will young the hits

will young the hits. Will Young - The Hits front
  • Will Young - The Hits front

  • iGary
    Sep 12, 02:33 PM
    This update/release is lame.

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • lazyrighteye
    Aug 31, 05:56 PM
    Just guessing (obviously), but I just can't see where processor upgrades to MacBooks and/or Mini's and/or iMacs and/or MacBook Pros warrant a big ol' SF > London-streamed Stevenote.

    Nah. This feels bigger. Smells more of an iPod/Movie Store announcement to me.

    My crazy/he's hitting the rock again call of the day would be that on the 12th, Steve shocks the world with a redefinition of the whole mobile phone experience. Announcing the new iPod phone.

    Where's my pipe?

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 12:06 PM
    SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond. There is literally no consistency between anything. Just go to the Control Panel, and while clicking dialogs you will be transported between windows that look like they are modern Web Pages (especially the network panels, with blinking computers) and panels that looked like they haven't realized that Windows 95 is obsolete yet.

    Windows 7 is a UI and usability nightmare (compared to SL, although much better than Vista). What I do give credit to MS for is that its security model is rock solid (probably better than Linux and most Unixes). Mac OS X has fallen behind in security. This, however, is not that big an issue anymore, IMO, because all OS security is complex enough that attackers are relying on OS vulnerabilities less, and Social Engineering more to gain access. Again, Windows's bad (and more important in this context, horribly inconsistent over the years) UI has made its users more vulnerable to such attacks.

    "SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V"

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    "Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond."

    Apparently you DID know how to respond... :)

    I love Snow Leopard. I use it EVERYDAY, right beside Windows 7. I wasn't saying that that one particular feature made it far superior - just that something so "small" really does effect the user experience.

    SL and Win 7 are both great... :]

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • stagi
    Nov 16, 08:38 AM
    Yes, but only for Apple, because they own the infrastructure. We still haven't heard of a company that can really make a living with software for the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. So far, it's all just hype and even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps distributed through the AppStore, the only winner at this point in time is Apple.

    I have actually heard of lots of companies making very good money since the app store has been released, plenty of small devs that the app store has changed their lives as well as big companies making millions already.

    I actually think RA should have worked a little harder with apple to address their frustrations instead of just leaving the app store to make a statement and in the end are only hurting themselves.

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • EricNau
    Apr 25, 01:16 AM
    It amazes me how such little things tick people off.
    Indeed. ...Like someone driving the speed limit in the fast lane?

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • BWhaler
    Sep 27, 04:43 AM
    Enough with the dance. Release the product already.

    Every cell phone on the market sucks in some way. I'd love to have an Apple phone which simply just works.

    will young the hits. Download Will Young - The Hits
  • Download Will Young - The Hits

  • jzuena
    Apr 11, 07:55 AM
    Is anyone here educated enough to explain to me how to compile and run this thing?

    I can't find a way to install avahi. Tried installing it via fink - no luck.
    MacPorts requires xcode, but I don't really want to install xcode. takes up a lot of space.
    Even though I know some things I'd still prefer if someone would make a step-by-step how-to for me.

    Thank you in advance.

    The only prebuilt gcc compiler I know of for OSX is the one in xcode, so you will be stuck installing it at least temporarily in order to compile a standalone version of gcc.

    Avahi is Bonjour, which is already part of OSX. Therefore I doubt the makefile bothers to have a configuration for OSX.

    will young the hits. Details of WILL YOUNG-THE HITS
  • Details of WILL YOUNG-THE HITS

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Please :rolleyes:

    Do you mean they lack the power or that its not a selectable option? They have the power, have had it for years. Dual 2560x1600 screen setups off one graphics card is easily attainable.

    Then show me a single modern GPU displaying more than 2560x1600 on a single display. I'd love to see it.

    will young the hits. The tracks will be taken from
  • The tracks will be taken from

  • bdj21ya
    Sep 15, 05:51 PM
    I hear that in Japan 6 to 7 megapixels is more common for the phones.

    will young the hits. will young the hits. will
  • will young the hits. will

  • miamijim
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often. Applestores must be filled with cash. I would think one would be a bit easier to rob than a bank.

