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  • NebulaClash
    Mar 29, 11:30 AM
    IDC, in their typically throw-a-dart clueless approach, seems to be shifting all the Symbian market share over to Microsoft. Yeah, right, like that'll happen!

    And remember that in the Android bucket are all the Chinese knockoffs that don't run the Android store and are Android in name only, but hey, IDC will throw them into the bucket. As for iOS, well, if you are an iPod touch you don't count, and neither do the iPads. Phones only, please, even if you are just an Asian knockoff. So remember that the iOS market share is quite a bit larger than shown here.

    Finally, I see market share, but where is the chart of revenue share? Oh right, that wouldn't please their corporate sponsors, so IDC focuses on market share only.

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  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:12 PM
    Now I can rid myself of my 27" i7 2009 iMac.

    Things that I would see/would like to see on the new iMacs:

    - Thunderbolt (2 ports would be nice)
    - Target DisplayPort Mode with HDMI + HDMI audio in, without needing to fully power up the entire computer (and a toggle that doesn't require an Apple keyboard)
    - USB3 (I know Intel isn't natively putting USB3 on their chipsets until Ivy Bridge, but Apple could do the right thing and add this)
    - get rid of the internal speakers as an option for more cooling
    - at least a Radeon 6850 or GeForce GTX 560 Ti (preferably the nVidia card for CUDA/HW accelerated stuff) with at least 1 (2 please) GB of GDDR5 (I'm still boggled why they even offered a 256MB 6490 on the MacBook Pro)
    - easily accessible 2.5" port for an SSD (doubt it)
    - i7-2600 at the high end (Apple won't sell the K version, unless they go nuts and allow overclocking)
    - a side mounted USB port or 2 would be nice, hell, more USB ports period (6-8) would be nice
    - a second Firewire 800 (or 1600 if Apple is feeling frisky) port
    - matte screen option (this, like the 2.5" bay, has a snowballs' chance in hell)
    - Blu-Ray (see my note on the matte screen)

    Wonder if Apple will allow for the full 32GB support that the Sandy Bridge processors can fully take, and the DDR3-1600 speeds, since they are limiting both on the MacBook Pros at the moment.

    Ha ha ha ha! GTX 560 ti! Youre a funny guy! Apple always fails on it's GPU choices. :(

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  • SiliconAddict
    Sep 10, 04:08 PM
    Remember everyone. Intel sucks and Steve Jobs is nuts for going with them. :rolleyes: Just a reminder of the comments typical after '05's WWDC.

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  • jasper77
    Sep 5, 04:58 PM
    LOL. I understand that you're speaking in jest, but honestly I don't see Apple implementing the Movie Store differently w/ PC users. Remember that the iPod/iTunes didn't explode in popularity until they were PC-friendly. If the PC side had anything different in it's implementation like your post implies, then I highly doubt the iPod/iTunes would have been as successful as it is now.


    i know, but in that case apple has to port front row to windows. Or they have to implement front row into itunes or something like that, so that it will work exactly the same way on windows as on mac. as long as they have itunes installed. but that way, all media files (movie store movies, avi, divx, video_ts folders and even photo's) should be stored inside itunes.

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  • Mac Dummy
    Sep 12, 11:27 PM
    The new 'pod pricing seems to be at the old Education Store levels anyway. So basically they got rid of it for students and gave it to everyone.

    That's right, the 5G 60Gb was $369 normally, and with the Educational discount it was $349, and the 30Gb was the same way $269 vs. $249. I least I think that's right?

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  • roland.g
    Apr 20, 10:15 AM
    This is total BS. We should have been informed of this and a way to turn it off or delete the file on our own. As for the poster above who stated it only goes to your computer, I highly doubt it. This is another big brother tracking honest citizens. Hope a class action does happen. I will definitely sign on!

    You need to get off the grid dude. Get rid of it all. Just disappear. Don't even write your name in your underwear. Get a fake ID under the name Topsy Krets.

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  • PlipPlop
    Apr 28, 05:31 PM
    Then Microsoft will surge to the top again when they release Windows 8 and a new version of Office.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Sep 9, 10:34 PM
    Two Questions...

    1) If Merom MacBook Pros ship on the 12th, and I order mine that day, around how long would it take for me to get?

    2) I hear there is going to be TONS of problems seeing as how it's going to be the first of Rev B. Models. Any truth to that?

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  • macboy62
    Sep 14, 06:57 AM
    Okay, check out this phone and then tell me what you would like to see on your iPhone.



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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 03:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    If you compare their investment in R&D to what they manage to churn out, it's pretty sad.

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  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 04:20 AM
    Is this a one-time payment to include all future uses?

    It seems to be the case, as the agreement resolves "all disputes." I'm sure there is a stipulation that Creative agrees not to pursue patent claims against Apple in the future.

    Which is why the whole "Creative won" argument doesn't wash. Considering that iPod will end up generating tens of billions of dollars in future revenue for Apple (on top of the billions it's already made), settling for $100 million is not exactly a sign of Creative dealing from a position of strength.

