 12:57 PM
    Just to avoid all this , You can say I'm a US citizen and move on. They cannot ask for any verification can they?

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