    I see no reason why anyone would carry cash...

    You do not have to have a credit card you can have a debit card and pay with that.... cash has no place in retail anymore. This would solve a hell of a lot of hold up issues.

    The only people who need to deal in cash are drug dealers.

    will young the hits. will young the hits
  • will young the hits

  • eddieairplanes
    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    So stoked! Aside from the iPad 2, this is what I've been saving up for for the past year. My 24'' from 2007 is still running strong but I'm hoping to have something that will for sure run Diablo III smoothly when it eventually drops.

    will young the hits. Details of WILL YOUNG-THE HITS
  • Details of WILL YOUNG-THE HITS

  • Sydde
    Apr 11, 08:09 PM
    Is it emissions regulation or just plain laziness by the automakers?
    The more paranoid might suggest that oil companies are collaborating with auto makers and the government to keep efficiency as low as they can get away with. Remember, the record for fuel economy was set in the mid 70s in a slightly modified Opel: something like 237 miles on a gallon (US) of gasoline. Highly idealized conditions no doubt, but my goodness, the average automobile today should be at least a third of the way there.

    will young the hits. ac dc angus young thrash hits
  • ac dc angus young thrash hits

  • dekator
    Sep 4, 12:46 AM
    Well, if Steve wants to shun Europe, ok. However, these yes, no, maybe games are utterly unbecoming of a company like Apple. Not untypical but out of place. The main representatives not being able to say when and where they'll show isn't very reassuring.

    Well, I'll be on vacation for a week soon, so when I'm be back, we'll know more, perhaps.
    Still... leaving out a free trip to Paris, duh! And these guys are designing our computers? OMG. Ah well, it's not really them, they just give the orders.

    will young the hits. selling artist Will Young.
  • selling artist Will Young.

  • iDisk
    Mar 23, 04:20 PM
    Personally I find it hard to believe that so drunk as to warrant avoiding a checkpoint will be collected enough to use the app effectively in the first place.

    Miles you make a great point... You also confirm that Apple better pull them, its a pointless app because if your so drunk then you can't operate a phone let alone an app.

    will young the hits. will young the hits. will
  • will young the hits. will

  • Dagless
    Apr 11, 05:14 AM
    Lucky its not Sony. Those that exposed it would be in a never ending court case, and everyone's IP that visited macrumors would be subpoenaed by a federal judge.

    Not the same thing.

    will young the hits. Will Young Greatest Hits Tour Hammersmith Apollo London
  • Will Young Greatest Hits Tour Hammersmith Apollo London

  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 09:59 PM
    Please come to Korea. Samsung have been doing this illegally for years, often suing the small person to popperdom. No big corporation is good, but when you attach massive corps under the umbrella of a conglomerate, you combine all of that evil into one massive black hole.

    At least Apple try to get to the bottom of suicides and deaths at their factories; at least they have only one core business to protect ruthlessly. Samsung (indeed, the biggest copycat I've seen) are huge pirates (selling fake DVD's/CD's in their grocery stores; rebadging Mercedes, Nissan, etc., cars for their own line; buying out large portions of most newspapers here). Apple's rise to the top has been fettered with bad, but not outright illegal bad to the extent Samsung's has.

    Now we have bad planting a peck on evil.
    I fly internationally for business, with three visits per year to a different division of Samsung.

    Please do not get me wrong, I am not advocating for them.

    I have a full understanding of the business culture of both Samsung and Apple. The point I'm making is Apple could choose to take the high road, no one is forcing their hand, nor will Apple suffer.

    Apple's track record is too well established, just witness their overwhelming success.

    There is simply no reason, contrary to what some may believe, for Apple to add yet another law suit to the long list they've originated.