    I mean think about it. Creative is basically claiming Apple stole its goose that lays golden eggs. Apple says "No, we didn't, in fact, you stole our spinning wheel that can spin threads of gold from straw!" They both argue and threaten each other, but in the end Apple offers Creative a little piece of golden eggshell, and Creative is so happy about winning, it tells Apple, "Aww, shucks, thanks for the piece of shell, you can keep the goose!"

    I don't think so. :P

    Which is why the deal has all the signs of Creative gulping down its pride and accepting a settlement on Apple's terms. Creative accepted because if it didn't, the chances were quite high that it would not be in business a year from now, mainly because Zune will wipe out its ability to sell in a crowded market. At least now, it has a big stick it can use against Microsoft.

    In the end, it's a big win for Apple.

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  • balamw
    Aug 23, 07:23 PM
    Not that much. Not 100 million smackers.
    As has been mentioned the typical patent litigation is in the $5-$10 M range paid to the attorneys. With the main lawsuit and 5 countersuits they could have made a big dent in that $100M. Even when you have a large legal staff, litigation is usually handled by outside firms that specialize in those kinds of trials. With 32 million iPods sold in 2005 even a $3 licensing fee (~1% on average is not an atypical licensing fee) you'd easily surpass $100M if you were planning to sell iPods for more than 1 more year. A lump sum is preferable.

    There are also less obvious or tangible costs. Uncertainty is never good buyers may shy away from a purchase if they feel there is a potential that the product will soon be abandoned/unavailable. There's also the fact that the discovery process in such lawsuits is often used as a tool to try and pry information out from the other side, such as future product plans, etc. that might well be worth big $ keeping undr wraps. And last but not least is the distraction that such a suit tends to place on the key employees who may be involved in designing a workaround or simply being deposed and directly involved with the trial.


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  • ngenerator
    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    "Umm, you guys? App Store is too g-g-generic of a term to b-b-be used nowadays."

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  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 24, 10:27 AM
    Not really. In both situations, the company that "lost" and paid out also received back some technology for their cash. In the current case there are other reasons why it's an ok deal for Apple beyond just the patent licence.

    That's how these deals generally work. No company is going to settle a patent dispute for cash if they don't get a license for the technology in question in return. In this case, Apple absolutely could not afford to walk away without the patent license. Obviously. Getting one cost them $100 million. The rest is PR window-dressing.

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  • linux2mac
    May 3, 10:53 AM
    Two high end screens from dual thunderbolt on a 27 inch iMac? Wow. That is bad ass.

    We finally agree on something! Been waiting for ability to hook up two ACD's to iMac since I converted to Mac in 2009. I hated the possibility of having to go Mac Pro for triple displays.

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  • woodbine
    May 3, 10:14 AM
    macpro dead in 2 years...my prediction:mad:

    wrestler sin cara without mask. sin cara wrestler without mask
  • sin cara wrestler without mask

  • gugy
    Aug 31, 12:55 PM
    Apple Insider was saying the movie price would be $14.99 -I would not pay that much to watch a movie on a small screen... no way, unless I had a hour long commute to work on a train... can't believe there are that many people like that out there!

    If that's true for an small format movie, the Itunes Movie store will bomb. There is no way in hell people will pay that money. Is better buy a DVD at your local store.
    Apple knows that, so that's why I am pretty sure it won't happen.

    wrestler sin cara without mask. Sin Cara
  • Sin Cara

  • SeaFox
    Sep 26, 09:42 PM
    Cingular is one of the only GSM providers in the USA. This is great news!

    Yeah, one of the only ones besides T-Mobile, AllTel, and AT&T Wireless (who they bought out). :rolleyes:

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  • iRun26.2
    Apr 24, 05:35 PM
    Yeah it should be, there's no hard drive to make noise and unless you keep it on a stove or do insanely heavy processing you shouldn't hear the fan either.

    Sandy Bridge should also run more efficiently than the C2D. That will not only extend baterry life, but it will also keep the normal operation temperatures down.

    (Oops! I replied twice. Is there a way to delete my own post?)

    Oct 12, 01:32 PM
    Check out DeaPeaJay's mockup at AppleInsider. Me want.

    Apr 19, 07:57 AM

    Apple has other suppliers or manufacturers lined up for the items that Samsung produces for Apple at a better price than Apple is currently getting....Apple and Samsung have pre-existing contracts that cannot be terminated by either without cause....

    So Apple files a lawsuit based on copyright infringement (questionable) and as terms of the (potential) settlement....Apple is free to go to other suppliers for the items they need....

    Apr 11, 07:56 AM
    Sounds like a good day for jailbreakers.

    Apr 30, 01:36 PM
    Apple always seem to use good CPUs. I just hope that their GPU choices don't stoop low this time.

    Mar 24, 04:53 AM
    Yawn. This thread is still alive? :rolleyes:

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