    Apple could have chosen to be a world class leader with a great positive aire of confidence, not fear and paranoia.

    It's no secret that Samsung and others run a rough and tumble business in their region.

    Finally, its my preference to choose the products that suit my needs no matter who builds them.

    We live in a global economy without the luxury of choosing the country of manufacturer. While it could be argued "just don't buy from them". We all know that isn't going to hurt a huge company one bit.

    will young the hits. will young the hits.
  • will young the hits.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 2, 04:55 PM

    You seem to know your facts. I'd like to get your opinion:

    When do you think C2D will be in MBPs? On the 5th? 12th?

    I too hope there is an user removable HD.

    What are the odds that they will give us a 12'' option?

    I am asking all this becasue I would like a 12'', removable HD, C2D MBP before the free iPod offer expires. A 15'' would be fine too.

    will young the hits. accompanies Will Young#39;s
  • accompanies Will Young#39;s

  • ouimetnick
    Apr 25, 12:52 PM
    The unibody was already a giant leap forward. How much better can Apple get?

    I'm more interested in the specifications, and hardware (electronics) not so much the casing.

    will young the hits. Will Young - The Hits
  • Will Young - The Hits

  • andiwm2003
    Sep 9, 08:31 AM
    Yes of course it can, you obviously don't understand what x86_64 is.

    Manic Mouse obviously understands what 64 bit means. that is obvious if one is able to read the post.;)

    i also wonder if the new systems are really future proof or if hybrid systems like this will in a few years be not compatible. also how will windows run on a system like this? what about games that usually expect a certain hardware setup?

    Sep 17, 11:56 PM
    Because US cell phone carriers suck. :/

    Don't forget our lovely service providers like hmmmm AT&T. They've gotta be the worst company of all companies. Their customer service means putting people on hold for 2-3 hours.

    Anyway, Im looking forward to the Apple phone. My $50 gophone just isnt cutting it anymore.

    Sep 18, 12:48 AM
    I'm sure I late getting into the argument, and that fanboyism depending on what network youre own will not change, but I really think GSM does have better voice quality than any other network.

    I think the two of them are hard to compare. In this arguement, I'm not advocatinig CDMA, I'm just trying to show that there's no need to bash them as they are hard to compare.

    CDMA and TDMA both get the job done; they divide up bandwidth so that multiple users can use a base station at the same time. They way they do that is just different. That cliche phrase of "comparing apples to oranges" applies to the age old question of GSM vs. CDMA.

    Mar 23, 04:34 PM
    Honestly, do you think someone who is Drunk is going to be checking the app for the checkpoints?

    Eh, yes.

    There is more than one level of being drunk you know? Not everyone stumbles out of the pub and falls over. Those are the guys who are the least of the problem since they will be passed out before they can start the car.

    It's those that are arrogant enough to believe that even though they've been drinking more than the limit they can still drive just fine that are the problem. They are the people who can also send text messages they regret in the morning and take camera photos of their ass.

    Just because someone has been drinking it doesn't mean they can't fumble through a phone menu; but nobody gets killed by a poorly written text message.

    Sep 14, 08:34 AM
    Anyone know when we might see an update to the MacBook (not MBP)???

    Not on the 24th. Later in the fall maybe?

    May 1, 02:38 AM
    I'm looking at getting a new iMac fingers crossed for the following:
    - Bluray (I know... but it would be nice)
    - Thunderbolt
    - USB3
    - AMD Radeon HD 67XX-68XX with up to 2GB RAM (it wont happen though :()
    - Space for 2 HDD (I know, again it would be nice for two internal drives)
    - i5 and i7.. Hopefully no i3 in the line up.
    - Up to 24GB...

    Again if I can't get an iMac with beefier video card it looks like another Alienware with Linux...

    I think you're gonna get pretty disappointed. It wont't have blu-ray, likely no usb3, less likely that it'll have 2GBVram, the only way you're getting another hdd is to take out the optical drive, and it won't support 24GB of RAM.

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